コード例 #1
def test_strf_2dcos_fit():

    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.tile(np.arange(0, 360, 90), 2)
    thetas = np.insert(thetas, 0, -1)
    thetas = np.append(thetas, -1)
    num_blank_steps = 0
    num_bar_steps = 30
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1
    frames_per_tr = 1
    scale_factor = 1.0
    pixels_down = 100
    pixels_across = 100
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    Ns = 5
    voxel_index = (1, 2, 3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1
    projector_hz = 480
    tau = 0.00875
    mask_size = 5
    hrf = 0.25

    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance,
                                 screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps,
                                 num_blank_steps, ecc)

    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(stim, viewing_distance, screen_width,
                              scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)
    stimulus.fps = projector_hz
    flicker_vec = np.zeros_like(stim[0, 0, :]).astype('uint8')
    flicker_vec[1 * 20:5 * 20] = 1
    flicker_vec[5 * 20:9 * 20] = 2
    stimulus.flicker_vec = flicker_vec
    stimulus.flicker_hz = [10, 20]

    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = strf.SpatioTemporalModel(stimulus, utils.spm_hrf)
    model.tau = tau
    model.hrf_delay = hrf
    model.mask_size = mask_size
    model.power = 0.7

    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -2.24
    y = 1.58
    sigma = 1.23
    weight = 0.90
    beta = 1.0
    baseline = -0.25

    # create the "data"
    data = model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, weight, beta, baseline)

    # set search grid
    x_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0, 7.0, 5)
    y_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0, 7.0, 5)
    s_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.75, 3.0, 5)
    w_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.05, 0.95, 5)

    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-10, 10)
    y_bound = (-10, 10)
    s_bound = (1 / stimulus.ppd, 10)
    w_bound = (1e-8, 1.0)
    b_bound = (1e-8, 1e5)
    u_bound = (None, None)

    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, w_bound, b_bound, u_bound)

    # fit the response
    fit = strf.SpatioTemporalFit(model, data, grids, bounds)

    # coarse fit
    ballpark = [
        -0.5, 3.25, 3.0, 0.72499999999999998, 0.858317, -0.25000000000000011

        (fit.x0, fit.y0, fit.sigma0, fit.weight0, fit.beta0, fit.baseline0),

    # fine fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.weight, weight)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline)

    # overloaded
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.overloaded_estimate, [
        2.5272803327887128, 2.7411676344185993, 1.2300000000008835,
        0.89999999999333258, 1.0000000000005003, -0.25000000000063088
    m_rf = fit.model.m_rf(fit.model.tau)
    p_rf = fit.model.p_rf(fit.model.tau)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(simps(np.abs(m_rf)), simps(p_rf), 5)

    # responses
    m_resp = fit.model.generate_m_resp(fit.model.tau)
    p_resp = fit.model.generate_p_resp(fit.model.tau)
    npt.assert_(np.max(m_resp, 0)[0] < np.max(m_resp, 0)[1])
    npt.assert_(np.max(p_resp, 0)[0] > np.max(p_resp, 0)[1])

    # amps
    npt.assert_(fit.model.m_amp[0] < fit.model.m_amp[1])
    npt.assert_(fit.model.p_amp[0] > fit.model.p_amp[1])

    # receptive field
    rf = generate_2dcos_receptive_field(x, y, sigma, fit.model.power,
    rf /= (2 * np.pi * sigma**2) * 1 / np.diff(model.stimulus.deg_x[0, 0:2])**2

