def __init__(self, crosscat_engine_type='local', **kwargs): self.backend = get_CrossCatClient(crosscat_engine_type, **kwargs) self.persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer()
class Engine(object): def __init__(self, crosscat_engine_type='local', **kwargs): self.backend = get_CrossCatClient(crosscat_engine_type, **kwargs) self.persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer() def start_from_scratch(self): self.persistence_layer.start_from_scratch() return 'Started db from scratch.' def drop_btable(self, tablename): """Delete table by tablename.""" return self.persistence_layer.drop_btable(tablename) def list_btables(self): """Return names of all btables.""" return self.persistence_layer.list_btables() def delete_chain(self, tablename, chain_index): """Delete one chain.""" return self.persistence_layer.delete_chain(tablename) def update_datatypes(self, tablename, mappings): """ mappings is a dict of column name to 'continuous', 'multinomial', or an int, which signifies multinomial of a specific type. TODO: FIX HACKS. Current works by reloading all the data from csv, and it ignores multinomials' specific number of outcomes. Also, disastrous things may happen if you update a schema after creating models. """ max_chainid = self.persistence_layer.get_max_chain_id(tablename) if max_chainid is not None: return 'Error: cannot update datatypes after models have already been created. Please create a new table.' # First, get existing cctypes, and T, M_c, and M_r. cctypes = self.persistence_layer.get_cctypes(tablename) m_c, m_r, t = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) # Now, update cctypes, T, M_c, and M_r for col, mapping in mappings.items(): ## TODO: fix this hack! See method's docstring. if type(mapping) == int: mapping = 'multinomial' cctypes[m_c['name_to_idx'][col]] = mapping t, m_r, m_c, header = du.read_data_objects(csv_abs_path, cctypes=cctypes) # Now, put cctypes, T, M_c, and M_r back into the DB self.persistence_layer.update_cctypes(tablename, cctypes) self.persistence_layer.update_metadata_and_table( tablename, M_r, M_c, T) colnames = [ m_c['idx_to_name'][str(idx)] for idx in range(len(m_c['idx_to_name'])) ] return dict(columns=colnames, data=[cctypes], message='Updated schema:\n') def _guess_schema(self, header, values, crosscat_column_types, colnames): """Guess the schema. Complete the given crosscat_column_types, which may have missing data, into cctypes Also make the corresponding postgres column types.""" postgres_coltypes = [] cctypes = [] column_data_lookup = dict(zip(header, numpy.array(values).T)) have_column_tpes = type(crosscat_column_types) == dict for colname in colnames: if have_column_tpes and colname in crosscat_column_types: cctype = crosscat_column_types[colname] else: column_data = column_data_lookup[colname] cctype = du.guess_column_type(column_data) # cctype = 'continuous' cctypes.append(cctype) if cctype == 'ignore': postgres_coltypes.append('varchar(1000)') elif cctype == 'continuous': postgres_coltypes.append('float8') elif cctype == 'multinomial': postgres_coltypes.append('varchar(1000)') return postgres_coltypes, cctypes def create_btable(self, tablename, csv, crosscat_column_types): """Upload a csv table to the predictive db. Crosscat_column_types must be a dictionary mapping column names to either 'ignore', 'continuous', or 'multinomial'. Not every column name must be present in the dictionary: default is continuous.""" # First, test if table with this name already exists, and fail if it does if self.persistence_layer.check_if_table_exists(tablename): raise Exception('Error: btable with that name already exists.') csv_abs_path = self.persistence_layer.write_csv(tablename, csv) # Parse column names to create table csv = csv.replace('\r', '') colnames = csv.split('\n')[0].split(',') # Guess schema and create table header, values = du.read_csv(csv_abs_path, has_header=True) postgres_coltypes, cctypes = self._guess_schema( header, values, crosscat_column_types, colnames) self.persistence_layer.create_btable_from_csv(tablename, csv_abs_path, cctypes, postgres_coltypes, colnames) return dict(columns=colnames, data=[cctypes], message='Created btable %s. Inferred schema:' % tablename) def export_samples(self, tablename): """Opposite of import samples! Save a pickled version of X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, and T.""" X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) return dict(M_c=M_c, M_r=M_r, T=T, X_L_list=X_L_list, X_D_list=X_D_list) def