コード例 #1
def test_excel_operator_operand_fixup_errors(left_op, op, right_op, exc):
    error_messages = []

    def capture_error_state(is_exception, msg):
        error_messages.append((is_exception, msg))

    with pytest.raises(exc):
        build_operator_operand_fixup(capture_error_state)(left_op, op, right_op)
コード例 #2
        def load_function(excel_formula, name_space):
            """exec the code into our address space"""

            # the compiled expressions can call these functions if
            # referencing other cells or a range of cells
            name_space['_C_'] = evaluate
            name_space['_R_'] = evaluate_range
            name_space['_REF_'] = AddressRange.create
            name_space['pi'] = math.pi

            # function to fixup the operands
            name_space['excel_operator_operand_fixup'] = \

            # hook for the execed code to save the resulting lambda
            name_space['lambdas'] = lambdas = []

            # get the compiled code and needed names
            compiled, names = excel_formula.compiled_python

            # load the needed names
            not_found = load_functions(names, name_space, modules)

            # exec the code to define the lambda
            exec(compiled, name_space, name_space)
            excel_formula.compiled_lambda = lambdas[0]
            del name_space['lambdas']
            return not_found
コード例 #3
ファイル: excelformula.py プロジェクト: dgorissen/pycel
        def load_function(excel_formula, name_space):
            """exec the code into our address space"""

            # the compiled expressions can call these functions if
            # referencing other cells or a range of cells
            name_space['_C_'] = evaluate
            name_space['_R_'] = evaluate_range
            name_space['_REF_'] = AddressRange.create
            name_space['pi'] = math.pi

            # function to fixup the operands
            name_space['excel_operator_operand_fixup'] = \

            # hook for the execed code to save the resulting lambda
            name_space['lambdas'] = lambdas = []

            # get the compiled code and needed names
            compiled, names = excel_formula.compiled_python

            # load the needed names
            not_found = load_functions(names, name_space, modules)

            # exec the code to define the lambda
            exec(compiled, name_space, name_space)
            excel_formula.compiled_lambda = lambdas[0]
            del name_space['lambdas']
            return not_found
コード例 #4
def test_excel_operator_operand_fixup(left_op, op, right_op, expected):
    error_messages = []

    def capture_error_state(is_exception, msg):
        error_messages.append((is_exception, msg))

    assert expected == build_operator_operand_fixup(capture_error_state)(
        left_op, op, right_op)

    if expected == VALUE_ERROR:
        if expected == VALUE_ERROR and VALUE_ERROR not in (left_op, right_op):
            assert [(True, 'Values: {} {} {}'.format(left_op, op, right_op))
                    ] == error_messages

    elif expected == DIV0 and DIV0 not in (left_op, right_op):
        assert [(True, 'Values: {} {} {}'.format(left_op, op,
                                                 right_op))] == error_messages
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_excelutil.py プロジェクト: dgorissen/pycel
def test_excel_operator_operand_fixup(left_op, op, right_op, expected):
    error_messages = []

    def capture_error_state(is_exception, msg):
        error_messages.append((is_exception, msg))

    assert expected == build_operator_operand_fixup(
        capture_error_state)(left_op, op, right_op)

    if expected == VALUE_ERROR:
        if expected == VALUE_ERROR and VALUE_ERROR not in (left_op, right_op):
            assert [(True, 'Values: {} {} {}'.format(
                coerce_to_number(left_op, convert_all=True), op, right_op))
            ] == error_messages

    elif expected == DIV0 and DIV0 not in (left_op, right_op):
        assert [(True, 'Values: {} {} {}'.format(left_op, op, right_op))
                ] == error_messages
コード例 #6
ファイル: excelformula.py プロジェクト: danielsjf/pycel
        def load_function(excel_formula, name_space):
            """exec the code into our address space"""

            # the compiled expressions can call these functions if
            # referencing other cells or a range of cells
            name_space['_C_'] = evaluate
            name_space['_R_'] = evaluate_range
            name_space['_REF_'] = AddressRange.create
            name_space['pi'] = math.pi

            for name in ('int', 'abs', 'round'):
                name_space[name] = math_wrap(globals()['__builtins__'][name])

            # function to fixup the operands
            name_space['excel_operator_operand_fixup'] = \

            # hook for the execed code to save the resulting lambda
            name_space['lambdas'] = lambdas = []

            # get the compiled code and needed names
            compiled, names = excel_formula.compiled_python

            # load the needed names
            not_found = set()
            for name in names:
                if name not in name_space:
                    funcs = ((getattr(module, name, None), module)
                             for module in modules)
                    func, module = next((f for f in funcs if f[0] is not None),
                                        (None, None))
                    if func is None:
                        if module.__name__ == 'math':
                            name_space[name] = math_wrap(func)
                            name_space[name] = func

            # exec the code to define the lambda
            exec(compiled, name_space, name_space)
            excel_formula.compiled_lambda = lambdas[0]
            del name_space['lambdas']
            return not_found