コード例 #1
def init_new_col(sh, cur_col):
    next_col = openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(
        openpyxl.utils.column_index_from_string(cur_col) + 1)
    prev_col = openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(
        openpyxl.utils.column_index_from_string(cur_col) - 1)
    for i, row in enumerate(
        cell = sh[row[0]]
        new_cell = sh[next_col + str(i + 2)]
        new_cell._style = copy(cell._style)
        if type(cell.value
                ) == str and '=' in cell.value:  #cell contains a formula
            formula = '=' + ''.join(
                [item.value for item in Tokenizer(cell.value).items])
            if prev_col in formula and 'SUM' not in formula:
                formula = formula.replace(cur_col, next_col)
                formula = formula.replace(prev_col, cur_col)
            elif 'SUM' in formula:
                sumpos = formula.find('SUM')
                formula = formula[:sumpos].replace(
                    cur_col, next_col) + "SUM" + formula[sumpos + 3:].replace(
                        cur_col, next_col)
                formula = formula.replace(cur_col, next_col)
            new_cell.value = formula
        elif cell.value == 0:
            new_cell.value = 0
    #and finally, set column width
    sh.column_dimensions[next_col].width = 14.5
コード例 #2
    def update_users_formula(self):
        formula_column = column_index_from_string(Files.TOKENS_CURRENT_COL)
        tokens_first_column = get_column_letter(self.nicknames_column + 1)
        last_column = get_column_letter(self.sheet.max_column)

        for row in self.sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2,
            current_cell = row[0]
            formula = current_cell.value
            if formula:
                tok = Tokenizer(formula)
                tok.items[1].value = '{}{}:{}{}'.format(
                    tokens_first_column, current_cell.row, last_column,
                current_cell.value = tok.render()
コード例 #3
 def destinations(self):
     if self.type == "RANGE":
         tok = Tokenizer("=" + self.value)
         for part in tok.items:
             if part.subtype == "RANGE":
                 m = SHEETRANGE_RE.match(part.value)
                 yield m.group('notquoted'), m.group('cells')
コード例 #4
 def formula_eval(self, excel_info, order_of_sheet, extra_info, formula_info):
     for sheet, sheet_formulas in formula_info.items():
         for rc, formula_str in sheet_formulas.items():
             print 'formula', formula_str
             tok = Tokenizer(formula_str)
             tok_list = [[t.value, t.type, t.subtype] for t in tok.items]
             ff = self.formula_expension(tok_list, excel_info, sheet)
             print [tok, ff]    
コード例 #5
def TestInput(data):
    fdp = atheris.FuzzedDataProvider(data)

    #Initial tokenizer for random string and process it

    #Translate random string formulae
    Translator(fdp.ConsumeString(200), origin="A1").translate_formula("B2")
コード例 #6
ファイル: excelparser.py プロジェクト: vikipedia/xlwb
def generate_tokens(text):
    token generator. Uses openpyxl.formula.Tokenizer to get tokens
    tok = Tokenizer(text)
    for item in tok.items:
        token = Token(item.type, item.subtype, item.value)
        if token.type != "WHITE-SPACE":
            yield token
コード例 #7
 def get_formula_sub(formula):
     """Takes in a formula, splits it and replaces the row number with a sub string {0} for later use."""
     from openpyxl.formula import Tokenizer
     formula_sub = "="
     for t in Tokenizer(formula).items:  # Tokenizer is part of openpyxl
         if t.subtype is 'RANGE':  # if token is a cell reference
             t.value = t.value[
                 0] + "{0}"  # replace row number with {0} e.g F3 -> F{0}
             formula_sub += t.value  # add it to formula_sub
             formula_sub += t.value  # else do nothing and add it to formula_sub
     return formula_sub
コード例 #8
def expression_decoder_latex_equation(data, variables):
    Преобразование формулы из формата EXCEL в LaTex(mathjax) выражение.
    :param data: Строка, которую надо преобразовать.
    :param variables: Набор переменных, из которых будет составляться выражение.
    :return: строка в синтаксисе LaTex(mathjax)
    done = ""
    to_replace = {"\\times": "\\times ", "$": ""}
    tok = Tokenizer(data)

    for t in tok.items:
        if t.value in "()":
            done += t.value
        elif t.type == "OPERATOR-INFIX":
            done += t.value.replace("^", "**").replace(",", ".")

