コード例 #1
class TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant():
    def __init__(self, file=None, terrain=FlatTerrain(), dlevel=1):
        Initialize TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant with a model from a file and an arbitrary terrain geometry. Initialization also welds the first frame in the MultibodyPlant to the world frame
        self.builder = DiagramBuilder()
        self.multibody, self.scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(
            self.builder, 0.001)
        # Store the terrain
        self.terrain = terrain
        self._dlevel = dlevel
        # Build the MultibodyPlant from the file, if one exists
        self.model_index = []
        if file is not None:
            # Parse the file
            self.model_index = Parser(self.multibody).AddModelFromFile(
        # Initialize the collision data
        self.collision_frames = []
        self.collision_poses = []
        self.collision_radius = []

    def Finalize(self):
        Cements the topology of the MultibodyPlant and identifies all available collision geometries. 
        # Finalize the underlying plant model
        # Idenify and store collision geometries

    def num_contacts(self):
        """ returns the number of contact points"""
        return len(self.collision_frames)

    def num_friction(self):
        """ returns the number of friction components"""
        return 4 * self.dlevel * self.num_contacts()

    def GetNormalDistances(self, context):
        Returns an array of signed distances between the contact geometries and the terrain, given the current system context

            context: a pyDrake MultibodyPlant context
        Return values:
            distances: a numpy array of signed distance values
        qtype = self.multibody.GetPositions(context).dtype
        nCollisions = len(self.collision_frames)
        distances = np.zeros((nCollisions, ), dtype=qtype)
        for n in range(0, nCollisions):
            # Transform collision frames to world coordinates
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, self.collision_frames[n],
            # Squeeze collision point (necessary for AutoDiff plants)
            collision_pt = np.squeeze(collision_pt)
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordinates
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
            # Calc normal distance to terrain
            terrain_frame = self.terrain.local_frame(terrain_pt)
            normal = terrain_frame[0, :]
            distances[n] = normal.dot(collision_pt -
                                      terrain_pt) - self.collision_radius[n]
        # Return the distances as a single array
        return distances

    def GetContactJacobians(self, context):
        Returns a tuple of numpy arrays representing the normal and tangential contact Jacobians evaluated at each contact point

            context: a pyDrake MultibodyPlant context
        Return Values
            (Jn, Jt): the tuple of contact Jacobians. Jn represents the normal components and Jt the tangential components
        qtype = self.multibody.GetPositions(context).dtype
        numN = self.num_contacts()
        numT = int(self.num_friction() / numN)
        D = self.friction_discretization_matrix().transpose()
        Jn = np.zeros((numN, self.multibody.num_velocities()), dtype=qtype)
        Jt = np.zeros((numN * numT, self.multibody.num_velocities()),
        for n in range(0, numN):
            # Transform collision frames to world coordinates
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, self.collision_frames[n],
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordinates
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
            # Calc normal distance to terrain
            terrain_frame = self.terrain.local_frame(terrain_pt)
            normal, tangent = np.split(terrain_frame, [1], axis=0)
            # Discretize to the chosen level
            Dtangent = D.dot(tangent)
            # Get the contact point Jacobian
            J = self.multibody.CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity(
                context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.collision_frames[n],
                self.multibody.world_frame(), self.multibody.world_frame())
            # Calc contact Jacobians
            Jn[n, :] = normal.dot(J)
            Jt[n * numT:(n + 1) * numT, :] = Dtangent.dot(J)
        # Return the Jacobians as a tuple of np arrays
        return (Jn, Jt)

    def GetFrictionCoefficients(self, context):
        Return friction coefficients for nearest point on terrain
            context: the current MultibodyPlant context
        Return Values:
            friction_coeff: list of friction coefficients
        friction_coeff = []
        for frame, pose in zip(self.collision_frames, self.collision_poses):
            # Transform collision frames to world coordinates
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, frame, pose.translation(),
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordiantes
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
        # Return list of friction coefficients
        return friction_coeff

    def getTerrainPointsAndFrames(self, context):
        Return the nearest points on the terrain and the local coordinate frame

            context: current MultibodyPlant context
        Return Values:
            terrain_pts: a 3xN array of points on the terrain
            terrain_frames: a 3x3xN array, specifying the local frame of the terrain
        terrain_pts = []
        terrain_frames = []
        for frame, pose in zip(self.collision_frames, self.collision_poses):
            # Calc collision point
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, frame, pose.translation(),
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordinates
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
            # Calc local coordinate frame

        return (terrain_pts, terrain_frames)

    def toAutoDiffXd(self):
        """Covert the MultibodyPlant to use AutoDiffXd instead of Float"""

