コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, r_rna, temp=37.0):
     self.__r_rna = r_rna.upper()
     self.__runner = NuPackRunner(temp)
     self.__optimal_spacing = 5
     self.__cutoff = 35
コード例 #2
class RbsCalculator(object):
    '''Class for calculating RBS.'''

    def __init__(self, r_rna, temp=37.0):
        self.__r_rna = r_rna.upper()
        self.__runner = NuPackRunner(temp)
        self.__optimal_spacing = 5
        self.__cutoff = 35

    def calc_dgs(self, m_rna, limit=float('inf')):
        ''''Calculates each dg term in the free energy model and sums them to
        create dg_total.'''
        m_rna = m_rna.upper()

        start_positions = []
        dgs = []
        count = 0

        for match in re.finditer(seq_utils.START_CODON_PATT, m_rna,

            start_pos = match.start()
            d_g = self.__calc_dg(m_rna, start_pos)

            count += 1

            if count == limit:

        return start_positions, dgs

    def calc_kinetic_score(self, m_rna, start_pos, dangles='none'):
        '''Gets kinetic score.'''
        sub_m_rna = \
            m_rna[max(0, start_pos - self.__cutoff):min(len(m_rna),
                                                        start_pos +

        _, bp_xs, bp_ys = self.__runner.mfe([sub_m_rna], dangles=dangles)

        largest_range_helix = 0

        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_xs[0], bp_ys[0]):
            if nt_x <= len(sub_m_rna) and nt_y <= len(sub_m_rna):
                val = nt_y - nt_x
                largest_range_helix = max(val, largest_range_helix)

        return float(largest_range_helix) / float(len(sub_m_rna))

    def get_initial_rbs(self, cds, dg_target_rel):
        '''Generates random initial condition for designing a synthetic rbs
        cds = cds.upper()

        dg_range_high = 25.0
        dg_range_low = -18.0

        dg_target_rel = (dg_target_rel - dg_range_high) / \
            (dg_range_low - dg_range_high)
        # 0.0: Low expression
        # 1.0: High expression

        if dg_target_rel < 0.125:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.50
            core_length = 4
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 10
        elif dg_target_rel < 0.250:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.50
            core_length = 4
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 10
        elif dg_target_rel < 0.5:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.75
            core_length = 4
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 10
        elif dg_target_rel < 0.7:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.75
            core_length = 4
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 5
        elif dg_target_rel < 0.8:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.75
            core_length = 6
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 5
        elif dg_target_rel < 0.9:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.90
            core_length = 6
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 5
        elif dg_target_rel < 0.95:
            prob_shine_delgano = 0.90
            core_length = 8
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 3
            prob_shine_delgano = 1.0
            core_length = 9
            max_nonoptimal_spacing = 2

        shine_delgano = Seq(self.__r_rna).reverse_complement()

        return self.__get_random_rbs(shine_delgano,

    def __calc_dg(self, m_rna, start_pos):
        '''Calculates dG.'''
        # Set dangles based on length between 5' end of m_rna and start codon:
        if start_pos > MAX_RBS_LENGTH:
            dangles = 'none'
            dangles = 'all'

        # Start codon energy:
        start_codon_energies = {'ATG': -1.194, 'GTG': -0.0748, 'TTG': -0.0435,
                                'CTG': -0.03406}
        dg_start = start_codon_energies[m_rna[start_pos:start_pos + 3]]

        # Energy of m_rna folding:
        [dg_m_rna, _, _] = \
            self.__calc_dg_m_rna(m_rna, start_pos, dangles)

        # Energy of m_rna:r_rna hybridization and folding:
        [dg_m_rna_r_rna, m_rna_subseq, bp_x, bp_y, energy_before] = \
            self.__calc_dg_m_rna_r_rna(m_rna, start_pos, dangles)

        # Standby site correction:
        dg_standby = self.__calc_dg_standby_site(m_rna_subseq, bp_x,
                                                 bp_y, energy_before,

