def getwaves(totalpath): """ This function finds and reads in all bamp files in the provided directory and returns a list of all waves of type pwawave.wave after populating the needed data members of each member. Args: totalPath (string): Directory to scan for *.bamp files. Returns: List of type pythonPWA.dataTypes.wave sorted by the 'filename' data member to ensure preserved ordering. """ wavelist = [] #filtering for bamp file types and populating bamplist regexp = re.compile(".*(.bamp).*") for files in os.listdir(totalpath): if #setting the beta value for the wave idex = files.find(".bamp") #setting the waves epsilon value for b in range(len(files)): if files[-int(b)] == '-': epsilon = 0 break if files[-int(b)] == '+': epsilon = 1 break wavelist.append( wave(epsilon=epsilon, complexamplitudes=readBamp(os.path.join(totalpath, files)), filename=files)) return sorted(wavelist, key=operator.attrgetter('filename'))
def getwaves(totalpath): """ This function finds and reads in all bamp files in the provided directory and returns a list of all waves of type pwawave.wave after populating the needed data members of each member. Args: totalPath (string): Directory to scan for *.bamp files. Returns: List of type pythonPWA.dataTypes.wave sorted by the 'filename' data member to ensure preserved ordering. """ wavelist=[] #filtering for bamp file types and populating bamplist regexp=re.compile(".*(.bamp).*") for files in os.listdir(totalpath): if #setting the beta value for the wave idex=files.find(".bamp") #setting the waves epsilon value for b in range(len(files)): if files[-int(b)] == '-': epsilon=0 break if files[-int(b)] == '+': epsilon=1 break wavelist.append(wave(epsilon=epsilon,complexamplitudes=readBamp(os.path.join(totalpath,files)),filename=files)) return sorted(wavelist,key=operator.attrgetter('filename'))
def getwaves(totalpath): """ This function finds and reads in all bamp files in the provided directory an d returns a list of all waves of type pwawave.wave after populating the needed data me mbers of each member. """ wavelist=[] #filtering for bamp file types and populating bamplist regexp=re.compile(".*(.bamp).*") for files in os.listdir(totalpath): if #setting the beta value for the wave idex=files.find(".bamp") #setting the waves epsilon value for b in range(len(files)): if files[-int(b)] == '-': epsilon=0 break if files[-int(b)] == '+': epsilon=1 break wavelist.append(wave(epsilon=epsilon,complexamplitudes=readBamp(os.path.join(totalpath,files)))) return wavelist
def getwaves(totalpath): """ This function finds and reads in all bamp files in the provided directory and returns a list of all waves of type pwawave.wave after populating the needed data members of each member. """ wavelist = [] #filtering for bamp file types and populating bamplist regexp = re.compile(".*(.bamp).*") for files in os.listdir(totalpath): if #setting the beta value for the wave idex = files.find(".bamp") #seting the waves epsilon value bufferepsilon = files[idex - 4] if bufferepsilon == "-": epsilon = 0 if bufferepsilon == "+": epsilon = 1 wavelist.append( wave(epsilon=epsilon, complexamplitudes=readBamp(os.path.join(totalpath, files)))) return wavelist
def execute(self,directory,mcGamp,ampFile): """ Creates the weight file, gamp file, and acceptance mask for specified wave. """ amps=readBamp(os.path.join(directory,ampFile+".bamp")) nEvent=0 wtMax=0. wtFile=os.path.join(directory,mcGamp+"."+ampFile+".wt") output=open(wtFile,'w') print "weight file:\t",wtFile for amplitude in amps: wt=numpy.real(amplitude*numpy.conjugate(amplitude)) if nEvent < 10: print"wt ",wt if wt>wtMax: wtMax=wt output.write(str(wt)+"\n") nEvent+=1 print"Number of Events = ",nEvent,"\tMaximum weight=",wtMax output.close() print"select events" fileBase=mcGamp inputGampFile=os.path.join(directory,fileBase+".gamp") inputPfFile=os.path.join(directory,fileBase+".pf") fin=open(inputGampFile,'r') pfin=open(inputPfFile,'r') print"input gamp file=",inputGampFile," ",inputPfFile outputGampFileRaw=os.path.join(directory,ampFile+".gamp") outputPfFile=os.path.join(directory,ampFile+".pf") outWt=open(outputGampFileRaw,'w') outPf=open(outputPfFile,'w') src=gampReader(fin) pfSrc=pfin fwt=open(wtFile,'r') wtSrc=fwt nout=0 n=0 for event in src.readGamp(): accFlag=int(pfSrc.readline()) n+=1 wt=float(wtSrc.readline()) r=randm(0.0,wtMax) if wt>r: event.writeGamp(outWt) outPf.write(str(accFlag)+"\n") nout+=1 outWt.close() outPf.close() print"# written ",nout," to file",outputGampFileRaw