コード例 #1
ファイル: from_gpsro.py プロジェクト: MBlaschek/radiosonde
def from_gpsro(directory, pattern, ident, radius, save=True, esat='murphy_koop', verbose=0):
    Read GPS RO events into a timeseries for a certain location

    directory   str         search directory
    pattern     str         search pattern
    ident       int/str     radiosonde ID
    radius      float       allowed distance to ilon, ilat of GPS RO events [km]
    save        bool        save radiosonde class object
    verbose     int         verbosity

    ValueError     wrong input types
    RuntimeError   no GPS RO event within specified distance
    from . import from_store
    from raso.config import rasodir
    from raso import radiosonde

    if not isinstance(directory, str):
        raise ValueError("Require a string: directory")

    if not isinstance(pattern, str):
        raise ValueError("Require a string: pattern")

    if not isinstance(ident, (int, str, float)):
        raise ValueError("Require a int, str, float: ident")

    if not isinstance(radius, (float, int)):
        raise ValueError("Require a int, float: radius")

    if isinstance(ident, (int, float)):
        ident = "%06d" % ident

    name = "gpsro_%06d" % int(radius)
    iname = "gpsro_infos_%06d" % int(radius)
    filename = rasodir + "/%s/%s.h5" % (ident, name)
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        print_verbose("Recovering previous: %s" % filename, verbose)
        sonde = from_store(ident, variables=[name, iname])
        return sonde

    if not os.path.isdir(rasodir + "/%s" % ident):
        os.makedirs(rasodir + "/%s" % ident)

        sonde = from_store(ident, variables=[])  # Reads the empty Radiosonde class >> IOError
        ilon = sonde.lon  # >> Attribute Error
        ilat = sonde.lat

    except IOError:
        sonde = radiosonde(ident)  # Make a new one
        sondes = radiosondelist()
        ilon = sondes.ix[ident, 'lon'].values
        ilat = sondes.ix[ident, 'lat'].values

    except AttributeError:
        sondes = radiosondelist()
        ilon = sondes.ix[ident, 'lon'].values
        ilat = sondes.ix[ident, 'lat'].values

    if ilon is None or ilat is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't find any useful lon, lat Information on Radiosonde: %s" % ident)

    infos, data = read_nearest_events(directory, pattern, ilon, ilat, radius, esat=esat, verbose=verbose)
    journal("GPSRO Data: r=%d km [%s/%s]" % (radius, directory, pattern), sonde.history, verbose)
    sonde.add_attr('lon', ilon)
    sonde.add_attr('lat', ilat)
    sonde.add_data(iname, infos)
    sonde.add_data(name, data)
    if save:
        return sonde
コード例 #2
ファイル: from_mars.py プロジェクト: MBlaschek/radiosonde
def from_mars(ident, var=None, filename=None, save=False, update=True, mars_save=False, attach=None,
              force=False, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    """Read MARS (ECMWF) dump from ODB

    1. Read MARS dump or ODB dump
    2. Convert to pandas dataframes

    Typical data in mars dump:

    data      RAW radiosonde data (time,p, variables)
    an        Analysis departures ERA-Interim
    fg        First-guess departures ERA-Interim
    bias      Bias estimate
    station   Station (lon,lat,alt,sonde_type)

    ident       int/str     Radiosonde ID
    var         list        Variables in the MARS
    filename    str         filename of mars dump
    save        bool        save radiosonde class ?
    mars_save   bool        save mars dump to HDF5 ?
    attach      radiosonde  attach to this radiosonde
    verbose     int         verbosness
    kwargs      dict        **


