def read(self, debug, interpolate): """ Read finite-element mesh and store in Sieve mesh object. @returns PETSc mesh object containing finite-element mesh """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Reading finite-element mesh") # Set flags self.debug(debug) self.interpolate(interpolate) # Initialize coordinate system if self.coordsys is None: raise ValueError, "Coordinate system for mesh is unknown." from pylith.mpi.Communicator import petsc_comm_world from pylith.topology.Mesh import Mesh mesh = Mesh(dim=self.coordsys.spaceDim(), comm=petsc_comm_world()) mesh.coordsys(self.coordsys) # Read mesh, mesh) return mesh
def poststep(self, t, dt): """ Hook for doing stuff after advancing time step. """ logEvent = "%spoststep" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() # The velocity and acceleration at time t depends on the # displacement at time t+dt, we want to output BEFORE updating the # displacement fields so that the displacement, velocity, and # acceleration files are all at time t. if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Writing solution fields.") for output in self.output.components(): output.writeData(t, self.fields) self._writeData(t) # Update displacement field from time t to time t+dt. dispIncr = self.fields.get("dispIncr(t->t+dt)") dispT = self.fields.get("disp(t)") dispTmdt = self.fields.get("disp(t-dt)") dispTmdt.copy(dispT) dispT.add(dispIncr) dispIncr.zeroAll() # Complete post-step processing. Formulation.poststep(self, t, dt) self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return
def _setupBC(self, boundaryConditions): """ Setup boundary conditions as integrators or constraints. """ from pylith.feassemble.Integrator import implementsIntegrator from pylith.feassemble.Constraint import implementsConstraint from pylith.bc.PointForce import PointForce from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing boundary conditions.") self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) for bc in boundaryConditions.components(): bc.preinitialize(self.mesh()) foundType = False if implementsIntegrator(bc): foundType = True self.integrators.append(bc) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Added boundary condition '%s' as an integrator." % \ bc.label()) if implementsConstraint(bc): foundType = True self.constraints.append(bc) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Added boundary condition '%s' as a constraint." % \ bc.label()) if not foundType: raise TypeError, \ "Could not determine whether boundary condition '%s' is an " \ "integrator or a constraint." % self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) return
def preinitialize(self, mesh): """ Do pre-initialization setup. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing fault '%s'." % self.label()) FaultCohesive.preinitialize(self, mesh) Integrator.preinitialize(self, mesh) ModuleFaultCohesiveKin.quadrature(self, self.faultQuadrature) for eqsrc in self.eqsrcs.components(): eqsrc.preinitialize() ModuleFaultCohesiveKin.eqsrcs(self, self.eqsrcs.inventory.facilityNames(), self.eqsrcs.components()) for name in self.eqsrcs.inventory.facilityNames(): self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["final_slip_%s" % name] self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["slip_time_%s" % name] if mesh.dimension() == 2: self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["strike_dir"] elif mesh.dimension() == 3: self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["strike_dir", "dip_dir"] return
def _setupInterfaces(self, interfaceConditions): """ Setup interfaces as integrators or constraints. """ from pylith.feassemble.Integrator import implementsIntegrator from pylith.feassemble.Constraint import implementsConstraint from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing interior interfaces.") for ic in interfaceConditions.components(): ic.preinitialize(self.mesh()) foundType = False if implementsIntegrator(ic): foundType = True self.integrators.append(ic) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Added interface condition '%s' as an integrator." % \ ic.label()) if implementsConstraint(ic): foundType = True self.constraints.append(ic) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Added interface condition '%s' as a constraint." % \ ic.label()) if not foundType: raise TypeError, \ "Could not determine whether interface condition '%s' is an " \ "integrator or a constraint." % self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) return
def preinitialize(self, mesh): """ Do pre-initialization setup. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing fault '%s'." % self.label()) FaultCohesive.preinitialize(self, mesh) Integrator.preinitialize(self, mesh) ModuleFaultCohesiveDyn.quadrature(self, self.faultQuadrature) if mesh.dimension() == 2: self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["strike_dir"] elif mesh.dimension() == 3: self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["strike_dir", "dip_dir"] if not isinstance(self.tract, NullComponent): self.tract.preinitialize(mesh) self.availableFields['vertex'][ 'info'] += self.tract.availableFields['vertex']['info'] self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += \ self.friction.availableFields['vertex']['info'] self.availableFields['vertex']['data'] += \ self.friction.availableFields['vertex']['data'] return
