コード例 #1
    def _do_photoshop_post_publish(self, work_template, progress_cb):
        Do any Photoshop post-publish work

        :param work_template:   The primary work template used for the publish
        :param progress_cb:     Callback to be used when reporting progress
        import photoshop
        progress_cb(0, "Versioning up the scene file")
        # get the current scene path:
        doc = photoshop.app.activeDocument
        if doc is None:
            raise TankError("There is no currently active document!")
        scene_path = doc.fullName.nativePath
        # increment version and construct new file name:
        progress_cb(25, "Finding next version number")
        fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path)
        next_version = self._get_next_work_file_version(work_template, fields)
        fields["version"] = next_version 
        new_scene_path = work_template.apply_fields(fields)
        # log info
        self.parent.log_debug("Version up work file %s --> %s..." % (scene_path, new_scene_path))
        # rename and save the file
        progress_cb(50, "Saving the scene file")

        import photoshop
        photoshop.save_as(doc, new_scene_path)
コード例 #2
    def _do_photoshop_post_publish(self, work_template, progress_cb):
        Do any Photoshop post-publish work

        :param work_template:   The primary work template used for the publish
        :param progress_cb:     Callback to be used when reporting progress
        import photoshop

        progress_cb(0, "Versioning up the scene file")

        # get the current scene path:
        doc = photoshop.app.activeDocument
        if doc is None:
            raise TankError("There is no currently active document!")
        scene_path = doc.fullName.nativePath

        # increment version and construct new file name:
        progress_cb(25, "Finding next version number")
        fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path)
        next_version = self._get_next_work_file_version(work_template, fields)
        fields["version"] = next_version
        new_scene_path = work_template.apply_fields(fields)

        # log info
        self.parent.log_debug("Version up work file %s --> %s..." %
                              (scene_path, new_scene_path))

        # rename and save the file
        progress_cb(50, "Saving the scene file")

        import photoshop
        photoshop.save_as(doc, new_scene_path)

コード例 #3
    def _do_photoshop_publish(self, task, work_template, comment,
                              thumbnail_path, sg_task, progress_cb, user_data):
        Publish the main Photoshop scene

        :param task:            The primary task to publish
        :param work_template:   The primary work template to use
        :param comment:         The publish description/comment
        :param thumbnail_path:  The path to the thumbnail to associate with the published file
        :param sg_task:         The Shotgun task that this publish should be associated with
        :param progress_cb:     A callback to use when reporting any progress
                                to the UI
        :param user_data:       A dictionary containing any data shared by other hooks run prior to
                                this hook. Additional data may be added to this dictionary that will
                                then be accessible from user_data in any hooks run after this one.

        :returns:               The path to the file that has been published        
        import photoshop

        doc = photoshop.app.activeDocument
        if doc is None:
            raise TankError("There is no currently active document!")

        # get scene path
        scene_path = doc.fullName.nativePath

        if not work_template.validate(scene_path):
            raise TankError(
                "File '%s' is not a valid work path, unable to publish!" %

        # use templates to convert to publish path:
        output = task["output"]
        fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path)
        fields["TankType"] = output["tank_type"]
        publish_template = output["publish_template"]
        publish_path = publish_template.apply_fields(fields)

        if os.path.exists(publish_path):
            raise TankError("The published file named '%s' already exists!" %

        # save the scene:
        progress_cb(0.0, "Saving the scene")
        self.parent.log_debug("Saving the scene...")
        photoshop.save_as(doc, scene_path)

        # copy the file:
        progress_cb(25.0, "Copying the file")
            publish_folder = os.path.dirname(publish_path)
            self.parent.log_debug("Copying %s --> %s..." %
                                  (scene_path, publish_path))
            self.parent.copy_file(scene_path, publish_path, task)
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError("Failed to copy file from %s to %s - %s" %
                            (scene_path, publish_path, e))
コード例 #4
    def _do_photoshop_publish(
        self, task, work_template, comment, thumbnail_path, sg_task,
        progress_cb, user_data
        Publish the main Photoshop scene

        :param task:            The primary task to publish
        :param work_template:   The primary work template to use
        :param comment:         The publish description/comment
        :param thumbnail_path:  The path to the thumbnail to associate with the published file
        :param sg_task:         The Shotgun task that this publish should be associated with
        :param progress_cb:     A callback to use when reporting any progress
                                to the UI
        :param user_data:       A dictionary containing any data shared by other hooks run prior to
                                this hook. Additional data may be added to this dictionary that will
                                then be accessible from user_data in any hooks run after this one.

