コード例 #1
    def test_hash(self):
        d1 = Domain("d", "foo", [1, 2, 3])
        h1 = hash(d1)

        d2 = Domain("d", "foo", [1, 2, 4])
        h2 = hash(d2)

        self.assertNotEqual(h1, h2)

        d3 = Domain("d", "foo", [1, 2, 3])
        h3 = hash(d3)

        self.assertEqual(h1, h3)
コード例 #2
def test_api_dcop_graph_coloring():

    # Graph coloring with 3 variables and color preferences

    dcop = DCOP('test')

    # Domain and variables
    d = Domain('color', '', ['R', 'G'])
    variables = create_variables('v', [1, 2, 3], d)

    # Creating constraints using the convenience += notation
    # We could also use the more verbose dcop.add_constraint method.
    # Variable(s) and domain(s) involved in the constraint are automatically
    # added to the dcop.
    # unary constraints for preferences
    dcop += 'cost_1', '-0.1 if v1 == "R" else 0.1 ', variables
    dcop += 'cost_2', '-0.1 if v2 == "G" else 0.1 ', variables
    dcop += 'cost_3', '-0.1 if v3 == "G" else 0.1 ', variables
    # coloring constraints : v1 != v2 != v3
    dcop += 'c1', '1 if v1 == v2 else 0', variables
    dcop += 'c2', '1 if v3 == v2 else 0', variables

    # let's check the dcop really has all required domain, variables and
    # constraints
    assert len(dcop.variables) == 3
    assert 'v1' in dcop.variables

    assert len(dcop.domains) == 1
    assert 'color' in dcop.domains

    assert len(dcop.constraints) == 5
    assert 'cost_3' in dcop.constraints
    assert 'c2' in dcop.constraints
コード例 #3
    def test_create_several_variables_from_list(self):
        d = Domain('color', '', ['R', 'G', 'B'])
        vars = create_variables('x_', ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'], d)

        self.assertIn('x_a1', vars)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(vars['x_a2'], Variable))
        self.assertEqual(vars['x_a3'].name, 'x_a3')
コード例 #4
def test_comp_creation_with_factory_method():
    d = Domain("d", "", ["R", "G"])
    v1 = Variable("v1", d)
    v2 = Variable("v2", d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str("c1", "10 if v1 == v2 else 0", [v1, v2])
    graph = build_computation_graph(None, constraints=[c1], variables=[v1, v2])

    comp_node = graph.computation("c1")
    algo_def = AlgorithmDef.build_with_default_param("maxsum")
    comp_def = ComputationDef(comp_node, algo_def)

    comp = build_computation(comp_def)
    assert comp is not None
    assert comp.name == "c1"
    assert comp.factor == c1

    comp_node = graph.computation("v1")
    algo_def = AlgorithmDef.build_with_default_param("maxsum")
    comp_def = ComputationDef(comp_node, algo_def)

    comp = build_computation(comp_def)
    assert comp is not None
    assert comp.name == "v1"
    assert comp.variable.name == "v1"
    assert comp.factors == ["c1"]
コード例 #5
    def test_create_several_variables_from_range(self):
        d = Domain("color", "", ["R", "G", "B"])
        variables = create_variables("x_", range(10), d)

        self.assertIn("x_1", variables)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(variables["x_2"], Variable))
        self.assertEqual(variables["x_3"].name, "x_3")
コード例 #6
    def test_create_several_variables_from_list(self):
        d = Domain("color", "", ["R", "G", "B"])
        variables = create_variables("x_", ["a1", "a2", "a3"], d)

        self.assertIn("x_a1", variables)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(variables["x_a2"], Variable))
        self.assertEqual(variables["x_a3"].name, "x_a3")
コード例 #7
    def test_create_several_variables_from_several_lists(self):
        d = Domain('color', '', ['R', 'G', 'B'])
        vars = create_variables('m_', (['x1', 'x2'], ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']), d)

        self.assertEqual(len(vars), 6)
        self.assertIn(('x1', 'a2'), vars)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(vars[('x2', 'a3')], Variable))
        self.assertEqual(vars[('x2', 'a3')].name, 'm_x2_a3')
コード例 #8
def test_build_graph_from_variables_constraints():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    v2 = Variable('v2', d)
    v3 = Variable('v3', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5 + v2 - v3', [v1, v2, v3])