        # Create a new TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant model
        copy_ad = TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant(file=None,
        # Instantiate the plant as the Autodiff version
        copy_ad.multibody = self.multibody.ToAutoDiffXd()
        copy_ad.scene_graph = self.scene_graph.ToAutoDiffXd()
        copy_ad.model_index = self.model_index
        # Store the collision frames to finalize the model
        return copy_ad

    def set_discretization_level(self, dlevel=0):
        """Set the friction discretization level. The default is 0"""
        self._dlevel = dlevel

    def __store_collision_geometries(self):
        """Identifies the collision geometries in the model and stores their parent frame and pose in parent frame in lists"""
        # Create a diagram and a scene graph
        inspector = self.scene_graph.model_inspector()
        # Locate collision geometries and contact points
        body_inds = self.multibody.GetBodyIndices(self.model_index)
        # Get the collision frames for each body in the model
        for body_ind in body_inds:
            body = self.multibody.get_body(body_ind)
            collision_ids = self.multibody.GetCollisionGeometriesForBody(body)
            for id in collision_ids:
                # get and store the collision geometry frames
                frame_name = inspector.GetName(
                # Check for a spherical geometry
                geoms = inspector.GetGeometries(inspector.GetFrameId(id),
                shape = inspector.GetShape(geoms[0])
                if type(shape) is Sphere:

    def __discretize_friction(self, normal, tangent):
        Rotates the terrain tangent vectors to discretize the friction cone
            normal:  The terrain normal direction, (1x3) numpy array
            tangent:  The terrain tangent directions, (2x3) numpy array
        Return Values:
            all_tangents: The discretized friction vectors, (2nx3) numpy array

        This method is now deprecated
        # Reflect the current friction basis
        tangent = np.concatenate((tangent, -tangent), axis=0)
        all_tangents = np.zeros((4 * (self._dlevel), tangent.shape[1]))
        all_tangents[0:4, :] = tangent
        # Rotate the tangent basis around the normal vector
        for n in range(1, self._dlevel):
            # Create an angle-axis representation of rotation
            R = RotationMatrix(theta_lambda=AngleAxis(
                angle=n * pi / (2 * (self._dlevel)), axis=normal))
            # Apply the rotation matrix
            all_tangents[n * 4:(n + 1) * 4, :] = R.multiply(
        return all_tangents

    def simulate(self, h, x0, u=None, N=1):

        # Initialize arrays
        nx = x0.shape[0]
        x = np.zeros(shape=(nx, N))
        x[:, 0] = x0
        t = np.zeros(shape=(N, ))
        nf = 1
        if u is None:
            B = self.multibody.MakeAcutatorMatrix()
            u = np.zeros(shape=(B.shape[1], N))
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        Jn, Jt = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        f = np.zeros(shape=(Jn.shape[0] + Jt.shape[0], N))
        # Integration loop
        for n in range(0, N - 1):
            f[:, n] = self.contact_impulse(h, x[:, n], u[:, n])
            x[:, n + 1] = self.integrate(h, x[:, n], u[:, n], f[:, n])
            t[n + 1] = t[n] + h
            f[:, n] = f[:, n] / h
        return (t, x, f)

