コード例 #1
ファイル: xml.py プロジェクト: marmyshev/transitions
    def xml_to_song(self, xml, parse_and_temporary_save=False):
        Create and save a song from OpenLyrics format xml to the database. Since
        we also export XML from external sources (e. g. OpenLyrics import), we
        cannot ensure, that it completely conforms to the OpenLyrics standard.

            The XML to parse (unicode).

            Switch to skip processing the whole song and storing the songs in
            the database with a temporary flag. Defaults to ``False``.
        # No xml get out of here.
        if not xml:
            return None
        if xml[:5] == u'<?xml':
            xml = xml[38:]
        song_xml = objectify.fromstring(xml)
        if hasattr(song_xml, u'properties'):
            properties = song_xml.properties
            return None
        # Formatting tags are new in OpenLyrics 0.8
        if float(song_xml.get(u'version')) > 0.7:
            self._process_formatting_tags(song_xml, parse_and_temporary_save)
        song = Song()
        # Values will be set when cleaning the song.
        song.search_lyrics = u''
        song.verse_order = u''
        song.search_title = u''
        song.temporary = parse_and_temporary_save
        self._process_copyright(properties, song)
        self._process_cclinumber(properties, song)
        self._process_titles(properties, song)
        # The verse order is processed with the lyrics!
        self._process_lyrics(properties, song_xml, song)
        self._process_comments(properties, song)
        self._process_authors(properties, song)
        self._process_songbooks(properties, song)
        self._process_topics(properties, song)
        clean_song(self.manager, song)
        return song
コード例 #2
ファイル: openlyricsxml.py プロジェクト: jkunle/paul
    def xml_to_song(self, xml, parse_and_temporary_save=False):
        Create and save a song from OpenLyrics format xml to the database. Since we also export XML from external
        sources (e. g. OpenLyrics import), we cannot ensure, that it completely conforms to the OpenLyrics standard.

        :param xml: The XML to parse (unicode).
        :param parse_and_temporary_save: Switch to skip processing the whole song and storing the songs in the database
        with a temporary flag. Defaults to ``False``.
        # No xml get out of here.
        if not xml:
            return None
        if xml[:5] == '<?xml':
            xml = xml[38:]
        song_xml = objectify.fromstring(xml)
        if hasattr(song_xml, 'properties'):
            properties = song_xml.properties
            return None
        # Formatting tags are new in OpenLyrics 0.8
        if float(song_xml.get('version')) > 0.7:
            self._process_formatting_tags(song_xml, parse_and_temporary_save)
        song = Song()
        # Values will be set when cleaning the song.
        song.search_lyrics = ''
        song.verse_order = ''
        song.search_title = ''
        song.temporary = parse_and_temporary_save
        self._process_copyright(properties, song)
        self._process_cclinumber(properties, song)
        self._process_song_key(properties, song)
        self._process_transpose(properties, song)
        self._process_titles(properties, song)
        # The verse order is processed with the lyrics!
        self._process_lyrics(properties, song_xml, song)
        self._process_comments(properties, song)
        self._process_authors(properties, song)
        self._process_songbooks(properties, song)
        self._process_topics(properties, song)
        clean_song(self.manager, song)
        return song
コード例 #3
    def finish(self, temporary_flag=False):
        All fields have been set to this song. Write the song to disk.

        :param temporary_flag: should this song be marked as temporary in the db (default=False)
        if not self.check_complete():
            return False
            'committing song {title} to database'.format(title=self.title))
        song = Song()
        song.title = self.title
        if self.import_wizard is not None:
        song.alternate_title = self.alternate_title
        # Values will be set when cleaning the song.
        song.search_title = ''
        song.search_lyrics = ''
        song.verse_order = ''
        song.song_number = self.song_number
        verses_changed_to_other = {}
        sxml = SongXML()
        other_count = 1
        for (verse_def, verse_text, lang) in self.verses:
            if verse_def[0].lower() in VerseType.tags:
                verse_tag = verse_def[0].lower()
                new_verse_def = '{tag}{count:d}'.format(
                    tag=VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], count=other_count)
                verses_changed_to_other[verse_def] = new_verse_def
                other_count += 1
                verse_tag = VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other]
                log.info('Versetype {old} changing to {new}'.format(
                    old=verse_def, new=new_verse_def))
                verse_def = new_verse_def
            sxml.add_verse_to_lyrics(verse_tag, verse_def[1:],
                                     normalize_str(verse_text), lang)
        song.lyrics = str(sxml.extract_xml(), 'utf-8')
        if not self.verse_order_list and self.verse_order_list_generated_useful:
            self.verse_order_list = self.verse_order_list_generated
        self.verse_order_list = [
            verses_changed_to_other.get(v, v) for v in self.verse_order_list
        song.verse_order = ' '.join(self.verse_order_list)
        song.copyright = self.copyright
        song.comments = self.comments
        song.theme_name = self.theme_name
        song.ccli_number = self.ccli_number
        for author_text, author_type in self.authors:
            author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(
                Author, Author.display_name == author_text)
            if not author:
                author = Author.populate(display_name=author_text,
                                         last_name=author_text.split(' ')[-1],
                                         first_name=' '.join(
                                             author_text.split(' ')[:-1]))
            song.add_author(author, author_type)
        if self.song_book_name:
            song_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(
                Book, Book.name == self.song_book_name)
            if song_book is None:
                song_book = Book.populate(name=self.song_book_name,
            song.add_songbook_entry(song_book, song.song_number)
        for topic_text in self.topics:
            if not topic_text:
            topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Topic,
                                                     Topic.name == topic_text)
            if topic is None:
                topic = Topic.populate(name=topic_text)
        song.temporary = temporary_flag
        # We need to save the song now, before adding the media files, so that
        # we know where to save the media files to.
        clean_song(self.manager, song)
        # Now loop through the media files, copy them to the correct location,
        # and save the song again.
        for file_path, weight in self.media_files:
            media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered(
                MediaFile, MediaFile.file_path == file_path)
            if not media_file:
                if file_path.parent:
                    file_path = self.copy_media_file(song.id, file_path)
                    MediaFile.populate(file_path=file_path, weight=weight))
        return song.id