def test_basic_game(): players = [ TestPlayer(roles=[['K', 'K', 'Q']], targets=[['2', 'A', 'A']]), TestPlayer(roles=[['J', 'J', 'Q']], targets=[['2', '3', '4']]) ] game = Game(*players)
def next_data(self): # 参数设置 epsilon = 0.001 if self.flag in ["explore", "display"] else 0.1 init_epsilon, final_epsilon = 0.1, 0.001 action_dim = 2 # 初始化 num = 40 if self.flag in ["explore", "train"] else 1 game = Game(num) # game为环境 action = np.array([1, 0]) image, reward, terminal = game.frame_step(action) image = convert(image) for _ in range(4): self.memory_append(image, [*action, reward, terminal]) epsilon -= (init_epsilon - final_epsilon) / self.explore * self.count * self.pre_step_epoch epsilon = np.clip(epsilon, a_max=init_epsilon, a_min=final_epsilon) # 获取当前状态 count = self.count * self.pre_step_epoch try: while True: # 获取动作 if random.random() < epsilon: action_ind = np.random.randint(0, action_dim) else: idx = ( - np.arange(1, self.time_step+1)) % self.max_length state = self.memory["image"][idx] state = np.transpose(state[np.newaxis, :, :], [0, 2, 3, 1]) action_ind = self.func(state).argmax(-1).astype("int")[0] # 智能体产生动作 epsilon -= (init_epsilon - final_epsilon) / self.explore epsilon = np.clip(epsilon, a_max=init_epsilon, a_min=final_epsilon) count += 1 action = game.get_event(action_ind) # 游戏中事件触发 image, reward, terminal = game.frame_step(action) # 环境的激励 image = convert(image) # 80*80 self.memory_append(image, [*action, reward, terminal]) data = self.batch_data() if data is not None: yield data except GameOver: print("\n{}> game close <{}".format("="*10, "="*10))
def main(): m = generate_maze(10,10) g = Game(m) while True: print m if g.can_player_hear(): print "ouyay ancay earhay a umpusway omingcay!!" d = wait_for_dir() try: g.player.move(d) except ValueError: print "ouyay an'tcay ogay atthay ayway!" if g.has_player_won(): print "ouyay avehay onway. OOOWAY!" break g.move_wumpus()
#Alec Bayliff from play import Game mygame = Game(15, 15, .25, .1, 1000, 42, "testout.txt")
#create learning instance #Q = QLearningTarock(0.5, 0.1, 0.1) #initialize qtables, only run if you want to start the learning from scraths, otherwise use load_qtables #Q.initialize_qtables(state_labels1, state_labels2, action_labels1, action_labels2, constraints1=constraints1, constraints2=constraints2) #Q.store_qtables("q1_1.pickle", "q2_1.pickle") #Q.load_qtables("q1_1.pickle", "q2_1.pickle") Q = QLearningTarock(0.3, 0.1, 0.1) Q.initialize_qtables(state_labels1, state_labels2, action_labels1, action_labels2, constraints1=constraints1, constraints2=constraints2) #print(Q.qtable2) #print(Q.qtable1) #exit(-1) action_function = Q.return_action update_function = Q.update_table N_epochs = 100000 counter = 0 while counter < N_epochs: print(f"Take: {counter}, {int((counter/N_epochs)*10000)/100}% done") game = Game(action_function, action_function, action_function, update_function) a = game.play_game() #print(f"Final rewards: {a}") counter += 1 Q.store_qtables("q1_2.pickle", "q2_2.pickle")
def enter(): global game game = Game.Game() game.enter() pass
def on_message(self, message): errors = [] game_id = message.get('game_id') raw_data = yield gen.Task( redis_client.hmget, 'games:id:{}'.format(game_id), ['dimension', 'matrix', 'creator', 'opponent', 'color', 'lineup'] ) if raw_data[0] is None: errors.append('Wrong game id.') if not errors: dimension = int(raw_data[0]) matrix = json.loads(raw_data[1].decode('utf-8')) creator = raw_data[2].decode('utf-8') opponent = raw_data[3] and raw_data[3].decode('utf-8') color = raw_data[4].decode('utf-8') lineup = raw_data[5].decode('utf-8') if opponent is not None: print(opponent, game_id, raw_data) errors.append('Game is already started.') if self.username == creator: errors.append("You can't play with youself.") if not errors: opponent = self.username data_to_save = {'opponent': opponent} game = { 'game_id': game_id, 