    def integrate(self, h, x, u, f):
        # Get the configuration and the velocity
        q, dq = np.split(x, 2)
        # Estimate the next configuration, assuming constant velocity
        qhat = q + h * dq
        # Set the context
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, qhat)
        v = self.multibody.MapQDotToVelocity(context, dq)
        self.multibody.SetVelocities(context, v)
        # Get the current system properties
        M = self.multibody.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(context)
        C = self.multibody.CalcBiasTerm(context)
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        Jn, Jt = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        J = np.vstack((Jn, Jt))
        # Calculate the next state
        b = h * (B.dot(u) - C.dot(dq) + G) + J.transpose().dot(f)
        v = np.linalg.solve(M, b)
        dq += v
        q += h * dq
        # Collect the configuration and velocity into a state vector
        return np.concatenate((q, dq), axis=0)

    def contact_impulse(self, h, x, u):
        # Get the configuration and generalized velocity
        q, dq = np.split(x, 2)
        # Estimate the configuration at the next time step
        qhat = q + h * dq
        # Get the system parameters
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, q)
        v = self.multibody.MapQDotToVelocity(context, dq)
        self.multibody.SetVelocities(context, v)
        M = self.multibody.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(context)
        C = self.multibody.CalcBiasTerm(context)
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        tau = B.dot(u) - C + G
        Jn, Jt = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        phi = self.GetNormalDistances(context)
        alpha = Jn.dot(qhat) - phi
        # Calculate the force size from the contact Jacobian
        numT = Jt.shape[0]
        numN = Jn.shape[0]
        S = numT + 2 * numN
        # Initialize LCP parameters
        P = np.zeros(shape=(S, S), dtype=float)
        w = np.zeros(shape=(numN, S))
        numF = int(numT / numN)
        for n in range(0, numN):
            w[n, n * numF + numN:numN + (n + 1) * numF] = 1
        # Construct LCP matrix
        J = np.vstack((Jn, Jt))
        JM = J.dot(np.linalg.inv(M))
        P[0:numN + numT, 0:numN + numT] = JM.dot(J.transpose())
        P[:, numN + numT:] = w.transpose()
        P[numN + numT:, :] = -w
        P[numN + numT:,
          0:numN] = np.diag(self.GetFrictionCoefficients(context))
        #Construct LCP bias vector
        z = np.zeros(shape=(S, ), dtype=float)
        z[0:numN + numT] = h * JM.dot(tau) + J.dot(dq)
        #z[0:numN] += (Jn.dot(q) - alpha)/h
        z[0:numN] += phi / h
        # Solve the LCP for the reaction impluses
        f, status = solve_lcp(P, z)
        if f is None:
            return np.zeros(shape=(numN + numT, ))
            # Strip the slack variables from the LCP solution
            return f[0:numN + numT]

    def get_multibody(self):
        return self.multibody

    def joint_limit_jacobian(self):
        Returns a matrix for mapping the positive-only joint limit torques to 

        # Create the Jacobian as if all joints were limited
        nV = self.multibody.num_velocities()
        I = np.eye(nV)
        # Check for infinite limits
        qhigh = self.multibody.GetPositionUpperLimits()
        qlow = self.multibody.GetPositionLowerLimits()
        # Assert two sided limits
        low_inf = np.isinf(qlow)
        assert all(low_inf == np.isinf(qhigh))
        # Make the joint limit Jacobian
        if not all(low_inf):
            # Remove floating base limits
            floating = self.multibody.GetFloatingBaseBodies()
            floating_pos = []
            while len(floating) > 0:
                body = self.multibody.get_body(floating.pop())
                if body.has_quaternion_dofs():
            # Remove entries corresponding to the extra dof from quaternions
            low_inf = np.delete(low_inf, floating_pos)
            low_inf = np.squeeze(low_inf)
            # Zero-out the entries that don't correspond to joint limits
            I[low_inf, low_inf] = 0
            # Remove the columns that don't correspond to joint limits
            I = np.delete(I, low_inf, axis=1)
            return np.concatenate([I, -I], axis=1)
            return None

    def get_contact_points(self, context):
            Returns a list of positions of contact points expressed in world coordinates given the system context.
        contact_pts = []
        for frame, pose in zip(self.collision_frames, self.collision_poses):
                    context, frame, pose.translation(),
        return contact_pts

    def resolve_contact_forces_in_world(self, context, forces):
            Transform non-negative discretized force components used in complementarity constraints into 3-vectors in world coordinates