        :returns:               The path to the file that has been published        
        import photoshop
        doc = photoshop.app.activeDocument
        if doc is None:
            raise TankError("There is no currently active document!")
        # get scene path
        scene_path = doc.fullName.nativePath
        if not work_template.validate(scene_path):
            raise TankError("File '%s' is not a valid work path, unable to publish!" % scene_path)
        # use templates to convert to publish path:
        output = task["output"]
        fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path)
        fields["TankType"] = output["tank_type"]
        publish_template = output["publish_template"]
        publish_path = publish_template.apply_fields(fields)
        if os.path.exists(publish_path):
            raise TankError("The published file named '%s' already exists!" % publish_path)
        # save the scene:
        progress_cb(0.0, "Saving the scene")
        self.parent.log_debug("Saving the scene...")
        photoshop.save_as(doc, scene_path)
        # copy the file:
        progress_cb(25.0, "Copying the file")
            publish_folder = os.path.dirname(publish_path)
            self.parent.log_debug("Copying %s --> %s..." % (scene_path, publish_path))
            self.parent.copy_file(scene_path, publish_path, task)
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError("Failed to copy file from %s to %s - %s" % (scene_path, publish_path, e))
コード例 #5
    def _do_photoshop_post_publish(self, work_template, progress_cb,
        Do any Photoshop post-publish work

        :param work_template:   The primary work template used for the publish
        :param progress_cb:     Callback to be used when reporting progress
        :param user_data:       A dictionary containing any data shared by other hooks run prior to
                                this hook. Additional data may be added to this dictionary that will
                                then be accessible from user_data in any hooks run after this one.
        import photoshop

        progress_cb(0, "Versioning up the scene file")

        # get the current scene path:
        doc = photoshop.app.activeDocument
        if doc is None:
            raise TankError("There is no currently active document!")
        scene_path = doc.fullName.nativePath

        # increment version and construct new file name:
        progress_cb(25, "Finding next version number")
        fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path)
        next_version = self._get_next_work_file_version(work_template, fields)
        fields["version"] = next_version
        new_scene_path = work_template.apply_fields(fields)

        # log info
        self.parent.log_debug("Version up work file %s --> %s..." %
                              (scene_path, new_scene_path))

        # rename and save the file
        progress_cb(50, "Saving the scene file")

        import photoshop
        photoshop.save_as(doc, new_scene_path)

コード例 #6
    def _do_legacy_photoshop_post_publish(self, work_template, progress_cb, user_data):
        Do any Photoshop post-publish work

        :param work_template:   The primary work template used for the publish
        :param progress_cb:     Callback to be used when reporting progress
        :param user_data:       A dictionary containing any data shared by other hooks run prior to
                                this hook. Additional data may be added to this dictionary that will
                                then be accessible from user_data in any hooks run after this one.
        import photoshop
        progress_cb(0, "Versioning up the scene file")
        # get the current scene path:
        doc = photoshop.app.activeDocument
        if doc is None:
            raise TankError("There is no currently active document!")
        scene_path = doc.fullName.nativePath
        # increment version and construct new file name:
        progress_cb(25, "Finding next version number")
        fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path)
        next_version = self._get_next_work_file_version(work_template, fields)
        fields["version"] = next_version 
        new_scene_path = work_template.apply_fields(fields)
        # log info
        self.parent.log_debug("Version up work file %s --> %s..." % (scene_path, new_scene_path))
        # rename and save the file
        progress_cb(50, "Saving the scene file")

