コード例 #1
    def testI18nMessage(self):
           Basic unit test which loads a mail message
           in the utf-8 charset encoding off the filesystem
           and converts the bytes to a Chandler

           This Chandler c{Mail.MailMessage} is then 
           converted back to bytes for sending.
           The bytes contained in the To, From, Subject,
           and Body payload are compared with the original.

           This test confirms that encoded headers
           are decoded to Unicode, The Body is converted
           from bytes to Unicode, and that the headers and
           Body are properly encoded back to bytes.

           A header in a non-ascii charset
           should be encoded for sending. For example:

           To: =?utf-8?b?IsSFxI3EmcSXxK/FocWzxavFviDEhMSMxJjElsSuxaDFssWqxb0i?= <*****@*****.**>

        msgText = self.__loadTestMessage()

        mOne = email.message_from_string(msgText)
        messageKind = message.messageObjectToKind(self.view, mOne, msgText)[1]
        mTwo  = message.kindToMessageObject(messageKind)

        self.assertEquals(mOne['To'], mTwo['To'])
        self.assertEquals(mOne['From'], mTwo['From'])
        self.assertEquals(mOne['Subject'], mTwo['Subject'])
        o = mOne.get_payload(decode=True)
        self.assertEquals(o, mTwo.get_payload()[0].get_payload()[1].get_payload(decode=True))
コード例 #2
    def testSubjectWithNewLine(self):
        # Test for fix to bug 10254. A \n was getting inserted
        # in the title attribute of an Item. This resulted
        # in an extra \n in the rfc2822 mail headers which
        # broke the mail message formating.
        # This test adds a \n to the mailStamp.subject then
        # confirms when the MailStamped Item is converted to
        # a Python email object that it no longer has the \n.
        mailStamp = self.__getMailMessage(addNewLine=True)
        messageObject = message.kindToMessageObject(mailStamp)

        self.assertEquals(messageObject['Subject'], 'test mail')
コード例 #3
    def testKindToMessageObject(self):
        messageObject = message.kindToMessageObject(self.__getMailMessage())

        self.__compareMessageObjects(messageObject, self.__getMessageObject())