コード例 #1
def test_ISWAP():
    u1 = program_unitary(Program(ISWAP(0, 1)), n_qubits=2)
    u2 = program_unitary(_ISWAP(0, 1), n_qubits=2)
    assert equal_up_to_global_phase(u1, u2, atol=1e-12)

    u1 = program_unitary(Program(ISWAP(1, 0)), n_qubits=2)
    u2 = program_unitary(_ISWAP(1, 0), n_qubits=2)
    assert equal_up_to_global_phase(u1, u2, atol=1e-12)
コード例 #2
def test_gates_in_isa(isa_dict):
    isa = ISA.from_dict(isa_dict)
    gates = gates_in_isa(isa)
    for q in [0, 1, 2]:
        for g in [I, RX(np.pi / 2), RX(-np.pi / 2), RZ(THETA)]:
            assert g(q) in gates

    assert CZ(0, 1) in gates
    assert CZ(1, 0) in gates
    assert ISWAP(1, 2) in gates
    assert ISWAP(2, 1) in gates
    assert CPHASE(THETA)(2, 0) in gates
    assert CPHASE(THETA)(0, 2) in gates
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_quil.py プロジェクト: syedm101/pyquil
def test_dagger():
    # these gates are their own inverses
    p = Program().inst(I(0), X(0), Y(0), Z(0),
                       H(0), CNOT(0, 1), CCNOT(0, 1, 2),
                       SWAP(0, 1), CSWAP(0, 1, 2))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'CSWAP 0 1 2\nSWAP 0 1\n' \
                               'CCNOT 0 1 2\nCNOT 0 1\nH 0\n' \
                               'Z 0\nY 0\nX 0\nI 0\n'

    # these gates require negating a parameter
    p = Program().inst(PHASE(pi, 0), RX(pi, 0), RY(pi, 0),
                       RZ(pi, 0), CPHASE(pi, 0, 1),
                       CPHASE00(pi, 0, 1), CPHASE01(pi, 0, 1),
                       CPHASE10(pi, 0, 1), PSWAP(pi, 0, 1))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'PSWAP(-pi) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE10(-pi) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE01(-pi) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE00(-pi) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE(-pi) 0 1\n' \
                               'RZ(-pi) 0\n' \
                               'RY(-pi) 0\n' \
                               'RX(-pi) 0\n' \
                               'PHASE(-pi) 0\n'

    # these gates are special cases
    p = Program().inst(S(0), T(0), ISWAP(0, 1))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'PSWAP(pi/2) 0 1\n' \
                               'RZ(pi/4) 0\n' \
                               'PHASE(-pi/2) 0\n'

    # must invert defined gates
    G = np.array([[0, 1], [0 + 1j, 0]])
    p = Program().defgate("G", G).inst(("G", 0))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'DEFGATE G-INV:\n' \
                               '    0.0, -i\n' \
                               '    1.0, 0.0\n\n' \
                               'G-INV 0\n'

    # can also pass in a list of inverses
    inv_dict = {"G": "J"}
    p = Program().defgate("G", G).inst(("G", 0))
    assert p.dagger(inv_dict=inv_dict).out() == 'J 0\n'

    # defined parameterized gates cannot auto generate daggered version https://github.com/rigetticomputing/pyquil/issues/304
    theta = Parameter('theta')
    gparam_matrix = np.array([[quil_cos(theta / 2), -1j * quil_sin(theta / 2)],
                             [-1j * quil_sin(theta / 2), quil_cos(theta / 2)]])
    g_param_def = DefGate('GPARAM', gparam_matrix, [theta])
    p = Program(g_param_def)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # defined parameterized gates should passback parameters https://github.com/rigetticomputing/pyquil/issues/304
    GPARAM = g_param_def.get_constructor()
    p = Program(GPARAM(pi)(1, 2))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'GPARAM-INV(pi) 1 2\n'
コード例 #4
def test_get_qvm_noise_supported_gates_from_compiler_isa(compiler_isa):
    gates = _get_qvm_noise_supported_gates(compiler_isa)
    for q in [0, 1, 2]:
        for g in [
                RX(np.pi / 2, q),
                RX(-np.pi / 2, q),
                RX(np.pi, q),
                RX(-np.pi, q),
                RZ(THETA, q),
            assert g in gates

    assert CZ(0, 1) in gates
    assert CZ(1, 0) in gates
    assert ISWAP(1, 2) in gates
    assert ISWAP(2, 1) in gates
    assert CPHASE(THETA, 2, 0) in gates
    assert CPHASE(THETA, 0, 2) in gates
コード例 #5
def test_dagger():
    # these gates are their own inverses
    p = Program().inst(I(0), X(0), Y(0), Z(0),
                       H(0), CNOT(0,1), CCNOT(0,1,2),
                       SWAP(0,1), CSWAP(0,1,2))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'CSWAP 0 1 2\nSWAP 0 1\n' \
                      'CCNOT 0 1 2\nCNOT 0 1\nH 0\n' \
                      'Z 0\nY 0\nX 0\nI 0\n'

    # these gates require negating a parameter
    p = Program().inst(PHASE(pi, 0), RX(pi, 0), RY(pi, 0),
                       RZ(pi, 0), CPHASE(pi, 0, 1),
                       CPHASE00(pi, 0, 1), CPHASE01(pi, 0, 1),
                       CPHASE10(pi, 0, 1), PSWAP(pi, 0, 1))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'PSWAP(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE10(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE01(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE00(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'CPHASE(-3.141592653589793) 0 1\n' \
                               'RZ(-3.141592653589793) 0\n' \
                               'RY(-3.141592653589793) 0\n' \
                               'RX(-3.141592653589793) 0\n' \
                               'PHASE(-3.141592653589793) 0\n'

    # these gates are special cases
    p = Program().inst(S(0), T(0), ISWAP(0, 1))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'PSWAP(1.5707963267948966) 0 1\n' \
                               'RZ(0.7853981633974483) 0\n' \
                               'PHASE(-1.5707963267948966) 0\n'

    # must invert defined gates
    G = np.array([[0, 1], [0+1j, 0]])
    p = Program().defgate("G", G).inst(("G", 0))
    assert p.dagger().out() == 'DEFGATE G-INV:\n' \
                               '    0.0+-0.0i, 0.0-1.0i\n' \
                               '    1.0+-0.0i, 0.0+-0.0i\n\n' \
                               'G-INV 0\n'

    # can also pass in a list of inverses
    inv_dict = {"G":"J"}
    p = Program().defgate("G", G).inst(("G", 0))
    assert p.dagger(inv_dict=inv_dict).out() == 'J 0\n'
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_quil.py プロジェクト: tocheng/pyquil
def test_swaps():
    p = Program(SWAP(0, 1), CSWAP(0, 1, 2), ISWAP(0, 1), PSWAP(np.pi, 0, 1))
    assert p.out() == "SWAP 0 1\nCSWAP 0 1 2\nISWAP 0 1\nPSWAP(pi) 0 1\n"
コード例 #7
def test_swaps():
    p = Program(SWAP(0, 1), CSWAP(0, 1, 2), ISWAP(0, 1), PSWAP(np.pi)(0, 1))
    assert p.out(
    ) == 'SWAP 0 1\nCSWAP 0 1 2\nISWAP 0 1\nPSWAP(3.141592653589793) 0 1\n'