    >>> isonde = from_mars(11035, verbose=1)
    from raso import radiosonde

    selection = False
    if var is not None:
        if isinstance(var, str):
            var = [var]

        for ivar in var:
            if ivar not in ['data', 'bias', 'fg', 'an']:
                raise ValueError("Unknown variable! %s" % ivar)

        selection = True

        ident = int(ident)  # ident needs to be a number here
        tmp = mars_to_dataframe(ident, filename=filename, save=mars_save, verbose=verbose - 1)
        print_verbose('[MARS] %d : %s' % (ident, str(tmp.shape)), verbose)
        station = tmp[['lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'sonde_type']].drop_duplicates()

        if 'std_time' in tmp.columns:
            # legacy support
            tmp.drop('std_time', axis=1, inplace=True)

        tmp.drop(['sonde_type', 'obs_type', 'code_type', 'id', 'lon', 'lat', 'alt'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        # ['varno' 'p' 'value' 'biascorr' 'fg_dep' 'an_dep']
        tmp.replace({'varno': {2: 't', 3: 'u', 4: 'v', 7: 'q', 29: 'r'}}, inplace=True)  # rename varno to vars
        # group by index and p
        data = tmp.groupby([tmp.index, tmp.p, tmp.varno]).first()['value'].unstack(level=-1).reset_index().rename(
            columns={'level_0': 'date'}).set_index('date', drop=True)
        if (selection and 'bias' in var) or not selection:
            bias = tmp.groupby([tmp.index, tmp.p, tmp.varno]).first()['biascorr'].unstack(
                level=-1).reset_index().rename(columns={'level_0': 'date'}).set_index('date', drop=True)
            bias.ix[:, ~(bias.columns == 'p')] = data.ix[:, ~(data.columns == 'p')] + bias.ix[:, ~(bias.columns == 'p')]
        if (selection and 'fg' in var) or not selection:
            fg = tmp.groupby([tmp.index, tmp.p, tmp.varno]).first()['fg_dep'].unstack(level=-1).reset_index().rename(
                columns={'level_0': 'date'}).set_index('date', drop=True)
            fg.ix[:, ~(fg.columns == 'p')] = data.ix[:, ~(data.columns == 'p')] + fg.ix[:, ~(fg.columns == 'p')]
        if (selection and 'an' in var) or not selection:
            an = tmp.groupby([tmp.index, tmp.p, tmp.varno]).first()['an_dep'].unstack(level=-1).reset_index().rename(
                columns={'level_0': 'date'}).set_index('date', drop=True)
            an.ix[:, ~(an.columns == 'p')] = data.ix[:, ~(data.columns == 'p')] + an.ix[:, ~(an.columns == 'p')]

        if attach is None:
            out = radiosonde(id=ident)

            out = attach
        if selection:
            print_verbose("MARS: %s" % (str(var)), verbose)
            for ivar in var:
                out.add_data(ivar, locals()[ivar])

            out.add_data('data', data)
            out.add_data('bias', bias)
            out.add_data('fg', fg)
            out.add_data('an', an)
        out.add_data('station', station)
            out.add_attr('lon', station.ix[-1, 'lon'])
            out.add_attr('lat', station.ix[-1, 'lat'])
            out.add_attr('alt', station.ix[-1, 'alt'])

        except IndexError:
            out.add_attr('lon', -1)
            out.add_attr('lat', -1)
            out.add_attr('alt', -1)

        if attach is None:
            if save:
                out.save(update=update, force=force, verbose=verbose)

                return out

コード例 #3
ファイル: from_gruan.py プロジェクト: MBlaschek/radiosonde
def from_gruan(sonde, directory=None, save=True,
               var=['cor_temp', 'temp', 'press', 'cor_rh', 'rh', 'WVMR', 'alt', 'u_temp', 'u_rh', 'u_press'],
               force=False, attach=None, attach_var=None, verbose=0, **kwargs):

    Read GRUAN Data and convert to a radiosonde class object
    Read and convert time to std_times, rename temp and press to t and p.
    Drop duplicate entries.

