コード例 #1
ファイル: torsion_application.py プロジェクト: estherlin/ota
 def set_video_path(self):
     Set the path of the video.
     video_path = askopenfilename(initialdir="/",
                                  title="Select Video file",
                                  filetypes=(("AVI files", "*.avi"),
                                             ("all files", "*.*")))
     if video_path:
         self.video = vid.Video(self.video_path.get())
コード例 #2
def corr2d(video_path, verborose=True, **kw):

    # save all results to dictionary
    results = {
        'interp': {
            'full': [],
            'subset': []
        'upsample': {
            'full': [],
            'subset': []
        'standard': {
            'full': [],
            'subset': []

    # get parameters from kw args
    start_frame = kw.get('start_frame', 0)
    end_frame = kw.get('end_frame', -1)
    transform_resolution = kw.get('transform_resolution', 1)
    interp_resolution = kw.get('interp_resolution', 0.1)
    upsample_resolution = kw.get('upsample_resolution', 0.1)
    interp_threshold = kw.get('interp_threshold', 0.3)
    upsample_threshold = kw.get('upsample_threshold', 0)
    interp_start = kw.get('interp_start', 250)
    upsample_start = kw.get('upsample_start', 2500)
    window_length = kw.get('window_length', 50)
    window_height = kw.get('window_height', 30)
    max_angle = kw.get('max_angle', 25)
    pupil_threshold = kw.get('pupil_threshold', 10)
    im_crop = kw.get('im_crop', None) # List of crop indeces of form [row_lower_lim, row_upper_lim, col_lower_lim, col_upper_lim]

    video_name = os.path.basename(video_path)

    # save all results as data objects within in a folder
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
    file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, 'results', video_name, now))

    if not os.path.isdir(file_path):

    # create video object
    video = v.Video(video_path)

    metadata = kw
    # TODO add more?
    metadata['VIDEO_FPS'] = video.fps

    # create the reference windows
    first_frame = video[start_frame]

    # Crop the video frame
    if im_crop is not None:
        first_frame = first_frame[im_crop[0]:im_crop[1], im_crop[2]:im_crop[3]]

    iris_segment_interp = iris_transform(first_frame, Pupil(first_frame, threshold=pupil_threshold), window_height, theta_resolution=transform_resolution)
    iris_segment_upsample = iris_transform(first_frame, Pupil(first_frame, threshold=pupil_threshold), window_height, theta_resolution=upsample_resolution)

    reference_windows = {
        'interp': {
            'subset': iris_segment_interp[:, slice(interp_start,interp_start+window_length)],
            'extend': extend(iris_segment_interp, diff=max_angle)
        'upsample': {
            'subset': iris_segment_upsample[:, slice(upsample_start,upsample_start+int(window_length/upsample_resolution))],
            'extend': extend(iris_segment_upsample, diff=int(max_angle/upsample_resolution))

    if verborose:
        print('Starting batch 2D Cross Correlation with upsample and interpolation ...')
        start_time = time.time()

    for segment in video[start_frame+1:end_frame]:
        # Crop frame
        if im_crop is not None:
            segment = segment[im_crop[0]:im_crop[1], im_crop[2]:im_crop[3]]
        # segment = segment[0:500, 500:1100]

        interp_seg = iris_transform(segment, Pupil(segment, threshold=pupil_threshold), window_height, theta_resolution=transform_resolution)
        upsample_seg = iris_transform(segment, Pupil(segment, threshold=pupil_threshold), window_height, theta_resolution=upsample_resolution)