    graph = build_computation_graph(variables=[v1, v2, v3], constraints=[c1])
コード例 #9
    def test_create_several_variables_from_several_lists(self):
        d = Domain("color", "", ["R", "G", "B"])
        variables = create_variables("m_", (["x1", "x2"], ["a1", "a2", "a3"]), d)

        self.assertEqual(len(variables), 6)
        self.assertIn(("x1", "a2"), variables)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(variables[("x2", "a3")], Variable))
        self.assertEqual(variables[("x2", "a3")].name, "m_x2_a3")
コード例 #10
    def test_create_ok(self):
        d1 = Domain('d1', '', [1, 2, 3, 5])
        v1 = Variable('v1', d1)
        f1 = constraint_from_str('f1', 'v1 * 0.5', [v1])

        cv1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [f1])
        cf1 = FactorComputationNode(f1)
        cg = ComputationsFactorGraph([cv1], [cf1])
コード例 #11
ファイル: ising.py プロジェクト: sankarshandamle/pyDcop
def generate_ising(
    row_count: int,
    col_count: int,
    bin_range: float,
    un_range: float,
    extensive: bool,
    no_agents: bool,
    fg_dist: bool,
    var_dist: bool,
) -> Tuple[DCOP, Dict, Dict]:

    grid_graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(row_count, col_count, periodic=True)
    domain = Domain("var_domain", "binary", [0, 1])

    variables = generate_binary_variables(grid_graph, domain)

    constraints = {}
    unary_constraints = generate_unary_constraints(variables, un_range, extensive)
    binary_constraints = generate_binary_constraints(
        grid_graph, variables, bin_range, extensive

    agents = {}
    fg_mapping = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    var_mapping = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    for (row, col) in grid_graph.nodes:
        agent = AgentDef(f"a_{row}_{col}")
        agents[agent.name] = agent
        left = (row - 1) % row_count
        down = (col + 1) % col_count

        if var_dist:

        if fg_dist:
            # Sort coordinate to make sure we build the name in the same order as when
            # creating the constraints:
            (r1, c1), (r2, c2) = sorted([(row, col), (left, col)])
            (r1, c1), (r2, c2) = sorted([(row, col), (row, down)])

    name = f"Ising_{row_count}_{col_count}_{bin_range}_{un_range}"
    if no_agents:
        agents = {}
    dcop = DCOP(
        domains={"var_domain": domain},
        variables={v.name: v for v in variables.values()},

    return dcop, dict(var_mapping), dict(fg_mapping)
コード例 #12
    def test_simple_repr(self):
        d = Domain("d", "foo", [1, 2, 3])
        r = simple_repr(d)

        self.assertEqual(r["__qualname__"], "Domain")
        self.assertEqual(r["__module__"], "pydcop.dcop.objects")
        self.assertEqual(r["name"], "d")
        self.assertEqual(r["domain_type"], "foo")
コード例 #13
    def test_raise_when_duplicate_computation_name(self):
        d1 = Domain('d1', '', [1, 2, 3, 5])
        v1 = Variable('v1', d1)
        # here we create a relation with the same name as the variable
        f1 = constraint_from_str('v1', 'v1 * 0.5', [v1])

        cv1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, ['f1'])
        cf1 = FactorComputationNode(f1)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, ComputationsFactorGraph, [cv1], [cf1])
コード例 #14
def test_create_node_with_custom_name():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5', [v1])

    n1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [c1], name='foo')

    assert v1 == n1.variable
    assert n1.name == 'foo'
コード例 #15
ファイル: iot.py プロジェクト: sankarshandamle/pyDcop
def generate_powerlaw_var_constraints(
    num_var: int, domain_size: int, constraint_range: int
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Variable], Dict[str, Constraint], Domain]:
    Generate variables and constraints for a power-law based constraints

    All constraints are binary and the graph is generated using the Barabasi
    Albert method.

    num_var: int
        number of variables
    domain_size:  int
        size of the domain of the variables
    constraint_range: int
        range in which constraints take their value (uniform random value of
        ech possible assignment).