        import photoshop
        photoshop.save_as(doc, new_scene_path)
コード例 #7
    def execute(self, operation, file_path, context, parent_action, file_version, read_only, **kwargs):
        Main hook entry point
        :operation:     String
                        Scene operation to perform
        :file_path:     String
                        File path to use if the operation
                        requires it (e.g. open)
        :context:       Context
                        The context the file operation is being
                        performed in.
        :parent_action: This is the action that this scene operation is
                        being executed for.  This can be one of: 
                        - open_file
                        - new_file
                        - save_file_as 
                        - version_up
        :file_version:  The version/revision of the file to be opened.  If this is 'None'
                        then the latest version should be opened.
        :read_only:     Specifies if the file should be opened read-only or not
        :returns:       Depends on operation:
                        'current_path' - Return the current scene
                                         file path as a String
                        'reset'        - True if scene was reset to an empty 
                                         state, otherwise False
                        all others     - None
        p4_fw = self.load_framework(TK_FRAMEWORK_PERFORCE_NAME)
        if operation == "current_path":
            # return the current script path
            doc = self._get_active_document()

            if doc.fullName is None:
                # new file?
                path = ""
                path = doc.fullName.nativePath
            return path

        elif operation == "open":
            # check that we have the correct version synced:
            p4 = p4_fw.connection.connect()
            if read_only:
                ## just sync the file:
                ## (TODO) - move this to the framework
                #path_to_sync = file_path
                #if file_version:
                #    # sync specific version:
                #    path_to_sync = "%s#%s" % (path_to_sync, file_version)
                #    p4.run_sync(path_to_sync)
                #except P4Exception, e:
                #    raise TankError("Failed to sync file '%s'" % path_to_sync)
                # open the file for edit:
                #p4_fw.util.open_file_for_edit(p4, file_path, add_if_new=False, version=file_version)
                p4_fw.util.open_file_for_edit(p4, file_path, add_if_new=False)
            # open the file
            f = photoshop.RemoteObject('flash.filesystem::File', file_path)
        elif operation == "save":
            # save the current script:
            doc = self._get_active_document()
        elif operation == "save_as":
            doc = self._get_active_document()
            # and check out the file for edit:
            p4 = p4_fw.connection.connect()
            p4_fw.util.open_file_for_edit(p4, file_path, add_if_new=False)

            photoshop.save_as(doc, file_path)

        elif operation == "reset":
            # do nothing and indicate scene was reset to empty
            return True
        elif operation == "prepare_new":
            # file->new. Not sure how to pop up the actual file->new UI,
            # this command will create a document with default properties
コード例 #8
    def execute(self, operation, file_path, context, parent_action,
                file_version, read_only, **kwargs):
        Main hook entry point
        :operation:     String
                        Scene operation to perform
        :file_path:     String
                        File path to use if the operation
                        requires it (e.g. open)
        :context:       Context
                        The context the file operation is being
                        performed in.
        :parent_action: This is the action that this scene operation is
                        being executed for.  This can be one of: 
                        - open_file
                        - new_file
                        - save_file_as 
                        - version_up
        :file_version:  The version/revision of the file to be opened.  If this is 'None'
                        then the latest version should be opened.
        :read_only:     Specifies if the file should be opened read-only or not
        :returns:       Depends on operation:
                        'current_path' - Return the current scene
                                         file path as a String
                        'reset'        - True if scene was reset to an empty 
                                         state, otherwise False
                        all others     - None
        p4_fw = self.load_framework(TK_FRAMEWORK_PERFORCE_NAME)

        if operation == "current_path":
            # return the current script path
            doc = self._get_active_document()

            if doc.fullName is None:
                # new file?
                path = ""
                path = doc.fullName.nativePath

            return path

        elif operation == "open":
            # check that we have the correct version synced:
            p4 = p4_fw.connection.connect()
            if read_only:
                ## just sync the file:
                ## (TODO) - move this to the framework
                #path_to_sync = file_path
                #if file_version:
                #    # sync specific version:
                #    path_to_sync = "%s#%s" % (path_to_sync, file_version)
                #    p4.run_sync(path_to_sync)
                #except P4Exception, e:
                #    raise TankError("Failed to sync file '%s'" % path_to_sync)
                # open the file for edit:
                #p4_fw.util.open_file_for_edit(p4, file_path, add_if_new=False, version=file_version)
                p4_fw.util.open_file_for_edit(p4, file_path, add_if_new=False)

