コード例 #1
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_plugin_object(self):
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
         plugin = Provider1PlugIn(
             "foo.provider", Provider1DefinitionTests.DEF_TEXT)
     self.assertIsInstance(plugin.plugin_object, Provider1)
コード例 #2
    def test_tr_description_combining(self):
        Verify that translated description is properly generated
        job = JobDefinition(self._split_description_record.data)

        def side_effect(arg):
            return {
                'description': None,
                'PURPOSE': 'TR_PURPOSE',
                'STEPS': 'TR_STEPS',
                'purpose': 'tr_purpose_value',
                'steps': 'tr_steps_value',
                'verification': 'tr_verification_value'
        with mock.patch.object(job, "get_translated_record_value") as mgtrv:
            mgtrv.side_effect = side_effect
            with mock.patch('plainbox.impl.unit.job._') as mock_gettext:
                mock_gettext.side_effect = side_effect
                retval = job.tr_description()
        self.assertEqual(mgtrv.call_count, 4)
        self.assertEqual(mock_gettext.call_count, 3)
        expected = ("TR_PURPOSE:\ntr_purpose_value\nTR_STEPS:\n"
        self.assertEqual(retval, expected)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: xinpengliu/checkbox
 def test_definition_with_location(self):
     Smoke test to ensure we can load a typical provider definition that is
     using the location field and is not using any other directory fields.
     Those are similar to what a unpackaged, under development provider
     would look like.
     def_ = Provider1Definition()
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate all of the directory
         # variables.
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
         def_.read_string("[PlainBox Provider]\n"
                          "name = 2013.org.example:smoke-test\n"
                          "version = 1.0\n"
                          "description = a description\n"
                          "gettext_domain = domain\n"
                          "location = /some/directory")
     self.assertEqual(def_.name, "2013.org.example:smoke-test")
     self.assertEqual(def_.version, "1.0")
     self.assertEqual(def_.description, "a description")
     self.assertEqual(def_.gettext_domain, "domain")
     self.assertEqual(def_.location, "/some/directory")
     self.assertEqual(def_.units_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.jobs_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.whitelists_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.data_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.bin_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.locale_dir, Unset)
コード例 #4
 def test_run_without_args(self, mock_check_output):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.authenticate_warmup'
                        ) as mock_warmup:
                 mock_warmup.return_value = 0
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected1 = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     expected2 = """
     ===============================[ Authentication ]===============================
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
                   [cleandoc(expected1) + "\n",
                    cleandoc(expected2) + "\n"])
コード例 #5
 def test_definition_without_location(self):
     Smoke test to ensure we can load a typical provider definition that is
     not using the location field. Those are similar to what a packaged
     provider would look like.
     def_ = Provider1Definition()
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate all of the directory
         # variables.
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
         def_.read_string("[PlainBox Provider]\n"
                          "name = org.example:smoke-test\n"
                          "version = 1.0\n"
                          "description = a description\n"
                          "gettext_domain = domain\n"
                          "units_dir = /some/directory/units\n"
                          "jobs_dir = /some/directory/jobs\n"
                          "data_dir = /some/directory/data\n"
                          "bin_dir = /some/directory/bin\n"
                          "locale_dir = /some/directory/locale\n")
     self.assertEqual(def_.name, "org.example:smoke-test")
     self.assertEqual(def_.version, "1.0")
     self.assertEqual(def_.description, "a description")
     self.assertEqual(def_.gettext_domain, "domain")
     self.assertEqual(def_.location, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.units_dir, "/some/directory/units")
     self.assertEqual(def_.jobs_dir, "/some/directory/jobs")
     self.assertEqual(def_.data_dir, "/some/directory/data")
     self.assertEqual(def_.bin_dir, "/some/directory/bin")
     self.assertEqual(def_.locale_dir, "/some/directory/locale")
コード例 #6
 def test_load_session(self):
     verify that SessionManager.load_session() correctly delegates the task
     to various other objects
     job = mock.Mock(name='job', spec_set=JobDefinition)
     unit_list = [job]
     flags = None
     helper_name = "plainbox.impl.session.manager.SessionResumeHelper"
     with mock.patch(helper_name) as helper_cls:
         resumed_state = mock.Mock(spec_set=SessionState)
         resumed_state.unit_list = unit_list
         helper_cls().resume.return_value = resumed_state
         # NOTE: mock away _propagate_test_plans() so that we don't get
         # unwanted side effects we're not testing here.
         with mock.patch.object(SessionManager, '_propagate_test_plans'):
             manager = SessionManager.load_session(unit_list, self.storage)
     # Ensure that the storage object was used to load the session snapshot
     # Ensure that the helper was instantiated with the unit list, flags and
     # location
     helper_cls.assert_called_with(unit_list, flags, self.storage.location)
     # Ensure that the helper instance was asked to recreate session state
     # Ensure that the resulting manager has correct data inside
     self.assertEqual(manager.state, helper_cls().resume())
     self.assertEqual(manager.storage, self.storage)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_run.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_run_without_args(self, mock_check_output):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.authenticate_warmup') as mock_warmup:
                 mock_warmup.return_value = 0
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected1 = """
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     expected2 = """
     ===============================[ Authentication ]===============================
     ===============================[ Analyzing Jobs ]===============================
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for automated jobs.
     Estimated duration cannot be determined for manual jobs.
     ==============================[ Running All Jobs ]==============================
     ==================================[ Results ]===================================
     self.assertIn(io.combined, [
         cleandoc(expected1) + "\n",
         cleandoc(expected2) + "\n"])
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def test_definition_with_location(self):
     Smoke test to ensure we can load a typical provider definition that is
     using the location field and is not using any other directory fields.
     Those are similar to what a unpackaged, under development provider
     would look like.
     def_ = Provider1Definition()
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate all of the directory
         # variables.
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
             "[PlainBox Provider]\n"
             "name = 2013.org.example:smoke-test\n"
             "version = 1.0\n"
             "description = a description\n"
             "gettext_domain = domain\n"
             "location = /some/directory"
     self.assertEqual(def_.name, "2013.org.example:smoke-test")
     self.assertEqual(def_.version, "1.0")
     self.assertEqual(def_.description, "a description")
     self.assertEqual(def_.gettext_domain, "domain")
     self.assertEqual(def_.location, "/some/directory")
     self.assertEqual(def_.jobs_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.whitelists_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.data_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.bin_dir, Unset)
     self.assertEqual(def_.locale_dir, Unset)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_plugin_name(self):
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
         plugin = Provider1PlugIn(
             "foo.provider", Provider1DefinitionTests.DEF_TEXT)
         plugin.plugin_name, "2013.org.example:smoke-test")
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: xinpengliu/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__location_doesnt_exist(self):
     verify that Provider1Definition ensures that 'location' field is not
     pointing to an non-existing directory
     def_ = Provider1Definition()
     with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as boom:
         with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
             mock_isdir.return_value = False
             def_.location = '/some/place'
     self.assertEqual(str(boom.exception), "no such directory")
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_run.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters') as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Available output formats: json, rfc822, text, xml
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_smoke(self):
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.location, "/some/directory/")
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.name, "2013.org.example:smoke-test")
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.version, "1.0")
         self.definition.description, "A provider for smoke testing")
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.gettext_domain, "plainbox")
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__location_doesnt_exist(self):
     verify that Provider1Definition ensures that 'location' field is not
     pointing to an non-existing directory
     def_ = Provider1Definition()
     with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as boom:
         with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
             mock_isdir.return_value = False
             def_.location = '/some/place'
     self.assertEqual(str(boom.exception), "no such directory")
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_provider_data(self):
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
         plugin = Provider1PlugIn(
             "foo.provider", Provider1DefinitionTests.DEF_TEXT)
     provider = plugin.plugin_object
     self.assertEqual(provider.base_dir, "/some/directory/")
     self.assertEqual(provider.name, "2013.org.example:smoke-test")
     self.assertEqual(provider.version, "1.0")
     self.assertEqual(provider.description, "A provider for smoke testing")
コード例 #15
 def test_add_local_device_context(self):
     Ensure that using add_local_device_context() adds a context with
     a special 'local' device and fires the appropriate signal
     manager = SessionManager([], self.storage)
     cls_name = "plainbox.impl.session.manager.SessionDeviceContext"
     with mock.patch(cls_name) as sdc:
         self.assertSignalFired(manager.on_device_context_added, sdc())
         self.assertIn(sdc(), manager.device_context_list)
コード例 #16
 def test_output_format_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters'
                        ) as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-format=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     Available output formats: json, rfc822, text, xml
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
コード例 #17
 def mocked_file(self, name, content):
     m_open = mock.MagicMock(name='open', spec=open)
     m_stream = mock.MagicMock(spec=TextIOWrapper)
     m_stream.__enter__.return_value = m_stream
     # The next two lines are complementary, either will suffice but the
     # test may need changes if the code that reads stuff changes.
     m_stream.__iter__.side_effect = lambda: iter(content)
     m_stream.read.return_value = "\n".join(content)
     m_open.return_value = m_stream
     with mock.patch('plainbox.impl.secure.qualifiers.open', m_open,
     m_open.assert_called_once_with(name, "rt", encoding="UTF-8")
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__foo_dir_doesnt_exist(self):
     verify that Provider1Definition ensures that 'jobs_dir',
     'whitelists_dir', 'data_dir', 'bin_dir' and 'locale_dir' fields are not
     pointing to a non-existing directory
     for attr in ('jobs_dir', 'whitelists_dir', 'data_dir', 'bin_dir',
         def_ = Provider1Definition()
         with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as boom:
             with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
                 mock_isdir.return_value = False
                 setattr(def_, attr, '/some/place')
         self.assertEqual(str(boom.exception), "no such directory")
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: xinpengliu/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__foo_dir_doesnt_exist(self):
     verify that Provider1Definition ensures that 'jobs_dir',
     'whitelists_dir', 'data_dir', 'bin_dir' and 'locale_dir' fields are not
     pointing to a non-existing directory
     for attr in ('units_dir', 'jobs_dir', 'whitelists_dir', 'data_dir',
                  'bin_dir', 'locale_dir'):
         def_ = Provider1Definition()
         with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as boom:
             with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
                 mock_isdir.return_value = False
                 setattr(def_, attr, '/some/place')
         self.assertEqual(str(boom.exception), "no such directory")
コード例 #20
 def mocked_file(self, name, content):
     m_open = mock.MagicMock(name='open', spec=open)
     m_stream = mock.MagicMock(spec=TextIOWrapper)
     m_stream.__enter__.return_value = m_stream
     # The next two lines are complementary, either will suffice but the
     # test may need changes if the code that reads stuff changes.
     m_stream.__iter__.side_effect = lambda: iter(content)
     m_stream.read.return_value = "\n".join(content)
     m_open.return_value = m_stream
     with mock.patch('plainbox.impl.secure.qualifiers.open',
     m_open.assert_called_once_with(name, "rt", encoding="UTF-8")
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_run.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_output_option_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters') as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-option=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0,))
     expected = """
     Each format may support a different set of options
     json: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, machine-json
     rfc822: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     text: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def setUp(self):
     with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
         mock_isdir.return_value = True
         self.plugin = Provider1PlugIn("a.provider", self.DEF_TEXT)
         self.plugin_w_location = Provider1PlugIn(
             "a.provider", self.DEF_TEXT_w_location)
         self.plugin_w_dirs = Provider1PlugIn(
             "a.provider", self.DEF_TEXT_w_dirs)
         # Mock os.path.isdir so that none of the sub-directories of the
         # location directory seem to exist. This is essential for
         # Provider1.from_definition()'s special behavior.
         mock_isdir.side_effect = lambda dn: dn == "/some/directory"
         self.plugin_w_location_w_no_dirs = Provider1PlugIn(
             "a.provider", self.DEF_TEXT_w_location)
コード例 #23
 def test_output_option_list(self):
     with TestIO(combined=True) as io:
         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as call:
             with patch('plainbox.impl.commands.run.get_all_exporters'
                        ) as mock_get_all_exporters:
                 mock_get_all_exporters.return_value = self._exporters
                 main(['run', '--output-option=?'])