        elif t.type == "FUNC":
            value = t.value
            if t.subtype == "OPEN":
                to_repl = {"LN": "LOG", "TREND": "trend"}
                for key, val in to_repl.items():
                    value = value.replace(key, val)
                done += value
                done += value

        elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "RANGE":
            t.value = t.value.replace("$", "")
            n = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, t.value)))
            if ":" in t.value:
                v = t.value.split(":")
                n = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, v[0])))
                done += "{}".format(n)
                to_replace[n] = variables[n]["latex_symbol"]

            elif t.value in ["ИСТИНА", "TRUE", "FALSE", "ЛОЖЬ"]:
                done += "{}".format(n)
                to_replace[n] = variables[n]["latex_symbol"]

        elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "NUMBER":
            done += str(t.value)
    if not done:
        return ""
    done = py2tex(done, print_latex=False, print_formula=False)
    for k, v in to_replace.items():
        done = done.replace(str(k), str(v))
    return done
コード例 #9
ファイル: excelio.py プロジェクト: fumitoh/modelx
    def get_destinations(name_def):
        """Workaround for the bug in DefinedName.destinations"""

        from openpyxl.formula import Tokenizer
        from openpyxl.utils.cell import SHEETRANGE_RE

        if name_def.type == "RANGE":
            tok = Tokenizer("=" + name_def.value)
            for part in tok.items:
                if part.subtype == "RANGE":
                    m = SHEETRANGE_RE.match(part.value)
                    if m.group("quoted"):
                        sheet_name = m.group("quoted")
                        sheet_name = m.group("notquoted")

                    yield sheet_name, m.group("cells")
コード例 #10
def build_order(xls):
    wb = load_workbook(filename=xls)
    ws = wb['All items']
    items = {}
    for row in range(2, ws.max_row):
        count = ws.cell(row, 1).value
        if not count:
            link = ws.cell(row, 2).hyperlink.target
            name = ws.cell(row, 2).value
            value = ws.cell(row, 2).value
            tok = Tokenizer(value)
            if tok and len(tok.items) >= 4 and tok.items[0].value == "HYPERLINK(":
                link = tok.items[1].value.strip('"\'')
                name = tok.items[3].value.strip('"\'')
                logging.error("Could not parse link from: {}".format(value))
                logging.error("\n".join("%12s%11s%9s" % (t.value, t.type, t.subtype) for t in tok.items))
        items[link] = {'name': name, 'count': count, 'link': link}
    return items
コード例 #11
 def type(self):
     tok = Tokenizer("=" + self.value)
     parsed = tok.items[0]
     if parsed.type == "OPERAND":
         return parsed.subtype
     return parsed.type
コード例 #12
		for row in sheet:
			for cell in row:
				if (is_header(cell)):
					if (cell.coordinate in store_header.keys()):
						store_header[cell.coordinate] = ["1"]
					store_header = headerspread(cell, sheet, store_header)
					for item in sheet._merged_cells:
						if (item.find(cell.coordinate) != -1):
							for r in sheet[item]:
								for c in r:
									store_header[c.coordinate] = ["1"]
									store_header = headerspread(c, sheet, store_header)
				elif (cell.data_type == 'f'):
					tok = Tokenizer(cell._value)
					for token in tok.items:
						if (re.match(r'[A-Z][0-9]+$', cell.value[1:])):
							store_header = update1(sheet[cell.value[1:]], cell, store_header)
						if (token.value == "AVERAGE(" or token.value == "SUM("):
							refrange = re.search(r'[A-Z][0-9]+\:[A-Z][0-9]+', cell._value)
							store_header = update2(cell, refrange.group(0), store_header)
						# if (token.value == "*"):
						# 	value = cell.value[1:]
						# 	sub_cell1 = sheet[value.split("*")[0]]
						# 	sub_cell2 = sheet[value.split("*")[1]]
						# 	store_header = update2(sub_cell1, cell, store_header)
						# 	store_header = update2(sub_cell2, cell, store_header)

