コード例 #1
ファイル: zest_utils.py プロジェクト: manastech/plaster
 def it_creates_an_indexed_pickle_and_reloads_it_on_all_properties():
     path = "/tmp/__test.ipkl"
     testme_orig = PropertiesClass()
     utils.indexed_pickler_dump(testme_orig, path)
     testme_new = PropertiesClass.__new__(PropertiesClass)
     utils.indexed_pickler_load(path, None, testme_new)
     for prop in ["a", "b", "c"]:
         assert getattr(testme_orig, prop) == getattr(testme_new, prop)
コード例 #2
ファイル: zest_utils.py プロジェクト: manastech/plaster
 def it_creates_an_indexed_pickle_and_reloads_it():
     path = "/tmp/__test.ipkl"
     prop_list = ["a", "b"]
     testme_orig = PropertiesClass()
     utils.indexed_pickler_dump(testme_orig, path, prop_list)
     testme_new = PropertiesClass.__new__(PropertiesClass)
     utils.indexed_pickler_load(path, prop_list, testme_new)
     for prop in prop_list:
         assert getattr(testme_orig, prop) == getattr(testme_new, prop)
     assert hasattr(testme_orig, "c")
     assert not hasattr(testme_new, "c")
コード例 #3
ファイル: sigproc_v2_result.py プロジェクト: erisyon/plaster
 def _aln_chcy_ims(self, field_i, key):
     cache_key = (field_i, key)
     if cache_key not in self._cache_ims:
         filename = self._field_filename(field_i, is_debug=True)
         self._cache_ims[cache_key] = utils.indexed_pickler_load(
             filename, prop_list=key)
     return self._cache_ims[cache_key]
コード例 #4
ファイル: sigproc_v2_result.py プロジェクト: erisyon/plaster
 def _load_field_prop(self, field_i, prop):
     if prop.startswith("_"):
         name = local.path(self.debug_field_files[field_i]).name
         name = local.path(self.field_files[field_i]).name
     return utils.indexed_pickler_load(self._folder / name, prop_list=prop)
コード例 #5
ファイル: sigproc_v2_result.py プロジェクト: erisyon/plaster
 def _has_prop(self, prop):
     # Assume field 0 is representative of all fields
     field_i = 0
     name = local.path(self.field_files[field_i]).name
     props = utils.indexed_pickler_load(self._folder / name,
     return prop in props.keys()
コード例 #6
ファイル: base_result.py プロジェクト: erisyon/plaster
    def __getattr__(self, key):
        Called when the attribute is not found.

        This is tricky because this class inherits from Munch
        which also overloads __getattr__.

        We first ask the munch if it has the attr,
        if not then we attempt to load it from the indexed pickle
        and then as Munch to try again.
            val = Munch.__getattr__(self, key)
            if isinstance(val, ArrayResult):
                return val.arr()
            return val
        except AttributeError:
            # Bypass munch for these elements...
            _folder = object.__getattribute__(self, "_folder")
            filename = object.__getattribute__(self, "filename")

            with local.cwd(_folder):
                    loaded = utils.indexed_pickler_load(
                        filename, prop_list=[key], skip_missing_props=True,

                    if isinstance(loaded[key], ArrayResult):
                        setattr(self, key, loaded[key].arr())
                        setattr(self, key, loaded[key])

                except FileNotFoundError:
                    # If the pickle has not yet been saved then return the
                    # value if it is present

                # Try again
                    return Munch.__getattr__(self, key)
                except AttributeError:
                    # (An attempt to deal with attributes that get added to
                    # task Results but that can be allowed to be None -
                    # and gracefully allowing us to load versions of the
                    # Result klass in which this attribute is missing.)
                    # The attribute is also not in the pickle.  If this
                    # attribute is required and allowed to be None, set
                    # it so, else raise.
                    required_props = object.__getattribute__(self, "required_props")
                    types = required_props.get(key, None)
                    if isinstance(types, tuple) and type(None) in types:
                        self[key] = None
                        return None
                    # key not found or not allowed to be None:
                    raise AttributeError
コード例 #7
    def load_from_folder(cls, folder, prop_list=None):
        Used when one task needs the result of a previous stage.
        Pass in prop_list to load only certain properties.

        The _folder property is treated specially, it is not
        part of the Munch
        folder = local.path(folder)
        with local.cwd(folder):
            inst = cls(folder, is_loaded_result=True)
            loaded = utils.indexed_pickler_load(folder / cls.filename,

            for key in loaded:
                if isinstance(loaded[key], ArrayResult):
                    setattr(inst, key, loaded[key].arr())
                    setattr(inst, key, loaded[key])

            object.__setattr__(inst, "_folder", folder)

        return inst
コード例 #8
 def aln_chcy_ims(self, field_i):
     if field_i not in self._cache_aln_chcy_ims:
         filename = self._field_filename(field_i, is_debug=True)
         self._cache_aln_chcy_ims[field_i] = utils.indexed_pickler_load(
             filename, prop_list="_aln_chcy_ims")
     return self._cache_aln_chcy_ims[field_i]
コード例 #9
 def _load_field_prop(self, field_i, prop):
     name = local.path(self.field_files[field_i]).name
     return utils.indexed_pickler_load(self._folder / name, prop_list=prop)
コード例 #10
 def aligned_composite_bg_removed_im(self, field_i):
     filename = self._field_filename(field_i, is_debug=True)
     return utils.indexed_pickler_load(
         filename, prop_list="_aligned_composite_bg_removed_im")
コード例 #11
 def raw_chcy_ims(self, field_i):
     filename = self._field_filename(field_i, is_debug=True)
     return utils.indexed_pickler_load(filename, prop_list="_raw_chcy_ims")