コード例 #1
class TinyTablePlus(
    """TinyTablePlus is a product designed to manage a small amount of
tabular data.  It's intended to fill the gap between a Z Table or an Z
SQL Methods accessed SQL table, which are overkill for many tasks, and
folder token properties, which allow only a single "column".  TinyTablePlus
also makes it possible to look up an item within the list, or to return
a subset of the list rows where columns equal particular values.

TinyTablePlus Properties


    *Columns* is a list of one or more column names separated by
    spaces. Columns are string-typed by default, but may optionally
    be integers, long integers, floating-point, or DateTime if the
    column name is suffixed with ':int', ':long', ':float', or ':date'
    or ':datetime' respectively.  ':date' and ':datetime' both store
    Zope DateTime values, but ':date' values are forced to be date-only,
    with no time-of-day information.

    The first column is special. An index will be built on this
    column for "lookup" use (see below). The index built is unique.
    That is, if there are multiple rows with the same first-column
    value, only one row will appear in the index, and only one row
    will be returned from an index query. If this is a problem, use
    a filter on the first row instead (see below).


    The data consists of newline-separated rows containing columns
    separated by commas.  Any input data will be adjusted to conform to
    the column specification.  If the row contains too many columns the
    excess will be trimmed.  If the row contains to few columns, columns
    containing NULL will be added.  String values in a column specified
    to take a number will be replaced by 0.
    The form of values is similar to Python syntax. Strings are enclosed
    in single or double quotes, and backslash escapes are possible.
    Numbers may be entered just as in Python.  Full Python syntax for
    floating point numbers is supported, including exponent notation. 
    Dates and Date-Times are represented by strings in any of the
    formats thet the Zope DateTime class understands.  Missing (NULL)
    may also be given as a value for a cell, by using 'NULL' or 'None',
    or by simply omitting the value (for example, 1,,3' is treated as

    Python comments ('#') and line continuations may also be used.
    Note, however, that once TinyTablePlus extracts the data from the input
    text, the text is thrown away.  When visiting the management edit
    interface again, the text will be regenerated from the stored data.
    Comments, blank lines, line continuations, and such will all be lost
    since they don't alter the data itself.
  Querying a TinyTablePlus

    Assume you have a table named MyTable. It has these properties:


      last first middle n:int x:long

    and the following data::

      "smith", "john", "x", 0, 0L
      "smith", "bob", "x", 0, 0L
      "smith", "bob", "z", 0, 0L
      "jones", "bob", "y", 0, 0L
      "jones", "john", "y", 0, 0L
      "jones", "john", "z", 0, 0L 

    The data can be queried from DTML in several ways:

      Full Query::

        <!--#in MyTable-->

        Iterates through all rows of the TinyTablePlus. Within the
        region contained by 'in' tag, the column names will be
        available as variables and so can be insterted. For
        example on the first iteration, '<!--#var first-->' will
        be replaced with 'john'.

      Index Query::

        <!--#in "MyTable('jones')"-->

        The passed argument will be looked up in the table's
        index of the first column. Because the index is unique,
        either zero (if no matching rows) or one (if any
        matching rows) rows will be iterated through. In this
        case, any *one* of the three rows with a last name of
        'jones' could be returned. The choice of which row is
        returned when multiple rows have the same index value is

      Filter Query::

        <!--#in "MyTable(last='jones')"-->
        <!--#in "MyTable(first='john')"-->
        <!--#in "MyTable(last='jones', middle='y')"-->

        When one or more named arguments is given, a filter
        query is performed. Each argument name must be the name
        of a column, and the corresponding value is compared
        against that column in each row. Only matching rows are
        returned. The first example above, in contrast with the
        index query example, returns *all three* rows where the
        last name is 'jones'.

        While an Index Query operates only on the first column,
        a filter query can operate on any column. In the second
        exmple above, all three rows with the first name 'john'
        are returned.

        Finally, multiple filters may be specified. In this
        case only rows matching all contraints are iterated
        through. In the third example above, only the two rows
        where the last name is 'jones' and the middle initial is
        'y' will be returned.