    A tuple with variables, constraints and domain.

    # Use a barabasi powerlaw based constraints graph
    graph = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(num_var, 2)

    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.subplot(121)
    # nx.draw(graph)  # default spring_layout
    # plt.show()

    domain = Domain("d", "d", range(domain_size))
    variables = {}
    for n in graph.nodes:
        v = Variable(var_name(n), domain)
        variables[v.name] = v
        logger.debug("Create var for node %s : %s", n, v)

    constraints = {}
    for i, (n1, n2) in enumerate(graph.edges):
        v1 = variables[var_name(n1)]
        v2 = variables[var_name(n2)]
        values = random_assignment_matrix([v1, v2], range(constraint_range))
        c = NAryMatrixRelation([v1, v2], values, name=c_name(n1, n2))
        logger.debug("Create constraints for edge (%s, %s) : %s", v1, v2, c)
        constraints[c.name] = c

        "Generates %s variables and %s constraints in a powerlaw" "network",

    return variables, constraints, domain
コード例 #16
    def test_simple_repr(self):
        d = Domain('d', 'foo', [1, 2, 3])
        r = simple_repr(d)

        self.assertEqual(r['__qualname__'], 'Domain')
        self.assertEqual(r['__module__'], 'pydcop.dcop.objects')
        self.assertEqual(r['name'], 'd')
        self.assertEqual(r['domain_type'], 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(r['values'], [1, 2, 3])
コード例 #17
def test_compute_factor_cost_at_start():
    d = Domain("d", "", ["R", "G"])
    v1 = Variable("v1", d)
    v2 = Variable("v2", d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str("c1", "10 if v1 == v2 else 0", [v1, v2])

    obtained = factor_costs_for_var(c1, v1, {}, "min")
    assert obtained["R"] == 0
    assert obtained["G"] == 0
    assert len(obtained) == 2
コード例 #18
def test_one_var_one_factor():
    dcop = DCOP('test', 'min')
    d1 = Domain('d1', '--', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d1)
    dcop += 'c1', '0.5 * v1', [v1]

    g = build_computation_graph(dcop)

    assert len(g.links) == 1
    assert len(g.nodes) == 2
コード例 #19
def test_density_two_var_one_factor():
    dcop = DCOP('test', 'min')
    d1 = Domain('d1', '--', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d1)
    v2 = Variable('v2', d1)
    dcop += 'c1', '0.5 * v1 + v2', [v1, v2]

    g = build_computation_graph(dcop)

    assert g.density() == 4 / 6
コード例 #20
def test_create_node_no_neigbors():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5', [v1])

    n1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [c1])

    assert v1 == n1.variable
    assert c1 in n1.constraints
    assert len(n1.links) == 1  # link to our-self
    assert not n1.neighbors
コード例 #21
def test_var_node_simple_repr():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5', [v1])

    cv1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [c1])

    r = simple_repr(cv1)
    cv1_obtained = from_repr(r)

    assert cv1 == cv1_obtained
コード例 #22
def test_get_candidate_value_selected():
    d = Domain("d", "vals", ["vB", "vD", "vA", "vE"])
    v = Variable("v", d)

    obtained = get_value_candidates(v, "vB")
    assert obtained == ["vD", "vA", "vE"]

    obtained = get_value_candidates(v, "vA")
    assert obtained == ["vE"]

    obtained = get_value_candidates(v, "vE")
    assert obtained == []
コード例 #23
def test_create_node_with_binary_constraint():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    v2 = Variable('v2', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5 - v2', [v1, v2])

    n1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [c1])

    assert v1 == n1.variable
    assert c1 in n1.constraints
    assert list(n1.links)[0].has_node('v2')
    assert 'v2' in n1.neighbors
コード例 #24
def test_variablenode_simple_repr():
    d1 = Domain('d1', '', [1, 2, 3, 5])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d1)
    f1 = constraint_from_str('f1', 'v1 * 0.5', [v1])

    cv1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, ['f1'])
    cf1 = FactorComputationNode(f1, )

