コード例 #1
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: ericgazoni/openpyxl
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {'min': str(col_index), 'max': str(col_index)}
            if columndimension.width != -1:
                col_def['customWidth'] = '1'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if column_string in worksheet._styles:
                col_def['style'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(column_string))])
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
コード例 #2
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: karan90/openpyxl
    def append(self, list_or_dict):
        """Appends a group of values at the bottom of the current sheet.

        * If it's a list: all values are added in order, starting from the first column
        * If it's a dict: values are assigned to the columns indicated by the keys (numbers or letters)

        :param list_or_dict: list or dict containing values to append
        :type list_or_dict: list/tuple or dict


        * append(['This is A1', 'This is B1', 'This is C1'])
        * **or** append({'A' : 'This is A1', 'C' : 'This is C1'})
        * **or** append({0 : 'This is A1', 2 : 'This is C1'})

        :raise: TypeError when list_or_dict is neither a list/tuple nor a dict

        row_idx = len(self.row_dimensions)
        if isinstance(list_or_dict, (list, tuple)):
            for col_idx, content in enumerate(list_or_dict):
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

        elif isinstance(list_or_dict, dict):
            for col_idx, content in iteritems(list_or_dict):
                if isinstance(col_idx, basestring):
                    col_idx = column_index_from_string(col_idx) - 1
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

            raise TypeError("list_or_dict must be a list or a dict")
コード例 #3
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    style_table is ignored but required
    for compatibility with the dumped worksheet <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        dimension.style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        if col_def == {}:
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))
    if cols == []:
    start_tag(doc, 'cols')
    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        cmin = col_def.get('min') or v
        cmax = col_def.get('max') or v
        col_def.update({'min': cmin, 'max': cmax})
        tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
    end_tag(doc, 'cols')
コード例 #4
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {'min': str(col_index), 'max': str(col_index)}
            if columndimension.width != -1:
                col_def['customWidth'] = '1'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if column_string in worksheet._styles:
                col_def['style'] = str(style_table[hash(
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
コード例 #5
def write_conditional_formatting(worksheet):
    """Write conditional formatting to xml."""
    for range_string, rules in iteritems(worksheet.conditional_formatting.cf_rules):
        if not len(rules):
            # Skip if there are no rules.  This is possible if a dataBar rule was read in and ignored.
        cf = Element('conditionalFormatting', {'sqref': range_string})
        for rule in rules:
            if rule['type'] == 'dataBar':
                # Ignore - uses extLst tag which is currently unsupported.
            attr = {'type': rule['type']}
            for rule_attr in ConditionalFormatting.rule_attributes:
                if rule_attr in rule:
                    attr[rule_attr] = str(rule[rule_attr])
            cfr = SubElement(cf, 'cfRule', attr)
            if 'formula' in rule:
                for f in rule['formula']:
                    SubElement(cfr, 'formula').text = f
            if 'colorScale' in rule:
                cs = SubElement(cfr, 'colorScale')
                for cfvo in rule['colorScale']['cfvo']:
                    SubElement(cs, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                for color in rule['colorScale']['color']:
                    SubElement(cs, 'color', dict(color))
            if 'iconSet' in rule:
                iconAttr = {}
                for icon_attr in ConditionalFormatting.icon_attributes:
                    if icon_attr in rule['iconSet']:
                        iconAttr[icon_attr] = rule['iconSet'][icon_attr]
                iconSet = SubElement(cfr, 'iconSet', iconAttr)
                for cfvo in rule['iconSet']['cfvo']:
                    SubElement(iconSet, 'cfvo', cfvo)
        yield cf
コード例 #6
def write_cols(worksheet):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        dimension.style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        if col_def == {}:
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))

    if not cols:

    el = Element('cols')

    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        cmin = col_def.get('min') or v
        cmax = col_def.get('max') or v
        col_def.update({'min': cmin, 'max': cmax})
        el.append(Element('col', col_def))
    return el
コード例 #7
    def append(self, list_or_dict):
        """Appends a group of values at the bottom of the current sheet.

        * If it's a list: all values are added in order, starting from the first column
        * If it's a dict: values are assigned to the columns indicated by the keys (numbers or letters)

        :param list_or_dict: list or dict containing values to append
        :type list_or_dict: list/tuple or dict


        * append(['This is A1', 'This is B1', 'This is C1'])
        * **or** append({'A' : 'This is A1', 'C' : 'This is C1'})
        * **or** append({0 : 'This is A1', 2 : 'This is C1'})

        :raise: TypeError when list_or_dict is neither a list/tuple nor a dict

        row_idx = len(self.row_dimensions)
        if isinstance(list_or_dict, (list, tuple)):
            for col_idx, content in enumerate(list_or_dict):
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

        elif isinstance(list_or_dict, dict):
            for col_idx, content in iteritems(list_or_dict):
                if isinstance(col_idx, basestring):
                    col_idx = column_index_from_string(col_idx) - 1
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

