コード例 #1
ファイル: twitch.py プロジェクト: Jakeable/Ralybot
def twitch_lookup(location):
    locsplit = location.split("/")
    if len(locsplit) > 1 and len(locsplit) == 3:
        channel = locsplit[0]
        _type = locsplit[1]  # should be b or c
        _id = locsplit[2]
        channel = locsplit[0]
        _type = None
        _id = None
    fmt = "{}: {} playing {} ({})"  # Title: nickname playing Game (x views)
    if _type and _id:
        if _type == "b":  # I haven't found an API to retrieve broadcast info
            soup = http.get_soup("http://twitch.tv/" + location)
            title = soup.find('span', {'class': 'real_title js-title'}).text
            playing = soup.find('a', {'class': 'game js-game'}).text
            views = soup.find('span', {'id': 'views-count'}).text + " view"
            views = views + "s" if not views[0:2] == "1 " else views
            return html.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, views))
        elif _type == "c":
            data = http.get_json("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/videos/" + _type + _id)
            title = data['title']
            playing = data['game']
            views = str(data['views']) + " view"
            views = views + "s" if not views[0:2] == "1 " else views
            return html.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, views))
        data = http.get_json("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams?channel=" + channel)
        if data["streams"]:
            title = data["streams"][0]["channel"]["status"]
            playing = data["streams"][0]["game"]
            v = data["streams"][0]["viewers"]
            viewers = str(title) + " is currently " + "\x033\x02online!\x02\x0f " + str(v) + " viewer" + ("s are currently watching!" if v != 1 else "")
            return html.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, viewers))
                data = http.get_json("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/" + channel)
            except Exception:
                return "Unable to get channel data. Maybe the channel is on justin.tv instead of twitch.tv?"
            title = data['status']
            playing = data['game']
            viewers = "The streamer is currently \x034\x02offline\x02\x0f. Try again later!"
            return html.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, viewers))
コード例 #2
ファイル: vimeo.py プロジェクト: Jakeable/Ralybot
def vimeo_url(match):
    """vimeo <url> -- returns information on the Vimeo video at <url>"""
    info = http.get_json('http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/%s.json'
                         % match.group(1))

    if info:
        info[0]["duration"] = timeformat.format_time(info[0]["duration"])
        info[0]["stats_number_of_likes"] = format(
            info[0]["stats_number_of_likes"], ",d")
        info[0]["stats_number_of_plays"] = format(
            info[0]["stats_number_of_plays"], ",d")
        return ("\x02%(title)s\x02 - length \x02%(duration)s\x02 - "
                "\x02%(stats_number_of_likes)s\x02 likes - "
                "\x02%(stats_number_of_plays)s\x02 plays - "
                "\x02%(user_name)s\x02 on \x02%(upload_date)s\x02"
                % info[0])