import_samples(self, tablename, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T, iterations=0): """Import these samples as if they are new chains""" result = self.persistence_layer.add_samples(tablename, X_L_list, X_D_list, iterations) if result == 0: return dict(message="Successfully imported %d samples." % len(X_L_list)) else: return dict(message="Error importing samples.") def create_models(self, tablename, n_chains): """Call initialize n_chains times.""" # Get t, m_c, and m_r, and tableid M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) max_chainid = self.persistence_layer.get_max_chain_id(tablename) # Call initialize on backend states_by_chain = list() args_dict = dict() args_dict['M_c'] = M_c args_dict['M_r'] = M_r args_dict['T'] = T for chain_index in range(max_chainid, n_chains + max_chainid): x_l_prime, x_d_prime = self.backend.initialize(M_c, M_r, T) states_by_chain.append((x_l_prime, x_d_prime)) # Insert results into persistence layer self.persistence_layer.insert_models(tablename, states_by_chain) def analyze(self, tablename, chain_index=1, iterations=2, wait=False): """Run analyze for the selected table. chain_index may be 'all'.""" # Get M_c, T, X_L, and X_D from database M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) if (str(chain_index).upper() == 'ALL'): chainids = self.persistence_layer.get_chain_ids(tablename) print('chainids: %s' % chainids) else: chainids = [chain_index] chainid_iteration_info = list() # p_list = [] for chainid in chainids: iters = self._analyze_helper(tablename, M_c, T, chainid, iterations) chainid_iteration_info.append('Chain %d: %d iterations' % (chainid, iters)) # from multiprocessing import Process # p = Process(target=self._analyze_helper, # args=(tableid, M_c, T, chainid, iterations, self.BACKEND_URI)) # p_list.append(p) # p.start() # if wait: # for p in p_list: # p.join() return dict(message=', '.join(chainid_iteration_info)) def infer(self, tablename, columnstring, newtablename, confidence, whereclause, limit, numsamples, order_by=False): """Impute missing values. Sample INFER: INFER columnstring FROM tablename WHERE whereclause WITH confidence LIMIT limit; Sample INFER INTO: INFER columnstring FROM tablename WHERE whereclause WITH confidence INTO newtablename LIMIT limit; Argument newtablename == null/emptystring if we don't want to do INTO """ # TODO: actually impute only missing values, instead of all values. X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) numrows = len(T) t_array = numpy.array(T, dtype=float) name_to_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'] if '*' in columnstring: col_indices = name_to_idx.values() else: colnames = [colname.strip() for colname in columnstring.split(',')] col_indices = [name_to_idx[colname] for colname in colnames] Q = [] for row_idx in range(numrows): for col_idx in col_indices: if numpy.isnan(t_array[row_idx, col_idx]): Q.append([row_idx, col_idx]) # FIXME: the purpose of the whereclause is to specify 'given' # p(missing_value | X_L, X_D, whereclause) ## TODO: should all observed values besides the ones being imputed be givens? if whereclause == "" or '=' not in whereclause: Y = None else: varlist = [[c.strip() for c in b.split('=')] for b in whereclause.split('AND')] Y = [(numrows + 1, name_to_idx[colname], colval) for colname, colval in varlist] Y = [(r, c, du.convert_value_to_code(M_c, c, colval)) for r, c, colval in Y] # Call backend args_dict = dict() args_dict['M_c'] = M_c args_dict['X_L'] = X_L_list args_dict['X_D'] = X_D_list args_dict['Y'] = Y # givens args_dict['n'] = numsamples counter = 0 ret = [] for q in Q: args_dict['Q'] = q # querys out = self.backend.impute_and_confidence(M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Y, [q], numsamples) value, conf = out if conf >= confidence: row_idx = q[0] col_idx = q[1] ret.append((row_idx, col_idx, value)) counter += 1 if counter >= limit: break imputations_list = [(r, c, du.convert_code_to_value(M_c, c, code)) for r, c, code in ret] ## Convert into dict with r,c keys imputations_dict = defaultdict(dict) for r, c, val in imputations_list: imputations_dict[r][c] = val ret =, columnstring, whereclause, limit, order_by=order_by, imputations_dict=imputations_dict) return ret def select(self, tablename, columnstring, whereclause, limit, order_by, imputations_dict=None): """ Our own homebrewed select query. First, reads codes from T and converts them to values. Then, filters the values based on the where