コード例 #1
    def forward(ctx, xyz: torch.Tensor, npoint: int) -> torch.Tensor:
        Uses iterative furthest point sampling to select a set of npoint features that have the largest
        minimum distance
        :param ctx:
        :param xyz: (B, N, 3) where N > npoint
        :param npoint: int, number of features in the sampled set
             output: (B, npoint) tensor containing the set
        assert xyz.is_contiguous()

        B, N, _ = xyz.size()
        output = torch.cuda.IntTensor(B, npoint)
        temp = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(B, N).fill_(1e10)

        pointnet2.furthest_point_sampling_wrapper(B, N, npoint, xyz, temp, output)
        return output
コード例 #2
    def forward(ctx, points_xyz: torch.Tensor,
                num_points: int) -> torch.Tensor:

            points_xyz (Tensor): (B, N, 3) where N > num_points.
            num_points (int): Number of points in the sampled set.

             Tensor: (B, num_points) indices of the sampled points.
        assert points_xyz.is_contiguous()

        B, N, _ = points_xyz.size()
        output = torch.cuda.IntTensor(B, num_points)
        temp = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(B, N).fill_(1e10)

        pointnet2.furthest_point_sampling_wrapper(B, N, num_points, points_xyz,
                                                  temp, output)
        return output