        # standard method is upsampling with resolution 1
        t_standard_full = xcorr2d(interp_seg, reference_windows['interp']['extend'], 0, resolution=1, threshold=0, torsion_mode='upsample')
        t_standard_subset = xcorr2d(interp_seg, reference_windows['interp']['subset'], interp_start, resolution=1, threshold=-1, torsion_mode='upsample')
        t_interp_full = xcorr2d(interp_seg, reference_windows['interp']['extend'], 0, resolution=interp_resolution, threshold=interp_threshold, torsion_mode='interp')
        t_interp_subset = xcorr2d(interp_seg, reference_windows['interp']['subset'], interp_start, resolution=interp_resolution, threshold=interp_threshold, torsion_mode='interp')
        t_upsample_full = xcorr2d(upsample_seg, reference_windows['upsample']['extend'], 0, resolution=interp_resolution, threshold=interp_threshold, torsion_mode='upsample')
        t_upsample_subset = xcorr2d(upsample_seg, reference_windows['upsample']['subset'], upsample_start, resolution=upsample_resolution, threshold=upsample_threshold, torsion_mode='upsample')


        if verborose:
            print('Elapsed Time: {}s'.format(round(time.time() - start_time,2)), sep=' ', end='\r', flush=True)

    if verborose:
        print('Duration:', time.time() - start_time)

    for method in results:
        for mode in results[method]:
            obj = Data('_'.join((method, mode)), file_path)
            obj.set(results[method][mode], start_frame, metadata)

            if verborose:
                print('Saving {} {} results.'.format(method, mode))
コード例 #3
def interpolation_subset_method(video_path, verborose=True, **kw):

    # get parameters from kw args
    start_frame = kw.get('start_frame', 0)
    end_frame = kw.get('end_frame', -1)
    transform_resolution = kw.get('transform_resolution', 1)
    interp_resolution = kw.get('interp_resolution', 0.1)
    upsample_resolution = kw.get('upsample_resolution', 0.1)
    interp_threshold = kw.get('interp_threshold', 0.3)
    upsample_threshold = kw.get('upsample_threshold', 0)
    interp_start = kw.get('interp_start', 250)
    upsample_start = kw.get('upsample_start', 2500)
    window_length = kw.get('window_length', 50)
    window_height = kw.get('window_height', 30)
    max_angle = kw.get('max_angle', 25)
    pupil_threshold = kw.get('pupil_threshold', 10)
    im_crop = kw.get('im_crop', None) # List of crop indeces of form [row_lower_lim, row_upper_lim, col_lower_lim, col_upper_lim]

    video_name = os.path.basename(video_path)

    # Create dict to temporarily hold important data
    data = {
        'pupil_list' : [],
        'torsion' : [],

    # save all results as data objects within in a folder
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
    file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, 'results', video_name, now))
    if not os.path.isdir(file_path):

    # create video object
    video = v.Video(video_path)

    metadata = kw
    # TODO add more?
    metadata['VIDEO_FPS'] = video.fps

    # create the reference windows
    first_frame = video[start_frame]

    # Crop the video frame
    if im_crop is not None:
        first_frame = first_frame[im_crop[0]:im_crop[1], im_crop[2]:im_crop[3]]

    # Find first frame pupil and populate data lists
    pup = Pupil(first_frame, threshold=pupil_threshold)

    # Create the reference window from the first frame
    iris_segment_interp = iris_transform(first_frame, pup, window_height, theta_resolution=transform_resolution)
    reference_window = iris_segment_interp[:, slice(interp_start,interp_start+window_length)]

    if verborose:
        print('Starting batch 2D Cross Correlation with upsample and interpolation ...')
        start_time = time.time()

    for I in video[start_frame+1:end_frame]:
        # Crop frame
        if im_crop is not None:
            I = I[im_crop[0]:im_crop[1], im_crop[2]:im_crop[3]]

        # find pupil in frame
        pup = Pupil(I, threshold=pupil_threshold)

        # Extract the iris segment
        P = iris_transform(I, pup, window_height, theta_resolution=transform_resolution)

        # Find the torsion
        t = xcorr2d(P, reference_window, interp_start, resolution=interp_resolution, threshold=interp_threshold, torsion_mode='interp')

        if verborose:
            print('Elapsed Time: {}s'.format(round(time.time() - start_time,2)), sep=' ', end='\r', flush=True)

    if verborose:
        print('Duration:', time.time() - start_time)

    # Save results
    obj = Data('_subset_interpolation', file_path)
    obj.set(data['torsion'], start_frame=start_frame, pupil_list=data['pupil_list'], metadata=metadata)

    if verborose:
        print('Saving {} {} results.')