clause. Then, fills in all imputed values, if applicable. Then, orders by the given order_by functions. Then, computes the queried values requested by the column string. One refactoring option: you could try generating a list of all functions that will be needed, either for selecting or for ordering. Then compute those and add them to the data tuples. Then just do the order by as if you're doing it exclusively on columns. The only downside is that now if there isn't an order by, but there is a limit, then we computed a large number of extra functions. """ probability_query = False ## probability_query is True if at least one of the queries is for probability. data_query = False ## data_query is True if at least one of the queries is for raw data. similarity_query = False typicality_query = False mutual_information_query = False M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) ## Create conds: the list of conditions in the whereclause. ## List of (c_idx, op, val) tuples. conds = list() if len(whereclause) > 0: conditions = whereclause.split(',') ## Order matters: need <= and >= before < and > and =. operator_list = ['<=', '>=', '=', '>', '<'] operator_map = { '<=': operator.le, '<':, '=': operator.eq, '>':, '>=': } for condition in conditions: for operator_str in operator_list: if operator_str in condition: op_str = operator_str op = operator_map[op_str] break vals = condition.split(op_str) column = vals[0].strip() ## Determine what type the value is raw_val = vals[1].strip() if utils.is_int(raw_val): val = int(raw_val) elif utils.is_float(raw_val): val = float(raw_val) else: ## val could have matching single or double quotes, which we can safely eliminate ## with the following safe (string literal only) implementation of eval val = ast.literal_eval(raw_val).lower() c_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'][column] conds.append((c_idx, op, val)) ## Iterate through the columnstring portion of the input, and generate the query list. ## queries is a list of (query_type, query) tuples, where query_type is: row_id, column, probability, similarity. ## For row_id: query is ignored (so it is None). ## For column: query is a c_idx. ## For probability: query is a (c_idx, value) tuple. ## For similarity: query is a (target_row_id, target_column) tuple. ## ## TODO: Special case for SELECT *: should this be refactored to support selecting * as well as other functions? if '*' in columnstring: query_colnames = [] queries = [] data_query = True for idx in range(len(M_c['name_to_idx'].keys())): queries.append(('column', idx)) query_colnames.append(M_c['idx_to_name'][str(idx)]) else: query_colnames = [ colname.strip() for colname in utils.column_string_splitter(columnstring) ] queries = [] for idx, colname in enumerate(query_colnames): ## Check if probability query prob_match = r""" probability\s* \(\s* (?P<column>[^\s]+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>[^\s]+) \s*\) """, colname, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) if prob_match: column ='column') c_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'][column] value ='value') if utils.is_int(value): value = int(value) elif utils.is_float(value): value = float(value) ## TODO: need to escape strings here with ast.eval... call? queries.append(('probability', (c_idx, value))) probability_query = True continue ## Check if similarity query similarity_match = r""" similarity\s+to\s+ (?P<rowid>[^\s]+) (\s+with\s+respect\s+to\s+(?P<column>[^\s]+))? """, colname, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) ## Try 2nd type of similarity syntax. Add "contextual similarity" for when cols are present? if not similarity_match: similarity_match = r""" similarity_to\s*\(\s* (?P<rowid>[^,]+) (\s*,\s*(?P<column>[^\s]+)\s*)? \s*\) """, colname, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) if similarity_match: rowid ='rowid').strip() if utils.is_int(rowid): target_row_id = int(rowid) else: ## Instead of specifying an integer for rowid, you can specify a where clause. where_vals = rowid.split('=') where_colname = where_vals[0] where_val = where_vals[1] if type(where_val) == str or type( where_val) == unicode: where_val = ast.literal_eval(where_val) ## Look up the row_id where this column has this value! c_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'][where_colname.lower()] for row_id, T_row in enumerate(T): row_values = utils.convert_row(T_row, M_c) if row_values[c_idx] == where_val: target_row_id = row_id break if'column'): target_column = 'column').strip() else: target_column = None queries.append( ('similarity', (target_row_id, target_column))) similarity_query = True continue ## Check if row structural anomalousness/typicality query row_typicality_match = r""" row_typicality """, colname, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) if row_typicality_match: queries.append(('row_typicality', None)) typicality_query = True continue ## Check if col structural typicality/typicality query col_typicality_match = r""" col_typicality\s*\(\s* (?P<column>[^\s]+) \s*\) """, colname, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) if col_typicality_match: colname ='column').strip() queries.append( ('col_typicality', M_c['name_to_idx'][colname])) typicality_query = True continue ## Check if predictive probability query ## TODO: demo (last priority) ## Check if mutual information query - AGGREGATE mutual_information_match = r""" mutual_information\s*\(\s* (?P<col1>[^\s]+) \s*,\s* (?P<col2>[^\s]+) \s*\) """, colname, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) if mutual_information_match: col1 ='col1') col2 ='col2') queries.append( ('mutual_information', (M_c['name_to_idx'][col1], M_c['name_to_idx'][col2]))) mutual_information_query = True continue ## If none of above query types matched, then this is a normal column query. queries.append(('column', M_c['name_to_idx'][colname])) data_query = True ## Always return row_id as the first column. query_colnames = ['row_id'] + query_colnames queries = [('row_id', None)] + queries ## Helper function that applies WHERE conditions to row, returning True if row satisfies where clause. def is_row_valid(idx, row): for (c_idx, op, val) in conds: if type(row[c_idx]) == str or type(row[c_idx]) == unicode: return op(row[c_idx].lower(), val) else: return op(row[c_idx], val) return True ## If probability query: get latent states, and simple predictive probability givens (Y). ## TODO: Pretty sure this is the wrong way to get Y. if probability_query or similarity_query or order_by or typicality_query or mutual_information_query: X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) Y = None #if probability_query: #if whereclause=="" or '=' not in whereclause: #Y = None ''' else: varlist = [[c.strip() for c in b.split('=')] for b in whereclause.split('AND')] Y = [(numrows+1, name_to_idx[colname], colval) for colname, colval in varlist] # map values to codes Y = [(r, c, du.convert_value_to_code(M_c, c, colval)) for r,c,colval in Y] ''' ## If there are only aggregate values, then only return one row. ## TODO: is this actually right? Or is probability also a function of row? If so: get rid of this. aggregates_only = reduce(lambda v,q: (q[0] == 'probability' or \ q[0] == 'col_typicality' or \ q[0] == 'mutual_information') and v, queries[1:], True) if aggregates_only: limit = 1 ## Iterate through all rows of T, convert codes to values, filter by all predicates in where clause, ## and fill in imputed values. filtered_values = list() for row_id, T_row in enumerate(T): row_values = utils.convert_row( T_row, M_c) ## Convert row from codes to values if is_row_valid(row_id, row_values): ## Where clause filtering. if imputations_dict and len(imputations_dict[row_id]) > 0: ## Fill in any imputed values. for col_idx, value in imputations_dict[row_id].items(): row_values = list(row_values) row_values[col_idx] = '*' + str(value) row_values = tuple(row_values) filtered_values.append((row_id, row_values)) ## Apply order by, if applicable. if order_by: ## Step 1: get appropriate functions. Examples are 'column' and 'similarity'. function_list = list() for orderable in order_by: function_name, args_dict = orderable args_dict['M_c'] = M_c args_dict['X_L_list'] = X_L_list args_dict['X_D_list'] = X_D_list args_dict['T'] = T ## TODO: use something more understandable and less brittle than getattr here. method = getattr(self, '_get_%s_function' % function_name) argnames = inspect.getargspec(method)[0] args = [ args_dict[argname] for argname in argnames if argname in args_dict ] function = method(*args) if args_dict['desc']: function = lambda row_id, data_values: -1 * function( row_id, data_values) function_list.append(function) ## Step 2: call order by. filtered_values = self._order_by(filtered_values, function_list) ## Now: generate result set by getting the desired elements of each row, iterating through queries. data = [] row_count = 0 for row_id, row_values in filtered_values: ret_row = [] for (query_type, query) in queries: if query_type == 'row_id': ret_row.append(row_id) elif query_type == 'column': col_idx = query val = row_values[col_idx] ret_row.append(val) elif query_type == 'probability': c_idx, value = query if M_c['column_metadata'][c_idx]['code_to_value']: val = float(M_c['column_metadata'][c_idx] ['code_to_value'][str(value)]) else: val = value Q = [(len(X_D_list[0][0]) + 1, c_idx, val) ] ## row is set to 1 + max row, instead of this row. prob = math.exp( self.backend.simple_predictive_probability_multistate( M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Y, Q)) ret_row.append(prob) elif query_type == 'similarity': target_row_id, target_column = query sim = self.backend.similarity(M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, row_id, target_row_id, target_column) ret_row.append(sim) elif query_type == 'row_typicality': anom = self.backend.row_structural_typicality( X_L_list, X_D_list, row_id) ret_row.append(anom) elif query_type == 'col_typicality': c_idx = query anom = self.backend.column_structural_typicality( X_L_list, c_idx) ret_row.append(anom) elif query_type == 'predictive_probability': c_idx = query ## WARNING: this backend call doesn't work for multinomial ## TODO: need to test Q = [(row_id, c_idx, du.convert_value_to_code(M_c, c_idx, T[row_id][c_idx]))] Y = [] prob = math.exp( self.backend.simple_predictive_probability_multistate( M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Y, Q)) ret_row.append(prob) elif query_type == 'mutual_information': c_idx1, c_idx2 = query mutual_info, linfoot = self.backend.mutual_information( M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, [(c_idx1, c_idx2)]) mutual_info = numpy.mean(mutual_info) ret_row.append(mutual_info) data.append(tuple(ret_row)) row_count += 1 if row_count >= limit: break ## Prepare for return ret = dict(message='', data=data, columns=query_colnames) return ret def _get_column_function(self, column, M_c): """ Returns a function of the form required by order_by that returns the column value. """ col_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'][column] return lambda row_id, data_values: data_values[col_idx] def _get_similarity_function(self, target_column, target_row_id, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T): """ Call this function to get a version of similarity as a function of only (row_id, data_values). """ if type(target_row_id) == str or type(target_row_id) == unicode: ## Instead of specifying an integer for rowid, you can specify a where clause. where_vals = target_row_id.split('=') where_colname = where_vals[0] where_val = where_vals[1] if type(where_val) == str: where_val = ast.literal_eval(where_val) ## Look up the row_id where this column has this value! c_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'][where_colname.lower()] for row_id, T_row in enumerate(T): row_values = utils.convert_row(T_row, M_c) if row_values[c_idx] == where_val: target_row_id = row_id break return lambda row_id, data_values: self.backend.similarity( M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, row_id, target_row_id, target_column) def _order_by(self, filtered_values, functions): """ Return the original data tuples, but sorted by the given functions. functions is an iterable of functions that take only data_tuple as an argument. The data_tuples must contain all __original__ data because you can order by data that won't end up in the final result set. """ if len(filtered_values) == 0 or not functions: return filtered_values scored_data_tuples = list() ## Entries are (score, data_tuple) for row_id, data_tuple in filtered_values: ## Apply each function to each data_tuple to get a #functions-length tuple of scores. scores = tuple([func(row_id, data_tuple) for func in functions]) scored_data_tuples.append((scores, (row_id, data_tuple))) scored_data_tuples.