コード例 #1
ファイル: pytis2go.py プロジェクト: brailcom/pytis
def parseargs():
    global logger
    global liblogger
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='X2Go pytis client.',
Possible values for the --pack NX option are:
""" % x2go.defaults.pack_methods_nx3_formatted,
                                add_help=True, argument_default=None)
    p_reqargs = p.add_argument_group('X2Go server name')
    p_reqargs.add_argument('--server', help='server hostname or IP address')
    p_actionopts = p.add_argument_group('client actions')
    p_debugopts = p.add_argument_group('debug options')
    p_x2goopts = p.add_argument_group('X2Go options')
    p_printopts = p.add_argument_group('X2Go print options')
    p_brokeropts = p.add_argument_group('X2Go Session Broker client options')
    p_nxopts = p.add_argument_group('NX options')
    p_backendopts = p.add_argument_group('Python X2Go backend options (for experts only)')
    p_compatopts = p.add_argument_group('compatibility options')
    option_groups = [(p_x2goopts, x2go_options), (p_printopts, print_options),
                     (p_brokeropts, broker_options), (p_actionopts, action_options),
                     (p_debugopts, debug_options), (p_nxopts, nx_options),
                     (p_backendopts, backend_options), (p_compatopts, compat_options)]
    if on_windows():
        p_pytis2goopts = p.add_argument_group('pytis2go options')
        option_groups.append((p_pytis2goopts, pytis2go_options))
    for (p_group, opts) in option_groups:
        for opt in opts:
            args = opt['args']
            del opt['args']
            p_group.add_argument(*args, **opt)
    a = p.parse_args()
    if a.debug:
    if a.libdebug:
    if a.quiet:
    if a.libdebug_sftpxfer:
    if a.password and on_windows():
        runtime_error("The --password option is forbidden on Windows platforms", parser=p,
    if a.version:
    if not (a.session_profile or a.list_profiles):
        # check for mutual exclusiveness of -N, -R, -S, -T and -L, -N is
        # default if none of them is set
        if ((bool(a.new) + bool(a.resume) + bool(a.share_desktop) + bool(a.suspend) +
             bool(a.terminate) + bool(a.list_sessions) + bool(a.list_desktops) +
             bool(a.list_profiles)) > 1):
            runtime_error("modes --new, --resume, --share-desktop, --suspend, --terminate, "
                          "--list-sessions, --list-desktops and "
                          "--list-profiles are mutually exclusive", parser=p, exitcode=2)
        if ((bool(a.new) + bool(a.resume) + bool(a.share_desktop) + bool(a.suspend) +
             bool(a.terminate) + bool(a.list_sessions) + bool(a.list_desktops) +
             bool(a.list_profiles)) == 0):
            a.new = True
        # check if pack method is available
        if not x2go.utils.is_in_nx3packmethods(a.pack):
            runtime_error("unknown pack method '%s'" % args.pack, parser=p, exitcode=10)
        if not (a.resume or a.share_desktop or a.suspend or a.terminate or a.list_sessions or
                a.list_desktops or a.list_profiles):
            a.new = True
    # X2Go printing
    if (((a.pdfview_cmd and a.printer) or
         (a.pdfview_cmd and a.save_to_folder) or
         (a.pdfview_cmd and a.print_cmd) or
         (a.printer and a.save_to_folder) or
         (a.printer and a.print_cmd) or
         (a.print_cmd and a.save_to_folder))):
        runtime_error(("--pdfviewer, --save-to-folder, --printer and --print-cmd options are "
                       "mutually exclusive"), parser=p, exitcode=81)
    if a.pdfview_cmd:
        a.print_action = 'PDFVIEW'
    elif a.save_to_folder:
        a.print_action = 'PDFSAVE'
    elif a.printer:
        a.print_action = 'PRINT'
    elif a.print_cmd:
        a.print_action = 'PRINTCMD'
    if a.pdfview_cmd is None and a.print_action == 'PDFVIEW':
        a.pdfview_cmd = x2go.defaults.DEFAULT_PDFVIEW_CMD
    if a.save_to_folder is None and a.print_action == 'PDFSAVE':
        a.save_to_folder = x2go.defaults.DEFAULT_PDFSAVE_LOCATION
    if a.printer is None and a.print_action == 'PRINT':