def _setupMaterials(self, materials): """ Setup materials as integrators. """ from pylith.feassemble.Integrator import implementsIntegrator from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing materials.") self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) for material in materials.components(): integrator = self.elasticityIntegrator() if not implementsIntegrator(integrator): raise TypeError, \ "Could not use '%s' as an integrator for material '%s'. " \ "Functionality missing." % (, material.label()) integrator.preinitialize(self.mesh(), material) self.integrators.append(integrator) self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Added elasticity integrator for material '%s'." % material.label()) return
def finalize(self): """ Cleanup after time stepping. """ logEvent = "%sfinalize" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Formulation finalize.") self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) for integrator in self.integrators: integrator.finalize() for constraint in self.constraints: constraint.finalize() for output in self.output.components(): output.close() output.finalize() self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._modelMemoryUse() self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return
def preinitialize(self, problem, mesh): """Do minimal initialization of solution. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Performing minimal initialization of solution.") from pylith.topology.Field import Field self.field = Field(mesh) self.field.setLabel("solution") spaceDim = mesh.getCoordSys().getSpaceDim() for subfield in self.subfields.components(): subfield.initialize(problem.normalizer, spaceDim) if 0 == comm.rank: self._debug.log( "Adding subfield '%s' as '%s' with components %s to solution." % (subfield.fieldName, subfield.userAlias, subfield.componentNames)) descriptor = subfield.getTraitDescriptor("quadrature_order") if hasattr(descriptor.locator, "source") and descriptor.locator.source == "default": quadOrder = problem.defaults.quadOrder else: quadOrder = subfield.quadOrder self.field.subfieldAdd( subfield.fieldName, subfield.userAlias, subfield.vectorFieldType, subfield.componentNames, subfield.scale.value, subfield.basisOrder, quadOrder, subfield.dimension, subfield.cellBasis, subfield.isBasisContinuous, subfield.feSpace) return
def preinitialize(self, mesh): """ Setup integrators for each element family (material/quadrature, bc/quadrature, etc.). """ self._setupLogging() from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing problem.") import weakref self.mesh = weakref.ref(mesh) self.formulation.preinitialize(mesh, self.materials, self.bc, self.interfaces, self.gravityField) # Find fault for impulses found = False for fault in self.interfaces.components(): if self.faultId == self.source = fault found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("Could not find fault interface with id '%d' for " "Green's function impulses." % self.faultId) return
def preinitialize(self, mesh, materials, boundaryConditions, interfaceConditions, gravityField): """ Create integrator for each element family. """ self._setupLogging() logEvent = "%spreinit" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() self.timeStep.preinitialize() import weakref self.mesh = weakref.ref(mesh) self.integrators = [] self.constraints = [] self.gravityField = gravityField self.solver.preinitialize() self._setupMaterials(materials) self._setupBC(boundaryConditions) self._setupInterfaces(interfaceConditions) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing output.") for output in self.output.components(): output.preinitialize() self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return
def step(self, t, dt): """ Advance to next time step. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() dispIncr = self.fields.get("dispIncr(t->t+dt)") self._reformResidual(t+dt, dt) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Solving equations.") self._eventLogger.stagePush("Solve") residual = self.fields.get("residual") #self.jacobian.view() # TEMPORARY self.solver.solve(dispIncr, self.jacobian, residual) #dispIncr.view("DISP INCR") # TEMPORARY # DEBUGGING Verify solution makes residual 0 #self._reformResidual(t+dt, dt) #residual.view("RESIDUAL") self._eventLogger.stagePop() return
def poststep(self, t, dt): """ Hook for doing stuff after advancing time step. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() # Update displacement field from time t to time t+dt. dispIncr = self.fields.get("dispIncr(t->t+dt)") disp = self.fields.get("disp(t)") disp.add(dispIncr) dispIncr.zeroAll() # Complete post-step processing, then write data. Formulation.poststep(self, t, dt) # Write data. Velocity at time t will be based upon displacement # at time t-dt and t. if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Writing solution fields.") for output in self.output.components(): output.writeData(t+dt, self.fields) self._writeData(t+dt) return
