def resetPass(customCommand,test=False): from random import sample as randomize from random import random from os.path import exists # Opens the Adj, Adv, and Noun files as arrays av = open(sys.path[0]+"/Adv").read().splitlines() aj = open(sys.path[0]+"/Adj").read().splitlines() nn = open(sys.path[0]+"/Noun").read().splitlines() # Just for fun, some statistics! totalCombos = len(av)*len(aj)*len(nn) combosFormatted = "{:,}".format(totalCombos) avLengths=[] for item in av: avLengths.append(len(item)) ajLengths=[] for item in aj: ajLengths.append(len(item)) nnLengths=[] for item in nn: nnLengths.append(len(item)) from statistics import mean,median,mode print("-"*25+"\n"+ "Total adverbs: "+str(len(av))+"\n"+ "Total adjectives: "+str(len(aj))+"\n"+ "Total nouns: "+str(len(nn))+"\n"+ "Total possible combinations: "+combosFormatted+" (not factoring in numbers)\n"+ "Shortest possible passphrase length: "+str(min(avLengths)+min(ajLengths)+min(nnLengths))+"\n"+ "Longest possible passphrase length: "+str(max(avLengths)+max(ajLengths)+max(nnLengths)+5)+"\n"+ "Mean passphrase length: "+str(int(mean(avLengths)+mean(ajLengths)+mean(nnLengths)+4))+"\n"+ "Median passphrase length: "+str(int(median(avLengths)+median(ajLengths)+median(nnLengths))+4)+"\n"+ "Mode passphrase length: "+str(int(mode(avLengths)+mode(ajLengths)+mode(nnLengths))+4)+"\n"+ "-"*25) # Randomize the order of the arrays av = randomize(av,len(av)) aj = randomize(aj,len(aj)) nn = randomize(nn,len(nn)) # Pick a random word from each randomized array newAdverb = av[int(random()*len(av))].capitalize() newAdjective = aj[int(random()*len(aj))].capitalize() newNoun = nn[int(random()*len(nn))].capitalize() # Possibly add a random number from 1 to 10,000 if maybeNumber(): from math import ceil number = str(ceil(random()*10000)) else: number = '' # Assemble the passphrase newPassphrase = number+newAdverb+newAdjective+newNoun #################################################################### Needs attention print("The new passphrase will be: "+newPassphrase) print("Total entropy: ~"+str(int(entropy(newPassphrase)))) if customCommand == ' {PASSPHRASE}': print("Password display command not found. Aborting.") exit() if not test: import RouterPasswording RouterPasswording.newPassphrase(newPassphrase) from os import system as execute execute(customCommand.replace("{password}",newPassphrase).replace("{passphrase}",newPassphrase))
def __prune(self, i): if i and i % self.prune_at: return for w, cc in tqdm(self.cc_by_w.items()): if len(cc) < self.n * 2: continue randomize(cc) self.cc_by_w[w] = cc[:self.n]
def __subsample(self, n): all = zip(self.documents, self.tags) randomize(all) pos, neg = [], [] for doc, tag in all: if tag == 'positive' and len(pos) < n: pos.append((doc, tag)) elif tag == 'negative' and len(neg) < n: neg.append((doc, tag)) sample = pos + neg self.documents, self.tags = zip(*sample) self.paths = range(n * 2)
def trackArp(self, nn, offset): """ Special trackbar() for arpeggiator. """ if self.drumType: error("%s Arpeggiate: Incompatible with DRUMTYPE. Try MALLET?" % notes = [[self.adjustNote(x.pitch), x.velocity] for x in nn] notes.sort() random = self.direction == 'RANDOM' if self.arpDirection == "DOWN": notes.reverse() elif self.arpDirection == "BOTH": z = notes[:] z.reverse() notes.extend(z[1:-1]) duration = self.arpRate # duration of each note count = nn[0].duration // duration # total number to play if count < 1: count = 1 while 1: nn = range(len(notes)) if random: random.randomize(nn) for i in nn: n = notes[i] self.sendNote(offset, self.getDur(duration), n[0], self.adjustVolume(n[1], offset)) count -= 1 if not count: break offset += duration if self.arpDecay: n[1] = int(n[1] + (n[1] * self.arpDecay)) if n[1] < 1: n[1] = 1 if n[1] > 127: n[1] = 127 if not count: break
def generate_delta_field(self, smoothing_length_Mpc_h=0., seed=None, save_potential=True, show_plot=False, save_plot_name=None): """ Generate a delta-field realization. The delta field is calculated at redshift zero and sampled from a distribution with mean zero and k-space variance proportional to the smoothed power spectrum. No new memory is allocated unless the ``save_potential`` option is selected. Parameters ---------- smoothing_length : float, optional Length scale on which to smooth the generated delta field in Mpc/h. If not specified, no smoothing will be applied. seed : int, optional Random number seed to use. Specifying an explicit seed enables you to generate a reproducible delta field. If no seed is specified, a randomized seed will be used. save_potential : bool, optional Save the k-space field delta(kx,ky,kz) / k**2 so that it can be used for later calculations of the lensing potential or the bulk velocity vector field. The first time this option is used, additional memory is allocated, approximately doubling the total memory usage. show_plot : bool, optional Show a (y,z) slice through the generated delta field using the optional matplotlib library. The plot will need to be dismissed after it displays before the program continues. Use the ``save_plot_name`` option to generate and save the plot without requiring any user interaction. save_plot_name : str, optional Name of a