							# if (token.value == ""): # refer to other cell
コード例 #13
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: pepijndevos/excellerate
def parse(formula):
    tokenizer = Tokenizer(formula)
    tokens = [t for t in tokenizer.items if t.type != "WHITE-SPACE"]
    return expr.parse(tokens)
コード例 #14
def print_to_doc(cell, field, document, last_paragraph):
	data = None	
	if cell.value:
		data = str(cell.value)
		return last_paragraph
	if field == 'Name (First Name)':
		last_paragraph.add_run('Nominee Information').bold = True
		paragraph = document.add_paragraph('Full Name: ')
		return paragraph
	elif field == 'Organization Contact Name (First Name)':
		paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
		paragraph.add_run('Organization Contact Name: ')
		return paragraph
	elif field == 'Name (Last Name)' or field == 'Organization Contact Name (Last Name)':
		last_paragraph.add_run(' ')
	elif field == 'Email' or field == 'Phone Number':
		paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
		paragraph.add_run(': ')
	elif field == 'Name of Company':
		paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
		paragraph.add_run(field).bold = True
		paragraph.add_run(': ').bold = True
	elif field == 'LinkedIn:' or field == 'Social Media Profile:' or field == 'Other Public Profiles (e.g. website):':
		global social_media
		if social_media == 0:
			last_paragraph = document.add_paragraph().add_run('Public Profile (e.g. LinkedIn, website)').bold = True
			social_media = 1
		last_paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
		last_paragraph.add_run(' ')
		if "=" in data:
			tok = Tokenizer(data)
			for t in tok.items:
				if t.type == "OPERAND" and t.value != '""':			
					last_paragraph.add_run(t.value[1:len(t.value) - 1])
					return last_paragraph			
		return last_paragraph
	elif "upload" in field.lower():		
		tok = Tokenizer(data)
		for t in tok.items:
			if t.type == "OPERAND" and t.value != '""':
				paragraph = document.add_paragraph().add_run(field).bold = True				
				paragraph = document.add_paragraph(t.value[1:len(t.value) - 1])
				return paragraph
		return last_paragraph
		document.add_paragraph().add_run(field).bold = True
		paragraph = document.add_paragraph(data)
		return paragraph
コード例 #15
def findequations(name):
    '''Takes all formula's  from a excel work book and translates each to the equivalent expression. 
        Multicell ranges are expanded to a comma separated list. \n
        The ordinary operators and the SUM function can be handled. If you need more functions. You have to impelent them in the modelclass. 
        In the model each cell reference is prefixed by <sheet name>_
        Openpyxl is the fastest library and it has a tokenizer
        but it can not read all values. 
        Therefor xlwings is used to read repeated formula's which Openpyxl will show as '='

        :name: Location of a excel sheeet
             :modeldic: A dictionary with formulars keyed by cell reference   
    outdic = {}
    wb = load_workbook(
        name, read_only=True, data_only=False
    )  # to read the spresdsheet first save as xml then write it again
    wb2 = xw.Book(name)  # the same worksheet in xlwings

    allsheets = wb.get_sheet_names()
    for wsname in allsheets:
        ws = wb[wsname]
        ws2 = wb2.sheets(wsname)  # the same sheet but in xlwings
        formulacell = [
            c for row in ws.rows for c in row
            if c.value != None and c.data_type == 'f'
        for cell in formulacell:
            cellref = get_column_letter(cell.column) + str(cell.row)
            if DEBUG: print('This cell:', cellref, cell.data_type, cell.value)
            frml = cell.value if cell.value != '=' else ws2.range(
                cellref).formula  # To avoid emty repeating formula'rs
            tok = Tokenizer(frml)
            if DEBUG and False:
                print("\n".join("%19s%15s%9s" % (t.value, t.type, t.subtype)
                                for t in tok.items))
            # left hand term is <worksheet>!<column><row>=
            lhs = wstrans(wsname) + get_column_letter(cell.column) + str(
            out = [lhs + '=']
            for t in tok.items:
                if t.subtype == "RANGE":
                    #Find or create the sheetname
                    sheet0 = t.value.split(
                        '!')[0] if '!' in t.value else wsname
                    sheet = wstrans(sheet0)
                    # print(t.value,'---->')
                    # Get all the cells in the range columwize
                    # the nested list comprehension makes the list works for square ranges.
                    # the split construct drops the sheet name from the range name if any
                    thisrange = [
                        sheet + i for subtupler in cols_from_range((
                            t.value.split('!')[-1])) for i in subtupler