            # open the file
            f = photoshop.RemoteObject('flash.filesystem::File', file_path)

        elif operation == "save":
            # save the current script:
            doc = self._get_active_document()

        elif operation == "save_as":
            doc = self._get_active_document()

            # and check out the file for edit:
            p4 = p4_fw.connection.connect()
            p4_fw.util.open_file_for_edit(p4, file_path, add_if_new=False)

            photoshop.save_as(doc, file_path)

        elif operation == "reset":
            # do nothing and indicate scene was reset to empty
            return True

        elif operation == "prepare_new":
            # file->new. Not sure how to pop up the actual file->new UI,
            # this command will create a document with default properties
コード例 #9
    def execute(self, operation, file_path, context, parent_action,
                file_version, read_only, **kwargs):
        Main hook entry point

        :param operation:       String
                                Scene operation to perform

        :param file_path:       String
                                File path to use if the operation
                                requires it (e.g. open)

        :param context:         Context
                                The context the file operation is being
                                performed in.

        :param parent_action:   This is the action that this scene operation is
                                being executed for.  This can be one of:
                                - open_file
                                - new_file
                                - save_file_as
                                - version_up

        :param file_version:    The version/revision of the file to be opened.  If this is 'None'
                                then the latest version should be opened.

        :param read_only:       Specifies if the file should be opened read-only or not

        :returns:               Depends on operation:
                                'current_path' - Return the current scene
                                                 file path as a String
                                'reset'        - True if scene was reset to an empty
                                                 state, otherwise False
                                all others     - None

        if operation == "current_path":
            # return the current script path
            doc = self._get_active_document()

            if doc.fullName is None:
                # new file?
                path = ""
                path = doc.fullName.nativePath

            return path

        elif operation == "open":
            # open the specified script
            f = photoshop.RemoteObject('flash.filesystem::File', file_path)

        elif operation == "save":
            # save the current script:
            doc = self._get_active_document()

        elif operation == "save_as":
            doc = self._get_active_document()
            photoshop.save_as(doc, file_path)

        elif operation == "reset":
            # do nothing and indicate scene was reset to empty
            return True

        elif operation == "prepare_new":
            # file->new. Not sure how to pop up the actual file->new UI,
            # this command will create a document with default properties
コード例 #10
    def execute(self, operation, file_path, context, parent_action, file_version, read_only, **kwargs):
        Main hook entry point
        :param operation:       String
                                Scene operation to perform
        :param file_path:       String
                                File path to use if the operation
                                requires it (e.g. open)
        :param context:         Context
                                The context the file operation is being
                                performed in.
        :param parent_action:   This is the action that this scene operation is
                                being executed for.  This can be one of:
                                - open_file
                                - new_file
                                - save_file_as 
                                - version_up
        :param file_version:    The version/revision of the file to be opened.  If this is 'None'
                                then the latest version should be opened.
        :param read_only:       Specifies if the file should be opened read-only or not
        :returns:               Depends on operation:
                                'current_path' - Return the current scene
                                                 file path as a String
                                'reset'        - True if scene was reset to an empty 
                                                 state, otherwise False
                                all others     - None

        if operation == "current_path":
            # return the current script path
            doc = self._get_active_document()

            if doc.fullName is None:
                # new file?
                path = ""
                path = doc.fullName.nativePath
            return path

        elif operation == "open":
            # open the specified script
            f = photoshop.RemoteObject('flash.filesystem::File', file_path)
        elif operation == "save":
            # save the current script:
            doc = self._get_active_document()
        elif operation == "save_as":
            doc = self._get_active_document()
            photoshop.save_as(doc, file_path)

        elif operation == "reset":
            # do nothing and indicate scene was reset to empty
            return True
        elif operation == "prepare_new":
            # file->new. Not sure how to pop up the actual file->new UI,
            # this command will create a document with default properties