      Shane's mods:
        There are four new methods, a change in the specification
        of column names, and minor mods throughout.
        These changes make it possible to use
        TinyTablePlus as a small database table, which can be very
        useful in a variety of situations.  It is recommended, however,
        that TinyTablePlus only be used this way when accessed through
        a DatabaseConnector, so that a better implementation can
        be swapped in easily.

        1. setRow(columnName=value, ...)

            setRows allows you to set the data in the table.  If there
            are any 'key' columns, it will try to match the key columns
            and update a row.  If there are no key columns or the
            values in the key are not matched by any row, a new row
            will be added.  See the explanation for key columns below.

        2. delRows(columnName=value, ...)

            Deletes all rows that match the filter.

        3. delAllRows()

            Deletes all rows.

        4. getRows(columnName=value, ...)

            A synonym for the query interface.  Using the getRows()
            method is sometimes easier to read in DTML or Python

        Key columns:

        In a real database, key columns let you specify columns that
        can uniquely identify a record.  If you try to add a row with
        values in the key column that are the same as the corresponding
        values in a row that already exists, the database will reject
        the new row.

        TinyTablePlus takes a less formal approach and only pays
        attention to key columns in the setRow() method.  setRow()
        is a combination of both 'insert' and 'update' operations.
        It tries to find a row with the specified values in the
        key columns, and if found will update that row.  It will
        ignore any other rows that happen to match.

        To specify which columns in the table are key columns,
        add an asterisk after the column name.  For example:

        login* name email birthdate

        A table that uses those column names might have the following

        "joe", "Joe Brown", "*****@*****.**", "10/12/66"
        "eliza", "Eliza Weizenbaum", "*****@*****.**", "1/1/70"

        Because the login column is a key column, the following call:

        setRow(login='******', birthdate='unknown')

        ...would change the table data to:

        "joe", "Joe Brown", "*****@*****.**", "10/12/66"
        "eliza", "Eliza Weizenbaum", "*****@*****.**", "unknown"

        setRow() found a row that matched all specified key
        columns and changed that row rather than add a new row.
        More than one key column is possible.
        The following call:

        setRow(login='******', name='Harry Chaste', birthdate='1/1/00',

        ...would add to the table a new row since there is no
        row with the value of 'harry' in the login column.  The
        table would look like this:

        "joe", "Joe Brown", "*****@*****.**", "10/12/66"
        "eliza", "Eliza Weizenbaum", "*****@*****.**", "unknown"
        "harry", "Harry Chaste", "unknown", "1/1/00"

        Please keep in mind that TinyTablePlus does *not* scale well.
        It is very useful for reference implementations of a database,
        but don't use it in the final version your new e-commerce product.
        I (Shane) have no intention of improving its scaleability
        because that is the need that DatabaseAPI / DatabaseConnector
        (a product which I wrote myself) is intended to address.

    # Specify a name for the item type:
    meta_type = 'TinyTablePlus'

    # Specify a relative URL for the icon used to display icons:
    icon = 'misc_/TinyTablePlus/icon'

    # Specify definitions for tabs:
	{"label":"Properties",  "action":"manage_main"},
	{"label":"Advanced",    "action":"manage_advancedForm"},
        {"label":"View",        "action":"manage_view"},
	{"label":"Security",    "action":"manage_access"},
	{"label":"About",       "action":"manage_about"},

    # Specify how individual operations add up to "permissions":
	('View management screens', ('manage_tabs','manage_main',
	('Change permissions',      ('manage_access',)           ),
	('Change TinyTable',        ('manage_edit','manage_editData',
                                     # Added by Shane:
	('Query TinyTable Data',    ('','index_html','manage_view','getRows')),

    def __init__(self, id, title='', columns=''):
	self.id = id
        self._dataver = 1
	self._SetState(title, columns)

        self._rows = []
        self._index = PersistentMapping()
        # self._n_rows removed by Shane.  Not needed.