            raise TypeError('list_or_dict must be a list or a dict')
コード例 #8
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: LKI/PythonScripts
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    style_table is ignored but required
    for compatibility with the dumped worksheet <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        if col_def == {} and style is None:
        elif style is not None:
            col_def['style'] = '%d' % style
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))
    if cols == []:
    start_tag(doc, 'cols')
    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        col_def.update({'min':v, 'max':v})
        tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
    end_tag(doc, 'cols')
コード例 #9
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: adammorris/openpyxl
 def garbage_collect(self):
     """Delete cells that are not storing a value."""
     delete_list = [coordinate for coordinate, cell in \
         iteritems(self._cells) if (not cell.merged and cell.value in ('', None) and \
         cell.comment is None and (coordinate not in self._styles or
         hash(cell.style) == _DEFAULTS_STYLE_HASH))]
     for coordinate in delete_list:
         del self._cells[coordinate]
コード例 #10
 def garbage_collect(self):
     """Delete cells that are not storing a value."""
     delete_list = [coordinate for coordinate, cell in \
         iteritems(self._cells) if (not cell.merged and cell.value in ('', None) and \
         cell.comment is None and (coordinate not in self._styles or
         hash(cell.style) == _DEFAULTS_STYLE_HASH))]
     for coordinate in delete_list:
         del self._cells[coordinate]
コード例 #11
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: LKI/PythonScripts
 def garbage_collect(self):
     """Delete cells that are not storing a value."""
     delete_list = []
     for coordinate, cell in iteritems(self._cells):
         if (not cell.merged and cell.value in ('', None)
         and cell.comment is None
         and (coordinate not in self._styles or cell.style == DEFAULTS_STYLE)):
     for coordinate in delete_list:
         del self._cells[coordinate]
コード例 #12
def write_worksheet_format(doc, worksheet):
    attrs = {'defaultRowHeight': '15',
             'baseColWidth': '10'}
    dimensions_outline = [dim.outline_level
                          for _, dim in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions)]
    if dimensions_outline:
        outline_level = max(dimensions_outline)
        if outline_level:
            attrs['outlineLevelCol'] = str(outline_level)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', attrs)
コード例 #13
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: reddynaga33/firstproject
 def garbage_collect(self):
     """Delete cells that are not storing a value."""
     delete_list = []
     for coordinate, cell in iteritems(self._cells):
         if (not cell.merged and cell.value in ('', None)
                 and cell.comment is None
                 and (coordinate not in self._styles
                      or cell.style == DEFAULTS_STYLE)):
     for coordinate in delete_list:
         del self._cells[coordinate]
コード例 #14
def write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet):
    """Write conditional formatting to xml."""
    for range_string, rules in iteritems(
        if not len(rules):
            # Skip if there are no rules.  This is possible if a dataBar rule was read in and ignored.
        start_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting', {'sqref': range_string})
        for rule in rules:
            if rule['type'] == 'dataBar':
                # Ignore - uses extLst tag which is currently unsupported.
            attr = {'type': rule['type']}
            for rule_attr in ConditionalFormatting.rule_attributes:
                if rule_attr in rule:
                    attr[rule_attr] = str(rule[rule_attr])
            start_tag(doc, 'cfRule', attr)
            if 'formula' in rule:
                for f in rule['formula']:
                    tag(doc, 'formula', None, f)
            if 'colorScale' in rule:
                start_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
                for cfvo in rule['colorScale']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                for color in rule['colorScale']['color']:
                    if str(color.index).split(
                    )[0] == 'theme':  # strip prefix theme if marked as such
                        if str(color.index).split(':')[2]:
                                doc, 'color', {
                                    'theme': str(color.index).split(':')[1],
                                    'tint': str(color.index).split(':')[2]
                            tag(doc, 'color',
                                {'theme': str(color.index).split(':')[1]})
                        tag(doc, 'color', {'rgb': str(color.index)})
                end_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
            if 'iconSet' in rule:
                iconAttr = {}
                for icon_attr in ConditionalFormatting.icon_attributes:
                    if icon_attr in rule['iconSet']:
                        iconAttr[icon_attr] = rule['iconSet'][icon_attr]
                start_tag(doc, 'iconSet', iconAttr)
                for cfvo in rule['iconSet']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                end_tag(doc, 'iconSet')
            end_tag(doc, 'cfRule')
        end_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting')
コード例 #15
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: ericgazoni/openpyxl
def write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet):
    """Write conditional formatting to xml."""
    for range_string, rules in iteritems(worksheet.conditional_formatting.cf_rules):
        if not len(rules):
            # Skip if there are no rules.  This is possible if a dataBar rule was read in and ignored.
        start_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting', {'sqref': range_string})
        for rule in rules:
            if rule['type'] == 'dataBar':
                # Ignore - uses extLst tag which is currently unsupported.
            attr = {'type': rule['type']}
            for rule_attr in ConditionalFormatting.rule_attributes:
                if rule_attr in rule:
                    attr[rule_attr] = str(rule[rule_attr])
            start_tag(doc, 'cfRule', attr)
            if 'formula' in rule:
                for f in rule['formula']:
                    tag(doc, 'formula', None, f)
            if 'colorScale' in rule:
                start_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
                for cfvo in rule['colorScale']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                for color in rule['colorScale']['color']:
                    if str(color.index).split(':')[0] == 'theme':  # strip prefix theme if marked as such
                        if str(color.index).split(':')[2]:
                            tag(doc, 'color', {'theme': str(color.index).split(':')[1],
                                               'tint': str(color.index).split(':')[2]})
                            tag(doc, 'color', {'theme': str(color.index).split(':')[1]})
                        tag(doc, 'color', {'rgb': str(color.index)})
                end_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
            if 'iconSet' in rule:
                iconAttr = {}
                for icon_attr in ConditionalFormatting.icon_attributes:
                    if icon_attr in rule['iconSet']:
                        iconAttr[icon_attr] = rule['iconSet'][icon_attr]
                start_tag(doc, 'iconSet', iconAttr)
                for cfvo in rule['iconSet']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                end_tag(doc, 'iconSet')
            end_tag(doc, 'cfRule')
        end_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting')