コード例 #1
def test_compare_gauss_vs_exponent () :     
    _ig = 0 
    for ig in ( h1g , h2g , h3g , h4g , h5g ) :
        _ig += 1
        _ie  = 0 
        for ie in ( h1e , h2e , h3e , h4e , h5e ) :
            _ie += 1 
            logger.info( 'Compare gaussian  (%d) and exponent    (%d)' % ( _ig , _ie ) )
            compare ( ig , ie )
コード例 #2
def test_compare_uniform_vs_exponent () :     
    _iu = 0 
    for iu in ( h1u , h2u , h3u , h4u , h5u ) :
        _iu += 1
        _ie  = 0 
        for ie in ( h1e , h2e , h3e , h4e , h5e ) :
            _ie += 1 
            logger.info( 'Compare uniform   (%d) and exponent    (%d)' % ( _iu , _ie ) )
            compare ( iu , ie )
コード例 #3
def test_compare_gauss_vs_uniform() :     
    _ig = 0 
    for ig in ( h1g , h2g , h3g , h4g , h5g ) :
        _ig += 1
        _iu  = 0 
        for iu in ( h1u , h2u , h3u , h4u , h5u ) :
            _iu += 1 
            logger.info( 'Compare gaussian  (%d) and uniform     (%d)' % ( _ig , _iu ) )
            compare ( ig , iu )
コード例 #4
def makeWeights(
        compare=None,  ## comparison function 
        delta=0.01,  ## delta for ``mean''  weight variation
        minmax=0.03,  ## delta for ``minmax'' weight variation
        power=None,  ## auto-determination
        debug=True,  ## save intermediate information in DB
        make_plots=False,  ## make plots 
    """The main  function: perform one re-weighting iteration 
    and reweight ``MC''-data set to looks as ``data''(reference) dataset
    >>> results = makeWeights (
    ... dataset           , ## data source to be  reweighted (DataSet, TTree, abstract source)
    ... plots             , ## reweighting plots
    ... database          , ## datadabse to store/update reweigting results
    ... delta             , ## stopping criteria for `mean`    weight variation
    ... minmax            , ## stopping criteria for `min/max` weight variation
    ... power             , ## effective power to apply to the weigths
    ... debug      = True , ## store debuig information in database
    ... make_plots = True , ## produce useful comparison plots
    ... tag        = 'RW' ) ## tag for better printout
    If `make_plots = False`,  it returns the tuple of active reweitings:
    >>> active        = makeWeights ( ... , make_plots = False , ... )
    Otherwise it also returns list of comparison plots 
    >>> active, cmp_plots = makeWeights ( ... , make_plots = True  , ... )
    >>> for item in  cmp_plots :
    ...    what    = item.what
    ...    hdata   = item.data
    ...    hmc     = item.mc
    ...    hweight = item.weight
    If no more rewighting iteratios required, <code>active</code> is an empty tuple 

    assert 0 < delta, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``delta''  %s" % (
        tag, delta)
    assert 0 < minmax, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``minmax'' %s" % (
        tag, minmax)

    from ostap.logger.colorized import allright, attention, infostr
    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    nplots = len(plots)
    ## if 1 < nplots :
    ##     import  math
    ##     fudge_factor = math.sqrt ( 1.0 / max ( 2.0 , nplots -  1.0 ) )
    ##     delta   = delta  * fudge_factor
    ##     minmax  = minmax * fudge_factor

    ## list of plots to compare
    cmp_plots = []
    ## reweighting summary table
    header = ('Reweighting', 'wmin/wmax', 'OK?', 'wrms[%]', 'OK?', 'chi2/ndf',
              'ww', 'exp')

    rows = {}
    save_to_db = []
    ## number of active plots for reweighting
    for wplot in plots:

        what = wplot.what  ## variable/function to plot/compare
        how = wplot.how  ## weight and/or additional cuts
        address = wplot.address  ## address in database
        hdata0 = wplot.data  ## original "DATA" object
        hmc0 = wplot.mc_histo  ## original "MC"   histogram
        ww = wplot.w  ## relative weight
        projector = wplot.projector  ## projector for MC data
        ignore = wplot.ignore  ## ignore for weigtht building?
        # normalize the data
        hdata = hdata0
        if isinstance(hdata, ROOT.TH1): hdata = hdata.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## make a plot on (MC) data with the weight
        # =====================================================================
        hmc0 = projector(dataset, hmc0, what, how)

        st = hmc0.stat()
        mnmx = st.minmax()
        if iszero(mnmx[0]):
            logger.warning("%s: statistic goes to zero %s/``%s''" %
                           (tag, st, address))
        elif mnmx[0] <= 0:
            logger.warning("%s: statistic is negative  %s/``%s''" %
                           (tag, st, address))

