def tile(mode, project, specimen, block, resource, slide_name, slide_ext, level, col, row, format): format = format.lower() if format != 'jpeg' and format != 'png': # Not supported by Deep Zoom return 'bad format' abort(404) # Get a project reference, using either local database or remotely supplied dict pr = dzi_get_project_ref(project) # Get the raw SVS/tiff file for the slide (the resource should exist, # or else we will spend a minute here waiting with no response to user) sr = SlideRef(pr, specimen, block, slide_name, slide_ext) tiff_file = sr.get_local_copy(resource) os = None if mode == 'affine': os = AffineTransformedOpenSlide( tiff_file, get_affine_matrix(sr, 'affine', resource, 'image')) else: os = OpenSlide(tiff_file) dz = DeepZoomGenerator(os) tile = dz.get_tile(level, (col, row)) buf = PILBytesIO(), format, quality=75) resp = make_response(buf.getvalue()) resp.mimetype = 'image/%s' % format print('PNG size: %d' % (len(buf.getvalue(), ))) return resp
def index_wsi(file_path): config_map = { 'DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE': 'tile_size', 'DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP': 'overlap', 'DEEPZOOM_LIMIT_BOUNDS': 'limit_bounds', } opts = dict((v, app.config[k]) for k, v in config_map.items()) slide = open_slide('static/wsi/' + file_path) app.slides = { SLIDE_NAME: DeepZoomGenerator(slide, **opts) } app.associated_images = [] app.slide_properties = for name, image in slide.associated_images.items(): app.associated_images.append(name) slug = slugify(name) app.slides[slug] = DeepZoomGenerator(ImageSlide(image), **opts) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slide_mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slide_mpp = 0 slide_url = url_for('dzi', slug=SLIDE_NAME) return render_template('as_viewer.html', slide_url=slide_url, slide_mpp=slide_mpp, file_name=file_path, dictionary=getDictionary(file_path))
def load_slide(): slidefile = app.config['DEEPZOOM_SLIDE'] if slidefile is None: raise ValueError('No slide file specified') config_map = { 'DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE': 'tile_size', 'DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP': 'overlap', 'DEEPZOOM_LIMIT_BOUNDS': 'limit_bounds', } opts = dict((v, app.config[k]) for k, v in config_map.items()) slide = open_slide(slidefile) app.slides = { SLIDE_NAME: DeepZoomGenerator(slide, **opts) } app.associated_images = [] app.slide_properties = for name, image in slide.associated_images.items(): app.associated_images.append(name) slug = slugify(name) app.slides[slug] = DeepZoomGenerator(ImageSlide(image), **opts) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] app.slide_mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): app.slide_mpp = 0
def ndpi_cut(ndpi_way, x, k, outway, pe): # x = 分割后图片边长 k = ndpi图片的第几个level # time_start = time.time() if not os.path.isdir(outway): os.makedirs(outway) for files in os.listdir(ndpi_way): # 当前文件夹所有文件 if files.endswith('.tiff'): # 判断是否以.ndpi结尾 也可以为tiff slide = op.OpenSlide(ndpi_way + '\\' + files) # print(slide.level_dimensions) bigImg = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=x - 2, overlap=1, limit_bounds=False) count = bigImg.level_count - 1 z = count - k # 倒着读取 raw, col = bigImg.level_tiles[z] # print(raw, col) (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(files) for i in range(raw - 1): for j in range(col - 1): try: img = bigImg.get_tile(z, (j, i)) Img = np.asarray(img) if Img.shape == (a, a, Img.shape[2]): p = judge_white.judge_white(Img) print(p, Img.shape, (a, a, Img.shape[2])) if p < pe: outputway = outway + '\\' + filename + r'_{a}_{b}.png'.format( a=i, b=j) else: pass except ValueError: break print(files + ' done')
