コード例 #1
ファイル: guides.py プロジェクト: jamestwebber/pyro
    def forward(self, design, target_labels=None):
        Sample the posterior.

        :param torch.Tensor design: tensor of possible designs.
        :param list target_labels: list indicating the sample sites that are targets, i.e. for which information gain
                                   should be measured.
        if target_labels is None:
            target_labels = list(self.means.keys())

        pyro.module("laplace_guide", self)
        with ExitStack() as stack:
            for plate in iter_plates_to_shape(design.shape[:-2]):

            if self.training:
                # MAP via Delta guide
                for l in target_labels:
                    w_dist = dist.Delta(self.means[l]).to_event(1)
                    pyro.sample(l, w_dist)
                # Laplace approximation via MVN with hessian
                for l in target_labels:
                    w_dist = dist.MultivariateNormal(
                        self.means[l], scale_tril=self.scale_trils[l])
                    pyro.sample(l, w_dist)
コード例 #2
def normal_inv_gamma_family_guide(design, obs_sd, w_sizes, mf=False):
    """Normal inverse Gamma family guide.

    If `obs_sd` is known, this is a multivariate Normal family with separate
    parameters for each batch. `w` is sampled from a Gaussian with mean `mw_param` and
    covariance matrix derived from  `obs_sd * lambda_param` and the two parameters `mw_param` and `lambda_param`
    are learned.

    If `obs_sd=None`, this is a four-parameter family. The observation precision
    `tau` is sampled from a Gamma distribution with parameters `alpha`, `beta`
    (separate for each batch). We let `obs_sd = 1./torch.sqrt(tau)` and then
    proceed as above.

    :param torch.Tensor design: a tensor with last two dimensions `n` and `p`
        corresponding to observations and features respectively.
    :param torch.Tensor obs_sd: observation standard deviation, or `None` to use
        inverse Gamma
    :param OrderedDict w_sizes: map from variable names to torch.Size
    # design is size batch x n x p
    # tau is size batch
    tau_shape = design.shape[:-2]
    with ExitStack() as stack:
        for plate in iter_plates_to_shape(tau_shape):

        if obs_sd is None:
            # First, sample tau (observation precision)
            alpha = softplus(
                pyro.param("invsoftplus_alpha", 20.0 * torch.ones(tau_shape))
            beta = softplus(
                pyro.param("invsoftplus_beta", 20.0 * torch.ones(tau_shape))
            # Global variable
            tau_prior = dist.Gamma(alpha, beta)
            tau = pyro.sample("tau", tau_prior)
            obs_sd = 1.0 / torch.sqrt(tau)

        # response will be shape batch x n
        obs_sd = obs_sd.expand(tau_shape).unsqueeze(-1)

        for name, size in w_sizes.items():
            w_shape = tau_shape + size
            # Set up mu and lambda
            mw_param = pyro.param("{}_guide_mean".format(name), torch.zeros(w_shape))
            scale_tril = pyro.param(
                torch.eye(*size).expand(tau_shape + size + size),
            # guide distributions for w
            if mf:
                w_dist = dist.MultivariateNormal(mw_param, scale_tril=scale_tril)
                w_dist = dist.MultivariateNormal(
                    mw_param, scale_tril=obs_sd.unsqueeze(-1) * scale_tril
            pyro.sample(name, w_dist)
コード例 #3
 def model(design):
     batch_shape = design.shape
     with ExitStack() as stack:
         for plate in iter_plates_to_shape(batch_shape):
         theta = pyro.sample("theta", dist.Bernoulli(0.4).expand(batch_shape))
         y = pyro.sample("y", dist.Bernoulli((design + theta) / 2.0))
         return y
コード例 #4
ファイル: glmm.py プロジェクト: jamestwebber/pyro
def bayesian_linear_model(design,
    A pyro model for Bayesian linear regression.

    If :param:`response` is `"normal"` this corresponds to a linear regression

        :math:`Y = Xw + \\epsilon`

    with `\\epsilon`` i.i.d. zero-mean Gaussian. The observation standard deviation
    (:param:`obs_sd`) may be known or unknown. If unknown, it is assumed to follow an
    inverse Gamma distribution with parameters :param:`alpha_0` and :param:`beta_0`.

