def __init__(self, split=True, old=True, edxproblem=True, courseinfo=True, edxvideo=True, verbose=False): ''' Get interface to modulestore backup. Note: This class presumes modulestore was recently loaded to mongod. Class also presumes that mongod is running on localhost:27017. ''' # FIXME: don't presume modulestore is recently loaded and running self.msdb = mng.MongoClient().modulestore if verbose: self.setupLogging(logging.INFO, logFile=None) else: self.setupLogging(logging.WARN, logFile=None) # Need to handle Split and Old modulestore cases self.split = split self.old = old # Switch for updating EdxProblem and CourseInfo separately (useful for testing) self.update_EP = edxproblem self.update_CI = courseinfo self.update_EV = edxvideo # Initialize MySQL connection from config file home = os.path.expanduser('~') dbFile = home + "/.ssh/mysql_user" if not os.path.isfile(dbFile): sys.exit("MySQL user credentials not found: " + dbFile) dbuser = None #@UnusedVariable dbpass = None #@UnusedVariable with open(dbFile, 'r') as f: dbuser = f.readline().rstrip() dbpass = f.readline().rstrip() MySQLDB.__init__(self, db="Edx", user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass)
def __init__(self, split=True, old=True, edxproblem=True, courseinfo=True, edxvideo=True): ''' Get interface to modulestore backup. Note: This class presumes modulestore was recently loaded to mongod. Class also presumes that mongod is running on localhost:27017. ''' # FIXME: don't presume modulestore is recently loaded and running self.msdb = mng.MongoClient().modulestore # Need to handle Split and Old modulestore cases self.split = split self.old = old # Switch for updating EdxProblem and CourseInfo separately (useful for testing) self.update_EP = edxproblem self.update_CI = courseinfo self.update_EV = edxvideo # Initialize MySQL connection from config file home = os.path.expanduser('~') dbFile = home + "/.ssh/mysql_user" if not os.path.isfile(dbFile): sys.exit("MySQL user credentials not found: " + dbFile) dbuser = None dbpass = None with open(dbFile, 'r') as f: dbuser = f.readline().rstrip() dbpass = f.readline().rstrip() MySQLDB.__init__(self, db="Edx", user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass)
def __init__(self, outdir=""): ''' Initializes table export tool with db credentials from .ssh directory. Will write outfiles to current working directory unless otherwise specified. ''' # Helper function for making required directories def ensureExists(dpath): if not os.path.exists(dpath): os.mkdir(dpath) # Configure export logging n = logDir = os.getcwd()+'/logs/' ensureExists(logDir) logging.basicConfig(filename="logs/TableExport_%d-%d-%d_%s.log" % (n.year, n.month,, n.strftime('%I:%M%p')), level=logging.INFO) # Set write directory for outfiles. self.writeDir = os.getcwd()+'/'+outdir+'/' ensureExists(self.writeDir) # Get MySQL database user credentials from .ssh directory home = os.path.expanduser("~") dbFile = home + "/.ssh/mysql_user" if not os.path.isfile(dbFile): sys.exit("MySQL user credentials not found @ %s." % dbFile) dbuser, dbpass = None, None with open(dbFile, 'r') as f: dbuser, dbpass = f.readline().rstrip(), f.readline().rstrip() # Read in table lookup from .ssh directory. tblFile = home + "/.ssh/ds_table_lookup.cfg" if not os.path.isfile(tblFile): sys.exit("Table lookup file not found @ %s." % tblFile) self.tableLookup = dict() with open(tblFile, 'r') as f: for line in f: db, tbl = line.split('.') self.tableLookup[tbl] = line # Initialize MySQL database connection MySQLDB.__init__(self, user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass)"Connected to database.")
def __init__(self): mysql_dbhost='localhost' #mysql_user='******'#getpass.getuser() mysql_user=getpass.getuser() mysql_db='EdxForum' mysql_passwd=self.getMysqlPasswd() self.type='all' print('got passwd from file %s'%(mysql_passwd)) self.db=MySQLDB('',3306,mysql_user,mysql_passwd,'EdxForum')
def __init__(self): ''' Initializes extractor object with credentials from .ssh directory. Set log file directory. ''' home = expanduser("~") userFile = home + '/.ssh/qualtrics_user' tokenFile = home + '/.ssh/qualtrics_token' dbFile = home + "/.ssh/mysql_user" if os.path.isfile(userFile) == False: sys.exit("User file not found: " + userFile) if os.path.isfile(tokenFile) == False: sys.exit("Token file not found: " + tokenFile) if os.path.isfile(dbFile) == False: sys.exit("MySQL user credentials not found: " + dbFile) self.apiuser = None self.apitoken = None dbuser = None #@UnusedVariable dbpass = None #@UnusedVariable with open(userFile, 'r') as f: self.apiuser = f.readline().rstrip() with open(tokenFile, 'r') as f: self.apitoken = f.readline().rstrip() with open(dbFile, 'r') as f: dbuser = f.readline().rstrip() dbpass = f.readline().rstrip() logging.basicConfig( filename="EdxQualtricsETL_%d%d%d_%d%d.log" % (,,,,, level=logging.INFO) self.lookup = IpCountryDict() #************ MySQLDB.__init__(self, db="EdxQualtrics", user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass)
def __init__(self): ''' Initializes extractor object with credentials from .ssh directory. Set log file directory. ''' home = expanduser("~") userFile = home + '/.ssh/qualtrics_user' tokenFile = home + '/.ssh/qualtrics_token' dbFile = home + "/.ssh/mysql_user" if os.path.isfile(userFile) == False: sys.exit("User file not found: " + userFile) if os.path.isfile(tokenFile) == False: sys.exit("Token file not found: " + tokenFile) if os.path.isfile(dbFile) == False: sys.exit("MySQL user credentials not found: " + dbFile) self.apiuser = None self.apitoken = None dbuser = None dbpass = None with open(userFile, 'r') as f: self.apiuser = f.readline().rstrip() with open(tokenFile, 'r') as f: self.apitoken = f.readline().rstrip() with open(dbFile, 'r') as f: dbuser = f.readline().rstrip() dbpass = f.readline().rstrip() logging.basicConfig(filename="EdxQualtricsETL_%d%d%d_%d%d.log" % (,,,,, level=logging.INFO) self.lookup = IpCountryDict() MySQLDB.__init__(self, db="EdxQualtrics", user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass)
with open(tokenFile, 'r') as f: token = f.readline() return uid.strip(), token.strip() _User,_Token = getUserPwd() #******** # print _User, _Token #******** user,pwd = getMysqlUserPwd() #db=MySQLDB('',3306,'root','','EdxQualtrics') # Now connect to the qualtrics db; NOTE the # db EdxQualtrics must be present: db=MySQLDB('',3306,user,pwd,'EdxQualtrics') initDatabaseIfNeeded() """ {u'Meta': {u'Status': u'Success', u'Debug': u''}, u'Result': {u'Surveys': [{u'SurveyCreationDate': u'2014-10-27 15:08:19', u'responses': u'3', u'UserFirstName': u'jagadish', u'SurveyType': u'SV', u'LastModified': u'2014-11-04 12:50:51', u'LastActivated': u'2014-10-27 15:21:36', u'SurveyName': u'cs140-feedback', u'UserLastName': u'venkatraman', u'SurveyID': u'SV_6YegHjmjmngyhVz', u'SurveyStatus': u'Active', u'CreatorID': u'UR_elipjMDGVTxcjZz', u'SurveyStartDate': u'0000-00-00 00:00:00', u'SurveyOwnerID': u'UR_elipjMDGVTxcjZz', u'SurveyExpirationDate': u'0000-00-00 00:00:00'}]}} Returns all surveys for a particular user, token pair """ def getSurveysForUser (User, Token): url=''%(User,Token) #******** # print url #******** d=None try: d=urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
class PostGetter: ''' Initialize the class with the appropriate mysql instance. Initialize the DB instance to point to EdxForum.contents. ''' def __init__(self): mysql_dbhost='localhost' #mysql_user='******'#getpass.getuser() mysql_user=getpass.getuser() mysql_db='EdxForum' mysql_passwd=self.getMysqlPasswd() self.type='all' print('got passwd from file %s'%(mysql_passwd)) self.db=MySQLDB('',3306,mysql_user,mysql_passwd,'EdxForum') ''' Used only for testing. Test password provided. ''' def getmysqlpasswd(self): return '5PinkPenguines' ''' Password is typically stored in ~user_name/.ssh/mysql ''' def getMysqlPasswd(self): homeDir=os.path.expanduser('~'+getpass.getuser()) f_name=homeDir+'/.ssh/mysql' with open(f_name, 'r') as f: password = f.readline().strip() print 'password got from file is %s'%(password) return password def getAllDataForCourseAsString(self,course): courseData='' query_string='select body from contents where course_display_name=\'%s\''%(course) for row in self.db.query(query_string): courseData += row[0] return courseData def getMinWeekForCourse(self, course): query_string='select min(YEARWEEK(created_at)) from contents where course_display_name=\'%s\''%(course) minval=0 for row in self.db.query(query_string): minval=row[0] return int(minval) def getMaxWeekForCourse(self, course): query_string='select max(YEARWEEK(created_at)) from contents where course_display_name=\'%s\''%(course) maxval=0 for row in self.db.query(query_string): maxval=row[0] return int(maxval) def getWeeklyDataForCourseAsString(self,course, week): courseData='' query_string='select body from contents where course_display_name=\'%s\' and YEARWEEK(created_at)=%s'%(course,week) for row in self.db.query(query_string): courseData += row[0] return courseData def getNumPosts(self, course, week): query_string='select count(*) from contents where course_display_name=\'%s\' and YEARWEEK(created_at)=%s'%(course,week) numPosts=0 for row in self.db.query(query_string): numPosts=row[0] return int(numPosts)
#qq=qq+' limit 50' #for c in mydb.query("select body from EdxForum.contents where body like '%:)%'"): for c in mydb.query(qq): obj=[]; s=c[0] try: s=s.encode('ascii', 'ignore') except : s='z' if(s!='z'): t=(s,code) all_data.append(s) categories.append(code) mydb=MySQLDB('',3306,'jagadish','5PinkPenguines','EdxForum') mydb.execute('SET NAMES utf8;'); mydb.execute('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;'); mydb.execute('SET character_set_connection=utf8;'); if (len(sys.argv) !=2): print 'usage: python test/train' sys.exit (1) all_data=[] codes=[] happy=[] qq="select body from EdxForum.contents where body like '%:)%' or body like '%:-)%' "