def get(self, path): """ Method for getting slide cache. Has self and path arguments. """ with self._lock: if path in self._cache: # Move to end of LRU slide = self._cache.pop(path) self._cache[path] = slide return slide osr = OpenSlide(path) slide = DeepZoomGenerator(osr, **self.dz_opts) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slide.mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slide.mpp = 0 with self._lock: if path not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) == self.cache_size: self._cache.popitem(last=False) self._cache[path] = slide return slide
def __init__(self, osr, tile_size=254, overlap=1, limit_bounds=False): if osr.format in ['.kfb', '.KFB']: self._dzg = KfbDZG(osr, tile_size, overlap, limit_bounds) elif osr.format in ['.tmap', '.TMAP']: self._dzg = TmapDZG(osr, 256, overlap, limit_bounds) else: self._dzg = OpenSlideDZG(osr, tile_size, overlap, limit_bounds)
def save_valid_imgs(samples, patch_size=PATCH_SIZE): num_samples = len(samples) for idx in range(num_samples): for _, batch_sample in samples.iloc[idx:idx + 1].iterrows(): slide_path = batch_sample.slide_path print(slide_path) slide_name = 's' slide_contains_tumor = 'pos' in slide_path with openslide.open_slide(slide_path) as slide: tiles = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=patch_size, overlap=0, limit_bounds=False) x, y = batch_sample.tile_loc[::-1] if slide_contains_tumor: start_x = int('openslide.bounds-x', 0)) start_y = int('openslide.bounds-y', 0)) start_x = start_x / patch_size start_y = start_y / patch_size x += start_x y += start_y img = tiles.get_tile(tiles.level_count - 1, (x, y))'/data/model/patches/val/pos/{}_pos_{}.png'.format( slide_name, idx)) else: img = tiles.get_tile(tiles.level_count - 1, (x, y))'/data/model/patches/val/neg/{}_neg_{}.png'.format( slide_name, idx)) print('num_samples_val : ', num_samples) print('val img save completed')
def load_slide(slidefile, tile_size): print("there is an image") slide = open_slide(slidefile) slides = { "slide": DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=tile_size, overlap=1, limit_bounds=True) } associated_images = [] slide_properties = for name, image in slide.associated_images.items(): associated_images.append(name) slug = slugify(name) slides[slug] = DeepZoomGenerator(ImageSlide(image), tile_size=tile_size, overlap=1, limit_bounds=True) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slide_mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slide_mpp = 0 return slides, associated_images, slide_properties, slide_mpp
def get(self, path): with self._lock: if path in self._cache: # Move to end of LRU slide = self._cache.pop(path) self._cache[path] = slide return slide if is_image(path): #osr = ImageSlide(path) osr = get_osr(path) else: osr = OpenSlide(path) slide = DeepZoomGenerator(osr, **self.dz_opts) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slide.mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slide.mpp = 0 with self._lock: if path not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) == self.cache_size: self._cache.popitem(last=False) self._cache[path] = slide return slide
def _serve_tiles(self, request): tile_config = request.path[len("/data/plugin/WSI/tiles/"):].split("/") id = int(tile_config[0]) if id == self._cache_slide_id: slide = self._cache_slide else: slide_path = self._cache_slide_prop[id]["slide_path"] slide = DeepZoomGenerator(open_slide(slide_path)) self._cache_slide = slide self._cache_slide_id = id if len(tile_config) <= 2: response = werkzeug.Response(slide.get_dzi("jpeg")) response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/xml') return response else: level, colrow = tile_config[1:] level = int(level) col, row = map(int, colrow[:-1 * len(".jpeg"):].split("_")) tile = slide.get_tile(level, (col, row)) buf = PILBytesIO(), "jpeg", quality=75) response = werkzeug.Response(buf.getvalue()) response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg') return response