    If the response type is `"bernoulli"` we instead have :math:`Y \\sim Bernoulli(p)`

        :math:`logit(p) = Xw`

    Given parameter groups in :param:`w_means` and :param:`w_sqrtlambda`, the fixed effects
    regression coefficient is taken to be Gaussian with mean `w_mean` and standard deviation
    given by

        :math:`\\sigma / \\sqrt{\\lambda}`

    corresponding to the normal inverse Gamma family.

    The random effects coefficient is constructed as follows. For each random effect
    group, standard deviations for that group are sampled from a normal inverse Gamma
    distribution. For each group, a random effect coefficient is then sampled from a zero
    mean Gaussian with those standard deviations.

    :param torch.Tensor design: a tensor with last two dimensions `n` and `p`
            corresponding to observations and features respectively.
    :param OrderedDict w_means: map from variable names to tensors of fixed effect means.
    :param OrderedDict w_sqrtlambdas: map from variable names to tensors of square root
        :math:`\\lambda` values for fixed effects.
    :param OrderedDict re_group_sizes: map from variable names to int representing the
        group size
    :param OrderedDict re_alphas: map from variable names to `torch.Tensor`, the tensor
        consists of Gamma dist :math:`\\alpha` values
    :param OrderedDict re_betas: map from variable names to `torch.Tensor`, the tensor
        consists of Gamma dist :math:`\\beta` values
    :param torch.Tensor obs_sd: the observation standard deviation (if assumed known).
        This is still relevant in the case of Bernoulli observations when coefficeints
        are sampled using `w_sqrtlambdas`.
    :param torch.Tensor alpha_0: Gamma :math:`\\alpha` parameter for unknown observation
    :param torch.Tensor beta_0: Gamma :math:`\\beta` parameter for unknown observation
    :param str response: Emission distribution. May be `"normal"` or `"bernoulli"`.
    :param str response_label: Variable label for response.
    :param torch.Tensor k: Only used for a sigmoid response. The slope of the sigmoid
    # design is size batch x n x p
    # tau is size batch
    batch_shape = design.shape[:-2]
    with ExitStack() as stack:
        for plate in iter_plates_to_shape(batch_shape):

        if obs_sd is None:
            # First, sample tau (observation precision)
            tau_prior = dist.Gamma(alpha_0.unsqueeze(-1),
            tau = pyro.sample("tau", tau_prior)
            obs_sd = 1. / torch.sqrt(tau)

        elif alpha_0 is not None or beta_0 is not None:
            warnings.warn("Values of `alpha_0` and `beta_0` unused becased"
                          "`obs_sd` was specified already.")

        obs_sd = obs_sd.expand(batch_shape + (1, ))

        # Build the regression coefficient
        w = []
        # Allow different names for different coefficient groups
        # Process fixed effects
        for name, w_sqrtlambda in w_sqrtlambdas.items():
            w_mean = w_means[name]
            # Place a normal prior on the regression coefficient
            w_prior = dist.Normal(w_mean, obs_sd / w_sqrtlambda).to_event(1)
            w.append(pyro.sample(name, w_prior))
        # Process random effects
        for name, group_size in re_group_sizes.items():
            # Sample `G` once for this group
            alpha, beta = re_alphas[name], re_betas[name]
            G_prior = dist.Gamma(alpha, beta).to_event(1)
            G = 1. / torch.sqrt(pyro.sample("G_" + name, G_prior))
            # Repeat `G` for each group
            repeat_shape = tuple(1 for _ in batch_shape) + (group_size, )
            u_prior = dist.Normal(torch.tensor(0.),
            w.append(pyro.sample(name, u_prior))
        # Regression coefficient `w` is batch x p
        w = broadcast_cat(w)

        # Run the regressor forward conditioned on inputs
        prediction_mean = rmv(design, w)
        if response == "normal":
            # y is an n-vector: hence use .to_event(1)
            return pyro.sample(
                dist.Normal(prediction_mean, obs_sd).to_event(1))
        elif response == "bernoulli":
            return pyro.sample(
        elif response == "sigmoid":
            base_dist = dist.Normal(prediction_mean, obs_sd).to_event(1)
            # You can add loc via the linear model itself
            k = k.expand(prediction_mean.shape)
            transforms = [
                AffineTransform(loc=torch.tensor(0.), scale=k),
            response_dist = dist.TransformedDistribution(base_dist, transforms)
            return pyro.sample(response_label, response_dist)
            raise ValueError(
                "Unknown response distribution: '{}'".format(response))