コード例 #1
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: mariajosefrancolugo/osp
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PersonalityTypeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Get statements from JSON data file and convert to Python object
        data = load_json_data('personality_type_statements.json')

        # Create fields for each statement
        # Each statement is tied to a specific personality type, so name the
        # fields after the personality type. (i.e. INTP1, INTP2, etc.)
        i = {}
        for statement in data:
            if i.has_key(statement['type']):
                i[statement['type']] += 1
                i[statement['type']] = 1

            self.fields[statement['type'] + str(i[statement['type']])] = (
                forms.ChoiceField(label=statement['statement'], choices=(
                    ('2', 'Strongly Agree'),
                    ('1', 'Agree'),
                    ('-1', 'Disagree'),
                    ('-2', 'Strongly Disagree'),
                ), widget=forms.RadioSelect)
コード例 #2
def learning_style_results(request, result_id):
    if not request.user.groups.filter(name__in=['Students', 'Employees']):
        raise Http403

    # Get learning style test results
    result = LearningStyleResult.objects.get(pk=result_id)

    # Make sure the logged-in user should have access to these results
    if (not request.user.groups.filter(name='Employees') and
        result.student != request.user):
        raise Http403

    # Get description of learning style(s) from JSON data
    descriptions = []
    for style in result.learning_style.split(', '):
            '%s.json' % style.lower())))

    if request.is_ajax():
        template = 'assessments/learning_style_results_ajax.html'
        template = 'assessments/learning_style_results.html'

    return direct_to_template(request, template,
        {'result': result, 'descriptions': descriptions})
コード例 #3
def personality_type_results(request, result_id):
    if not request.user.groups.filter(name__in=['Students', 'Employees']):
        raise Http403

    # Get personality type test results
    result = PersonalityTypeResult.objects.get(pk=result_id)

    # Make sure the logged-in user should have access to these results
    if (not request.user.groups.filter(name='Employees') and
        result.student != request.user):
        raise Http403

    # Get description of personality type from JSON data
    description = load_json_data(os.path.join('personality_types',
        '%s.json' % result.personality_type.lower()))

    if request.is_ajax():
        template = 'assessments/personality_type_results_ajax.html'
        template = 'assessments/personality_type_results.html'

    return direct_to_template(request, template,
        {'result': result, 'description': description})
コード例 #4
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: mariajosefrancolugo/osp
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LearningStyleForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Get questions from JSON data file and convert to Python object
        data = load_json_data('learning_style_questions.json')

        # Create fields for each question
        # Each question is tied to a specific learning style, so name the
        # fields after the learning style abbreviation. (i.e. K1, K2, etc.)
        i = {}
        for question in data:
            if i.has_key(question['style']):
                i[question['style']] += 1
                i[question['style']] = 1

            self.fields[question['style'] + str(i[question['style']])] = (
                forms.ChoiceField(label=question['question'], choices=(
                    ('1', 'Yes'),
                    ('0', 'No'),
                ), widget=forms.RadioSelect)