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True) return [tup[1] for tup in scored_data_tuples] def simulate(self, tablename, columnstring, newtablename, whereclause, numpredictions, order_by): """Simple predictive samples. Returns one row per prediction, with all the given and predicted variables.""" X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) numrows = len(M_r['idx_to_name']) name_to_idx = M_c['name_to_idx'] # parse whereclause where_col_idxs_to_vals = dict() if whereclause == "" or '=' not in whereclause: Y = None else: varlist = [[c.strip() for c in b.split('=')] for b in whereclause.split('AND')] Y = [] for colname, colval in varlist: if type(colval) == str or type(colval) == unicode: colval = ast.literal_eval(colval) where_col_idxs_to_vals[name_to_idx[colname]] = colval Y.append((numrows + 1, name_to_idx[colname], colval)) # map values to codes Y = [(r, c, du.convert_value_to_code(M_c, c, colval)) for r, c, colval in Y] ## Parse queried columns. colnames = [colname.strip() for colname in columnstring.split(',')] col_indices = [name_to_idx[colname] for colname in colnames] query_col_indices = [ idx for idx in col_indices if idx not in where_col_idxs_to_vals.keys() ] Q = [(numrows + 1, col_idx) for col_idx in query_col_indices] args_dict = dict() args_dict['M_c'] = M_c args_dict['X_L'] = X_L_list args_dict['X_D'] = X_D_list args_dict['Y'] = Y args_dict['Q'] = Q args_dict['n'] = numpredictions out = self.backend.simple_predictive_sample(M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Y, Q, numpredictions) # convert to data, columns dict output format # map codes to original values ## TODO: Add histogram call back in, but on Python client locally! #self._create_histogram(M_c, numpy.array(out), columns, col_indices, tablename+'_histogram') data = [] for vals in out: row = [] i = 0 for idx in col_indices: if idx in where_col_idxs_to_vals: row.append(where_col_idxs_to_vals[idx]) else: row.append(du.convert_code_to_value(M_c, idx, vals[i])) i += 1 data.append(row) ret = {'message': 'Simulated data:', 'columns': colnames, 'data': data} return ret def _create_histogram(self, M_c, data, columns, mc_col_indices, filename): dir = S.path.web_resources_data_dir full_filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) num_rows = data.shape[0] num_cols = data.shape[1] # pylab.figure() # col_i goes from 0 to number of predicted columns # mc_col_idx is the original column's index in M_c for col_i in range(num_cols): mc_col_idx = mc_col_indices[col_i] data_i = data[:, col_i] ax = pylab.subplot(1, num_cols, col_i, title=columns[col_i]) if M_c['column_metadata'][mc_col_idx][ 'modeltype'] == 'normal_inverse_gamma': pylab.hist(data_i, orientation='horizontal') else: str_data = [ du.convert_code_to_value(M_c, mc_col_idx, code) for code in data_i ] unique_labels = list(set(str_data)) np_str_data = numpy.array(str_data) counts = [] for label in unique_labels: counts.append(sum(np_str_data == label)) num_vals = len( M_c['column_metadata'][mc_col_idx]['code_to_value']) rects = pylab.barh(range(num_vals), counts) heights = numpy.array([rect.get_height() for rect in rects]) ax.set_yticks(numpy.arange(num_vals) + heights / 2) ax.set_yticklabels(unique_labels) pylab.tight_layout() pylab.savefig(full_filename) def estimate_pairwise(self, tablename, function_name, filename): X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) M_c, M_r, T = self.persistence_layer.get_metadata_and_table(tablename) return self._do_gen_matrix(function_name, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T, tablename, filename) def estimate_dependence_probabilities(self, tablename, col, confidence, limit, filename, submatrix): X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) return self._do_gen_matrix("dependence probability", X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, tablename, filename, col=col, confidence=confidence, limit=limit, submatrix=submatrix) def gen_feature_z(self, tablename, filename=None, dir=S.path.web_resources_dir): if filename is None: filename = tablename + '_feature_z' full_filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c = self.persistence_layer.get_latent_states( tablename) return self._do_gen_feature_z(X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, tablename, full_filename) def dump_db(self, filename, dir=S.path.web_resources_dir): full_filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) if filename.endswith('.gz'): cmd_str = 'pg_dump %s | gzip > %s' % (dbname, full_filename) else: cmd_str = 'pg_dump %s > %s' % (dbname, full_filename) os.system(cmd_str) return dict(message='Database successfully dumped to %s' % full_filename) def _analyze_helper(self, tablename, M_c, T, chainid, iterations): """Only for one chain.""" X_L_prime, X_D_prime, prev_iterations = self.persistence_layer.get_chain( tablename, chainid) # Call analyze on backend args_dict = dict() args_dict['M_c'] = M_c args_dict['T'] = T args_dict['X_L'] = X_L_prime args_dict['X_D'] = X_D_prime # FIXME: allow specification of kernel_list args_dict['kernel_list'] = () args_dict['n_steps'] = iterations