        # =====================================================================
        ## normalize MC
        # =====================================================================
        hmc = hmc0.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## calculate  the reweighting factor : a bit conservative (?)
        #  this is the only important line
        # =====================================================================

        #  try to exploit finer binning if/when possible
        hboth = isinstance(hmc, ROOT.TH1) and isinstance(hdata, ROOT.TH1)

        if   hboth and 1 == hmc.dim () and 1 == hdata.dim () and \
               len ( hmc ) >= len( hdata ) :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
        elif hboth and 2 == hmc.dim () and 2 == hdata.dim () and \
                 ( hmc.binsx() >= hdata.binsx() ) and \
                 ( hmc.binsy() >= hdata.binsy() ) :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
        elif hboth and 3 == hmc.dim () and 3 == hdata.dim () and \
                 ( hmc.binsx() >= hdata.binsx() ) and \
                 ( hmc.binsy() >= hdata.binsy() ) and \
                 ( hmc.binsz() >= hdata.binsz() ) :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
            w = hdata / hmc  ## NB!

        # =====================================================================
        ## scale & get the statistics of weights
        w /= w.stat().mean().value()
        cnt = w.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        wvar = cnt.rms() / cnt.mean()
        good1 = wvar.value() <= delta
        good2 = abs(mxw - mnw) <= minmax
        good = good1 and good2  ## small variance?

        c2ndf = 0
        for i in w:
            c2ndf += w[i].chi2(1.0)
        c2ndf /= (len(w) - 1)

        ## build  the row in the summary table
        row = address  ,  \
              '%-5.3f/%5.3f' % ( cnt.minmax()[0]    , cnt.minmax()[1] ) , \
              allright ( '+' ) if good2 else attention ( '-' ) , \
              (wvar * 100).toString('%6.2f+-%-6.2f') , \
              allright ( '+' ) if good1 else attention ( '-' ) , '%6.2f' % c2ndf

        ## make plots at the start of  each iteration?
        if make_plots:
            item = ComparisonPlot(what, hdata, hmc, w)

        row = tuple(list(row) + ['%4.3f' % ww if 1 != ww else ''])

        rows[address] = row

        ## make decision based on the variance of weights
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        if (not good) and (not ignore):  ## small variance?
            save_to_db.append((address, ww, hdata0, hmc0, hdata, hmc, w))

        # =====================================================================
        ## make a comparison (if needed)
        # =====================================================================
        if compare: compare(hdata0, hmc0, address)

    active = tuple([p[0] for p in save_to_db])
    nactive = len(active)

    if power and callable(power):
        eff_exp = power(nactive)
    elif isinstance(power, num_types) and 0 < power <= 1.5:
        eff_exp = 1.0 * power
    elif 1 == nactive and 1 < len(plots):
        eff_exp = 0.95
    elif 1 == nactive:
        eff_exp = 1.00
        eff_exp = 1.10 / max(nactive, 1)

    while database and save_to_db:

        entry = save_to_db.pop()

        address, ww, hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight = entry

        cnt = weight.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()

        ## avoid too large or too small  weights
        for i in weight:
            w = weight[i]
            if w.value() < 0.5:
                weight[i] = VE(0.5, w.cov2())
            elif w.value() > 2.0:
                weight[i] = VE(2.0, w.cov2())

        if 1 < nactive and 1 != ww:
            eff_exp *= ww
            logger.info("%s: apply ``effective exponent'' of %.3f for ``%s''" %
                        (tag, eff_exp, address))

        if 1 != eff_exp and 0 < eff_exp:
            weight = weight**eff_exp
            row = list(rows[address])
            row.append('%4.3f' % eff_exp)
            rows[address] = tuple(row)

        with DBASE.open(database) as db:

            db[address] = db.get(address, []) + [weight]

            if debug:
                addr = address + ':REWEIGHTING'
                db[addr] = db.get(addr, []) + list(entry[2:])

        del hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight, entry

    table = [header]
    for row in rows:

    import ostap.logger.table as Table
        '%s, active:#%d \n%s ' %
        (tag, nactive,
         Table.table(table, title=tag, prefix='# ', alignment='lccccccc')))