def preinitialize(self, mesh): """ Do pre-initialization setup. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing fault '%s'." % self.label()) FaultCohesive.preinitialize(self, mesh) Integrator.preinitialize(self, mesh) ModuleFaultCohesiveDyn.quadrature(self, self.faultQuadrature) if mesh.dimension() == 2: self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["strike_dir"] elif mesh.dimension() == 3: self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += ["strike_dir", "dip_dir"] if not isinstance(self.tract, NullComponent): self.tract.preinitialize(mesh) self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += self.tract.availableFields['vertex']['info'] self.availableFields['vertex']['info'] += \ self.friction.availableFields['vertex']['info'] self.availableFields['vertex']['data'] += \ self.friction.availableFields['vertex']['data'] return
def run(self, app): """ Compute Green's functions associated with fault slip. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Computing Green's functions.") self.checkpointTimer.toplevel = app # Set handle for saving state # Limit material behavior to linear regime for material in self.materials.components(): material.useElasticBehavior(True) nimpulses = self.source.numImpulses() if nimpulses > 0: ipulse = 0; dt = 1.0 while ipulse < nimpulses: self.progressMonitor.update(ipulse, 0, nimpulses) self._eventLogger.stagePush("Prestep") if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Main loop, impulse %d of %d." % (ipulse+1, nimpulses)) # Implicit time stepping computes solution at t+dt, so set # t=ipulse-dt, so that t+dt corresponds to the impulse t = float(ipulse)-dt # Checkpoint if necessary self.checkpointTimer.update(t) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Preparing impulse %d of %d." % \ (ipulse+1, nimpulses)) self.formulation.prestep(t, dt) self._eventLogger.stagePop() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Computing response to impulse %d of %d." % (ipulse+1, nimpulses)) self._eventLogger.stagePush("Step") self.formulation.step(t, dt) self._eventLogger.stagePop() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Finishing impulse %d of %d." % \ (ipulse+1, nimpulses)) self._eventLogger.stagePush("Poststep") self.formulation.poststep(t, dt) self._eventLogger.stagePop() # Update time/impulse ipulse += 1 self.progressMonitor.close() return
def main(self, *args, **kwds): """ Run the application. """ if self.pdbOn: import pdb pdb.set_trace() from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Running on %d process(es)." % comm.size) from pylith.utils.profiling import resourceUsageString self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._setupLogging() # Create mesh (adjust to account for interfaces (faults) if necessary) self._eventLogger.stagePush("Meshing") interfaces = None if "interfaces" in dir(self.problem): interfaces = self.problem.interfaces.components() mesh = self.mesher.create(self.problem.normalizer, interfaces) del interfaces del self.mesher self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._eventLogger.stagePop() # Setup problem, verify configuration, and then initialize self._eventLogger.stagePush("Setup") self.problem.preinitialize(mesh) self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self.problem.verifyConfiguration() self.problem.initialize() self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._eventLogger.stagePop() # If initializing only, stop before running problem if self.initializeOnly: return # Run problem self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) # Cleanup self._eventLogger.stagePush("Finalize") self.problem.finalize() self._eventLogger.stagePop() self.perfLogger.logMesh('Mesh', mesh) self.compilePerformanceLog() if self.perfLogger.verbose: return
def main(self, *args, **kwds): """Run the application. """ if self.pdbOn: import pdb pdb.set_trace() # Dump parameters and version information self.parameters.preinitialize() self.parameters.write(self) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Running on %d process(es)." % comm.size) from pylith.utils.profiling import resourceUsageString self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._setupLogging() # Create mesh (adjust to account for interfaces (faults) if necessary) self._eventLogger.stagePush("Meshing") interfaces = None if "interfaces" in dir(self.problem): interfaces = self.problem.interfaces.components() self.mesher.preinitialize(self.problem) mesh = self.mesher.create(self.problem, interfaces) del interfaces self.mesher = None self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._eventLogger.stagePop() # Setup problem, verify configuration, and then initialize self._eventLogger.stagePush("Setup") self.problem.preinitialize(mesh) self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self.problem.verifyConfiguration() self.problem.initialize() self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) self._eventLogger.stagePop() # If initializing only, stop before running problem if self.initializeOnly: return # Run problem self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) # Cleanup self._eventLogger.stagePush("Finalize") self.problem.finalize() self._eventLogger.stagePop() return