file where the generated delta field slice plot should be saved. The file extension provided determines the image file format that will be used. This option can be used with ``show_plot`` either ``True`` or ``False``. Returns ------- numpy.narray 3D numpy array of delta field values. The returned array is a view into our internal memory buffer and will be overwritten by subsequent operations. """ powertools.fill_with_log10k(self.plan_c2r.data_in, spacing=self.grid_spacing_Mpc_h, packed=True) self.smoothed_power = powertools.filter_power(self.power, smoothing_length_Mpc_h) powertools.tabulate_sigmas(self.plan_c2r.data_in, power=self.smoothed_power, spacing=self.grid_spacing_Mpc_h, packed=True) random.randomize(self.plan_c2r.data_in, seed=seed) transform.symmetrize(self.plan_c2r.data_in, packed=True) if save_potential: # Fill self.potential with values of k**2. if self.potential is None: self.potential = np.empty_like(self.plan_c2r.data_in) self.potential.imag = 0. kx2_grid, ky2_grid, kz2_grid = powertools.create_ksq_grids( self.potential, spacing=self.grid_spacing_Mpc_h, packed=True) np.add(kx2_grid, ky2_grid, out=self.potential.real) self.potential.real += kz2_grid # Replace k**2 with 1 / k**2 except at k=0. old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore') np.reciprocal(self.potential.real, out=self.potential.real) np.seterr(**old_settings) self.potential[0, 0, 0] = 0. # Multiply by delta(k). self.potential *= self.plan_c2r.data_in else: self.potential = None delta = self.plan_c2r.execute() self.delta_field_rms = np.std(delta.flat) if self.verbose: print('Delta field has standard deviation {0:.3f}.'.format( self.delta_field_rms)) if show_plot or save_plot_name is not None: self.plot_slice( show_plot=show_plot, save_plot_name=save_plot_name, clip_symmetric=True, label='Matter inhomogeneity ' +\ '$\delta(r) = \\rho(r)/\overline{\\rho} - 1$') return delta
def generate_delta_field(self, smoothing_length_Mpc_h=0., seed=None, save_potential=True, show_plot=False, save_plot_name=None): """ Generate a delta-field realization. The delta field is calculated at redshift zero and sampled from a distribution with mean zero and k-space variance proportional to the smoothed power spectrum. No new memory is allocated unless the ``save_potential`` option is selected. Parameters ---------- smoothing_length : float, optional Length scale on which to smooth the generated delta field in Mpc/h. If not specified, no smoothing will be applied. seed : int, optional Random number seed to use. Specifying an explicit seed enables you to generate a reproducible delta field. If no seed is specified, a randomized seed will be used. save_potential : bool, optional Save the k-space field delta(kx,ky,kz) / k**2 so that it can be used for later calculations of the lensing potential or the bulk velocity vector field. The first time this option is used, additional memory is allocated, approximately doubling the total memory usage. show_plot : bool, optional Show a (y,z) slice through the generated delta field using the optional matplotlib library. The plot will need to be dismissed after it displays before the program continues. Use the ``save_plot_name`` option to generate and save the plot without requiring any user interaction. save_plot_name : str, optional Name of a file where the generated delta field slice plot should be saved. The file extension provided determines the image file format that will be used. This option can be used with ``show_plot`` either ``True`` or ``False``. Returns ------- numpy.narray 3D numpy array of delta field values. The returned array is a view into our internal memory buffer and will be overwritten by subsequent operations. """ powertools.fill_with_log10k( self.plan_c2r.data_in, spacing=self.grid_spacing_Mpc_h, packed=True) self.smoothed_power = powertools.filter_power( self.power, smoothing_length_Mpc_h) powertools.tabulate_sigmas( self.plan_c2r.data_in, power=self.smoothed_power, spacing=self.grid_spacing_Mpc_h, packed=True) random.randomize(self.plan_c2r.data_in, seed=seed) transform.symmetrize(self.plan_c2r.data_in, packed=True) if save_potential: # Fill self.potential with values of k**2. if self.potential is None: self.potential = np.empty_like(self.plan_c2r.data_in) self.potential.imag = 0. kx2_grid, ky2_grid, kz2_grid = powertools.create_ksq_grids( self.potential, spacing=self.grid_spacing_Mpc_h, packed=True) np.add(kx2_grid, ky2_grid, out=self.potential.real) self.potential.real += kz2_grid # Replace k**2 with 1 / k**2 except at k=0. old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore') np.reciprocal(self.potential.real, out=self.potential.real) np.seterr(**old_settings) self.potential[0, 0, 0] = 0. # Multiply by delta(k). self.potential *= self.plan_c2r.data_in else: self.potential = None delta = self.plan_c2r.execute() self.delta_field_rms = np.std(delta.flat) if self.verbose: print('Delta field has standard deviation {0:.3f}.' .format(self.delta_field_rms)) if show_plot or save_plot_name is not None: self.plot_slice( show_plot=show_plot, save_plot_name=save_plot_name, clip_symmetric=True, label='Matter inhomogeneity ' +\ '$\delta(r) = \\rho(r)/\overline{\\rho} - 1$') return delta