コード例 #1
ファイル: Profile.py プロジェクト: Low-Khoality/orv_bot
    async def give(self, ctx,  *args):
        giver = ctx.author
        member = await self.get.get_member(ctx, args[0])
        amount = int(args[1])

        if self.get.get_user(member.id) is None:

        if member is None:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"User **{args[0]}** not found", "give")

        if amount < 1:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"You can not transfer less than 1 coin to someone!", "give")

        if amount > self.get.get_coins(giver.id):
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"You can not transfer more coins than you own!", "give")

            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = f"UPDATE players SET coins=%s WHERE user_id=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (self.get.get_coins(member.id) + amount, member.id))

                sql = f"UPDATE players SET coins=%s WHERE user_id=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (self.get.get_coins(giver.id)-amount, giver.id))

                embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Successfully transferred {amount} coins to **{member.name}**", color=discord.Color.from_rgb(130, 234, 255))
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error transferring {amount} coins to {member.name} [{member.id}] from {giver.name} [{giver.id}])\n{e}")
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"**{member.name}** is not registered!", "addcoins")
コード例 #2
ファイル: Admin.py プロジェクト: Low-Khoality/orv_bot
    async def remove_user_from_db(self, ctx, member):
        member = await self.get.get_member(ctx, member)
        if member is None:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"user {member} not found")
        if member.id == 122837007834677251:
            return await ctx.send("no.")
            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = f"DELETE players, general_skills, personal_skills, personal_attributes FROM (((players INNER JOIN general_skills ON players.user_id = general_skills.user_id) INNER JOIN personal_attributes ON players.user_id=personal_attributes.user_id) INNER JOIN personal_skills ON players.user_id=personal_skills.user_id) WHERE players.user_id = %s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (member.id))

                embed = discord.Embed(title=f"[Successfully removed {member.name} [{member.id}] from the database", color=discord.Color.from_rgb(130, 234, 255))
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error removing {member.name} [{member.id}] from the database\n{e}")
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"{member.name} is not registered!", "remu")
コード例 #3
ファイル: Admin.py プロジェクト: Low-Khoality/orv_bot
    async def remove_nebula_from_db(self, ctx, inp):
        nebula = inp
        if self.nebula.new_nebula(inp) == True:
            nebula = None
            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = f"DELETE nebulas, nebula_members FROM nebulas INNER JOIN nebula_members ON nebulas.nebula = nebula_members.nebula WHERE nebulas.nebula = %s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (nebula))

                sql = f"UPDATE players SET nebula=Null WHERE user_id=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.author.id))

                embed = discord.Embed(title=f"[Successfully removed nebula [{inp}] from the database",
                                      color=discord.Color.from_rgb(130, 234, 255))
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error removing nebula [{inp}] from the database\n{e}")
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"nebula [{inp}] does not exist!", "remneb")
コード例 #4
ファイル: Admin.py プロジェクト: Low-Khoality/orv_bot
    async def give_gold(self, ctx, *args):
        if (len(args)) >= 2:
            member = await self.get.get_member(ctx, args[0])
            amount = int(args[1])
            if member is None:
                return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"user {args[0]} not found", "addcoins")
            member = ctx.author
            amount = int(args[0])
            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = f"UPDATE players SET coins=%s WHERE user_id=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (self.get.get_coins(member.id) + amount, member.id))

                embed = discord.Embed(title=f"[{self.get.get_user_type(member.id)} **{member.name}** you have obtained __{amount}__ coins!]", color=discord.Color.from_rgb(130, 234, 255))
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error updating coins ({amount} to {member.id} from {ctx.author.name} [{ctx.author.id}])\n{e}")
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"{member.name} is not registered!", "addcoins")
コード例 #5
ファイル: Nebula.py プロジェクト: Low-Khoality/orv_bot
    def sort_members(self, nebula):
            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = "SELECT member_ids, nebula_rank, contribution, nebula_ranking FROM `nebula_members` WHERE `nebula`=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (nebula,))
                data = cursor.fetchone()