            Returns a list of (3,) numpy arrays
        # First remove the discretization
        forces = self.resolve_forces(forces)
        # Reorganize forces from (Normal, Tangential) to a list
        force_list = []
        for n in range(0, self.num_contacts()):
                self.num_contacts() + 2 * n,
                self.num_contacts() + 2 * n + 1
        # Transform the forces into world coordinates using the terrain frames
        _, frames = self.getTerrainPointsAndFrames(context)
        world_forces = []
        for force, frame in zip(force_list, frames):
        # Return a list of forces in world coordinates
        return world_forces

    def resolve_limit_forces(self, jl_forces):
        Combine positive and negative components of joint limit torques
            jl_forces: (2n, m) numpy array

        Return values:
            (n, m) numpy array
        JL = self.joint_limit_jacobian()
        has_limits = np.sum(abs(JL), axis=1) > 0
        f_jl = JL.dot(jl_forces)
        if f_jl.ndim > 1:
            return f_jl[has_limits, :]
            return f_jl[has_limits]

    def duplicator_matrix(self):
        """Returns a matrix of 1s and 0s for combining friction forces or duplicating sliding velocities"""
        numN = self.num_contacts()
        numT = self.num_friction()
        w = np.zeros((numN, numT))
        nD = int(numT / numN)
        for n in range(numN):
            w[n, n * nD:(n + 1) * nD] = 1
        return w

    def friction_discretization_matrix(self):
        """ Make a matrix for converting discretized friction into a single vector"""
        n = 4 * self.dlevel
        theta = np.linspace(0, n - 1, n) * 2 * np.pi / n
        D = np.vstack((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)))
        # Threshold out small values
        D[np.abs(D) < 1e-10] = 0
        return D

    def resolve_forces(self, forces):
        """ Convert discretized friction & normal forces into a non-discretized 3-vector"""
        numN = self.num_contacts()
        n = 4 * self.dlevel
        fN = forces[0:numN, :]
        fT = forces[numN:numN * (n + 1), :]
        D_ = self.friction_discretization_matrix()
        D = np.zeros((2 * numN, n * numN))
        for k in range(numN):
            D[2 * k:2 * k + 2, k * n:(k + 1) * n] = D_
        ff = D.dot(fT)
        return np.concatenate((fN, ff), axis=0)

    def static_controller(self, qref, verbose=False):
        Generates a controller to maintain a static pose
            qref: (N,) numpy array, the static pose to be maintained

        Return Values:
            u: (M,) numpy array, actuations to best achieve static pose
            f: (C,) numpy array, associated normal reaction forces

        static_controller generates the actuations and reaction forces assuming the velocity and accelerations are zero. Thus, the equation to solve is:
            N(q) = B*u + J*f
        where N is a vector of gravitational and conservative generalized forces, B is the actuation selection matrix, and J is the contact-Jacobian transpose.

        Currently, static_controller only considers the effects of the normal forces. Frictional forces are not yet supported
        #TODO: Solve for friction forces as well

        # Check inputs
        if qref.ndim > 1 or qref.shape[0] != self.multibody.num_positions():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Reference position mut be ({self.multibody.num_positions(),},) array"
        # Set the context
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, qref)
        # Get the necessary properties
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        Jn, _ = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        phi = self.GetNormalDistances(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        #Collect terms
        A = np.concatenate([B, Jn.transpose()], axis=1)
        # Create the mathematical program
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        l_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.num_contacts(), name="forces")
        u_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.multibody.num_actuators(),
        # Ensure dynamics approximately satisfied
                           vars=np.concatenate([u_var, l_var], axis=0))
        # Enforce normal complementarity
                                      np.full(l_var.shape, np.inf), l_var)
        prog.AddConstraint(phi.dot(l_var) == 0)
        # Solve
        result = Solve(prog)
        # Check for a solution
        if result.is_success():
            u = result.GetSolution(u_var)
            f = result.GetSolution(l_var)
            if verbose:
                printProgramReport(result, prog)
            return (u, f)
            print(f"Optimization failed. Returning zeros")
            if verbose:
                printProgramReport(result, prog)
            return (np.zeros(u_var.shape), np.zeros(l_var.shape))

