def __str__(self): styler = AnsiColors() rVal = '[%s] run %d (%s)\n' % (styler.color(self.testResult.getSignature(), 'yellow'),, self.testResult.getDateTime().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) rVal += 'Run directory: %s\n' % (styler.color(os.path.join(self.testResult.testDir, 'run/' + str(, 'red')) for k, v in self.dictionary.items(): rVal += ' %s: %s\n' % (self.strings[k], v) return rVal
def __str__(self): styler = AnsiColors() keys = self.filteredResultsDicts[0].dictionary.keys() longestKey = max(map(lambda x: len(x), keys)) rVal = '%s using the %s (%d runs)\n' % (styler.color('Combined results', 'green'), self.method, len(self.filteredResultsDicts)) for k, v in self.combined.items(): rVal += '%s %s\n' % (k.ljust(longestKey), v) return rVal
def __str__(self): styler = AnsiColors() columnWidth = 15 keys = self.filteredResultsDicts[0].dictionary.keys() longestKey = max(map(lambda x: len(x), keys)) testHashes = list(map(lambda x: '%s:%d' % (x.testResult.getSignature()[:8],, self.filteredResultsDicts)) rVal = '%s %s\n' % (''.ljust(longestKey), styler.color(''.join([x.ljust(columnWidth) for x in testHashes]), 'yellow') ) for key in keys: values = list(map(lambda x: x.dictionary[key], self.filteredResultsDicts)) rVal += '%s %s\n' % (key.ljust(longestKey), ''.join([str(x).ljust(columnWidth) for x in values])) return rVal
def __str__(self): styler = AnsiColors() columnWidth = 30 keys = self.filteredResultsDicts[0].combined.keys() longestKey = max(map(lambda x: len(x), keys)) testHashes = list(map(lambda x: x.getTestRunSignatures(), self.filteredResultsDicts)) rVal = '%s %s%s\n' % (''.ljust(longestKey), styler.color(''.join([x.ljust(columnWidth) for x in testHashes]), 'yellow'), styler.color('diff'.ljust(columnWidth), 'yellow') ) for key in keys: values = list(map(lambda x: x.combined[key], self.filteredResultsDicts)) diff = self.filterResultsDictCombinorRight.combined[key] - self.filterResultsDictCombinorLeft.combined[key] rVal += '%s %s%s\n' % (key.ljust(longestKey), ''.join([str(x).ljust(columnWidth) for x in values]), self.diff2str(diff, styler).ljust(columnWidth)) return rVal
def __str__(self): styler = AnsiColors() rVal = '[%s] run %d (%s)\n' % (styler.color(self.testResult.getSignature(), 'yellow'),, self.testResult.getDateTime().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) rVal += 'Run directory: %s\n' % (styler.color(os.path.join(self.testResult.testDir, 'run/' + str(, 'red')) rVal += '\n'.join([str(x) for x in self.filteredList]) return rVal
def Cli(): ver = sys.version_info if ver.major < 2 or (ver.major == 3 and ver.minor < 2) or (ver.major == 2 and ver.minor < 7): print("Python 2.7+ required. %d.%d.%d installed" %(ver.major, ver.minor, ver.micro)) sys.exit(-1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'BSD Page Load Performance Monitor', epilog = '(c) 2011 Blue State Digital') parser.add_argument('-L', '--logging', default='info', help='Turn on debugging output') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Available actions', dest='sub_command') commands = {} commands['run'] = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='Run a series of web page tests.') commands['ls'] = subparsers.add_parser('ls', help='List contents of a directory containing test data.') commands['rm'] = subparsers.add_parser('rm', help='Remove a test.') commands['filter'] = subparsers.add_parser('filter', help='Display a subset of the information about the test data.') commands['list-filters'] = subparsers.add_parser('list-filters', help='List currently available filters.') commands['dev'] = subparsers.add_parser('dev', help='Developer land.') commands['run'].add_argument('-t', '--tests', required=True, help = 'Location of the test specification file') commands['run'].add_argument('-g', '--global-params', help = 'Location JSON document with parameters that are to be attached to every request (e.g. API key)') commands['run'].add_argument('-d', '--results-dir', required = True, default = './pageload_tests', help = 'Directory to save test results to') commands['ls'].add_argument('dir', metavar='DIRECTORY', nargs='?', default = '.', help = 'Directory to be listed.') commands['dev'].add_argument('dir', metavar='DIRECTORY', default = '.', nargs='?', help = 'Directory to be listed.') commands['filter'].add_argument('test', metavar='TEST', nargs='+', help = 'Test to filter, by hash value.') commands['filter'].add_argument('-f', '--filter', required = True, help = 'Filter function to run.') commands['filter'].add_argument('-c', '--compare', action='store_true', help = 'For an aggregate filter, compare results side-by-side instead of listing them one after the other.') commands['filter'].add_argument('-o', '--output-format', action='store', default = 'text', help = 'How to format the output, ie (json, text)') commands['filter'].add_argument('-d', '--diff', action='store_true', help = 'When used with --compare or --combine, the difference between the results is displayed.') commands['filter'].add_argument('-b', '--combine', help = 'For an aggregate filter, combines results using either mean or median.') commands['rm'].add_argument('test', metavar='TEST', nargs='+', help = 'Tests to remove, by hash value.') commands['rm'].add_argument('dir', metavar='DIRECTORY', nargs='?', default = '.', help = 'Directory of tests.') cli = parser.parse_args() logger = getLogger(cli.logging) logger.debug( 'CLI: %s' % (cli) ) if cli.sub_command == 'filter': if and cli.combine: logger.error('--compare and --combine are mutually exclusive') sys.exit(-1) directoryFactory = PageLoadTestDirectoryFactory( PageLoadTestResultsFactory() ) directories ='.') filterFactory = FilterFactory() filteredTestResultsLists = list() for testHash in cli.test: (testResult, directory, runList) = parseTestHash( testHash, directories ) if testResult is None: logger.error('Test hash %s doesn\'t point to a valid test result' % (testHash)) sys.exit(-1) f = filterFactory.create(cli.filter) result = f.filter( testResult, runList ) filteredTestResultsLists.append(result) filteredTestResults = [item for sublist in filteredTestResultsLists for item in sublist] if cli.output_format == "json": for result in filteredTestResults: print(result.asJson()) sys.exit(0) if if not isinstance(filteredTestResults[0], FilterResultsDict): logger.error('--compare is only allowed with aggregate filters (try pageload list-filters)') sys.exit(-1) if cli.diff: if len(filteredTestResults) != 2: logger.error('Specifying --diff requires exactly two test hashes. (e.g. pageload filter <hash1> <hash2> --compare --diff)') sys.exit(-1) diffComparator = FilterResultsDictComparatorDiff( filteredTestResults[0], filteredTestResults[1] ) print(diffComparator) else: comparator = FilterResultsDictComparator( filteredTestResults ) print(comparator) elif cli.combine: if not isinstance(filteredTestResults[0], FilterResultsDict): logger.error('--combine is only allowed with aggregate filters (try pageload list-filters)') sys.exit(-1) if cli.combine not in ['median', 'mean']: logger.error("--combine must specify either 'mean' or 'median'") sys.exit(-1) if cli.diff: if len(filteredTestResultsLists) != 2: logger.error('Specifying --diff requires exactly two test hash sets. (e.g. pageload filter <hash1>:4-7 <hash2>:1-3 --compare --diff)') sys.exit(-1) combinor0 = FilterResultsDictCombinor( filteredTestResultsLists[0], cli.combine ) combinor1 = FilterResultsDictCombinor( filteredTestResultsLists[1], cli.combine ) combinor = FilterResultsDictCombinorDiff(combinor0, combinor1) print(combinor) else: combinor = FilterResultsDictCombinor( filteredTestResults, cli.combine ) print(combinor) else: for result in filteredTestResults: print(result) if cli.sub_command == 'list-filters': for filterName, filterAttributes in FilterFactory.filterMap.items(): print('%s - (type: %s) %s' % (filterName, filterAttributes['type'], filterAttributes['description'])) if cli.sub_command == 'rm': if not os.path.isdir( cli.dir ): logger.error('%s is not a directory' % (cli.dir)) sys.exit(-1) directoryFactory = PageLoadTestDirectoryFactory( PageLoadTestResultsFactory() ) directories = cli.dir ) styler = AnsiColors() for testHash in cli.test: (directory, testResult, runList) = parseTestHash( testHash, directories ) if testResult is None: logger.warning('Test hash %s doesn\'t point to a valid test result' % (testHash)) continue testResult.remove() directory.writeManifest() print( '%s Removed' % (styler.color(testResult.getSignature(), 'yellow')) ) if cli.sub_command == 'ls': if not os.path.isdir( cli.dir ): logger.error('%s is not a directory' % (cli.dir)) sys.exit(-1) directoryFactory = PageLoadTestDirectoryFactory( PageLoadTestResultsFactory() ) directories = cli.dir ) styler = AnsiColors() for directory in directories: print(directory.getName()) for result in directory.getTestResults(): print( ' [%s] %s' % (styler.color(result.getSignature()[:8], 'yellow'), result.getDateTime().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) ) sys.stdout.write('\n') if cli.sub_command == 'dev': directoryFactory = PageLoadTestDirectoryFactory( PageLoadTestResultsFactory() ) directories ='.') # try: x = parseTestHash(cli.dir, directories) print(x) # except Exception as e: # print(e) # sys.exit(-1) if cli.sub_command == 'run': if not os.access(cli.results_dir, os.W_OK): logger.error('Test results directory is not writable.') sys.exit(-1) if os.path.isfile( cli.tests ): try: tests = json.loads( open(cli.tests).read() ) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to load tests file: %s' % (e)) sys.exit(-1) else: logger.error('argument to --tests is not a file') sys.exit(-1) globalParams = None if cli.global_params: if os.path.isfile( cli.global_params ): try: globalParams = json.loads( open(cli.global_params).read() ) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to load global parameters file: %s' % (e)) else: logger.warning('Argument to --global-params is not a file') for requestParams in tests: if globalParams: requestParams['params'] = dict(globalParams.items() + requestParams['params'].items()) requestParams['params']['url'] = requestParams['url'] testFactory = PageLoadTestFactory() directoryFactory = PageLoadTestDirectoryFactory(PageLoadTestResultsFactory()) testDirectory = directoryFactory.load( os.path.join(cli.results_dir, requestParams['name']) ) pageload = testFactory.create(testDirectory, requestParams['url'], requestParams['params']) results = if results is None: logger.warning('Could not acquire test results')