    r = simple_repr(cv1)
    obtained = from_repr(r)

    assert obtained == cv1
    assert cv1.variable == obtained.variable
コード例 #25
def test_select_value_no_cost_var():
    d = Domain("d", "", ["R", "G", "B"])
    v1 = Variable("v1", d)

    selected, cost = select_value(v1, {}, "min")
    assert selected in {"R", "G", "B"}
    assert cost == 0

    v1 = VariableWithCostFunc("v1", [1, 2, 3], lambda v: (4 - v) / 10)

    selected, cost = select_value(v1, {}, "min")
    assert selected == 3
    assert cost == 0.1
コード例 #26
def create_dcop():
    dcop = DCOP('test')
    # Domain and vraibales
    d = Domain('color', '', ['R', 'G'])
    variables = create_variables('v', [1, 2, 3], d)
    # unary constraints for preferences
    dcop += 'cost_1', '-0.1 if v1 == "R" else 0.1 ', variables
    dcop += 'cost_2', '-0.1 if v2 == "G" else 0.1 ', variables
    dcop += 'cost_3', '-0.1 if v3 == "G" else 0.1 ', variables
    # coloring constraints : v1 != v2 != v3
    dcop += 'c1', '1 if v1 == v2 else 0', variables
    dcop += 'c2', '1 if v3 == v2 else 0', variables

    return dcop
コード例 #27
def test_graph_density():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    v2 = Variable('v2', d)
    v3 = Variable('v3', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5 + v2 - v3', [v1, v2, v3])

    dcop = DCOP('dcop_test', 'min')

    graph = build_computation_graph(dcop)

    density = graph.density()
    assert density == 1 / 3
コード例 #28
    def setUp(self):

        variables = list(
            create_variables('v', ['1', '2', '3'], Domain('d', '',
                                                          [1, 2])).values())
        all_diff = constraint_from_str('all_diff', 'v1 + v2 + v3 ', variables)
        v1, v2, v3 = variables
        c1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [all_diff])
        c2 = VariableComputationNode(v2, [all_diff])
        c3 = VariableComputationNode(v3, [all_diff])
        nodes = [c1, c2, c3]
        # links = [ConstraintLink('all_diff', ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])]

        self.cg = ComputationConstraintsHyperGraph(nodes)
        self.agents = [AgentDef('a1'), AgentDef('a2'), AgentDef('a3')]
コード例 #29
ファイル: secp.py プロジェクト: sankarshandamle/pyDcop
def generate_secp(args):
    logger.info("Generate SECP %s", args)
    light_count = args.lights
    model_count = args.models
    rule_count = args.rules
    capacity = args.capacity
    max_model_size = args.max_model_size
    max_rule_size = args.max_rule_size

    light_domain = Domain("light", "light", range(0, 5))

    lights_var, lights_cost = build_lights(light_count, light_domain)

    models_var, models_constraints = build_models(
        light_domain, lights_var, max_model_size, model_count

    rules_constraints = build_rules(rule_count, lights_var, models_var, max_rule_size)

    # Agents : one for each light
    agents = build_agents(lights_var, lights_cost, capacity)

    # Force
    # * each light variable to be hosted on the corresponding agent
    # * model constraint and var are preferred on the same agent

    variables = lights_var.copy()

    constraints = models_constraints.copy()

    dcop = DCOP(
        "graph coloring",
        domains={"light_domain": light_domain},

    if args.output:
        outputfile = args.output
        write_in_file(outputfile, dcop_yaml(dcop))
コード例 #30
def test_link_simple_repr():
    d = Domain('d', 'test', [1, 2, 3])
    v1 = Variable('v1', d)
    v2 = Variable('v2', d)
    v3 = Variable('v3', d)
    c1 = constraint_from_str('c1', 'v1 * 0.5 + v2 - v3', [v1, v2, v3])

    cv1 = VariableComputationNode(v1, [c1])
    cv2 = VariableComputationNode(v2, [c1])
    cv3 = VariableComputationNode(v3, [c1])

    link = ConstraintLink(c1.name, ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])

    r = simple_repr(link)
    link_obtained = from_repr(r)

    assert link == link_obtained