        self.class_name_ = self.class_file_ = ""
        self._v_brain = None

    # Provide a "View" interface:
    manage_view = HTMLFile("View", globals())

    # Provide a "About..." interface:
    manage_about = HTMLFile("About", globals())

    # Provide interface for changing properties:
    manage_main=HTMLFile('Edit', globals())
    def manage_edit(self, title, columns, REQUEST=None):
	"""Change item properties

	Note that we return people to our own interface, not to
	the folder we were in before.
        self._SetState(title, columns)

        # make existing data conform to new column specification
        self._rows = map(self._FixRow, self._rows)

        # and regenerte the index, incase the above changed any data

        return self.manage_editedDialog(REQUEST)

    def _SetState(self, title, columns):
	self.title = title

        if self._dataver < 1:
            del self.__dict__['delim_char_']

        self._dataver = 1

    manage_advancedForm = HTMLFile("Advanced", globals())
    def manage_advanced(self, class_name, class_file, REQUEST=None):
        """Change Advanced Settings"""
        self.class_name_, self.class_file_ = class_name, class_file
        self._v_brain = getBrain(self.class_file_, self.class_name_, 1)
        return self.manage_editedDialog(REQUEST)

    def manage_editData(self, data, REQUEST=None):
	"""Change item data"""
        newRows = ImportExport.ImportData(data)
        self._rows = map(self._FixRow, newRows)

        return self.manage_editedDialog(REQUEST)

    def _DigestColumns(self, column_list):
        self._col_index = PersistentMapping()
        self._col_names = []
        self._types = []
        self._items = []
        cols = string.split(column_list)
        # self._key_cols added to facilitate the setRows() method.
        self._key_cols = []

        for col in cols:
            item = PersistentMapping()
            x = string.split(col, ':')
            # Addition by SDH for specification of key_cols.
            x0 = x[0]
            if x0[-1] == '*':
                x0 = x0[0:-1]

            item['name'] = x0
            t = StringValued
            if len(x) > 1:
                if x[1] == 'int':
                    t = IntValued
                elif x[1] == 'long':
                    t = LongValued
                elif x[1] == 'float':
                    t = FloatValued
                elif x[1] == 'datetime':
                    t = DateTimeValued
                elif x[1] == 'date':
                    t = DateValued
            item['type'] = TypeCode(t)

        self.n_cols = len(self._col_names)
        self.index_column = self._col_names[0]

        col_num = 0
        for col in self._col_names:
            self._col_index[col] = col_num
            col_num = col_num + 1

    def _FixRow(self, row):
        # force row to match specified number of columns
        if len(row) > self.n_cols:
            row = row[:self.n_cols]
        elif len(row) < self.n_cols:
            row = row + (self.n_cols - len(row)) * [Missing.Value]

        # Ensure correct types
        newrow = []
        for i in range(0, self.n_cols):
            newrow.append(CoerceType(row[i], self._types[i]))

        return newrow

    def _GenerateIndex(self):
        index = PersistentMapping()
        for i in range(0, len(self._rows)):
            index[self._rows[i][0]] = i
        self._index = index

    def cols_text(self):
        l = []

        for i in range(0, self.n_cols):
            # Modified by SDH for key_cols.
            name = self._col_names[i] + TypeNames[self._types[i]]
            if hasattr(self, '_key_cols') and name in self._key_cols:
                name = name + '*'

        return string.join(l, ' ')
    def data_text(self):
        return ImportExport.ExportData(self._rows)

    def index_html(self):
        """Returns an HTML representation of the TinyTablePlus's data"""

        s = "<table border=1><tr><th>"
        s = s + string.join(self._col_names, "</th>\n<th>") + "</th></tr>\n"
        for row in self._rows:
            s = s + "<tr><td>" + \
                string.join(map(str, row), "</td>\n<td>") + "</td></tr>\n"
        return s + "</table>"

    def _results(self, rows):
        if hasattr(self, '_v_brain'):
            brain = self._v_brain
            brain = self._v_brain = getBrain(self.class_file_, self.class_name_)
        return Results((self._items, rows), brains=brain, parent=None)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
        # print self.id, args, kargs.keys()
        if len(args) == 1:
            if self._index.has_key(args[0]):
                return self._results([self._rows[self._index[args[0]]]])
                return None
        elif len(kargs):
            rf = RowFilter(self, kargs)
            l = []

            for i in range(0, len(self._rows)):
                if rf(self._rows[i]):
            return self._results(l)
            return self._results(self._rows)