def initialize(self, dimension, normalizer): """ Initialize problem for implicit time integration. """ logEvent = "%sinit" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() self._initialize(dimension, normalizer) #from pylith.utils.petsc import MemoryLogger #memoryLogger = MemoryLogger.singleton() #memoryLogger.setDebug(0) #memoryLogger.stagePush("Problem") # Allocate other fields, reusing layout from dispIncr if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Creating other fields.") self.fields.add("velocity(t)", "velocity") self.fields.copyLayout("dispIncr(t->t+dt)") # Setup fields and set to zero dispT = self.fields.get("disp(t)") dispT.zeroAll() residual = self.fields.get("residual") residual.zeroAll() residual.createScatter(residual.mesh()) lengthScale = normalizer.lengthScale() timeScale = normalizer.timeScale() velocityScale = lengthScale / timeScale velocityT = self.fields.get("velocity(t)") velocityT.scale(velocityScale.value) velocityT.zeroAll() self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) #memoryLogger.stagePop() # Allocates memory for nonzero pattern and Jacobian if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Creating Jacobian matrix.") self._setJacobianMatrixType() from pylith.topology.Jacobian import Jacobian self.jacobian = Jacobian(self.fields.solution(), self.matrixType, self.blockMatrixOkay) # TEMPORARY, to get correct memory usage self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) #memoryLogger.stagePush("Problem") if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing solver.") self.solver.initialize(self.fields, self.jacobian, self) self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) #memoryLogger.stagePop() #memoryLogger.setDebug(0) return
def finalize(self): """Cleanup after running problem. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Finalizing problem.") return
def resourceUsageString(): """Get CPU time and memory usage as a string. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() (cputime, memory) = resourceUsage() return "[%d] CPU time: %s, Memory usage: %.2f MB" % \ (comm.rank, cputime, memory)
def resourceUsageString(): """ Get CPU time and memory usage as a string. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() (cputime, memory) = resourceUsage() return "[%d] CPU time: %s, Memory usage: %.2f MB" % \ (comm.rank, cputime, memory)
def preinitialize(self, problem): from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Performing minimal initialization of poroelasticity rheology '%s'." % self.aliases[-1]) self._createModuleObj() return
def initialize(self): """Initialize integrators and constraints. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing {} problem.".format(self.formulation)) ModuleProblem.initialize(self) return
def write(self, mesh): """Write finite-element mesh.stored in Sieve mesh object. @param mesh PETSc mesh object containing finite-element mesh """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Writing finite-element mesh") ModuleMeshIO.write(self, mesh) return
def run(self, app): """Solve time dependent problem. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Solving problem.") ModuleTimeDependent.solve(self) return
def write(self, mesh): """ Write finite-element mesh.stored in Sieve mesh object. @param mesh PETSc mesh object containing finite-element mesh """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Writing finite-element mesh") ModuleMeshIO.write(self, mesh) return
def verifyConfiguration(self): """Verify compatibility of configuration. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Verifying compatibility of problem configuration.") ModuleProblem.verifyConfiguration(self) self._printInfo() return
def initialize(self): """ Setup integrators for each element family (material/quadrature, bc/quadrature, etc.). """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing problem.") self.checkpointTimer.initialize(self.normalizer) self.formulation.initialize(self.dimension, self.normalizer) return
def mkpath(self, filename): """Create path for output file. """ self._info.log("Creating path for output file '{}'".format(filename)) relpath = os.path.dirname(filename) if relpath and not os.path.exists(relpath): # Only create directory on proc 0 from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if not comm.rank: os.makedirs(relpath) return
def _createPath(self, filename): """Create path for filename if it doesn't exist. """ import os relpath = os.path.dirname(filename) if len(relpath) > 0 and not os.path.exists(relpath): # Only create directory on proc 0 from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: os.makedirs(relpath) return
def close(self): """ Close writer. """ ModuleDataWriterHDF5Ext.close(self) # Only write Xdmf file on proc 0 from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if not comm.rank: from Xdmf import Xdmf xdmf = Xdmf() xdmf.write(ModuleDataWriterHDF5Ext.hdf5Filename(self), verbose=False) return
def close(self): """ Close writer. """ ModuleDataWriterHDF5.close(self) # Only write Xdmf file on proc 0 from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if not comm.rank: from Xdmf import Xdmf xdmf = Xdmf() xdmf.write(ModuleDataWriterHDF5.hdf5Filename(self), verbose=False) return