    Possible Station Names:
    'BAR', 'BEL', 'BOU', 'CAB', 'LAU', 'LIN', 'MAN', 'NAU',
    'NYA', 'PAY', 'POT', 'REU', 'SGP', 'SOD', 'TAT'

    sonde       str         Appreviation of Sonde Station
    directory   str         Directory of GRUAN data
    var         list        of variables to include
    save        bool        Save radiosonde to store ?
    force       bool        Force a raw data reread ?
    attach      radiosonde  Attach to radiosonde class object
    attach_var  list        Variables to attach from HDFStore
    verbose     int         Level of verbosity
    kwargs      dict        Additional Keywords

    radiosonde class object

    ValueError  sonde not in possible Stations

    from raso.standard_dates_times import _fix_datetime
    from raso.config import outdir
    from raso import radiosonde
    from . import from_store
    from ncio import read_netcdf, read_history

    avail_sondes = ['BAR', 'BEL', 'BOU', 'CAB', 'LAU', 'LIN', 'MAN', 'NAU', 'NYA', 'PAY', 'POT', 'REU', 'SGP', 'SOD',

    if not isinstance(sonde,str):
        raise ValueError("Requires a str: sonde")

    if attach is not None:
        if not isinstance(attach,radiosonde):
            raise ValueError("Requires a radiosonde class object: attach")

    if sonde not in avail_sondes:
        raise ValueError("Only one of %s allowed!" % str(avail_sondes))

    filename = outdir + "/GRUAN_" + sonde + ".h5"

    if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force:
        print "Recovering: %s"%filename
        isonde = from_store(0, filename=filename)

        if attach is not None:
            if attach_var is None:
                attach_var = isonde.vars

            for ivar in isonde.vars:
                if ivar in attach_var:
                    attach.add_data(ivar, getattr(isonde,ivar), history="GRUAN, %s %s" %(sonde, ivar))

            return isonde

    if directory is None:
        raise RuntimeError("[GRUAN] requires a directory!")
    print_verbose("[GRUAN] Find files ...", verbose)
    files = find_files(directory, '*' + sonde + '*.nc', recursive=True)
    print_verbose("[GRUAN][%s] Files found: %d" % (sonde, len(files)), verbose)
    data = []
    if verbose > 0:
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(files))
        i = 0

    for ifile in files:
        tmp = pd.DataFrame(read_netcdf(ifile, verbose=verbose - 2))  # convert it all to a big Frame
        # select only necessary information
        tmp = tmp[ var ]
        tmp.index.name = 'orig_date' # retain original sounding times
        tmp.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace('temp', 't').replace('press', 'p').replace('rh','r'), inplace=True) # rename
        tmp.p *= 100.  # from hPa to Pa
        # WVMR to q
        tmp['q'] = tmp.eval("WVMR/(WVMR+1)") # specific humidity
        tmp['date'] = tmp.index.to_period(freq='h').to_datetime() # truncate to hours
        tmp = tmp.reset_index().set_index('date') # change index
        rx = map(_fix_datetime, tmp.index)  # change time to 0, 6, 12, 18 UTC
        tmp.index = rx

        if verbose > 0:
            pbar.update(i + 1)
            i += 1

    if verbose > 0:

    hist = read_history(ifile) #
        ident = "%06d" % int(hist['g.General.SiteWmoId'])
        ident = sonde

    lat = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Latitude'].split(' ')[0])
    lon = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Longitude'].split(' ')[0])
    alt = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Altitude'].split(' ')[0])
    print_verbose("[GRUAN] Concatenate data ...",verbose)
    data = pd.concat(data, axis=0)
    # drop duplicates
    # print_verbose("[GRUAN] Drop duplicates ...", verbose)
    # data.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)
    if attach is None:
        print_verbose("[GRUAN] Create radiosonde object ...", verbose)
        isonde = radiosonde(ident)
        isonde.filename = filename
        isonde.add_attr('lon', lon)
        isonde.add_attr('lat', lat)
        isonde.add_attr('alt', alt)
        isonde.add_data('gruan', data, history="GRUAN, %s " %(sonde))
        if save:
            isonde.save(filename=filename, verbose=verbose)
        return isonde
        attach.add_data('gruan', data, history="GRUAN, %s " %(sonde))
        if save: