コード例 #1
 def test_unicode_initial(self):
     testfile = 'test_data/stubdata/input/apsjats_10.1103.PhysRevB.96.081117.fulltext.xml'
     shouldbe = {'bibcode': '2017PhRvB..96h1117S'}
     with open(testfile, 'rU') as fp:
         parser = aps.APSJATSParser()
         document = parser.parse(fp)
     self.assertEqual(document['bibcode'], shouldbe['bibcode'])
コード例 #2
 def test_dehtml(self):
     testfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/stubdata/input/apsjats_10.1103.PhysRevA.97.019999.fulltext.xml')
     shouldbe = {'title': 'Finite-error metrological bounds on multiparameter Hamiltonian estimation'}
     with open(testfile, 'rU') as fp:
         parser = aps.APSJATSParser()
         document = parser.parse(fp)
     self.assertEqual(document['title'], shouldbe['title'])
コード例 #3
 def test_unicode_initial(self):
     testfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/stubdata/input/apsjats_10.1103.PhysRevB.96.081117.fulltext.xml')
     shouldbe = {'bibcode': '2017PhRvB..96h1117S'}
     with open(testfile, open_mode_u) as fp:
         parser = aps.APSJATSParser()
         document = parser.parse(fp)
     self.assertEqual(document['bibcode'], shouldbe['bibcode'])
コード例 #4
 def test_dehtml2(self):
     self.maxDiff = None
     testfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/stubdata/input/apsjats_10.1103.PhysRevA.95.129999.fulltext.xml')
     shouldbe = {'bibcode': u'2015PhRvA..95l9999T', 'publication': u'Physical Review A, Volume 95, Issue 1, id.129999, <NUMPAGES>9</NUMPAGES> pp.', 'pubdate': u'07/2015', 'copyright': u'\xa92018 American Physical Society', 'title': u'Fake article title with other kinds of markup inside <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/aww">it</a> including paragraph tags that really have no place in a title.', 'abstract': u'<a href="http://naughtywebsite.gov">Fake URLs</a> are an increasing problem when trying to write fake abstracts. It\'s unlikely that a .gov domain would host a bad website, but then again what times are we living in now? Also, <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mi>\u03b4</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula>. Also also, <inline-formula><mml:math>this is some math</mml:math></inline-formula>.', 'database': ['PHY'], 'page': u'129999', 'volume': u'95', 'affiliations': [u'NASA-ADS, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, United States', u'Monty Python lol.'], 'authors': u'Templeton, Matthew; Organs, Harry Snapper', 'keywords': u'Fundamental concepts', 'issue': u'1', 'properties': {'DOI': u'10.1103/PhysRevA.95.129999'}, 'refhandler_list': ['<ref id="c1"><label>[1]</label><mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><object-id>1</object-id><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name>A. S. Holevo</string-name></person-group>, <source/>J. Multivariate Anal. <volume>3</volume>, <page-range>337</page-range> (<year>1973</year>).<pub-id pub-id-type="coden">JMVAAI</pub-id><issn>0047-259X</issn><pub-id assigning-authority="crossref" pub-id-type="doi" specific-use="suppress-display">10.1016/0047-259X(73)90028-6</pub-id></mixed-citation></ref>']}
     with open(testfile, open_mode_u) as fp:
         parser = aps.APSJATSParser()
         document = parser.parse(fp)
     self.assertDictEqual(document, shouldbe)
コード例 #5
 def test_dehtml2(self):
     testfile = 'test_data/stubdata/input/apsjats_10.1103.PhysRevA.95.129999.fulltext.xml'
     shouldbe = {
         u'Physical Review A, Volume 95, Issue 1, id.129999',
         u'Fake article title with other kinds of markup inside <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/aww">it</a> including paragraph tags that really have no place in a title.',
         u'<a href="http://naughtywebsite.gov">Fake URLs</a> are an increasing problem when trying to write fake abstracts. It\'s unlikely that a .gov domain would host a bad website, but then again what times are we living in now? Also, <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mi>\u03b4</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula>. Also also, <inline-formula><mml:math>this is some math</mml:math></inline-formula>.',
         'database': ['PHY'],
         'affiliations': [
             u'NASA-ADS, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, United States',
             u'Monty Python lol.'
         u'Templeton, Matthew; Organs, Harry Snapper',
         u'Fundamental concepts',
         'properties': {
             'DOI': u'doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.129999'
     with open(testfile, 'rU') as fp:
         parser = aps.APSJATSParser()
         document = parser.parse(fp)
     self.assertDictEqual(document, shouldbe)
コード例 #6
if sys.version_info > (3,):
    open_mode = 'r'
    open_mode = 'rU'

with open(input_list, open_mode) as fi:
    for l in fi.readlines():
        doi = l.strip().split('\t')[1]
        (a,b) = doi.split('/')
        b = b.replace('.', '/')
        infile = xmldir + a + '/' + b + xmltail

for f in testfile:
    fnord = f[92:]
    if os.path.isfile(f):
        print("found! ", fnord)
        with open(f, open_mode) as fp:
            parser = aps.APSJATSParser()
            document = parser.parse(fp)
            serializer = pyingest.serializers.classic.Tagged()
            outputfp = open('aps.tag', 'a')
            serializer.write(document, outputfp)
    #    print "ERROR!\n%s\n"%f
    #    traceback.print_exc()
    #    pass
        print("not found :(   ", fnord)