                    # put a ',' between each element i the list
                    thistext = ','.join(thisrange)
                    out = out + [thistext]
            #create the equation and get rid of the !
            equation = ''.join(out).replace('!', '_')
            outdic[lhs] = equation
    return outdic
コード例 #16
def _parse_formula(sheet, cell_f, bu, sm):

    _parse_formula(sheet, cell_f, bu) -> bool

    --``sheet`` is an instance of openpyxl.WorkSheet with Values
    --``cell_f`` is an instance of openpyxl.Cell with Formulas as str
    --``bu`` is the instance of EngineModel.BusinessUnit
    --``sm`` is an instance of SheetMap    

    Function takes a formula string from excel and creates a driver that will
    provide the same value in the Blackbird Engine. Function returns False if
    it was not able to parse the formula and True if the driver was added.
    f_id = FC.by_name["custom formula from tokens."]
    formula = FC.issue(f_id)

    row = cell_f.row
    col = cell_f.col_idx

    cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)  # data only cell
    if cell.value is None:
        return False

    parse_formula_bool_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=sm.cols[ps.PARSE_FORMULA])
    if not _check_truthy(parse_formula_bool_cell.value):
        return False

    line_name = sheet.cell(row=row, column=sm.cols[ps.LINE_NAME]).value
    parent_name = sheet.cell(row=row, column=sm.cols[ps.PARENT_NAME]).value
    stmt_name = sheet.cell(row=row, column=sm.cols[ps.STATEMENT]).value

    stmt_str = stmt_name.casefold().strip()
    statement = bu.financials.get_statement(stmt_str)

    ancestors = [line_name]
    if parent_name:
        ancestors.insert(0, parent_name)  # Insert in 1st position
    line = statement.find_first(*ancestors)

    if not line:
        print("No line found!", ancestors)
        return False

    formula_str = cell_f.value

    if not isinstance(formula_str, str):
        return False
    elif "!" in formula_str:
        return False  # Don't include other tabs "=Sheet2!A1"
        tok = Tokenizer(formula_str)

        for t in tok.items:
            if t.type == "FUNC" and t.subtype in ("OPEN", "CLOSE"):
                # # print(t.value)
                if t.value in ("IF(", "MAX(", "MIN(", "ROUND(", ")"):
                    # Allow simple functions like "=MAX(A1,B1)"
                    # Don't include all other functions like "=SUM(A1)"
                    return False
            if ":" in t.value and t.subtype == "RANGE":
                return False  # Don't include ranged sources "A1:A8"

    # if col == sm.cols["FIRST_PERIOD"]:  # Only insert drivers in first column
    if not line.get_driver():
        data = dict()

        i = 0
        for t in tok.items:
            i += 1

            t_name = "token%02d" % i  # token01, token02, ... token99
            t_type = t_name + "_type"
            t_fixed_dt = t_name + "_fixed_date"
            t_rel_pd = t_name + "_relative_pd"

            # # print("Token Attr:", t_name, t.value, t.type, t.subtype)

            if t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "NUMBER":  # "100"
                data[t_name] = t.value
                data[t_type] = "constant"

            elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "LOGICAL":  # "TRUE"
                if t.value == "TRUE":
                    data[t_name] = True
                elif t.value == "FALSE":
                    data[t_name] = False
                # data[t_name] = t.value.title()  # "FALSE" -> "False"
                data[t_type] = "constant"

            elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "TEXT":  # "EBITDA < 0"
                # t.value might be '"EBITDA<="', we just want "EBITDA<="
                if t.value[1:-1] in ps.ALLOWABLE_XL_TEXT:
                    data[t_name] = t.value
                    data[t_name] = ""

                data[t_type] = "constant"

            elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "RANGE":  # "A1"
                source_addr = t.value
                source_cell = sheet.cell(source_addr)
                source_row = source_cell.row
                source_col = source_cell.col_idx

                source_line_name = sheet.cell(row=source_row,
                source_statement = sheet.cell(row=source_row,
                source_statement = source_statement.casefold().strip()
                data[t_name] = source_line_name
                data[t_type] = "source"
                data[t_name + "_statement"] = source_statement
                if source_addr[0] == "$":
                    # Fixed Dates (source is always same column)
                    data[t_fixed_dt] = sheet.cell(row=sm.rows["DATES"],
                elif source_col != cell_f.col_idx:
                    # Relative Periods (n periods past or future)
                    data[t_rel_pd] = source_col - cell_f.col_idx

            elif t.type == "OPERATOR-INFIX":  # +, -, *, /, =
                if t.value == "=":
                    # Equality comparisons are "=" in Excel and "==" in Python
                    data[t_name] = t.value = "=="
                    data[t_name] = t.value
                data[t_type] = "operator"

            elif t.type == "OPERATOR-PREFIX":  # 1st character +, -, *, /, =
                data[t_name] = t.value
                data[t_type] = "operator"

            elif t.type == "PAREN":  # "(" or ")"
                data[t_name] = t.value
                data[t_type] = "operator"

            elif t.type == "FUNC":
                if t.value in ("MAX(", "MIN(", "ROUND("):
                    # Excel functions same as lower case Python functions
                    data[t_name] = t.value.casefold()
                    # Excel functions require a custom Python function ie "IF()"
                    data[t_name] = t.value
                data[t_type] = "operator"

            elif t.type == "SEP" and t.subtype == "ARG":
                data[t_name] = t.value.casefold()
                data[t_type] = "operator"

        model = bu.relationships.model
        dr_name = stmt_name + '>' + (parent_name or "") + ">" + line_name
        driver = model.drivers.get_or_create(

    return True
コード例 #17
    def write_to_excel(self,
        if sheet == '':
            list_sheet = dict(map(lambda ws: (ws.title, ws), mv.worksheets))
            list_sheet = [sheet]
        for sheet in list_sheet:
            get_descript_sheet = mv[sheet]
            tmp_startrow = 0
            for mark, (startcol,
                       startrow) in self.create_marks(get_descript_sheet,
                self.log.message_debug("Finde mark: {}".format(mark))
                if startrow != tmp_startrow and len(DataFrame.index) > 1:
                    tmp_startrow = startrow
                    get_descript_sheet.insert_rows(startrow + 1,

                for index, row in enumerate(DataFrame.loc[:,
                    if type(
                                row=startrow + index,
                                column=startcol)).__name__ != 'MergedCell':
                        cell = get_descript_sheet.cell(row=startrow,
                        new_cell = get_descript_sheet.cell(
                            row=startrow, column=startcol).offset(row=index,

                        from openpyxl.formula.translate import Translator
                        from openpyxl.formula import Tokenizer
                        tok = Tokenizer(str(row[1][mark]))
                        if tok.formula.startswith('='):
                            new_cell.value = Translator(
                                    row_delta=startrow - 2)
                            new_cell.value = row[1][mark]

                        if cell.has_style:
                            new_cell.font = copy(cell.font)
                            new_cell.border = copy(cell.border)
                            new_cell.fill = copy(cell.fill)
                            new_cell.number_format = copy(cell.number_format)
                            new_cell.protection = copy(cell.protection)
                            new_cell.alignment = copy(cell.alignment)
                        for key, col, style in self.sp.pars_style_from_dataframe(
                            if col == mark:
                                if key == 'style':
                                        row=startrow + index,
                                        column=startcol).style = style
                                if key == 'merge_cell':
                                        start_row=startrow + index,
                                        end_row=startrow + index + style[1],
                                        end_column=startcol + style[0])
                                if key == 'hide':
                                        startrow + index].hidden = True
                                    new_cell.value = style