    # Convenience method added by Shane.
    getRows = __call__

    # The added methods by Shane Hathaway permit programatic
    # changes of the table contents.
    def delRows(self, *args, **kargs):
        '''Returns the number of rows deleted.
        if len(args) == 1:
            if self._index.has_key(args[0]):
                i = self._index[args[0]]
                if i >= 0:
                    del self._rows[i]
                    return 1
                return 0
        elif len(kargs):
            rf = RowFilter(self, kargs)
            count = 0

            i = 0
            while i < len(self._rows):
                if rf(self._rows[i]):
                    del self._rows[i]
                    count = count + 1
                    i = i + 1
            return count
            return 0  # Don't default to deleting all rows.

    def delAllRows(self):
        '''Deletes all rows.
        count = len(self._rows)
        del self._rows[:]
        return count

    def setRow(self, *args, **kw):
        '''Adds or modifies one row.
        row = None
        willAdd = 0
        if hasattr(self, '_key_cols'):
            key_cols = self._key_cols
            if len(key_cols) > 0:
                # If key_cols is specified, we will try to
                # modify a record that matches the values of
                # the key columns.
                # First create a filter to find the specified
                # row.
                filter = {}
                for key_col in key_cols:
                    index = self._col_index[key_col]
                    if kw.has_key(key_col):
                        # Value specified in keyword args.
                        filter[index] = kw[key_col]
                    elif index < len(args):
                        # Value specified in ordered args.
                        filter[index] = args[index]
                        filter[index] = ''
                # Now find a row that matches the filter.
                for r in self._rows:
                    found = 1
                    for index, val in filter.items():
                        if r[index] != val:
                            found = 0
                    if found:
                        # Modify this row.
                        row = r
        if row is None:
            # Create a new row.
            row = self.n_cols * [Missing.Value]
            willAdd = 1
        # Fill in the ordered arguments.
        for index in range(0, len(args)):
            row[index] = args[index]
        # Fill in the keyword arguments.
        for col_name, val in kw.items():
            if self._col_index.has_key(col_name):
                index = self._col_index[col_name]
                row[index] = val
        if willAdd:
            # Add a new row to the table.
コード例 #2
class PSession( base.Session, Persistent ):
    Keys which are already used in the data dictionary of each session:
        - menuStatus: it is used for knowing if the conference display menu is closed or opened.
        - accessKeys: contains all the access keys entered by the user in this session
        - modifKeys: contains all the modification keys entered by the user in this session

    def __init__(self, request, id):
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        self.user = None
        minfo = info.HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        self._lang = minfo.getLang()
        self.datadict["ActiveTimezone"] = "LOCAL"

    def csrf_token(self):
            return self._csrf_token
        except AttributeError:
            self._csrf_token = str(uuid.uuid4())
            return self._csrf_token

    def reset_csrf_token(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_csrf_token'):
            del self._csrf_token

    def csrf_protected(self):
        """Does the session need CSRF protection?"""
        return self.user is not None

    def has_info (self):
        """has_info() -> boolean

        Return true if this session contains any information that must
        be saved.
        # This flag will indicate when to commit a session
        return getattr(self, '_v_modified', False)

    def setUser( self, newUser ):
        if newUser:
            self._lang = newUser.getLang()
        self.user = newUser
        self._v_modified = True

    def getUser( self ):
        return self.user

    def getId( self ):
        return self.id

    def setVar(self, key, value):
            self.datadict[key] = value
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            self.datadict[key] = value
        self._v_modified = True

    def getVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        return self.datadict.get(key,None)

    def removeVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        if self.datadict.has_key(key):
            del self.datadict[key]
            self._v_modified = True

    def getLang(self):
            if self._lang is None:
                raise Exception("no language")
                Logger.get('i18n').debug('No user language defined. Using %s as default.' % lang)
            self._lang = lang

        return self._lang

    def setLang(self, lang):
        self._lang = lang
        self._v_modified = True

    def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState):
        ZODB Conflict resolution
        Basically, all the atributes are taken from the conflicting
        transaction ("this one"), except for the creation time, which
        is max(T1,T2)

        # Language, user and address are overwritten
        savedState['_lang'] = newState.get('_lang', None)
        savedState['user'] = newState.get('user', None)
        savedState['__remote_address'] = newState.get('__remote_address', None)

        # access time will be the latest

        savedState['__creation_time'] = max(newState.get('__creation_time', 0),
                                            savedState.get('__creation_time', 0))

        return oldState
コード例 #3
class PSession(base.Session, Persistent):
    Keys which are already used in the data dictionary of each session: 
        - currentCategoryId: it is used for knowing which is the category that contains the current conference.
        - menuStatus: it is used for knowing if the conference display menu is closed or opened.
        - accessKeys: contains all the access keys entered by the user in this session
        - modifKeys: contains all the modification keys entered by the user in this session
    def __init__(self, request, id):
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        self.user = None
        minfo = info.HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        #minfo = info.HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        self._lang = minfo.getLang()
        self.setVar("ActiveTimezone", "LOCAL")

    def setUser(self, newUser):
        if newUser:
            self._lang = newUser.getLang()
        self.user = newUser

    def getUser(self):
        return self.user

    def getId(self):
        return self.id

    def setVar(self, key, value):
            self.datadict[key] = value
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            self.datadict[key] = value

    def getVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        return self.datadict.get(key, None)

    def removeVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        if self.datadict.has_key(key):
            del self.datadict[key]

    def getLang(self):
            if self._lang is None:
                raise Exception("no language")
                lang = self.user.getLang()
                lang = "en_US"
                    'No user language defined. Using %s as default.' % lang)
            self._lang = lang

        return self._lang

    def setLang(self, lang):
        self._lang = lang
コード例 #4
ファイル: sessionManagement.py プロジェクト: sylvestre/indico
class PSession(base.Session, Persistent):
    Keys which are already used in the data dictionary of each session:
        - menuStatus: it is used for knowing if the conference display menu is closed or opened.
        - accessKeys: contains all the access keys entered by the user in this session
        - modifKeys: contains all the modification keys entered by the user in this session
    def __init__(self, request, id):
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        self.user = None
        minfo = info.HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        self._lang = minfo.getLang()
        self.datadict["ActiveTimezone"] = "LOCAL"

    def csrf_token(self):
            return self._csrf_token
        except AttributeError:
            self._csrf_token = str(uuid.uuid4())
            return self._csrf_token

    def reset_csrf_token(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_csrf_token'):
            del self._csrf_token

    def has_info(self):
        """has_info() -> boolean

        Return true if this session contains any information that must
        be saved.
        # This flag will indicate when to commit a session
        return getattr(self, '_v_modified', False)

    def setUser(self, newUser):
        if newUser:
            self._lang = newUser.getLang()
        self.user = newUser
        self._v_modified = True

    def getUser(self):
        return self.user

    def getId(self):
        return self.id

    def setVar(self, key, value):
            self.datadict[key] = value
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            self.datadict[key] = value
        self._v_modified = True

    def getVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        return self.datadict.get(key, None)

    def removeVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        if self.datadict.has_key(key):
            del self.datadict[key]
            self._v_modified = True

    def getLang(self):
            if self._lang is None:
                raise Exception("no language")
                lang = self.user.getLang()
                lang = "en_GB"
                    'No user language defined. Using %s as default.' % lang)
            self._lang = lang

        return self._lang

    def setLang(self, lang):
        self._lang = lang
        self._v_modified = True

    def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState):
        ZODB Conflict resolution
        Basically, all the atributes are taken from the conflicting
        transaction ("this one"), except for the creation time, which
        is max(T1,T2)