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error sorting nebula {nebula}\n{e}")
        data = list(data.values())
        members, ranks, contribution, ranking = data[0].split(", "), data[1].split(", "), data[2].split(", "), data[3].split(", ")
        sorted_members, sorted_contribution, sorted_ranks, sorted_rankings = "", "", "", ""
        for i in range(len(members)):
            idx = i
            for j in range(i + 1, len(members)):
                if int(contribution[idx]) < int(contribution[j]):
                    idx = j
            members[i], members[idx], contribution[i], contribution[idx] = members[idx], members[i], contribution[idx], contribution[i]
            ranks[i], ranks[idx], ranking[i], ranking[idx] = ranks[idx], ranks[i], ranking[idx], ranking[i]

            sorted_members += f"{members[i]}"
            sorted_contribution += f"{contribution[i]}"
            sorted_ranks += f"{ranks[i]}"
            sorted_rankings += f"{i + 1}"

            if i != len(members)-1:
                sorted_members += ", "
                sorted_contribution += ", "
                sorted_ranks += ", "
                sorted_rankings += ", "

            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = f"UPDATE nebula_members SET member_ids=%s, nebula_rank=%s, nebula_ranking=%s, contribution=%s WHERE nebula=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (sorted_members, sorted_ranks, sorted_rankings, sorted_contribution, nebula))

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error sorting nebula members\n{e}")
コード例 #6
ファイル: Nebula.py プロジェクト: Low-Khoality/orv_bot
    async def create(self, ctx, *, nebula: str = None):
        if self.get.get_user(ctx.author.id) is None:
            return await self.error.not_registered_error(ctx, "nebula")

        in_nebula = self.get.get_nebula(ctx.author.id)
        if in_nebula is not None:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, f"{self.get.get_user_type(ctx.author.id)} **{ctx.author.name}**, you are already in a nebula!", "nebula create")

        if nebula is None:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, "You must enter a name for your nebula", "nebula create")

        ' '.join(nebula.split())
        new_nebula = self.new_nebula(nebula)
            with db.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = "SELECT `guild_id` FROM `nebulas` WHERE `guild_id`=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (ctx.guild.id,))
                result = cursor.fetchone()
                if not result:
                    guild_has_nebula = False
                    guild_has_nebula = True
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error looking up nebula's in guild {ctx.guild.name}\n{e}")

        if guild_has_nebula:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx, "This guild already has a nebula", "nebula create")

        if new_nebula is False:
            return await self.error.get_error(ctx,f"The nebula \"{nebula}\" is already taken", "nebula create")

        embed = discord.Embed(title="Confirmation",
                              description=f"{self.get.get_user_type(ctx.author.id)}, are you sure you want to create the **{nebula}** nebula for __250,000__ coins?",
                              color=discord.Color.from_rgb(130, 234, 255))
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed)

        await msg.add_reaction("✅")

        await asyncio.sleep(.35)

        await msg.add_reaction("❌")

        def check(reaction, user):
            return ctx.author == user and str(reaction.emoji) in ["✅", "❌"]

            reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=5.0, check=check)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await msg.delete(delay=0)
            msg = await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention}, you waited too long")
            await msg.delete(delay=3)
            if str(reaction.emoji) == "✅":

                coin = self.get.get_coins(ctx.author.id)
                if coin < 250000:
                    await msg.delete(delay=0)
                    return await self.error.get_error(ctx,
                                                      f"{self.get.get_user_type(ctx.author.id)}, you do not have enough coins to fund a nebula! You currently have __{format(coin, ',d')}__ coins. Nebulas require __250,000__ coins to fund",
                                                      "nebula create")

                    with db.cursor() as cursor:
                        sql = "INSERT INTO `nebulas` (nebula, guild_id, message, leader, vice_leader) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                        cursor.execute(sql, (nebula, ctx.guild.id, None, ctx.author.id, None,))

                        sql = "INSERT INTO `nebula_members` (nebula, member_ids, nebula_rank, nebula_ranking, contribution) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                        cursor.execute(sql, (nebula, ctx.author.id, 3, 1, 0))

                        sql = f"UPDATE players SET nebula=%s, coins=%s WHERE user_id=%s"
                        cursor.execute(sql, (nebula, self.get.get_coins(ctx.author.id)-250000, ctx.author.id))


                        embed = discord.Embed(title="Congratulations 🎉",
                                              description=f"{self.get.get_user_type(ctx.author.id)} {ctx.author.mention}, you are responsible for the birth of a nebula. You may now challenge the scenarios with other incarnations and constellations as a nebula.",
                                              color=discord.Color.from_rgb(130, 234, 255))
                                        value=f"*do `{self.get.get_prefix(ctx)}help nebula` for information on commands regarding nebulas*",
                        await msg.delete(delay=0)
                        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"Error adding Nebula: {e}")
            elif str(reaction.emoji) == "❌":
                await msg.delete(delay=0)