        # Total energy is m_rna:r_rna + start - r_rna - m_rna - standby_site:
        return dg_m_rna_r_rna + dg_start - dg_m_rna - dg_standby

    def __calc_dg_m_rna(self, m_rna, start_pos, dangles='all'):
        '''Calculates the dg_m_rna given the m_rna sequence.'''

        m_rna_subseq = \
            m_rna[max(0, start_pos - self.__cutoff):min(len(m_rna),
                                                        start_pos +

        energies, bp_xs, bp_ys = self.__runner.mfe([m_rna_subseq],
        return energies[0], bp_xs[0], bp_ys[0]

    def __calc_dg_m_rna_r_rna(self, m_rna, start_pos, dangles):
        '''Calculates the dg_m_rna_r_rna from the m_rna and r_rna sequence.
        Considers all feasible 16S r_rna binding sites and includes the effects
        of non-optimal spacing.'''
        energy_cutoff = 3.0

        # Footprint of the 30S complex that prevents formation of secondary
        # structures downstream of the start codon. Here, we assume that the
        # entire post-start RNA sequence does not form secondary structures
        # once the 30S complex has bound.
        footprint = 1000

        begin = max(0, start_pos - self.__cutoff)
        m_rna_len = min(len(m_rna), start_pos + self.__cutoff)
        start_pos_in_subsequence = min(start_pos, self.__cutoff)
        startpos_to_end_len = m_rna_len - start_pos_in_subsequence - begin

        # 1. identify a list of r_rna-binding sites. Binding sites are
        # hybridizations between the m_rna and r_rna and can include
        # mismatches, bulges, etc. Intra-molecular folding is also allowed
        # within the m_rna.
        # The subopt program is used to generate a list of optimal & suboptimal
        # binding sites.
        # Constraints: the entire r_rna-binding site must be upstream of the
        # start codon
        m_rna_subseq = m_rna[begin:start_pos]

        if len(m_rna_subseq) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Warning: There is a leaderless start codon, ' +
                             'which is being ignored.')

        # print 'After exception'

        energies, bp_xs, bp_ys = self.__runner.subopt([m_rna_subseq,

        if len(bp_xs) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'Warning: The 16S r_rna has no predicted binding site. ' +
                'Start codon is considered as leaderless and ignored.')

        # 2. Calculate dg_spacing for each 16S r_rna binding site

        # Calculate the aligned spacing for each binding site in the list
        aligned_spacing = []
        for (bp_x, bp_y) in zip(bp_xs,
                                            bp_x, bp_y))

        dg_spacing_list = []
        dg_m_rna_r_rna = []
        dg_m_rna_r_rna_spacing = []

        # Calculate dg_spacing using aligned spacing value. Add it to
        # dg_m_rna_r_rna.
        for counter in range(len(bp_xs)):
            val = self.__calc_dg_spacing(aligned_spacing[counter])
                val + energies[counter])

        # 3. Find 16S r_rna binding site that minimizes
        # dg_spacing+dg_m_rna_r_rna.
        index = dg_m_rna_r_rna_spacing.index(min(dg_m_rna_r_rna_spacing))
        dg_spacing_final = dg_spacing_list[index]

        # Check: Is the dg spacing large compared to the energy gap? If so,
        # this means the list of suboptimal 16S r_rna binding sites generated
        # by subopt is too short.
        # if dg_spacing_final > energy_cutoff:
        # print 'Warning: The spacing penalty is greater than the ' + \
        #    'energy gap. dg (spacing) = ', dg_spacing_final

        # 4. Identify the 5' and 3' ends of the identified 16S r_rna binding
        # site. Create a base pair list.

        most_5p_m_rna = float('inf')
        most_3p_m_rna = -float('inf')

        # Generate a list of r_rna-m_rna base paired nucleotides
        bp_x_target = []
        bp_y_target = []

        bp_x = bp_xs[index]
        bp_y = bp_ys[index]
        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x, bp_y):
            if nt_y > len(m_rna_subseq):  # nt is r_rna
                most_5p_m_rna = min(most_5p_m_rna, bp_x[bp_y.index(nt_y)])
                most_3p_m_rna = max(most_3p_m_rna, bp_x[bp_y.index(nt_y)])

        # The r_rna-binding site is between the nucleotides at positions
        # most_5p_m_rna and most_3p_m_rna
        # Now, fold the pre-sequence, r_rna-binding-sequence and post-sequence
        # separately. Take their base pairings and combine them together.
        # Calculate the total energy. For secondary structures, this splitting
        # operation is allowed.