         self.assertEqual(call.exception.args, (0, ))
     expected = """
     Each format may support a different set of options
     json: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash, machine-json
     rfc822: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     text: with-io-log, squash-io-log, flatten-io-log, with-run-list, with-job-list, with-resource-map, with-job-defs, with-attachments, with-comments, with-job-via, with-job-hash
     self.assertEqual(io.combined, cleandoc(expected) + "\n")
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
    def test_init__without_PROVIDERPATH_set(self):
        validate that InsecureProvider1PlugInCollection() has working defaults
        if PROVIDERPATH are not in env
        real_os_getenv = os.getenv

        def getenv(*args):
            if args[0] == 'PROVIDERPATH':
                return None
                return real_os_getenv(*args)
        with mock.patch('os.getenv') as mock_getenv:
            mock_getenv.side_effect = getenv
            obj = InsecureProvider1PlugInCollection()
        self.assertTrue(len(obj._dir_list) > 0)
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
    def test_init__without_PROVIDERPATH_set(self):
        validate that InsecureProvider1PlugInCollection() has working defaults
        if PROVIDERPATH are not in env
        real_os_getenv = os.getenv

        def getenv(*args):
            if args[0] == 'PROVIDERPATH':
                return None
                return real_os_getenv(*args)

        with mock.patch('os.getenv') as mock_getenv:
            mock_getenv.side_effect = getenv
            obj = InsecureProvider1PlugInCollection()
        self.assertTrue(len(obj._dir_list) > 0)
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__non_iqn_name(self):
     verify how Provider1PlugIn validates missing name field
     with self.assertRaises(PlugInError) as boom:
         with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
             # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
             mock_isdir.return_value = True
             Provider1PlugIn("broken.provider", (
                 "[PlainBox Provider]\n"
                 "name = my pretty name\n"
                 "version = 1.0\n"
                 "location = /some/place\n"
         str(boom.exception), (
             "Problem in provider definition, "
             "field 'name': must look like RFC3720 IQN"))
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__location_is_empty(self):
     verify how Provider1PlugIn validates missing location field
     with self.assertRaises(PlugInError) as boom:
         with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
             # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
             mock_isdir.return_value = True
             Provider1PlugIn("broken.provider", (
                 "[PlainBox Provider]\n"
                 "name = 2014.example.org:name\n"
                 "version = 1.0\n"
                 "location =\n"
         str(boom.exception), (
             "Problem in provider definition, "
             "field 'location': cannot be empty"))
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__no_location(self):
     verify how Provider1PlugIn validates missing location field
     with self.assertRaises(PlugInError) as boom:
         with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
             # Mock os.path.isdir so that we can validate location
             mock_isdir.return_value = True
             Provider1PlugIn("broken.provider", (
                 "[PlainBox Provider]\n"
                 "name = 2014.example.org:name\n"
                 "version = 1.0\n"
                 # NOTE: no location set, we should see that being caught
                 # "location = /some/place\n"
         str(boom.exception), (
             "Problem in provider definition, "
             "field 'location': must be set to something"))
コード例 #29
 def test_checkpoint(self):
     verify that SessionManager.checkpoint() creates an image of the
     suspended session and writes it using the storage system.