def getTile(file, level, col, row): format = 'jpeg' slide = DeepZoomGenerator(open_slide(file)) tile = slide.get_tile(level, (col, row)) buf = PILBytesIO(), format, quality=app.config['DEEPZOOM_TILE_QUALITY']) return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue())
def dzi_asso(path, associated_name): slide = _get_slide(path) associated_image = slide.osr.associated_images[associated_name] dzg = DeepZoomGenerator(ImageSlide(associated_image)) format = app.config['DEEPZOOM_FORMAT'] resp = make_response(dzg.get_dzi(format)) resp.mimetype = 'application/xml' return resp
def slide_dzi(request, pk): scan = get_object_or_404(Scan, pk=pk) raw_slide = open_slide(scan.file) slide = DeepZoomGenerator( raw_slide, tile_size=DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE, overlap=DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP, limit_bounds=DEEPZOOM_LIMIT_BOUNDS, ) response = slide.get_dzi(DEEPZOOM_FORMAT) return HttpResponse(response, content_type="application/xml")
def get_tiles(batch_samples, patch_size=256, num_classes=2, convert_to_cat=True): """Generator function to yield image and mask tuples, Parameters ---------- batch_samples: DataFrame Subsetted dataframe as obtained from get_all_patches_from_slide patch_size: int Patch size convert_to_cat: bool Should convert to categorical Returns ------- X: tensor Y: tensor """ images = [] masks = [] for _, batch_sample in batch_samples.iterrows(): slide_contains_tumor = batch_sample["uid"].startswith("tumor") with WSIReader(batch_sample.slide_path, 40) as slide: tiles = DeepZoomGenerator( slide, tile_size=patch_size, overlap=0, limit_bounds=False ) tile_loc = batch_sample.tile_loc # [::-1] if isinstance(tile_loc, six.string_types): tile_row, tile_col = eval(tile_loc) else: tile_row, tile_col = tile_loc # the get_tile tuple required is (col, row) img = tiles.get_tile(tiles.level_count - 1, (tile_col, tile_row)) (tile_x, tile_y), tile_level, _ = tiles.get_tile_coordinates( tiles.level_count - 1, (tile_col, tile_row) ) if slide_contains_tumor: json_filepath = batch_sample["json_filepath"] polygons = get_annotation_polygons(json_filepath, "shapely") mask = create_tumor_mask_from_tile(tile_x, tile_y, polygons, patch_size) else: mask = np.zeros((patch_size, patch_size)) images.append(np.array(img)) masks.append(mask) X_train = np.array(images) y_train = np.array(masks) if convert_to_cat: y_train = mask_to_categorical(y_train, num_classes, patch_size) return X_train, y_train
def tile(request, pk, level, col, row): scan = get_object_or_404(Scan, pk=pk) raw_slide = open_slide(scan.file) slide = DeepZoomGenerator( raw_slide, tile_size=DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE, overlap=DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP, limit_bounds=DEEPZOOM_LIMIT_BOUNDS, ) tile = slide.get_tile(level, (col, row)) buf = BytesIO(), DEEPZOOM_FORMAT, quality=DEEPZOOM_TILE_QUALITY) return HttpResponse(buf.getvalue(), content_type="image/jpeg")
def sample_and_store_patches(self, patch_size, level, progressBar): start_time = start_timer() # Timer Start rows_per_txn = 20 tile_size = patch_size slide = open_slide(self.file_path) tiles = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=tile_size, overlap=0, limit_bounds=True) if level >= tiles.level_count: print( "[error]: requested level does not exist. Number of slide levels: " + str(tiles.level_count)) return 0 x_tiles, y_tiles = tiles.level_tiles[level] x, y = 0, 0 count, batch_count = 0, 0 patches, coords, labels = [], [], [] while y < y_tiles: while x < x_tiles: new_tile = np.array(tiles.get_tile(level, (x, y)), dtype=np.uint8) # OpenSlide calculates overlap in such a way that sometimes depending on the dimensions, edge # patches are smaller than the others. We will ignore such patches. if np.shape(new_tile) == (patch_size, patch_size, 3): patches.append(new_tile) coords.append(np.array([x, y])) count += 1 progressBar.setValue( int((y * x_tiles + x) * 100 / (x_tiles * y_tiles))) x += 1 # To save memory, we will save data into the dbs every rows_per_txn rows. i.e., each transaction will commit # rows_per_txn rows of patches. Write after last row regardless. HDF5 does NOT follow # this convention due to efficiency. if (y % rows_per_txn == 0 and y != 0) or y == y_tiles - 1: self.save_to_disk(patches, coords, labels) y += 1 x = 0 print("============ Patches Dataset Stats ===========") print("Total patches sampled: ", count) print("Patches saved to: ", self.db_location) print("==============================================") end_timer(start_time) # Timer Ends