args_dict['c'] = () # Currently ignored by analyze args_dict['r'] = () # Currently ignored by analyze args_dict['max_iterations'] = -1 # Currently ignored by analyze args_dict['max_time'] = -1 # Currently ignored by analyze X_L_prime, X_D_prime = self.backend.analyze(M_c, T, X_L_prime, X_D_prime, (), iterations) self.persistence_layer.add_samples_for_chain( tablename, X_L_prime, X_D_prime, prev_iterations + iterations, chainid) return (prev_iterations + iterations) def _dependence_probability(self, col1, col2, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T): prob_dep = 0 for X_L, X_D in zip(X_L_list, X_D_list): assignments = X_L['column_partition']['assignments'] ## Columns dependent if in same view, and the view has greater than 1 category ## Future work can investigate whether more advanced probability of dependence measures ## that attempt to take into account the number of outliers do better. if (assignments[col1] == assignments[col2]): if len(numpy.unique(X_D[assignments[col1]])) > 1: prob_dep += 1 prob_dep /= float(len(X_L_list)) return prob_dep def _view_similarity(self, col1, col2, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T): prob_dep = 0 for X_L in X_L_list: assignments = X_L['column_partition']['assignments'] if assignments[col1] == assignments[col2]: prob_dep += 1 prob_dep /= float(len(X_L_list)) return prob_dep def _mutual_information(self, col1, col2, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T): t = time.time() Q = [(col1, col2)] ## Returns list of lists. ## First list: same length as Q, so we just take first. ## Second list: MI, linfoot. we take MI. results_by_sample = self.backend.mutual_information( M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Q)[0][0] ## Report the average mutual information over each sample. mi = float(sum(results_by_sample)) / len(results_by_sample) print time.time() - t return mi def _correlation(self, col1, col2, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T): t_array = numpy.array(T, dtype=float) correlation, p_value = pearsonr(t_array[:, col1], t_array[:, col2]) return correlation def _do_gen_matrix(self, col_function_name, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T, tablename='', filename=None, col=None, confidence=None, limit=None, submatrix=False): if col_function_name == 'mutual information': col_function = getattr(self, '_mutual_information') elif col_function_name == 'dependence probability': col_function = getattr(self, '_dependence_probability') elif col_function_name == 'correlation': col_function = getattr(self, '_correlation') elif col_function_name == 'view_similarity': col_function = getattr(self, '_view_similarity') else: raise Exception('Invalid column function') num_cols = len(X_L_list[0]['column_partition']['assignments']) column_names = [ M_c['idx_to_name'][str(idx)] for idx in range(num_cols) ] column_names = numpy.array(column_names) # extract unordered z_matrix num_latent_states = len(X_L_list) z_matrix = numpy.zeros((num_cols, num_cols)) for i in range(num_cols): for j in range(num_cols): z_matrix[i][j] = col_function(i, j, X_L_list, X_D_list, M_c, T) if col: z_column = list(z_matrix[M_c['name_to_idx'][col]]) data_tuples = zip(z_column, range(num_cols)) data_tuples.sort(reverse=True) if confidence: data_tuples = filter(lambda tup: tup[0] >= float(confidence), data_tuples) if limit and limit != float("inf"): data_tuples = data_tuples[:int(limit)] data = [tuple([d[0] for d in data_tuples])] columns = [d[1] for d in data_tuples] column_names = [ M_c['idx_to_name'][str(idx)] for idx in range(num_cols) ] column_names = numpy.array(column_names) column_names_reordered = column_names[columns] if submatrix: z_matrix = z_matrix[columns, :][:, columns] z_matrix_reordered = z_matrix else: return {'data': data, 'columns': column_names_reordered} else: # hierachically cluster z_matrix import hcluster Y = hcluster.pdist(z_matrix) Z = hcluster.linkage(Y) pylab.figure() hcluster.dendrogram(Z) intify = lambda x: int(x.get_text()) reorder_indices = map(intify, pylab.gca().get_xticklabels()) pylab.close() # REORDER! z_matrix_reordered = z_matrix[:, reorder_indices][reorder_indices, :] column_names_reordered = column_names[reorder_indices] title = 'Pairwise column %s for %s' % (col_function_name, tablename) if filename: utils.plot_matrix(z_matrix_reordered, column_names_reordered, title, filename) return dict(matrix=z_matrix_reordered, column_names=column_names_reordered, title=title, filename=filename, message="Created " + title)