        # Language, user and address are overwritten
        savedState['_lang'] = newState.get('_lang', None)
        savedState['user'] = newState.get('user', None)
        savedState['__remote_address'] = newState.get('__remote_address', None)

        # access time will be the latest

        savedState['__creation_time'] = max(
            newState.get('__creation_time', 0),
            savedState.get('__creation_time', 0))

        return oldState
コード例 #5
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: mrmaple/open_qon
class HasEmail:
    """Mixin class proving email address(es) and related functions"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.__items = []
        self.__unconfirmed = PersistentMapping()
        self.primary_email = None
    def is_valid_email(cls, email):
        """Class method returns True if email is valid, or False if it should
        be rejected.

        >>> HasEmail.is_valid_email('*****@*****.**')
        >>> HasEmail.is_valid_email('*****@*****.**')
        >>> HasEmail.is_valid_email('*****@*****.**')
        >>> HasEmail.is_valid_email('xyz')
        >>> HasEmail.is_valid_email('abc@xyz@foo')
        global _blocked_domains
        if email.find('@') == -1:
            return False
        if email.count('@') != 1:
            return False
        (username, host) = email.split('@')
        if host in _blocked_domains:
            return False
        return True
    is_valid_email = classmethod(is_valid_email)
    def add_email(self, email):
        """Add email to the list. Adds primary if none set."""
        email = email.lower()
        if email not in self.__items:
            self._p_changed = 1

        if self.primary_email is None:
            self.primary_email = email
    def add_unconfirmed_email(self, email):
        """Add new e-mail that has not yet been confirmed. Call confirm_email to move
        into active list of e-mails.
        Returns confirmation code that must be given to confirm_email to confirm.
        email = email.lower()
        if not self.__unconfirmed.has_key(email):
            self.__unconfirmed[email] = _password_generator.generate(seed=email)
        return self.__unconfirmed[email]
    def remove_unconfirmed_email(self, email):
        email = email.lower()
        if self.__unconfirmed.has_key(email):
            del self.__unconfirmed[email]
    def confirm_email(self, code):
        """Confirm email with the given code, or return False if invalid code."""
        for email, conf_code in self.__unconfirmed.items():
            if conf_code == code:
                del self.__unconfirmed[email]
                return email
        return None
    def remove_email(self, email):
        """Remove an e-mail address from the list. Raises KeyError if only one e-mail address left"""
        email = email.lower()
        if self.__unconfirmed.has_key(email):
            return self.remove_unconfirmed_email(email)
        emails = self.email_list()
        if len(emails) > 1:
            self._p_changed = 1
            if email == self.get_primary_email():
            raise KeyError
    def remove_all_emails(self):
        self.__items = []
        self.primary_email = None
    def has_email(self, email):
        email = email.lower()
        return email in self.__items

    def email_list(self):
        return self.__items
    def unconfirmed_email_list(self):
        return self.__unconfirmed.keys()

    def set_primary_email(self, email):
        email = email.lower()
        if self.has_email(email):
            self.primary_email = email
            raise ValueError("I don't know email <%s>" % email)
    def get_primary_email(self):
        return self.primary_email
    def notify_email_confirmed(self, email):
        """Notice that email was just confirmed."""
    def _consistency_check(self):
        if self.primary_email is not None:
            if self.primary_email not in self.__items:
                raise KeyError, "primary_email not in email list"
        typecheck_seq(self.__items, str, allow_none=1)
コード例 #6
class BaseQuestion(BaseContent):
    """Base class for survey questions"""
    immediate_view = "base_edit"
    global_allow = 0
    filter_content_types = 1
    allowed_content_types = ()
    include_default_actions = 1
    _at_rename_after_creation = True

    def __init__(self, oid, **kwargs):
        BaseContent.__init__(self, oid, **kwargs)

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, 'getAbstract')
    def getAbstract(self, **kw):
        return self.Description()

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setAbstract')
    def setAbstract(self, val, **kw):

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'reset')
    def reset(self):
        """Remove answers for all users."""
        if USE_BTREE:
            self.answers = OOBTree()
            self.answers = PersistentMapping()