    # test model == fit RF
        np.round(fit.model.generate_receptive_field(x, y, sigma).sum()),
コード例 #2
def test_strf_css_fit():
    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.tile(np.arange(0,360,90),2)
    thetas = np.insert(thetas,0,-1)
    thetas = np.append(thetas,-1)
    num_blank_steps = 20
    num_bar_steps = 20
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1.0
    frames_per_tr = 1.0
    scale_factor = 0.50
    pixels_down = 100
    pixels_across = 100
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    Ns = 3
    voxel_index = (1,2,3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1
    projector_hz = 480
    tau = 0.00875
    mask_size = 5
    hrf = 0.25
    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim1 = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance, 
                                 screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps, num_blank_steps, ecc, clip=0.33)
    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim2 = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance, 
                                  screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps, num_blank_steps, ecc, clip=0.0001)
    stim = np.concatenate((stim1,stim2),-1)
    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(stim, viewing_distance, screen_width, scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)
    stimulus.fps = projector_hz
    flicker_vec = np.zeros_like(stim1[0,0,:]).astype('uint8')
    flicker_vec[1*20:5*20] = 1
    flicker_vec[5*20:9*20] = 2
    flicker_vec = np.tile(flicker_vec,2)
    stimulus.flicker_vec = flicker_vec
    stimulus.flicker_hz = [10,20,10,20]
    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = strf.SpatioTemporalModel(stimulus, utils.double_gamma_hrf)
    model.tau = tau
    model.hrf_delay = hrf
    model.mask_size = mask_size
    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -2.24
    y = 1.58
    sigma = 1.23
    n = 0.90
    weight = 0.95
    beta = 1.0
    baseline = 0
    # create the "data"
    data =  model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, n, weight, beta, baseline)
    # set search grid
    x_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0,7.0,3)
    y_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0,7.0,3)
    s_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.75,3.0,3)
    n_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.25,0.95,3)
    w_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.25,0.95,3)
    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-10,10)
    y_bound =  (-10,10)
    s_bound = (1/stimulus.ppd,10)
    n_bound = (1e-8,1.0-1e-8)
    w_bound = (1e-8,1.0-1e-8)
    b_bound = (1e-8,1e5)
    u_bound = (None, None)
    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (x_grid, y_grid, s_grid, n_grid, w_grid,)
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, n_bound, w_bound, b_bound, u_bound)
    # fit the response
    fit = strf.SpatioTemporalFit(model, data, grids, bounds)
    # coarse fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal((fit.x0,fit.y0,fit.sigma0, fit.n0, fit.weight0,fit.beta0,fit.baseline0),[-0.5  , -0.5  ,  1.875,  0.95 ,  0.95 ,  1.   ,  0.   ])
    # fine fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.n, n, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.weight, weight, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline, 1)
    # overloaded
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.overloaded_estimate, [2.5259863707822303,
    # rfs
    m_rf = fit.model.m_rf(fit.model.tau)
    p_rf = fit.model.p_rf(fit.model.tau)
    # responses
    m_resp = fit.model.generate_m_resp(fit.model.tau)
    p_resp = fit.model.generate_p_resp(fit.model.tau)

    # amps
    # receptive field
    npt.assert_almost_equal(4.0, fit.receptive_field.sum())
コード例 #3
def test_strf_hrf_fit():

    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.tile(np.arange(0, 360, 90), 2)
    thetas = np.insert(thetas, 0, -1)
    thetas = np.append(thetas, -1)
    num_blank_steps = 20
    num_bar_steps = 20
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1.0
    frames_per_tr = 1.0
    scale_factor = 0.50
    pixels_down = 200
    pixels_across = 200
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    Ns = 3
    voxel_index = (1, 2, 3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1
    projector_hz = 480
    tau = 0.00875
    mask_size = 5

    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance,
                                 screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps,
                                 num_blank_steps, ecc)

    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(stim, viewing_distance, screen_width,
                              scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)
    stimulus.fps = projector_hz
    flicker_vec = np.zeros_like(stim[0, 0, :]).astype('uint8')
    flicker_vec[1 * 20:5 * 20] = 1
    flicker_vec[5 * 20:9 * 20] = 2
    stimulus.flicker_vec = flicker_vec
    stimulus.flicker_hz = [10, 20]

    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = strf.SpatioTemporalModel(stimulus, utils.double_gamma_hrf)
    model.tau = tau
    model.mask_size = mask_size

    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -2.24
    y = 1.58
    sigma = 1.23
    weight = 0.90
    hrf_delay = -0.13
    beta = 1.0
    baseline = -0.25