     # Mock the suspend helper, we don't want to suspend our mock objects
     helper_name = "plainbox.impl.session.manager.SessionSuspendHelper"
     with mock.patch(helper_name, spec=SessionSuspendHelper) as helper_cls:
         # Call the tested method
         # Ensure that a fresh instance of the suspend helper was used to
         # call the suspend() method and that the session state parameter
         # was passed to it.
     # Ensure that save_checkpoint() was called on the storage object with
     # the return value of what the suspend helper produced.
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_v1.py プロジェクト: brendan-donegan/checkbox
 def test_init_validation__location_doesnt_exist(self):
     verify how Provider1PlugIn validates location field pointing to a
     directory that does not exist
     with self.assertRaises(PlugInError) as boom:
         with mock.patch('os.path.isdir') as mock_isdir:
             # Mock os.path.isdir the *other* way around, so that this
             # directory doesn't exist, even if it does somehow
             mock_isdir.return_value = False
             Provider1PlugIn("broken.provider", (
                 "[PlainBox Provider]\n"
                 "name = 2014.example.org:name\n"
                 "version = 1.0\n"
                 "location = /some/place\n"
         str(boom.exception), (
             "Problem in provider definition, "
             "field 'location': no such directory"))
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_manger.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def test_checkpoint(self):
     verify that SessionManager.checkpoint() creates an image of the
     suspended session and writes it using the storage system.
     storage = mock.Mock(name="storage", spec=SessionStorage)
     state = mock.Mock(name="state", spec=SessionState)
     manager = SessionManager(state, storage)
     # Mock the suspend helper, we don't want to suspend our mock objects
     helper_name = "plainbox.impl.session.manager.SessionSuspendHelper"
     with mock.patch(helper_name, spec=SessionSuspendHelper) as helper_cls:
         # Call the tested method
         # Ensure that a fresh instance of the suspend helper was used to
         # call the suspend() method and that the session state parameter
         # was passed to it.
     # Ensure that save_checkpoint() was called on the storage object with
     # the return value of what the suspend helper produced.
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_manger.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def test_load_session(self):
     verify that SessionManager.load_session() correctly delegates the task
     to various other objects
     # Mock SessionState and job list
     storage = mock.Mock(name="storage", spec=SessionStorage)
     job_list = mock.Mock(name='job_list')
     helper_name = "plainbox.impl.session.manager.SessionResumeHelper"
     with mock.patch(helper_name) as helper_cls:
         helper_cls().resume.return_value = mock.Mock(name="state",
         manager = SessionManager.load_session(job_list, storage)
     # Ensure that the storage object was used to load the session snapshot
     # Ensure that the helper was instantiated with the job list
     # Ensure that the helper instance was asked to recreate session state
     helper_cls().resume.assert_called_with(storage.load_checkpoint(), None)
     # Ensure that the resulting manager has correct data inside
     self.assertEqual(manager.state, helper_cls().resume())
     self.assertEqual(manager.storage, storage)
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_manger.py プロジェクト: Roadmaster/checkbox
 def test_load_session(self):
     verify that SessionManager.load_session() correctly delegates the task
     to various other objects
     # Mock SessionState and job list
     storage = mock.Mock(name="storage", spec=SessionStorage)
     job_list = mock.Mock(name='job_list')
     helper_name = "plainbox.impl.session.manager.SessionResumeHelper"
     with mock.patch(helper_name) as helper_cls:
         helper_cls().resume.return_value = mock.Mock(
             name="state", spec=SessionState)
         manager = SessionManager.load_session(job_list, storage)
     # Ensure that the storage object was used to load the session snapshot
     # Ensure that the helper was instantiated with the job list
     # Ensure that the helper instance was asked to recreate session state
     helper_cls().resume.assert_called_with(storage.load_checkpoint(), None)
     # Ensure that the resulting manager has correct data inside
     self.assertEqual(manager.state, helper_cls().resume())
     self.assertEqual(manager.storage, storage)
コード例 #34
 def setUp(self):
     self.sample_xml = BytesIO(resource_string(
         "plainbox", "test-data/xml-exporter/example-data.xml"
     self.patcher = mock.patch('requests.post')
     self.mock_requests = self.patcher.start()
コード例 #35
 def setUp(self):
     self.sample_archive = BytesIO(resource_string(
         "plainbox", "test-data/tar-exporter/example-data.tar.xz"
     self.patcher = mock.patch('requests.post')
     self.mock_requests = self.patcher.start()
コード例 #36
 def setUp(self):
     with mock.patch('os.path.exists') as mock_exists:
         mock_exists.return_value = True
         self.provider = CheckBoxSrcProvider()