コード例 #1
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
    def loadObject(self, obj):
        # expect object to be a Sequence containing a certificate, 
        # but will accept a plain certificate too (for now)
        issuer, subject = getIssuerAndSubject(obj, 1)
        if issuer is None or subject is None:
            print "Warning: Unexpected SPKI object. Skipping."
            print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())

        sexp = obj.sexp().encode_canonical()
        if self.identity.has_key(sexp):
            print "Warning: Duplicate certificate ignored."

        issuer = issuer.getPrincipal()
        subject = subject.getPrincipal()

        l = self.byIssuer.get(issuer, [])
        self.byIssuer[issuer] = l

        # if the issuer is a name, then we will enter the certificate
        # in multiple slots. one for the full name, and one for the
        # base issuer.
        if isinstance(issuer, spki.FullyQualifiedName):
            prin = issuer.principal
            l = self.byIssuer.get(prin, [])
            self.byIssuer[prin] = l

        l = self.bySubject.get(subject, [])
        self.bySubject[subject] = l

        self.identity[sexp] = sexp
コード例 #2
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
 def loadObject(self, obj):
     if not spki.isa(obj, spki.Entry):
         print "Warning: Not an acl entry.  Skipping."
         print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())
     l = self.entries.get(obj.subject, [])
     self.entries[obj.subject] = l
コード例 #3
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
 def loadPrivate(self, obj):
     if spki.isa(obj, 'default'):
         self._default = 1
     elif spki.isa(obj, spki.PasswordEncrypted):
         self._priv = obj
         self.loadState = self.LOAD_DONE
         print "Warning: Unexpected SPKI object. Skipping."
         print obj.__class__
         print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())
コード例 #4
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
 def loadPublic(self, obj):
     if not spki.isa(obj, spki.Hash):
         print "Warning: Unexpected SPKI object. Skipping."
         print obj.__class__
         print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())
     self._prin = obj
     self._default = 0
     self._priv = None
     self.loadState = self.LOAD_PRIV
コード例 #5
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
 def loadObject(self, obj):
     if not spki.isa(obj, spki.PublicKey):
         print "Warning: Unexpected SPKI object. Skipping."
         print obj.__class__
         print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())
     p = obj.getPrincipal()
     if self.principals.has_key(p):
         print "Warning: Duplicate definition of %s" % str(p)
         print "Old definition:"
         print sexp.pprint(self.principals[p].sexp())
         print "New definition:"
         print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())
     self.principals[p] = obj
コード例 #6
ファイル: verify.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
    def verify(self, prin, perm, delegate=0):
	"""Find a valid certificate chain from ACL to prin for reqPerm.

	prin is the principal making the request.  perm is the
	permission request.

        If verify finds a valid certificate chain from the principal
        making the request to the ACL, it will return a list
        containing the certificates in the chain.  The first element
        in the list will be the ACL entry.  Each subsequent element
        will be a certificate delegating some permissions from the
        previous element to the next element.  The last element will
        delegate permissions to the principal.

        There is a delegate argument because there can't be more than
        one certificate between a valid delegate-able certificate and
        the principal requesting permission.  That one certificate is
        the one that grants permissions to the principal, but doesn't
        allow the principal to delegate further.  The delegate flag
        should always be true when called recursively.
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "verify", prin, perm

        if not perm:
            if self.VERBOSE:
                print "cert", "permissions did not delegate"
            return None

        # A valid chain is always created here and modified as
        # recursive calls to verify return and add the current
        # certificate to the list.
        entry = self.checkACL(prin, perm)
        if entry:
            return [entry]

        certs = self.keys.lookupCertBySubject(prin)
        if self.VERBOSE:
            print "%d certs authorize %s" % (len(certs), prin)
        for certobj in certs:
            cert = spki.extractSignedCert(certobj)
            if self.VERBOSE:
                print sexp.pprint(cert.cert.sexp())

            # next method call with recurse
            if cert.kind == 'name-cert':
                chain = self.verifyNameCert(cert, perm, delegate)
                chain = self.verifyCert(cert, perm, delegate)
            # defer signature verification until we actually have a
            # potential chain from ACL to requested permissions
	    if not chain:
            if not cert.verifySignature(self.keys):
		if self.VERBOSE:
		    print "invalid signature on", cert.cert
            # Everythin looks good, so add the current certificate to
            # the chain and return
            return chain
        return None
コード例 #7
ファイル: debugdb.py プロジェクト: danieljohnlewis/pisces
#! /usr/bin/env python

from pisces.spkilib import sexp
from pisces.spkilib.database import DebugDatabase

import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for file in sys.argv[1:]:
        print file
        db = DebugDatabase(file)
        for obj in db.objects:
            print sexp.pprint(obj.sexp())