        # We postulate that not all of the post-sequence can form secondary
        # structures. Once the 30S complex binds to the m_rna, it prevents the
        # formation of secondary structures that are mutually exclusive with
        # ribosome binding. We define self.footprint to be the length of the
        # 30S complex footprint. Here, we assume that the entire m_rna sequence
        # downstream of the 16S r_rna binding site can not form secondary
        # structures.

        m_rna_pre = m_rna[begin:begin + most_5p_m_rna - 1]
        post_window_end = m_rna_len + 1
        post_window_begin = min(
            start_pos + footprint, post_window_end)  # Footprint
        post_window_end = m_rna_len + 1
        m_rna_post = m_rna[post_window_begin:post_window_end]

        total_bp_x = []
        total_bp_y = []

        # Calculate pre-sequence folding
        if len(m_rna_pre) > 0:
            _, bp_xs, bp_ys = self.__runner.mfe([m_rna_pre], dangles=dangles)
            bp_x_pre = bp_xs[0]
            bp_y_pre = bp_ys[0]

            bp_x_pre = []
            bp_y_pre = []

        # Add pre-sequence base pairings to total base pairings
        offset = 0  # Begins at 0
        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x_pre, bp_y_pre):
            total_bp_x.append(nt_x + offset)
            total_bp_y.append(nt_y + offset)

        # Add r_rna-binding site base pairings to total base pairings
        offset = 0  # Begins at zero
        if startpos_to_end_len < self.__cutoff:
            r_rna_offset = startpos_to_end_len
            r_rna_offset = startpos_to_end_len

        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x_target, bp_y_target):
            total_bp_x.append(nt_x + offset)
            total_bp_y.append(nt_y + r_rna_offset)

        # Calculate post-sequence folding
        if len(m_rna_post) > 0:
            _, bp_xs, bp_ys = self.__runner.mfe([m_rna_post], dangles=dangles)
            bp_x_post = bp_xs[0]
            bp_y_post = bp_ys[0]
            bp_x_post = []
            bp_y_post = []

        offset = post_window_begin - begin
        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x_post, bp_y_post):
            total_bp_x.append(nt_x + offset)
            total_bp_y.append(nt_y + offset)

        m_rna_subseq = m_rna[begin:m_rna_len]

        total_energy = self.__runner.energy([m_rna_subseq, self.__r_rna],
                                            total_bp_x, total_bp_y,

        total_energy_withspacing = total_energy + dg_spacing_final

        return (total_energy_withspacing, m_rna_subseq, total_bp_x, total_bp_y,

    def __calc_dg_spacing(self, aligned_spacing):
        '''Calculates the dG_spacing according to the value of the aligned
        spacing. This relationship was determined through experiments.'''
        d_s = aligned_spacing - self.__optimal_spacing

        if aligned_spacing < self.__optimal_spacing:
            dg_spacing_penalty = 12.2 / \
                (1.0 + math.exp(2.5 * (d_s + 2.0))) ** 3.0
            dg_spacing_penalty = 0.048 * d_s * d_s + 0.24 * d_s

        return dg_spacing_penalty

    def __calc_dg_standby_site(self, m_rna, bp_x, bp_y, energy_before,
        '''Calculates the dg of standby given the structure of the m_rna:r_rna

        # To calculate the mfe structure while disallowing base pairing at the
        # standby site, we split the folded m_rna sequence into three parts:
        # (i) a pre-sequence (before the standby site) that can fold; (ii) the
        # standby site, which can not fold; (iii) the 16S r_rna binding site
        # and downstream sequence, which has been previously folded.
        standby_site_length = 4