    # create the "data"
    data = model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, weight, hrf_delay, beta,

    # set search grid
    x_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0, 7.0, 3)
    y_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0, 7.0, 3)
    s_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.75, 3.0, 3)
    w_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.05, 0.95, 3)
    h_grid = utils.grid_slice(-0.25, 0.25, 3)

    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-10, 10)
    y_bound = (-10, 10)
    s_bound = (1 / stimulus.ppd, 10)
    w_bound = (1e-8, 1.0)
    b_bound = (1e-8, 1e5)
    u_bound = (None, None)
    h_bound = (-2.0, 2.0)

    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, w_bound, h_bound, b_bound, u_bound)

    # fit the response
    fit = strf.SpatioTemporalFit(model, data, grids, bounds)

    # coarse fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal((fit.x0, fit.y0, fit.sigma0, fit.weight0, fit.hrf0,
                             fit.beta0, fit.baseline0),
                            [-0.5, -0.5, 3., 0.95, -0.25, 1., 0.02], 2)

    # fine fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.weight, weight, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline, 2)

    # overloaded
                            [2.53, 2.74, 1.23, 0.9, 5.87, 1., -0.25], 2)

    m_rf = fit.model.m_rf(fit.model.tau)
    p_rf = fit.model.p_rf(fit.model.tau)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(simps(np.abs(m_rf)), simps(p_rf), 5)

    # responses
    m_resp = fit.model.generate_m_resp(fit.model.tau)
    p_resp = fit.model.generate_p_resp(fit.model.tau)
    npt.assert_(np.max(m_resp, 0)[0] < np.max(m_resp, 0)[1])
    npt.assert_(np.max(p_resp, 0)[0] > np.max(p_resp, 0)[1])