'dimension': dimension, 'cells': Game(matrix, dimension).serialize_cells() } self.send(json.dumps({ 'status': 'ok', 'game': game })) if color == 'black': data_to_save.update({'turn': creator}) opponent_msg = 'You stone is white.' creator_msg = 'You stone is black, and now your turn.' else: data_to_save.update({'turn': opponent}) creator_msg = 'You stone is white.' opponent_msg = 'You stone is black, and now your turn.' yield gen.Task( redis_client.hmset, 'games:id:{}'.format(game_id), data_to_save) title = '{0} ({1}x{1}, {2} in row) [{3}]'.format( creator, dimension, lineup, color) yield gen.Task( redis_client.srem, 'games:all', '{}:{}'.format(game_id, title)) games = yield self.get_games() self.broadcast_all_channel("games_list", games) self.send_channel( 'note', json.dumps({'msg': 'Welcome to the game #{}. {}'.format( game_id, opponent_msg)})) self.get_player(creator).send_channel( 'note', json.dumps({'msg': 'Joining new user "{}". {}'.format( opponent, creator_msg)})) else: self.send_error(errors)
def on_message(self, message): errors = [] game_id = message.get('game_id') raw_data = yield gen.Task( redis_client.hgetall, 'games:id:{}'.format(game_id) ) if not raw_data: errors.append('This game not existed or already finished.') if not errors: data = hgetall_group_by(raw_data) if not errors and 'opponent' not in data: errors.append('Need opponent to join to the game.') if not errors: creator = data['creator'] opponent = data['opponent'] dimension = int(data['dimension']) lineup = int(data['lineup']) color = data['color'] turn = data['turn'] matrix = json.loads(data['matrix']) if not errors and self.username not in [creator, opponent]: errors.append("You are not participant of this game.") if not errors and self.username != turn: errors.append( "It's not your turn. Please, wait for your opponent's move.") if not errors: game = Game(matrix, dimension, lineup) if self.username == creator: action_color = color else: action_color = 'white' if color == 'black' else 'black' color_dict = { 'white': 0, 'black': 1 } action, status = game.action( message['x'], message['y'], color_dict[action_color]) if not action: errors.append('Bad action.') if not errors: turn = opponent if turn == creator else creator yield gen.Task( redis_client.hset, 'games:id:{}'.format(game_id), 'turn', turn) yield gen.Task( redis_client.hset, 'games:id:{}'.format(game_id), 'matrix', json.dumps(game.matrix)) if not errors: for username in [opponent, creator]: player = self.get_player(username) player.send_channel( 'game_action', json.dumps({ 'status': 'ok', 'action': { 'x': message['x'], 'y': message['y'], 'color': action_color } }) ) if turn == username: msg = "Now it's your turn." else: msg = "Now it's a {}'s turn. Waiting...".format( opponent if username == creator else creator) player.send_channel('note', json.dumps({'msg': msg})) else: self.send_error(errors) if status is not None: raw_data = yield gen.Task( redis_client.delete, 'games:id:{}'.format(game_id) ) url = 'http://localhost:8000/api/round/save' post_data = { 'creator': creator, 'opponent': opponent, 'dimension': dimension, 'lineup': lineup, 'lead': creator if color == 'black' else opponent, 'winner': None if status == 'draw' else self.username } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } yield http_client.fetch( url, method="POST", headers=headers, body=json.dumps(post_data)) url = 'http://localhost:8000/api/player/top' response = yield http_client.fetch(url, method="GET") self.broadcast_all_channel('stats', response.body.decode('utf-8')) for username in [opponent, creator]: player = self.get_player(username) if status == 'draw': winner = None else: winner = self.username == username player.send_channel( 'game_finish', json.dumps({'winner': winner}) )
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from play import Game if __name__ == '__main__': game = Game()