コード例 #1
    def number_remaining(self, interval, end_date, **post):
        """ Return the number of auto shipments remaining based on end_date and interval """
        fail_check = jsend.FailCheck()

        if not tools.isnumeric(interval):
            fail_check.add("interval", "Interval should be a number")
        if not interval:
            fail_check.add("interval", "Interval should be greater than 0")
        if not isinstance(end_date, (str, unicode)):
            fail_check.add("end_date", "End Date was invalid")
        if not end_date:
            fail_check.add("end_date", "End Date is required")
            end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        except ValueError:
                "End Date must be a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format")

        if fail_check.failed():
            return fail_check.fail()

        nr = str(request.registry['ip_web_addons.auto_ship'].
                 _calculate_number_remaining(float(interval), end_date))
        return jsend.jsend_success({'number_remaining': nr})
コード例 #2
    def update_auto_ship(self, auto_ship_id, interval, end_date, **post):
        """ Update an auto ship's interval and end date """
        fail_check = jsend.FailCheck()

        if not isinstance(auto_ship_id, (int, float)):
            fail_check.add("auto_ship_id", "Auto ship ID should be a number")
        if not auto_ship_id:
                           "Auto ship ID must be greater than 0")

        if not tools.isnumeric(interval):
            fail_check.add("interval", "Interval should be a number")
        if not interval:
            fail_check.add("interval", "Interval should be greater than 0")

        if not isinstance(end_date, (str, unicode)):
            fail_check.add("end_date", "End Date was invalid")
        if not end_date:
            fail_check.add("end_date", "End Date is required")
            datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        except ValueError:
                           "End Date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD")

        if (fail_check.failed()):
            return fail_check.fail()

        cr, uid, pool = request.cr, request.uid, request.registry
        # TODO: do we need to check permission?
        pool['ip_web_addons.auto_ship'].write(cr, uid, auto_ship_id, {
            'interval': interval,
            'end_date': end_date
コード例 #3
    def set_auto_ship(self, auto_ship, interval=0, end_date=None):
        Saves onto customers quotation the auto_ship setting and if 'true', also sets associated interval and end_date.
        fail_check = jsend.FailCheck()

        # must have auto shippable order
        order = request.website.sale_get_order()
        if not order:
            fail_check.add('order', 'Customer has no orders in progress')
        if not self._can_auto_ship(order):
            fail_check.add('auto_ship', 'Not all products in the cart are marked as Auto Ship')
        if not tools.isnumeric(interval):
            fail_check.add('interval', 'Interval must be numeric')

        if fail_check.failed():
            return fail_check.fail()

        # set auto ship variables on sale order
        auto_ship = True if auto_ship == 'true' else False
        interval = int(interval)
        vals = {}

        if auto_ship:
            if not interval:
                fail_check.add('interval', 'Interval has to be 1 week or higher')
            if not end_date:
                fail_check.add('end_date', 'End Date must have a value')
                    end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
                except ValueError:
                    fail_check.add('end_date', 'End Date was not a valid date - it must be in format YYYY-MM-DD')

            if fail_check.failed():
                return fail_check.fail()

            vals['draft_auto_ship'] = auto_ship
            vals['draft_auto_ship_interval'] = interval
            vals['draft_auto_ship_end_date'] = end_date
            vals['draft_auto_ship'] = auto_ship
            vals['draft_auto_ship_interval'] = 0
            vals['draft_auto_ship_end_date'] = None

コード例 #4
    def add_cart_multi(self, **product_quantity_map):
        Add multiple products to the cart with specified quantities
        @param dict product_quantity_map: A dictionary keyed by product IDs where values represent quantities
        cr, uid, context, pool = request.cr, request.uid, request.context, request.registry
        fail_check = jsend.FailCheck()

        if not hasattr(product_quantity_map, '__iter__'):
            fail_check.add('product_quantity_map', 'product_quantity_map should be a json object mapping product IDs to quantities to add to the cart')

        for product_id, quantity in product_quantity_map.items():
            # data validation
            if not tools.isnumeric(product_id):
                fail_check.add('product_id', 'Product IDS must be numeric')
            if not tools.isnumeric(quantity):
                fail_check.add('quantity', 'Quantity must be numeric')

            if fail_check.failed():
                return fail_check.fail()

            product_id = int(product_id)
            quantity = float(quantity)

            new_quantity = self.cart_update(
            # bug in _ecommerce_add_product_to_cart means that if adding a new product to the cart,
            # the quantity is always set to 1. Handle this by checking returned qty against specified
            # quantity and adjust it accordingly

            print new_quantity

            '''if new_quantity < quantity:
                add_qty=quantity - new_quantity
        return self.get_cart_info()
コード例 #5
    def delete_auto_ship(self, auto_ship_id, **post):
        """ delete an auto ship """
        fail_check = jsend.FailCheck()
        cr, uid, context, pool = request.cr, request.uid, request.context, request.registry

        if not tools.isnumeric(auto_ship_id):
            fail_check.add("auto_ship_id", "Auto ship ID should be a number")
        elif not auto_ship_id:
                           "Auto ship ID should be greater than 0")
        elif not pool['ip_web_addons.auto_ship'].search(
                cr, uid, [('id', '=', auto_ship_id)]):
            fail_check.add("auto_ship_id", "Auto Ship does not exist")

        if fail_check.failed():
            return fail_check.fail()

        # TODO: do we need to check permission?
コード例 #6
    def update_address(self, name, title, gender, birthdate, disease_ids,
                       phone, street, street2, city, zip, state_id, country_id,
        """ JSON route to update the address fields on a partner """
        fail_check = jsend.FailCheck()

        # check partner exists
        if not tools.isnumeric(id):
            fail_check.add('id', 'Partner ID must be a number')
            id = int(id)

        # make some text fields mandatory
        if not name:
            fail_check.add('name', 'Name is a required field')
        if not street:
            fail_check.add('street', 'Street is a required field')
        if not city:
            fail_check.add('city', 'City is a required field')
        if not country_id:
            fail_check.add('country_id', 'Country is a required field')

        # validate birthdate format
        if birthdate:
                datetime.strptime(birthdate, '%Y-%m-%d')
            except ValueError:
                    'Date of Birth should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD')

        # validate select2
        if disease_ids:
            if ',' in disease_ids:
                disease_ids = disease_ids.split(',')
                disease_ids = map(lambda disease: int(disease), disease_ids)
            elif tools.isnumeric(disease_ids):
                disease_ids = [int(disease_ids)]
                    'There was a problem with the disease_ids field')

        cr, uid, context, pool = request.cr, request.uid, request.context, request.registry
        partner_obj = pool['res.partner']
        partner_id = id
        # TODO: make sure user has permission to update partner object
        partner_exists = bool(
                               SUPERUSER_ID, [('id', '=', partner_id)],

        if not partner_exists:
            fail_check.add('partner_id', 'That partner does not exist')

        if (fail_check.failed()):
            return fail_check.fail()

        vals = {
            'name': name,
            'title': title,
            'gender': gender,
            'birthdate': birthdate,
            'phone': phone,
            'disease_ids': [(6, 0, disease_ids)],
            'street': street,
            'street2': street2,
            'city': city,
            'zip': zip,
            'state_id': state_id,
            'country_id': country_id,
        partner_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [partner_id], vals)