コード例 #1
	def getMemory(self):
				This function uses the probability of rememberance of the AI
				to determine the representations
		logging.info("made it to HAL's get Memory!!")
		humanRep = [0,0,0,0]
		compRep  = [9,9,9,9]

		aiCards = self.realAiCards
		humanCards = self.realOpCards
		for i in range(len(self.opCardsMem)):
			if(self.opCardsMem[i] < randZ()):
				#Remember correctly
				humanRep[i] = humanCards[i]
				#Remembered incorrectly
				humanRep[i] = {'image' : str(randint(0,9)), 'active' : 0, 'visible' : 0}
			if(self.aiCardsMem[i] < randZ()):
				#Remembered correctly
				compRep[i] = aiCards[i]
				#Remembered incorrectly
				compRep[i] = {'image' : str(randint(0,9)), 'active' : 0, 'visible' : 0}
		#Return two things at once #YOLO
		return humanRep,compRep
コード例 #2
	def shouldKnock(self, state):
				Returns true or false if we should try to end the game or not
		#Get what we remember
		humanCards,aiCards = self.getMemory()
		#Add up the values
		#LAWL human value is nothing! so true!
		humanValue = 0
		compValue = 0
		for c in humanCards:
			humanValue = humanValue + int(c['image'])
		for c in aiCards:
			compValue = compValue + int(c['image'])
		#Now here comes some math
		#Quite frankly, if we just do a comparison that's silly. We'll end the game if the ai
		#by chance believes itself to be in the right when it's really just remembering poorly
		#while this isn't a terrible thing, we still have a pretty good chance that the AI will
		#try to end the game really early (I don't feel like calculating the probabilty, but we 
		# could if we got bored and wanted it on the presentation)
		#The higher the difficulty the more we want to weight it in the AI's favor.
		#So lets do some ratio work shall we?
		if(humanValue/compValue < 1):
			#compValue is larger than the human value but to what degree?
			#If they are close we will be closer to 1, the more towards zero the more confident 
			#the computer is
			if(humanValue/compValue < .75):
				#pretty unsure, what difficult are we on?
				if(self.diff > 1):
					#we're on hard... which means we've got alright memory
					#flip a coin.
					if(  randZ() > humanValue/compValue):
						#Let's knock!
						state['knockState'] = True
					#We're not on hard, let's do it with some very small probability
					if(randZ() < .15):
						state['knockState'] = True
			elif(humanValue/compValue < .4)	:
				#pretty confident
				if(self.diff > 0):
					#if we're not on easy we'll flip a coid
					if( randZ() > humanValue/compValue):
						#60% chance of knocking
						state['knockState'] = True
				#we're above 75 we aint knocking.
			#The human's cards are more than ours, so we wont knock
		return state