        # Identify the most 5p m_rna nt that is bound to r_rna
        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x, bp_y):
                # nt_x is m_rna, nt_y is r_rna, they are bound.
            if nt_x <= len(m_rna) and nt_y > len(m_rna):
                most_5p_m_rna = nt_x  # starts counting from 0

        # Extract the base pairings that are 3' of the most_5p_m_rna base
        # pairing
        bp_x_3p = []
        bp_y_3p = []
        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x, bp_y):
            if nt_x >= most_5p_m_rna:

        # Create the m_rna subsequence
        m_rna_subsequence = m_rna[
            0:max(0, most_5p_m_rna - standby_site_length - 1)]

        # Fold it and extract the base pairings
        if len(m_rna_subsequence) > 0:
            _, bp_xs, bp_ys = self.__runner.mfe(
                [m_rna_subsequence], dangles=dangles)
            bp_x_5p = bp_xs[0]  # [0] added 12/13/07
            bp_y_5p = bp_ys[0]
            bp_x_5p = []
            bp_y_5p = []

        # Put the sets of base pairings together
        bp_x_after = []
        bp_y_after = []

        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x_5p, bp_y_5p):

        for (nt_x, nt_y) in zip(bp_x_3p, bp_y_3p):

        # Calculate its energy
        energy_after = self.__runner.energy([m_rna, self.__r_rna],
                                            bp_x_after, bp_y_after,

        d_g = energy_before - energy_after

        if d_g > 0.0:
            d_g = 0.0

        return d_g

    def __get_random_rbs(self, shine_delgano, prob_shine_delgano, core_length,
        '''Generates a random rbs sequence tailored towards the target
        translation  initiation rate.'''
        pre_length = 25
        rbs = [random.choice(seq_utils.NUCLEOTIDES) for _ in range(pre_length)]

        # Choose core_length nucleotides.
        # Choose from the SD sequence with probability prob_shine_delgano
        # Choose from non-SD sequence with probability
        # (1 - prob_shine_delgano) / 3
        # The beginning/end of the core_length wrt to the SD sequence is
        # uniformly randomly determined.

        # core_length can't be greater then shine_delgano length:
        core_length = min(len(shine_delgano), core_length)
        diff = len(shine_delgano) - core_length
        begin = int(random.random() * diff)

        for i in range(core_length):
            if random.random() < prob_shine_delgano:
                rbs.append(shine_delgano[begin + i])
                choices = list(seq_utils.NUCLEOTIDES)
                choices.remove(shine_delgano[begin + i])

        offset = diff - begin

        spacing = random.choice(range(max(
            0, offset + self.__optimal_spacing - max_nonoptimal_spacing),
            offset + self.__optimal_spacing + max_nonoptimal_spacing))

                    for _ in range(spacing)])

        if len(rbs) > MAX_RBS_LENGTH:
            rbs = rbs[len(rbs) - MAX_RBS_LENGTH:len(rbs) + 1]

        return ''.join(rbs)

    def __calc_aligned_spacing(self, m_rna, start_pos, bp_x, bp_y):
        '''Calculates the aligned spacing between the 16S r_rna binding site and
        the start codon.'''

        # r_rna is the concatenated at the end of the sequence in 5' to 3'
        # direction first: identify the farthest 3' nt in the r_rna that binds
        # to the mRNA and return its mRNA base pairer
        seq_len = len(m_rna) + len(self.__r_rna)

        for r_rna_nt in range(seq_len, seq_len - len(self.__r_rna), -1):
            if r_rna_nt in bp_y:
                r_rna_pos = bp_y.index(r_rna_nt)
                if bp_x[r_rna_pos] < start_pos:
                    farthest_3_prime_r_rna = r_rna_nt - len(m_rna)
                    m_rna_nt = bp_x[r_rna_pos]

                    # start_pos is counting starting from 0 (python)
                    distance_to_start = start_pos - m_rna_nt + 1
                    return distance_to_start - farthest_3_prime_r_rna

        return float('inf')