        mv.save(os.path.join(path, file_name))
        # mv.close()
        self.log.message_debug("Write file: {}".format(path))
コード例 #18
def expression_decoder(data):
    Преобразование формулы из формата EXCEL в выполняемою eval строку
    :param data: Выражение, которое нужно преобразовать.
    :return: строка пригодная для выполнения в eval
    done = ""
    tok = Tokenizer(data)
    # param_temp = ""
    # is_trigger = "тригер" in data.lower()
    # try:
    #     if is_trigger:  # Парсинг условия тригера регулярками
    #         args = []
    #         for m in re.finditer(trigger_regex, data, re.MULTILINE):
    #             if m["name"]:
    #                 if m["name"] in trigger_syn:
    #                     done += trigger_syn[m["name"]]
    #                 else:
    #                     log.error("Ошибка парсинга триггера {}. Название не найдено")
    #             if m["args"]:
    #                 done += "("
    #                 for arg in re.finditer(args_regex,m["args"],re.MULTILINE):
    #                     if arg["range"]:
    #                         args.append(
    #                             'dbVar["{}",v]'.format('":"'.join(arg["range"].split(":"))).replace(' ','')
    #                         )
    #                     if arg["point_y"] and arg["point_x"]:
    #                         args.append(
    #                             '{{"x":dbVar["{x}",v],"y":dbVar["{y}",v]}}'.format(
    #                                 y=arg["point_y"], x=arg["point_x"]
    #                             )
    #                         )
    #                     if arg["limits"]:
    #                         for limit_s in arg["limits"].split(","):
    #                             limit_temp = {"p": 1, "c": ''}
    #                             for limit_p in re.finditer(
    #                                     r"(?P<percent>[-+]*[0-9]\d{0,2}(\.\d{1,2})?)%|(?P<digit>[\d,.]+)|(?P<ar>[-+]+)",
    #                                     limit_s,
    #                                     re.MULTILINE,
    #                             ):
    #                                 if limit_p["percent"]:
    #                                     limit_temp["p"] = int(limit_p["percent"]) / 100
    #                                 if limit_p["ar"]:
    #                                     limit_temp["c"] += limit_p["ar"]
    #                                 if limit_p["digit"]:
    #                                     limit_temp["c"] += limit_p["digit"].replace(',','.')
    #                             try:
    #                                 limit_temp['c']=eval(limit_temp['c'])
    #                             except:
    #                                 log.error('Ошибка парсинга аргументов {}'.format(limit_temp['c']))
    #                             args.append(str(limit_temp))
    #         done += ",".join(args) + ")"
    #         return done
    # except Exception as e:
    #     print(format_exc())

    # if "аппрокс" in data:
    #     ranges = []
    #     d = ""
    #     done = "linest("
    #     for m in re.finditer(linest_regex, data, re.MULTILINE):
    #         if m["range"]:
    #             ranges.append('dbVar["{}",v]'.format('":"'.join(m["range"].split(":"))))
    #         if m["d"]:
    #             d = m["d"]
    #     for i in ranges:
    #         done += i + ","
    #     return done + d + ")"

    for t in tok.items:
        if t.value in "()":
            done += t.value
        elif t.type == "OPERATOR-INFIX":
            done += t.value.replace("^", "**")

        elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "RANGE":
            t.value = t.value.replace("$", "")
            if ":" in t.value:

                v = t.value.split(":")
                if len(v) > 2:
                    done += t.value.split(":")[-1]
                a = '":"'.join(v)
                done += 'dbVar["{}",v]'.format(a)

            elif t.value in ["ИСТИНА", "TRUE", "FALSE", "ЛОЖЬ"]:
                done += 'dbVar["{}",v]'.format(t.value)

        elif t.type == "FUNC":
            value = t.value
            if t.subtype == "OPEN":

                to_replace = {
                    "LN": "LOG",
                    "TREND": "trend",
                    'АППРОКС': 'approx',
                    'аппрокс': 'approx'
                for key, val in to_replace.items():
                    value = value.replace(key, val)
                done += value
                done += value

        elif t.type == "OPERAND" and t.subtype == "NUMBER":
            done += str(t.value)

        elif t.type == "OPERAND":

            if ":" in t.value:
                done += t.value.split(":")[-1]

        elif t.type == "SEP":
            if t.value == ";":
                done += ","
                done += t.value
        elif t.type == "ARRAY":
            done += t.value

    return done
コード例 #19
ファイル: compxl.py プロジェクト: MasayukiTanaka0412/compxl
def isReferenced(change, formula):
    changeSheet = change["sheet"]
    changeCellCordinate = change["cell"]
    formulaSheet = formula["sheet"]
    formulaexpression = formula["value"]

    logging.info("changeSheet {}".format(changeSheet))
    logging.info("changeCellCordinate {}".format(changeCellCordinate))
    logging.info("formulaSheet {}".format(formulaSheet))
    logging.info("formulaexpression {}".format(formulaexpression))