    cmp_plots = tuple(cmp_plots)
    return (active, cmp_plots) if make_plots else active
コード例 #5
def test_compare_exponentials () :
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (1) and (2)' )
    compare ( h1e , h2e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (1) and (3)' )
    compare ( h1e , h3e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (1) and (4)' )
    compare ( h1e , h4e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (1) and (4) with rescale' )
    compare ( h1e , h4e , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (1) and (5)' )
    compare ( h1e , h5e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (2) and (3) : should be the same!' )
    compare ( h2e , h3e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (2) and (4)' )
    compare ( h2e , h4e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (2) and (4) with rescale' )
    compare ( h2e , h4e , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (2) and (5)' )
    compare ( h2e , h5e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (3) and (4)' ) 
    compare ( h3e , h4e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (3) and (4) with rescale' ) 
    compare ( h3e , h4e , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (3) and (5)' ) 
    compare ( h3e , h5e )
    logger.info( 'Compare exponentials (4) and (5)' ) 
    compare ( h4e , h5e )
コード例 #6
def test_compare_uniforms () :
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (2)' )
    compare ( h1u , h2u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (3)' )
    compare ( h1u , h3u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (4)' )
    compare ( h1u , h4u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (4) with rescale' )
    compare ( h1u , h4u , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (5)' )
    compare ( h1u , h5u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (3) : should be the same!' )
    compare ( h2u , h3u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (4)' )
    compare ( h2u , h4u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (4) with rescale' )
    compare ( h2u , h4u , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (5)' )
    compare ( h2u , h4u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (3) and (4)' ) 
    compare ( h3u , h4u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (3) and (4) with rescale;' ) 
    compare ( h3u , h4u , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (3) and (5)' ) 
    compare ( h3u , h5u )
    logger.info( 'Compare uniforms     (4) and (5)' ) 
    compare ( h4u , h5u )
コード例 #7
def test_compare_gaussians() : 
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (2)' )
    compare ( h1g , h2g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (3)' )
    compare ( h1g , h3g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (4)' )
    compare ( h1g , h4g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (4) with rescale' )
    compare ( h1g , h4g , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (5)' )
    compare ( h1g , h5g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (3) : should be the same!' )
    compare ( h2g , h3g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (4)' )
    compare ( h2g , h4g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (4) with rescale' )
    compare ( h2g , h4g , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (5)' )
    compare ( h2g , h5g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (3) and (4)' ) 
    compare ( h3g , h4g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (3) and (4) with rescale' ) 
    compare ( h3g , h4g , True )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (3) and (5)' ) 
    compare ( h3g , h5g )
    logger.info( 'Compare gaussians    (4) and (5)' ) 
    compare ( h4g , h5g )
コード例 #8
def test_compare_exponentials():
    compare(h1e, h2e, 'Compare exponentials (1) and (2)')
    compare(h1e, h3e, 'Compare exponentials (1) and (3)')
    compare(h1e, h4e, 'Compare exponentials (1) and (4)')
            'Compare exponentials (1) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h1e, h5e, 'Compare exponentials (1) and (5)')
    compare(h2e, h3e, 'Compare exponentials (2) and (3) : should be the same!')
    compare(h2e, h4e, 'Compare exponentials (2) and (4)')
            'Compare exponentials (2) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h2e, h5e, 'Compare exponentials (2) and (5)')
    compare(h3e, h4e, 'Compare exponentials (3) and (4)')
            'Compare exponentials (3) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h3e, h5e, 'Compare exponentials (3) and (5)')
    compare(h4e, h5e, 'Compare exponentials (4) and (5)')
コード例 #9
def test_compare_uniforms():
    compare(h1u, h2u, 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (2)')
    compare(h1u, h3u, 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (3)')
    compare(h1u, h4u, 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (4)')
            'Compare uniforms     (1) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h1u, h5u, 'Compare uniforms     (1) and (5)')
    compare(h2u, h3u, 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (3) : should be the same!')
    compare(h2u, h4u, 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (4)')
            'Compare uniforms     (2) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h2u, h4u, 'Compare uniforms     (2) and (5)')
    compare(h3u, h4u, 'Compare uniforms     (3) and (4)')
            'Compare uniforms     (3) and (4) with rescale;',
    compare(h3u, h5u, 'Compare uniforms     (3) and (5)')
    compare(h4u, h5u, 'Compare uniforms     (4) and (5)')
コード例 #10
def test_compare_gaussians():
    compare(h1g, h2g, 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (2)')
    compare(h1g, h3g, 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (3)')
    compare(h1g, h4g, 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (4)')
            'Compare gaussians    (1) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h1g, h5g, 'Compare gaussians    (1) and (5)')
    compare(h2g, h3g, 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (3) : should be the same!')
    compare(h2g, h4g, 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (4)')
            'Compare gaussians    (2) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h2g, h5g, 'Compare gaussians    (2) and (5)')
    compare(h3g, h4g, 'Compare gaussians    (3) and (4)')
            'Compare gaussians    (3) and (4) with rescale',
    compare(h3g, h5g, 'Compare gaussians    (3) and (5)')
    compare(h4g, h5g, 'Compare gaussians    (4) and (5)')