def verifyConfiguration(self): """ Verify compatibility of configuration. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Verifying compatibility of problem configuration.") if self.dimension != self.mesh().dimension(): raise ValueError, \ "Spatial dimension of problem is '%d' but mesh contains cells " \ "for spatial dimension '%d'." % \ (self.dimension, self.mesh().dimension()) if self.dimension != self.mesh().coordsys().spaceDim(): raise ValueError, \ "Spatial dimension of problem is '%d' but mesh coordinate system " \ "is for spatial dimension '%d'." % \ (self.dimension, self.mesh().coordsys().spaceDim()) # Check to make sure ids of materials and interfaces are unique materialIds = {} for material in self.materials.components(): if material.quadrature.spaceDim() != self.dimension: raise ValueError, \ "Spatial dimension of problem is '%d' but quadrature " \ "for material '%s' is for spatial dimension '%d'." % \ (self.dimension, material.label(), material.quadrature.spaceDim()) if in materialIds.keys(): raise ValueError, \ "ID values for materials '%s' and '%s' are both '%d'. " \ "Material id values must be unique." % \ (material.label(), materialIds[], materialIds[] = material.label() for interface in self.interfaces.components(): if in materialIds.keys(): raise ValueError, \ "ID values for material '%s' and interface '%s' are both '%d'. " \ "Material and interface id values must be unique." % \ (materialIds[], interface.label(), materialIds[] = interface.label() # Check to make sure material-id for each cell matches the id of a material import numpy idValues = numpy.array(materialIds.keys(), dtype=numpy.int32) self.mesh().checkMaterialIds(idValues) return
def writeData(self, t, fields): """ Hook for writing data at time t. """ logEvent = "%swrite" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Writing material data.") self.output.writeData(t, fields) self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return
def preinitialize(self, mesh): """ Setup integrators for each element family (material/quadrature, bc/quadrature, etc.). """ self._setupLogging() from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing problem.") import weakref self.mesh = weakref.ref(mesh) self.formulation.preinitialize(mesh, self.materials, self.bc, self.interfaces, self.gravityField) return
def initialize(self, normalizer, filename): """ Initialize writer. """ import os relpath = os.path.dirname(filename) if len(relpath) > 0 and not os.path.exists(relpath): # Only create directory on proc 0 from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if not comm.rank: os.makedirs(relpath) return
def preinitialize(self, spaceDim): """ Setup quadrature object. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing reference cell.") cell = self.cell cell.initialize(spaceDim) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing C++ quadrature.") self._initialize(cell) self.refGeometry(cell.geometry) return
def _reformResidual(self, t, dt): """ Reform residual vector for operator. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Integrating residual term in operator.") self._eventLogger.stagePush("Reform Residual") self.updateSettings(self.jacobian, self.fields, t, dt) self.reformResidual() self._eventLogger.stagePop() self._debug.log(resourceUsageString()) return
def preinitialize(self, problem): """Do pre-initialization setup. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Pre-initializing fault '%s'." % self.label) FaultCohesive.preinitialize(self, problem) for eqsrc in self.eqRuptures.components(): eqsrc.preinitialize() ModuleFaultCohesiveKin.setEqRuptures( self, self.eqRuptures.inventory.facilityNames(), self.eqRuptures.components()) return
def step(self, t, dt): """ Advance to next time step. """ from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() self._reformResidual(t, dt) if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Solving equations.") residual = self.fields.get("residual") dispIncr = self.fields.get("dispIncr(t->t+dt)") self.solver.solve(dispIncr, self.jacobian, residual) return
def initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer): """ Initialize material properties. """ logEvent = "%sinit" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing integrator for material '%s'." % \ self.materialObj.label()) Integrator.initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer) self.materialObj.normalizer(normalizer) self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return
def initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer): """ Initialize cohesive elements. """ logEvent = "%sinit" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing fault '%s'." % self.label()) Integrator.initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer) FaultCohesive.initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer) self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return
def initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer): """ Initialize PointForce boundary condition. """ logEvent = "%sinit" % self._loggingPrefix self._eventLogger.eventBegin(logEvent) from pylith.mpi.Communicator import mpi_comm_world comm = mpi_comm_world() if 0 == comm.rank: self._info.log("Initializing point forces '%s'." % self.label()) Integrator.initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer) BoundaryCondition.initialize(self, totalTime, numTimeSteps, normalizer) self._eventLogger.eventEnd(logEvent) return