    # Tokenize formula and extract RANGE
    tok = Tokenizer(formulaexpression)
    #print("\n".join("%12s%11s%9s" % (t.value, t.type, t.subtype) for t in tok.items))
    for token in tok.items:
        if token.subtype == "RANGE":
            logging.info("RANGE Found {}".format(token.value))
            range = token.value
            targetSheetName = formulaSheet
            if "!" in range:
                targetSheetName = range[:range.find('!')]
                targetCordinate = range[range.find('!') +1:]
                targetCordinate = range
            if targetSheetName != changeSheet:

            logging.info("targetSheetName {}".format(targetSheetName))
            logging.info("targetCordinate {}".format(targetCordinate))
            logging.info("changeCellCordinate {}".format(changeCellCordinate))

            # Check changed cell cordinate is in the range or not
            targetCordinate = targetCordinate.replace("$","")
            changeCellCordinate = changeCellCordinate.replace("$","")

            if ":" not in targetCordinate:
                targetCordinate = "{}:{}".format(targetCordinate,targetCordinate)
            if ":" not in changeCellCordinate:
                changeCellCordinate = "{}:{}".format(changeCellCordinate,changeCellCordinate)

            m = re.search("(.+):(.+)",targetCordinate)
            targetStartCordinate = m.group(1)
            targetEndCordinate = m.group(2)
            logging.info('targetStartCordinate {}'.format(targetStartCordinate))
            logging.info('targetEndCordinate {}'.format(targetEndCordinate))

            m = re.search("([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)",targetStartCordinate)
            targetStartCol = int(column_index_from_string(m.group(1)))
            targetStartRow = int(m.group(2))
            logging.info('targetStartCol {}'.format(targetStartCol))
            logging.info('targetStartRow {}'.format(targetStartRow))

            m = re.search("([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)",targetEndCordinate)
            targetEndCol = int(column_index_from_string(m.group(1)))
            targetEndRow = int(m.group(2))
            logging.info('targetEndCol {}'.format(targetEndCol))
            logging.info('targetStartRow {}'.format(targetEndRow))

            m = re.search("(.+):(.+)",changeCellCordinate)
            changeStartCordinate = m.group(1)
            changeEndCordinate = m.group(2)
            logging.info('changeStartCordinate {}'.format(changeStartCordinate))
            logging.info('changeEndCordinate {}'.format(changeEndCordinate))

            m = re.search("([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)",changeStartCordinate)
            changeStartCol = int(column_index_from_string(m.group(1)))
            changeStartRow = int(m.group(2))
            logging.info('changeStartCol {}'.format(changeStartCol))
            logging.info('changeStartRow {}'.format(changeStartRow))

            m = re.search("([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)",changeEndCordinate)
            changeEndCol = int(column_index_from_string(m.group(1)))
            changeEndRow = int(m.group(2))
            logging.info('changeEndCol {}'.format(changeEndCol))
            logging.info('changeEndRow {}'.format(changeEndRow))

            # Check change start cell is in the target range
            if changeStartRow >= targetStartRow and changeStartRow <= targetEndRow and changeStartCol >= targetStartCol and changeStartCol <= targetEndCol:
                logging.info('isReferenced: {}'.format("True"))
                return True

            # Check change end cell is in the target range
            if changeEndRow >= targetStartRow and changeEndRow <= targetEndRow and changeEndCol >= targetStartCol and changeEndCol <= targetEndCol:
                logging.info('isReferenced: {}'.format("True"))
                return True

    logging.info('isReferenced: {}'.format("False"))
    return False