def __init__(self, path: str, tile_size: int = 224): self.path = path self.tile_size = tile_size self.slide = openslide.OpenSlide(self.path) self.deepzoom_gen = DeepZoomGenerator(self.slide, tile_size=self.tile_size, overlap=0, limit_bounds=False) self.mpp = (float([openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X]), float([openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y])) self.level_count = self.deepzoom_gen.level_count self.level_dimensions = self.deepzoom_gen.level_dimensions self.level_tiles = self.deepzoom_gen.level_tiles
def ChangeImage(folder, filename): global imagePathLookupTable session["ID"] = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(20)) path = "//home/prosjekt" + imagePathLookupTable[folder + "/" + filename] image = openslide.OpenSlide(path) logger.log( 25, configuration.LogFormat() + current_user.username + " requested image " + filename) deepZoomGen = DeepZoomGenerator(image, tile_size=254, overlap=1, limit_bounds=False) deepZoomList.append(session["ID"], deepZoomGen) return deepZoomGen.get_dzi("jpeg")
def __init__(self, path): self.warning = '' self.path = path self.reader = None self.tilesize = 1024 self.ext = check_ext(path) self.default_dtype = np.uint16 if self.ext == '.ome.tif' or self.ext == '.ome.tiff': = TiffFile(self.path, is_ome=False) =[0].aszarr()) self.reader = 'tifffile' self.ome_version = self._get_ome_version() print("OME ", self.ome_version) num_channels = self.get_shape()[0] tile_0 = self.get_tifffile_tile(num_channels, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1024) if tile_0 is not None: self.default_dtype = tile_0.dtype if (num_channels == 3 and tile_0.dtype == 'uint8'): self.rgba = True self.rgba_type = '3 channel' elif (num_channels == 1 and tile_0.dtype == 'uint8'): self.rgba = True self.rgba_type = '1 channel' else: self.rgba = False self.rgba_type = None print("RGB ", self.rgba) print("RGB type ", self.rgba_type) elif self.ext == '.svs': = OpenSlide(self.path) = DeepZoomGenerator(, tile_size=1024, overlap=0, limit_bounds=True) self.reader = 'openslide' self.rgba = True self.rgba_type = None self.default_dtype = np.uint8 print("RGB ", self.rgba) print("RGB type ", self.rgba_type) else: self.reader = None
def slide_to_tiles(slide, new_mpp=0.5, tile_size=512, overlap=0, return_locations=False): """ Convert a slide to tiles with a given mpp and tile size """ # Identify appropriate pyramid level for given micron per pixel mpp = np.float(['openslide.mpp-x']) scale_factor = new_mpp / mpp offset = math.floor(np.log2((scale_factor + 0.1))) level_mpp = 2**offset * mpp scale_from_level = new_mpp / level_mpp level_tile_size = math.ceil(tile_size * scale_from_level) generator = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=level_tile_size, overlap=overlap, limit_bounds=True) highest_level = generator.level_count - 1 level = highest_level - offset cols, rows = generator.level_tiles[level] # Extract tiles tiles = [] tile_locations = [] for col in range(cols): for row in range(rows): tile = np.array(generator.get_tile(level, (col, row))) if tile.shape[0] == level_tile_size and tile.shape[ 1] == level_tile_size: tile = cv2.resize(tile, (tile_size, tile_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) tiles.append(tile) tile_locations.append([row, col]) tiles = np.stack(tiles, axis=0) tile_locations = np.array(tile_locations) if return_locations: return tiles, tile_locations else: return tiles
def run_image(self, associated=None): """ Run a single image from self.slide. """ if associated is None: image = self.slide if self.with_viewer: basename = os.path.join(self.basename, VIEWER_SLIDE_NAME) else: basename = self.basename else: image = ImageSlide(self.slide.associated_images[associated]) basename = os.path.join(self.basename, self.slugify(associated)) dz = DeepZoomGenerator(image, self.tile_size, self.overlap, limit_bounds=self.limit_bounds) tiler = DeepZoomImageTiler(dz, basename, self.format, associated, self.queue, self.slide, self.basename_jpg, self.xml_file, self.mask_type, self.xml_label, self.roi_percentage, self.img_extension, self.save_masks, self.magnification) self.dzi_data[self.url_for(associated)] = tiler.get_dzi()
def _run_image(self, associated=None): """Run a single image from self._slide.""" if associated is None: image = self._slide if self._with_viewer: basename = os.path.join(self._basename, VIEWER_SLIDE_NAME) else: basename = self._basename else: image = ImageSlide(self._slide.associated_images[associated]) basename = os.path.join(self._basename, self._slugify(associated)) print("enter DeepZoomGenerator") dz = DeepZoomGenerator(image, self._tile_size, self._overlap, limit_bounds=self._limit_bounds) print("enter DeepZoomImageTiler") tiler = DeepZoomImageTiler(dz, basename, self._format, associated, self._queue, self._slide, self._basenameJPG, self._xmlfile, self._mask_type, self._xmlLabel, self._ROIpc, self._ImgExtension, self._SaveMasks, self._Mag) self._dzi_data[self._url_for(associated)] = tiler.get_dzi()
def print_tile_dimensions(self, patch_size=0): patch_dim = patch_size level_count = 0 level_tiles = [] level_dimensions = [] # Check that either tile or patch size is set correctly. if patch_size == 0: print("[error]: set patch size.") else: print("Setting patch size ", patch_dim) # Open image and return variables. slide = open_slide(self.file_path) tiles = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=patch_size, overlap=0) level_count = tiles.level_count level_tiles = tiles.level_tiles level_dimensions = tiles.level_dimensions print("============Tile Dimensions==========") print("Level count: " + str(level_count)) print("Level tiles: " + str(level_tiles)) print("Level dimensions: " + str(level_dimensions)) print("=====================================")
def get_regions(dz: DZG, i: int, j: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: """Retourne une région d'intérêt étant donné deux indices i et j. Paramètres: i : indice selon la largeur de la lame j : indice selon la hauteur de la lame Outputs: region_0 : liste de 4 entiers (w_0, h_0, t_w, t_h) avec w_0 et h_0 les coordonnées du coin en haut à gauche du patch d'indice (i, j). t_w et t_h sont la largeur et la hauteur du patch en pixel. En principe, t_w = t_h sauf pour les patches présents sur les bordures de la lame. Les coordonnées w_0, h_0, t_w, t_h sont prises pour le plus haut niveau de résolution. region_l : liste de 4 entiers (h_start, h_end, w_start, w_end) correpondant aux coordonnées du patch équivalent à un niveau de résolution plus faible (ex. 32). Ces coordonnées permettront de calculer le pourcentage de fond blanc sur le patch grâce au masque de segmen- tation. """ # coordonnées dans le niveau de résolution le plus élevé (w_0_ij, h_0_ij), _, (d_w_0_ij, d_h_0_ij) = dz.get_tile_coordinates(dz.l0_z, (j, i)) # coordonnées dans le niveau de résolution le plus faible d_h_l_ij, d_w_l_ij = round(d_h_0_ij / dz.f_h), round(d_w_0_ij / dz.f_w) start_w_l_ij, start_h_l_ij = round(w_0_ij / dz.f_w), round(h_0_ij / dz.f_h) region_0 = [w_0_ij, h_0_ij, d_h_0_ij, d_w_0_ij] region_l = [ start_h_l_ij, start_h_l_ij + d_h_l_ij, start_w_l_ij, start_w_l_ij + d_w_l_ij ] return region_0, region_l