    def dlevel(self):
        return self._dlevel

    def dlevel(self, val):
        """Check that the value of dlevel is a positive integer"""
        if type(val) is int and val > 0:
            self._dlevel = val
            raise ValueError("dlevel must be a positive integer")
コード例 #2
ファイル: iiwa_sys.py プロジェクト: khaninger/info_min
class iiwa_sys():
    def __init__(self,
        self.plant_derivs = MultibodyPlant(time_step=dt)
        parser = Parser(self.plant_derivs)
        self.derivs_iiwa, _, _ = self.add_models(self.plant_derivs,
        self.plant_derivs_context = self.plant_derivs.CreateDefaultContext()
            self.plant_derivs_context, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
        null_force = BasicVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            self.plant_derivs_context, null_force)

        self.plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder,
        parser = Parser(self.plant, scene_graph)
        self.iiwa, self.hinge, self.bushing = self.add_models(self.plant,
        )  # Finalize will assign ports for compatibility w/ the scene_graph; could be cause of the issue w/ first order taylor.

        self.meshcat = ConnectMeshcatVisualizer(builder,

        self.sym_derivs = False  # If system should use symbolic derivatives; if false, autodiff
        self.custom_sim = False  # If rollouts should be gathered with sys.dyn() calls

        nq = self.plant.num_positions()
        nv = self.plant.num_velocities()
        self.n_x = nq + nv
        self.n_u = self.plant.num_actuators()
        self.n_y = self.plant.get_state_output_port(self.iiwa).size()

        self.N = N
        self.dt = dt
        self.decay = trj_decay
        self.V = 1e-2 * np.ones(self.n_y)
        self.W = np.concatenate((1e-7 * np.ones(nq), 1e-4 * np.ones(nv)))
        self.W0 = np.concatenate((1e-9 * np.ones(nq), 1e-6 * np.ones(nv)))
        self.x_w_cov = x_w_cov
        self.door_angle_ref = door_angle_ref

        self.q0 = np.array(
            [-3.12, -0.17, 0.52, -3.11, 1.22, -0.75, -1.56, 0.55])
        #self.q0 = np.array([-3.12, -0.27, 0.52, -3.11, 1.22, -0.75, -1.56, 0.55])
        self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.q0, np.zeros(nv)))
        self.door_index = None

        self.phi = {}

    def ports_init(self, context):
        self.plant_context = self.plant.GetMyMutableContextFromRoot(context)
        self.plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self.plant_context, self.x0)

        #door_angle = self.plant.GetPositionsFromArray(self.hinge, self.x0[:8])
        self.door_index = self.plant.GetJointByName(

        null_force = BasicVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            self.plant_context, null_force)
            self.plant_context, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
        self.W0[self.door_index] = self.x_w_cov

    def add_models(self, plant, parser, params=None):
        iiwa = parser.AddModelFromFile(

        #box = Box(10., 10., 10.)
        #X_WBox = RigidTransform([0, 0, -5])
        #mu = 0.6
        #plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry(plant.world_body(), X_WBox, box, "ground", CoulombFriction(mu, mu))
        #plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(plant.world_body(), X_WBox, box, "ground", [.9, .9, .9, 1.0])
        #planar_joint_frame = plant.AddFrame(FixedOffsetFrame("planar_joint_frame", plant.world_frame(), RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.MakeXRotation(np.pi/2))))

        X_WCylinder = RigidTransform([-0.75, 0, 0.5])
        hinge = parser.AddModelFromFile(
        plant.WeldFrames(plant.world_frame(), plant.GetFrameByName("base"),
        #cupboard_door_spring = plant.AddForceElement(RevoluteSpring_[float](plant.GetJointByName("right_door_hinge"), nominal_angle = -0.4, stiffness = 10))
        if params is None:
            bushing = LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[float](
                [50, 50, 50],  # Torque stiffness
                [2., 2., 2.],  # Torque damping
                [5e4, 5e4, 5e4],  # Linear stiffness
                [80, 80, 80],  # Linear damping
            print('setting custom stiffnesses')
            bushing = LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[float](
                [params['k4'], params['k5'], params['k6']],  # Torque stiffness
                [2, 2, 2],  # Torque damping
                [params['k1'], params['k2'], params['k3']],  # Linear stiffness
                [100, 100, 100],  # Linear damping
        bushing_element = plant.AddForceElement(bushing)

