コード例 #1
def mayavi(structure, N=10):
  """ import this module and run mayavi to see the divide and conquer boxes. 
      Enjoy and play around.
  from enthought.mayavi.mlab import points3d
  from pylada.crystal.cppwrappers import periodic_dnc

  mesh, boxes = periodic_dnc(structure, nperbox=30, overlap=0.25, return_mesh = True)

  x, y, z, s = [], [], [], []
  for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
    if i == N: continue
    x.extend([(atom.pos[0] + trans[0]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
    y.extend([(atom.pos[1] + trans[1]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
    z.extend([(atom.pos[2] + trans[2]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
    s.extend([0.5 for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
  points3d(x,y,z,s, scale_factor=0.1, colormap="copper")

  x, y, z, s = [], [], [], []
  for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
    if i < N: continue
    x.extend([(atom.pos[0] + trans[0]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
    y.extend([(atom.pos[1] + trans[1]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
    z.extend([(atom.pos[2] + trans[2]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
    s.extend([float(i+1) + (0. if inbox else 0.4) for atom, trans, inbox in box if inbox])
  points3d(x,y,z,s, scale_factor=0.004, colormap="autumn")
  x, y, z, s = [], [], [], []
  for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
    if i < N: continue
    x.extend([(atom.pos[0] + trans[0]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
    y.extend([(atom.pos[1] + trans[1]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
    z.extend([(atom.pos[2] + trans[2]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
    s.extend([float(i+2) + (0. if inbox else 0.4) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
  points3d(x,y,z,s, scale_factor=0.01, opacity=0.3)
コード例 #2
def check(structure):
  from numpy import multiply, cast, any
  from numpy.linalg import inv
  from pylada.crystal.cppwrappers import periodic_dnc
  from pylada.math import gruber

  mesh, boxes = periodic_dnc(structure, nperbox=30, overlap=0.125, return_mesh = True)
  invcell = gruber(structure.cell)
  invcell[:, 0] /= float(mesh[0])
  invcell[:, 1] /= float(mesh[1])
  invcell[:, 2] /= float(mesh[2])
  invcell = inv(invcell)
  for box in boxes:
    assert any(u[2] for u in box)
    for atom, trans, inbox in box:
      if inbox: break
    index = indices(invcell, trans+atom.pos, mesh) 
    for atom, trans, inbox in box:
      pi = indices(invcell, trans+atom.pos, mesh) 
      if inbox: assert all(abs(pi - index) < 1e-8), (pi, index)
        assert any(    abs(u-v) == 1 \
                    or (w>1 and abs(u-v) == w-1) \
                    or  w == 1 for u, v, w in zip(pi, index, mesh) )