def get(self, path): with self._lock: if path in self._cache: # Move to end of LRU slide = self._cache.pop(path) self._cache[path] = slide return slide if path.endswith('.ndpi') and self.use_ndp_read and os.path.getsize( path) >= self.ndpi_size_limit: slide = LargeNDPiDeepZoomGenerator(path, self.dz_opts['tile_size'], self.dz_opts['overlap']) else: osr = OpenSlide(path) slide = DeepZoomGenerator(osr, **self.dz_opts) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slide.mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slide.mpp = 0 with self._lock: if path not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) == self.cache_size: self._cache.popitem(last=False) self._cache[path] = slide return slide
def _get_dz(self, associated=None): if associated is not None: image = ImageSlide(self._slide.associated_images[associated]) else: image = self._slide return DeepZoomGenerator(image, self._tile_size, self._overlap, limit_bounds=self._limit_bounds)
def load_slide(file): slidefile = file if slidefile is None: raise ValueError('No slide file specified') config_map = { 'DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE': 'tile_size', 'DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP': 'overlap', 'DEEPZOOM_LIMIT_BOUNDS': 'limit_bounds', } opts = dict((v, app.config[k]) for k, v in config_map.items()) slide = open_slide(slidefile) left =[ "mirax.NONHIERLAYER_3_LEVEL_0_SECTION.COMPRESSED_STITCHING_ORIG_SLIDE_SCANNED_AREA_IN_PIXELS__LEFT"] top =[ "mirax.NONHIERLAYER_3_LEVEL_0_SECTION.COMPRESSED_STITCHING_ORIG_SLIDE_SCANNED_AREA_IN_PIXELS__TOP"] app.slides = { SLIDE_NAME: DeepZoomGenerator(slide, **opts), 'left': left, 'top': top } try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] app.slide_mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 return app.slide_mpp except (KeyError, ValueError): app.slide_mpp = 0 return 0
def tile_gen(self, state=9): """Call this function to divide the slice in tiles, it manage the dimension and the edge cuts. This function call the method 'manage_process' that create same vectors for the next step, run the theads""" self.generator = DeepZoomGenerator(self.slide, tile_size=self.tile_size, overlap=self.overlap, limit_bounds=self.limit_bounds) dim = self.generator.level_dimensions ntile = self.generator._t_dimensions for i, a in enumerate(dim): if self.list_levels[self.lev_sec][1] == a[1] or self.list_levels[ self.lev_sec][1] == ( a[1] - 1) or self.list_levels[self.lev_sec][1] == (a[1] + 1): self.levi = i print( f'found the right level {i} -- rr = {self.list_levels[self.lev_sec][1]} --- a = {a[1]}' ) print(self.list_levels) else: pass try: numx, numy = ntile[self.levi] print('{}---{}'.format(numx, numy)) except IndexError: numx, numy = ntile[-1] self.levi = len(ntile) - 1 print( f'------There is a problem in if, add combinations, max resolution selected------{numx},{numy}' ) self.ntiles_y = numy numx_start, numx_stop, list_proc, start_indexs, stop_index = self.manage_process( numx, numy) if state == 0: return numx_start, numx_stop, list_proc, start_indexs, stop_index, numy, self.levi elif state == 1: return self.generator elif state == 2: return numx else: self.start_thread(numx_start, numx_stop, list_proc, start_indexs)
def image(filename): user = current_user engine = db.get_engine(bind=user.dbname) DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine) db_session = DBSession() annotationsInfo = db_session.query(Annotation).filter_by(pathimage_imageid=filename).all() slug = slugify(filename) slidempp = 'slide_mpp' imagesize = 'imagesize' if not hasattr(app,'slides'): app.slides = {} print('app.slides is null') if not app.slides.has_key(slug): print('image not exsits ' + slug) image = db_session.query(PathImage).filter_by(filename=filename).first() slidefile = image.filepath config_map = { 'DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE': 'tile_size', 'DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP': 'overlap', 'DEEPZOOM_LIMIT_BOUNDS': 'limit_bounds', } opts = dict((v, app.config[k]) for k, v in config_map.items()) if 'kfb' in slidefile: slide = kfbslide.KfbSlide(slidefile) deepzoom = kfb_deepzoom.KfbDeepZoomGenerator(slide, **opts) else: slide = open_slide(slidefile) deepzoom = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, **opts) slideinfo = {SLIDE_NAME: deepzoom} try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slideinfo[slidempp] = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slideinfo[slidempp] = 0 slideinfo[imagesize] = [int(deepzoom.level_dimensions[-1][0]), int(deepzoom.level_dimensions[-1][1])] slideinfo['active'] = True app.slides[slug] = slideinfo annotaions = getannotations(annotationsInfo, app.slides[slug][imagesize], db_session,user) db_session.close() slidename = SLIDE_NAME + slug slide_url = url_for('dzi', slug=slidename) return render_template("display.html", user=user, slide_url=slide_url, slide_mpp=app.slides[slug][slidempp], canlogout=True, image_name=filename, annotations=annotaions, imagesize=app.slides[slug][imagesize] )
def insertslide(cls, key, sl): opts = { 'tile_size': settings.DEEPZOOM_TILE_SIZE, 'overlap': settings.DEEPZOOM_OVERLAP } with cls._dict_lock: cls._slides[key] = sl cls._deepzooms[key] = DeepZoomGenerator(sl, **opts)
def get(self, path): with self._lock: if path in self._cache: # Move to end of LRU slide = self._cache.pop(path) self._cache[path] = slide return slide osr = OpenSlide(path) slide = DeepZoomGenerator(osr, **self.dz_opts) try: mpp_x =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] mpp_y =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y] slide.mpp = (float(mpp_x) + float(mpp_y)) / 2 except (KeyError, ValueError): slide.mpp = 0 with self._lock: if path not in self._cache: if len(self._cache) == self.cache_size: self._cache.popitem(last=False) self._cache[path] = slide return slide
class _BoxesDeepZoomTest(object): def setUp(self): self.osr = self.CLASS(file_path(self.FILENAME)) = DeepZoomGenerator(self.osr, 254, 1) def tearDown(self): self.osr.close() def test_repr(self): self.assertEqual(repr(, ('DeepZoomGenerator(%r, tile_size=254, overlap=1, ' + 'limit_bounds=False)') % self.osr) def test_metadata(self): self.assertEqual(, 10) self.assertEqual(, 11) self.assertEqual(, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1))) self.assertEqual(, ((1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2), (5, 4), (10, 8), (19, 16), (38, 32), (75, 63), (150, 125), (300, 250))) def test_get_tile(self): self.assertEqual(, (1, 0)).size, (47, 250)) def test_get_tile_bad_level(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:, (0, 0))) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:, (0, 0))) def test_get_tile_bad_address(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:, (-1, 0))) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:, (1, 0))) def test_get_tile_coordinates(self): self.assertEqual(, (1, 0)), ((253, 0), 0, (47, 250))) def test_get_tile_dimensions(self): self.assertEqual(, (1, 0)), (47, 250)) def test_get_dzi(self): self.assertTrue('' in'jpeg'))
#!/usr/local/bin/python from openslide import OpenSlide from openslide.deepzoom import DeepZoomGenerator from PIL import Image import Thresholding as T, numpy, cv2 slide=DeepZoomGenerator(OpenSlide("/usr/local/OpenSlideServe/data/CarlZeiss/TilOysteinAnalyse/Alphonse.tif")) tile=slide.get_tile(15,(72,15)) t="" tile ="colorwheel-rgb.jpg") # print tile.getextrema() #"orig.tif") # t=T.Thresholder([[0,255],[0,255],[0,255]],"rgb","hsv") # th=t.threshold_image(tile) #"new.tif") # print th.getextrema() a=numpy.array([255,255,0,0],dtype=numpy.uint8) b=numpy.array([200,150,100,50],dtype=numpy.uint8) print a print b print "mask:" print a print "image:" print b print "result of cv2.bitwise_and(b,b,mask=a):" im2=cv2.bitwise_and(b,b,mask=a) print im2
def setUp(self): self.osr = self.CLASS(file_path(self.FILENAME)) = DeepZoomGenerator(self.osr, 254, 1)