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'resetForUser')
    def resetForUser(self, userid):
        """Remove answer for a single user"""
        if self.answers.has_key(userid):
            del self.answers[userid]

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, 'addAnswer')
    def addAnswer(self, value, comments=""):
        """Add an answer and optional comments for a user.
        This method protects _addAnswer from anonymous users specifying a
        userid when they vote, and thus apparently voting as another user
        of their choice.
        # Get hold of the parent survey
        survey = None
        ob = self
        while survey is None:
            ob = ob.aq_parent
            if ob.meta_type == 'Survey':
                survey = ob
            elif getattr(ob, '_isPortalRoot', False):
                raise Exception("Could not find a parent Survey.")
        portal_membership = getToolByName(self, 'portal_membership')
        if portal_membership.isAnonymousUser() and not survey.getAllowAnonymous():
            raise Unauthorized, ("This survey is not available to anonymous users.")
        # Use the survey to get hold of the appropriate userid
        userid = survey.getSurveyId()
        # Call the real method for storing the answer for this user.
        return self._addAnswer(userid, value, comments)

    def _addAnswer(self, userid, value, comments=""):
        """Add an answer and optional comments for a user."""
        # We don't let users over-write answers that they've already made.
        # Their first answer must be explicitly 'reset' before another
        # answer can be supplied.
        # XXX this causes problem when survey fails validation
        # will also cause problem with save function
##        if self.answers.has_key(userid):
##            # XXX Should this get raised?  If so, a more appropriate
##            # exception is probably in order.
##            msg = "User '%s' has already answered this question. Reset the original response to supply a new answer."
##            raise Exception(msg % userid)
##        else:
        self.answers[userid] = PersistentMapping(value=value,
        if not isinstance(self.answers, (PersistentMapping, OOBTree)):
            # It must be a standard dictionary from an old install, so
            # we need to inform the ZODB about the change manually.
            self.answers._p_changed = 1

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, 'getAnswerFor')
    def getAnswerFor(self, userid):
        """Get a specific user's answer"""
        answer = self.answers.get(userid, {}).get('value', None)
        if self.getInputType() in ['multipleSelect', 'checkbox']:
            if type(answer) == 'NoneType':
                return []
        return answer

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, 'getCommentsFor')
    def getCommentsFor(self, userid):
        """Get a specific user's comments"""
        return self.answers.get(userid, {}).get('comments', None)

    security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, 'getComments')
    def getComments(self):
        """Return a userid, comments mapping"""
        mlist = []
        for k, v in self.answers.items():
            mapping = {}
            mapping['userid'] = k
            mapping['comments'] = v.get('comments', '')
        return mlist
コード例 #7
class PSession( base.Session, Persistent ):
    Keys which are already used in the data dictionary of each session: 
        - currentCategoryId: it is used for knowing which is the category that contains the current conference.
        - menuStatus: it is used for knowing if the conference display menu is closed or opened.
        - accessKeys: contains all the access keys entered by the user in this session
        - modifKeys: contains all the modification keys entered by the user in this session
    def __init__(self, request, id):
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id)
        self.user = None
        minfo = info.HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        self.datadict = PersistentMapping() 
        base.Session.__init__(self, request, id) 
        #minfo = info.HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        self._lang = minfo.getLang()        

    def setUser( self, newUser ):
        if newUser:
            self._lang = newUser.getLang()
        self.user = newUser

    def getUser( self ):
        return self.user

    def getId( self ):
        return self.id
    def setVar(self, key, value):
            self.datadict[key] = value
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            self.datadict[key] = value
    def getVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        return self.datadict.get(key,None)

    def removeVar(self, key):
            if self.datadict:
        except AttributeError:
            self.datadict = PersistentMapping()
            return None
        if self.datadict.has_key(key):
            del self.datadict[key]

    def getLang(self):
            if self._lang is None:
                raise Exception("no language")
                Logger.get('i18n').debug('No user language defined. Using %s as default.' % lang)
            self._lang = lang
        return self._lang
    def setLang(self, lang):
        self._lang = lang