        # None means CUPS default printer...
        a.printer = None
    if a.print_cmd is None and a.print_action == 'PRINTCMD':
        a.print_cmd = x2go.defaults.DEFAULT_PRINTCMD_CMD
    a.print_action_args = {}
    if a.pdfview_cmd:
        a.print_action_args = {'pdfview_cmd': a.pdfview_cmd, }
    elif a.save_to_folder:
        a.print_action_args = {'save_to_folder': a.save_to_folder, }
    elif a.printer:
        a.print_action_args = {'printer': a.printer, }
    elif a.print_cmd:
        a.print_action_args = {'print_cmd': a.print_cmd, }
    # take care of compatibility options
    # option --use-sound yes as synonomyn for --sound
    if a.use_sound is not None:
        if a.use_sound == 'yes':
            a.sound = 'pulse'
        if a.use_sound == 'no':
            a.sound = 'none'
    if a.ssh_key is not None:
        a.ssh_privkey = a.ssh_key
    if a.port is not None:
        a.remote_ssh_port = a.port
    if a.share_local_folders is not None:
        a.share_local_folders = a.share_local_folders.split(',')
    except ValueError:
        runtime_error("value for cmd line argument --auth-attempts has to be of type integer",
                      parser=p, exitcode=1)
    if a.server:
        # check if SERVER is in .ssh/config file, extract information from there...
        ssh_config = paramiko.SSHConfig()
        from pyhoca.cli import ssh_config_filename
        ssh_config_fileobj = open(ssh_config_filename)
        ssh_host = ssh_config.lookup(a.server)
        if ssh_host:
            if 'hostname' in ssh_host.keys():
                a.server = ssh_host['hostname']
            if 'port' in ssh_host.keys():
                a.remote_ssh_port = ssh_host['port']
    # check if ssh priv key exists
    if a.ssh_privkey and not os.path.isfile(a.ssh_privkey):
        runtime_error("SSH private key %s file does not exist." % a.ssh_privkey, parser=p,
    # lightdm remote login magic takes place here
    if not on_windows() and a.from_stdin:
        lightdm_remote_login_buffer = sys.stdin.readline()
        (a.username, a.server, a.command) = lightdm_remote_login_buffer.split()[0:3]
        a.password = "******".join(lightdm_remote_login_buffer.split()[3:])
        if ":" in a.server:
            a.remote_ssh_port = a.server.split(':')[-1]
            a.server = ':'.join(a.server.split(':')[:-1])
        a.command = a.command.upper()
        a.geometry = 'fullscreen'
    return p, a
コード例 #2
ファイル: pytis2go.py プロジェクト: brailcom/pytis
    {'args': ['-D', '--share-desktop'], 'default': None, 'metavar': 'USER@DISPLAY',
     'help': 'share an X2Go session on server specified by USER@DISPLAY', },
    {'args': ['-S', '--suspend'], 'default': None, 'metavar': 'SESSION_NAME',
     'help': 'suspend running X2Go session SESSION_NAME', },
    {'args': ['-T', '--terminate'], 'default': None, 'metavar': 'SESSION_NAME',
     'help': 'terminate running X2Go session SESSION_NAME', },
    {'args': ['-L', '--list-sessions'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true', 'help':
     'list user\'s X2Go sessions on server', },
    {'args': ['--list-desktops'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',
     'help': 'list X2Go desktop sessions that are available for sharing', },
    {'args': ['-l', '--list-profiles'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',
     'help': 'list user\'s X2Go pre-configured session profiles', },
    {'args': ['-P', '--session-profile'], 'default': None,
     'help': 'load x2goclient session profiles and use the session profile SESSION_PROFILE', },
if not on_windows():
        {'args': ['--from-stdin'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',
         'help': ('for LightDM remote login: '******'read <username> <password> <host[:port]> <desktopshell> from STDIN'),
# debug options...
debug_options = [
    {'args': ['-d', '--debug'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',
     'help': 'enable application debugging code', },
    {'args': ['--quiet'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',
     'help': 'disable any kind of log output', },
    {'args': ['--libdebug'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',
     'help': 'enable debugging code of the underlying Python X2Go module', },
    {'args': ['--libdebug-sftpxfer'], 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true',