コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup a KMRMarkovMatrix and Compute Stationary Values """
        self.P = KMR_Markov_matrix_sequential(self.N, self.p, self.epsilon)
        self.mc = DMarkov(self.P)
        self.stationary = self.mc.mc_compute_stationary()
        stat_shape = self.stationary.shape

        if len(stat_shape) is 1:
            self.n_stat_dists = 1
            self.n_stat_dists = stat_shape[1]
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_mc_tools.py プロジェクト: CY-Chan/quant-econ
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup a KMRMarkovMatrix and Compute Stationary Values """
        self.P = KMR_Markov_matrix_sequential(self.N, self.p, self.epsilon)
        self.mc = DMarkov(self.P)
        self.stationary = self.mc.mc_compute_stationary()
        stat_shape = self.stationary.shape

        if len(stat_shape) is 1:
            self.n_stat_dists = 1
            self.n_stat_dists = stat_shape[1]
コード例 #3
class Test_mc_compute_stationary_KMRMarkovMatrix2():
    Test Suite for mc_compute_stationary using KMR Markov Matrix [suitable for nose]

    #-Starting Values-#

    N = 27
    epsilon = 1e-2
    p = 1 / 3
    TOL = 1e-2

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup a KMRMarkovMatrix and Compute Stationary Values """
        self.P = KMR_Markov_matrix_sequential(self.N, self.p, self.epsilon)
        self.mc = DMarkov(self.P)
        self.stationary = self.mc.mc_compute_stationary()
        stat_shape = self.stationary.shape

        if len(stat_shape) is 1:
            self.n_stat_dists = 1
            self.n_stat_dists = stat_shape[1]

    def test_markov_matrix(self):
        "Check that each row of matrix sums to 1"
        mc = self.mc
        assert_allclose(np.sum(mc.P, axis=1), np.ones(mc.n))

    def test_sum_one(self):
        "Check each stationary distribution sums to 1"
        stationary_distributions = self.stationary
        assert_allclose(np.sum(stationary_distributions, axis=0),

    def test_nonnegative(self):
        "Check that the stationary distributions are non-negative"
        stationary_distributions = self.stationary
        assert (np.all(stationary_distributions > -1e-16))

    def test_left_eigen_vec(self):
        "Check that vP = v for all stationary distributions"
        mc = self.mc
        stationary = self.stationary

        if self.n_stat_dists is 1:
            assert_allclose(np.dot(stationary, mc.P),
            for i in range(self.n_stat_dists):
                curr_v = stationary_distributions[:, i]
                assert_allclose(np.dot(curr_v, mc.P), curr_v, atol=self.TOL)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_mc_tools.py プロジェクト: CY-Chan/quant-econ
class Test_mc_compute_stationary_KMRMarkovMatrix2():
    Test Suite for mc_compute_stationary using KMR Markov Matrix [suitable for nose]

    #-Starting Values-#

    N = 27
    epsilon = 1e-2
    p = 1/3
    TOL = 1e-2

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup a KMRMarkovMatrix and Compute Stationary Values """
        self.P = KMR_Markov_matrix_sequential(self.N, self.p, self.epsilon)
        self.mc = DMarkov(self.P)
        self.stationary = self.mc.mc_compute_stationary()
        stat_shape = self.stationary.shape

        if len(stat_shape) is 1:
            self.n_stat_dists = 1
            self.n_stat_dists = stat_shape[1]

    def test_markov_matrix(self):
        "Check that each row of matrix sums to 1"
        mc = self.mc
        assert_allclose(np.sum(mc.P, axis=1), np.ones(mc.n))

    def test_sum_one(self):
        "Check each stationary distribution sums to 1"
        stationary_distributions = self.stationary
        assert_allclose(np.sum(stationary_distributions, axis=0),

    def test_nonnegative(self):
        "Check that the stationary distributions are non-negative"
        stationary_distributions = self.stationary
        assert(np.all(stationary_distributions > -1e-16))

    def test_left_eigen_vec(self):
        "Check that vP = v for all stationary distributions"
        mc = self.mc
        stationary = self.stationary

        if self.n_stat_dists is 1:
            assert_allclose(np.dot(stationary, mc.P), stationary, atol=self.TOL)
            for i in range(self.n_stat_dists):
                curr_v = stationary_distributions[:, i]
                assert_allclose(np.dot(curr_v, mc.P), curr_v, atol=self.TOL)