        return iiwa, hinge, bushing

    def cost_stage(self, x, u):
        ctrl = 1e-5 * np.sum(u**2)
        pos = 15.0 * (x[self.door_index] - self.door_angle_ref)**2
        vel = 1e-5 * np.sum(x[8:]**2)
        return pos + ctrl + vel

    def cost_final(self, x):
        return 50 * (1.0 * (x[self.door_index] - self.door_angle_ref)**2 +
                     np.sum(2.5e-4 * x[8:]**2))

    def get_deriv(self, x, u):
        lin = FirstOrderTaylorApproximation(
            self.plant_derivs, self.plant_derivs_context,
        return lin.A(), lin.B(), lin.C()

    def get_param_deriv(self, x, u):
        # Using a closed-form solution; as currently DRAKE doesn't do support autodiff on parameters for LinearBusing.
        # Note dC is 0 - stiffness does not affect measurements of q, v
        W = self.plant.world_frame()
        I = self.plant.GetFrameByName("iiwa_link_7")
        H = self.plant.GetFrameByName("handle")
        self.plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self.plant_context, x)
        M = self.plant.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(self.plant_context)
        Jac_I = self.plant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity(
            self.plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot, I, [0, 0, 0], W, W)
        Jac_H = self.plant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity(
            self.plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot, H, [0, 0, 0], W, W)
        dA = np.zeros((self.n_x**2, 3))
        dA_sq = np.zeros((self.n_x, self.n_x))
        for param_ind in range(3):
            JH = np.outer(Jac_H[param_ind, :], Jac_H[param_ind, :])
            JI = np.outer(Jac_I[param_ind, :], Jac_I[param_ind, :])
            dA_sq[8:, :8] = self.dt * np.linalg.inv(M).dot(JH + JI)
            dA[:, param_ind] = deepcopy(dA_sq.ravel())

    #print(np.sum(np.abs(dA), axis=0))
        return dA

    def reset(self):
        x_traj_new = np.zeros((self.N + 1, self.n_x))
        x_traj_new[0, :] = self.x0 + np.multiply(np.sqrt(self.W0),
        u_traj_new = np.zeros((self.N, self.n_u))
                                             x_traj_new[0, :])
        return x_traj_new, u_traj_new

    def rollout(self):
        self.u_trj = np.random.randn(self.N, self.n_u) * 0.001
        self.x_trj, _ = self.reset()
        for i in range(self.N):
            self.x_trj[i + 1, :] = self.dyn(self.x_trj[i, :],

    def dyn(self, x, u, phi=None, noise=False):
        x_next = self.plant.AllocateDiscreteVariables()
        self.plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self.plant_context, x)
            self.plant_context, u)
        self.plant.CalcDiscreteVariableUpdates(self.plant_context, x_next)
        x_new = x_next.get_mutable_vector().get_value()
        if noise:
            noise = np.multiply(np.sqrt(self.W), np.random.randn(self.n_x))
            x_new += noise
        return x_new

    def obs(self, x, mode=None, noise=False, phi=None):
        y = self.plant.get_state_output_port(self.iiwa).Eval(
        if noise:
            y += np.multiply(np.sqrt(self.V), np.random.randn(self.n_y))
        return y

    def cost(self, x_trj=None, u_trj=None):
        cost_trj = 0.0
        if x_trj is None:
            for i in range(self.N):
                cost_trj += self.cost_stage(self.x_trj[i, :], self.u_trj[i, :])
            cost_trj += self.cost_final(self.sys.plant, self.x_trj[-1, :])
            for i in range(self.N):
                cost_trj += self.cost_stage(x_trj[i, :], u_trj[i, :])
            cost_trj += self.cost_final(x_trj[-1, :])
        return cost_trj