    # amps
    npt.assert_(fit.model.m_amp[0] < fit.model.m_amp[1])
    npt.assert_(fit.model.p_amp[0] > fit.model.p_amp[1])

    # receptive field
    npt.assert_almost_equal(4.0, fit.receptive_field.sum())
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_spatiotemporal.py プロジェクト: arokem/popeye
def test_strf_fit():
    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.tile(np.arange(0,360,90),2)
    thetas = np.insert(thetas,0,-1)
    thetas = np.append(thetas,-1)
    num_blank_steps = 20
    num_bar_steps = 20
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1.0
    frames_per_tr = 1.0
    scale_factor = 0.50
    pixels_down = 200
    pixels_across = 200
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    Ns = 3
    voxel_index = (1,2,3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1
    projector_hz = 480
    tau = 0.00875
    mask_size = 5
    hrf = 0.25
    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance, 
                                 screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps, num_blank_steps, ecc)
    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(stim, viewing_distance, screen_width, scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)
    stimulus.fps = projector_hz
    flicker_vec = np.zeros_like(stim[0,0,:]).astype('uint8')
    flicker_vec[1*20:5*20] = 1
    flicker_vec[5*20:9*20] = 2
    stimulus.flicker_vec = flicker_vec
    stimulus.flicker_hz = [10,20]
    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = strf.SpatioTemporalModel(stimulus, utils.spm_hrf)
    model.tau = tau
    model.hrf_delay = hrf
    model.mask_size = mask_size
    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -2.24
    y = 1.58
    sigma = 1.23
    weight = 0.90
    beta = 1.0
    baseline = -0.25
    # create the "data"
    data =  model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, weight, beta, baseline)
    # set search grid
    x_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0,7.0,5)
    y_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0,7.0,5)
    s_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.75,3.0,5)
    w_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.05,0.95,5)
    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-10,10)
    y_bound =  (-10,10)
    s_bound = (1/stimulus.ppd,10)
    w_bound = (1e-8,1.0)
    b_bound = (1e-8,1e5)
    u_bound = (None, None)
    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (x_grid, y_grid, s_grid, w_grid,)
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, w_bound, b_bound, u_bound)
    # fit the response
    fit = strf.SpatioTemporalFit(model, data, grids, bounds)
    # coarse fit
    ballpark = [-0.5,
    # fine fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.weight, weight, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline, 2)
    # overloaded
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.overloaded_estimate, [ 2.5272803,  2.7411676,  1.23     ,  0.9      ,  1.       , -0.25     ], 2)
    m_rf = fit.model.m_rf(fit.model.tau)
    p_rf = fit.model.p_rf(fit.model.tau)
    # responses
    m_resp = fit.model.generate_m_resp(fit.model.tau)
    p_resp = fit.model.generate_p_resp(fit.model.tau)
    # amps
    # receptive field
    rf = generate_og_receptive_field(x, y, sigma, fit.model.stimulus.deg_x, fit.model.stimulus.deg_y)
    rf /= (2 * np.pi * sigma**2) * 1/np.diff(model.stimulus.deg_x[0,0:2])**2
    npt.assert_almost_equal(np.round(rf.sum()), np.round(fit.receptive_field.sum())) 
    # test model == fit RF
    npt.assert_almost_equal(np.round(fit.model.generate_receptive_field(x,y,sigma).sum()), np.round(fit.receptive_field.sum()))
コード例 #5
def test_strf_css_fit():
    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.tile(np.arange(0,360,90),2)
    num_blank_steps = 0
    num_bar_steps = 30
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1.0
    frames_per_tr = 1.0
    scale_factor = 0.50
    pixels_down = 100
    pixels_across = 100
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    Ns = 3
    voxel_index = (1,2,3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1
    projector_hz = 480
    tau = 0.00875
    mask_size = 5
    hrf = 0.25
    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim1 = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance, 
                                 screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps, num_blank_steps, ecc, clip=0.33)
    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    stim2 = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance, 
                                  screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps, num_blank_steps, ecc, clip=0.0001)
    stim = np.concatenate((stim1,stim2),-1)
    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(stim, viewing_distance, screen_width, scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)
    stimulus.fps = projector_hz
    flicker_vec = np.zeros_like(stim1[0,0,:]).astype('uint8')
    flicker_vec[1*20:5*20] = 1
    flicker_vec[5*20:9*20] = 2
    flicker_vec = np.tile(flicker_vec,2)
    stimulus.flicker_vec = flicker_vec
    stimulus.flicker_hz = [10,20,10,20]
    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = strf.SpatioTemporalModel(stimulus, utils.spm_hrf)
    model.tau = tau
    model.hrf_delay = hrf
    model.mask_size = mask_size
    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -2.24
    y = 1.58
    sigma = 1.23
    n = 0.90
    weight = 0.95
    beta = 0.88
    baseline = -0.25
    # create the "data"
    data =  model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, n, weight, beta, baseline)
    # set search grid
    x_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0,7.0,4)
    y_grid = utils.grid_slice(-8.0,7.0,4)
    s_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.75,3.0,4)
    n_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.25,0.95,4)
    w_grid = utils.grid_slice(0.25,0.95,4)
    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-10,10)
    y_bound =  (-10,10)
    s_bound = (1/stimulus.ppd,10)
    n_bound = (1e-8,1.0-1e-8)
    w_bound = (1e-8,1.0-1e-8)
    b_bound = (1e-8,1e5)
    u_bound = (None, None)
    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (x_grid, y_grid, s_grid, n_grid, w_grid,)
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, n_bound, w_bound, b_bound, u_bound)
    # fit the response
    fit = strf.SpatioTemporalFit(model, data, grids, bounds)
    # coarse fit
    ballpark = [-3.0,
    npt.assert_almost_equal((fit.x0,fit.y0,fit.sigma0, fit.n0, fit.weight0,fit.beta0,fit.baseline0),ballpark)
    # fine fit
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.n, n, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.weight, weight, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta, 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline, 2)
    # overloaded
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.overloaded_estimate,[2.5266437,  2.7390143,  1.3014282,  0.9004958,  0.9499708, 0.8801774], 2)
    # rfs
    m_rf = fit.model.m_rf(fit.model.tau)
    p_rf = fit.model.p_rf(fit.model.tau)
    # responses
    m_resp = fit.model.generate_m_resp(fit.model.tau)
    p_resp = fit.model.generate_p_resp(fit.model.tau)

    # amps
    # receptive field
    npt.assert_almost_equal(4.0, fit.receptive_field.sum())