コード例 #1
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users_muti7(self):
     mutiple movie muliple user
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {10: 3.0}, 2: {9: 3.5}})
     expected = {10: [1], 9: [2]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users(self):
     default test case
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {10: 3.0}, 2: {10: 3.5}})
     expected = {10: [1, 2]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users_muti6(self):
     mutiple movie and one_user
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {10: 3.0}, 2: {10: 3.5}})
     expected = {10: [1, 2]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users5(self):
     mutiple movie with no user
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {}, 2: {}})
     expected = {}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users4(self):
     single movie with muliple user
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {10: 3.0, 5: 4.0}})
     expected = {10: [1], 5: [1]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users3(self):
     single movie one user
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {10: 3.0}})
     expected = {10: [1]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_movies_to_users.py プロジェクト: Ad00re/CSC148
 def test_movies_to_users2(self):
     single movie no user
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {}})
     expected = {}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #8
    def test_movies_to_users(self):
        actual = movies_to_users({1: {10: 3.0}, 2: {10: 3.5}})
        expected = {10: [1, 2]}
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
        #test if tere are two movies
        user_ratings = {1: {11: 3}, 2: {10: 3.5}}
        expected = {10: [2], 11: [1]}
        self.assertEqual(movies_to_users(user_ratings), expected)
        user_ratings = {
            1: {
                68735: 3.5,
                302156: 4.0
            2: {
                68735: 1.0,
                124057: 1.5,
                293660: 4.5
            3: {
                68735: 4.5,
                302156: 2.0,
                124057: 3.5
        actual = movies_to_users(user_ratings)
        user_set = set()
        movie_set = set()
        # test if all movies are included:
        for ratings in user_ratings.values():
            for movie in ratings.keys():
        self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(movie_set))

        for movie, user_list in actual.items():
            #test if the user list are sorted
            sort_list = sorted(user_list)
            self.assertEqual(sort_list, user_list)
            #test if all users are included:
            for user in user_list:
                self.assertTrue(movie in user_ratings[user])
            self.assertEqual(len(user_ratings), len(user_set))
コード例 #9
    assert isinstance(key, int), \
        TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('read_ratings', 'dict with int keys', 'dict with ' + type(key) + ' keys')
    assert isinstance(result[key], dict), \
        TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('read_ratings', 'dict with dict values', 'dict with ' + type(result[key]) + ' values')

# Type check recommender_functions.remove_unknown_movies
small_ratings = {1001: {68735: 5.0, 302156: 3.5, 10: 4.5}, 1002: {11: 3.0}}
small_ratings_copy = copy.deepcopy(small_ratings)
result = rf.remove_unknown_movies(small_ratings, rf.MOVIE_DICT_SMALL)
assert result == None, \
    TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('remove_unknown_movies', 'None', type(result))
assert small_ratings_copy != small_ratings, \
       'remove_unknown_movies should mutate the parameter'

# Type check recommender_functions.movies_to_users
result = rf.movies_to_users(rf.USER_RATING_DICT_SMALL)
assert isinstance(result, dict), \
    TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('movies_to_users', 'dict', type(result))
for key in result:
    assert isinstance(key, int), \
        TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('movies_to_users', 'dict with int keys', 'dict with ' + type(key) + ' keys')
    assert isinstance(result[key], list), \
        TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('movies_to_users', 'dict with list values', 'dict with ' + type(result[key]) + ' values')

# Type check recommender_functions.get_users_who_watched
result = rf.get_users_who_watched([293660], rf.MOVIE_USER_DICT_SMALL)
assert isinstance(result, list), \
    TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('get_users_who_watched', 'list', type(result))
for item in result:
    assert isinstance(item, int), \
        TYPECHECK_FEEBACK.format('get_users_who_watched', 'list of int', 'list of ' + type(item))
コード例 #10
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Reading in a list of movies.")
    movfile = open('movies.csv', 'r')
    movies = student.read_movies(movfile)

    print("Reading in user ratings.")
    ratingfile = open('ratings_medium.csv', 'r')
    ratings = student.read_ratings(ratingfile)

    print("Removing ratings for movies we have no data on.")
    student.remove_unknown_movies(ratings, movies)

    print("Building movies to users dictionary.")
    movie_users = student.movies_to_users(ratings)

    ### You can uncomment these to test recommendations for the following movies

    print_recommend({663:5, 274:4.5, 745:4.5}, movies, ratings, movie_users)
    # Should get: [25753, 65, 25769, 74, 82]
    print_recommend({2109:3, 954:4}, movies, ratings, movie_users)
    # Should get: [2313, 100, 2049, 2642, 6970]
    print_recommend({745:5}, movies, ratings, movie_users)
    # Should get: [25753, 25769, 82, 74, 2348]
    print_recommend({1262:5}, movies, ratings, movie_users)
    # Should get: [4515, 2289, 1249, 55687, 2284]
コード例 #11
 def test_rate_same_movies(self):
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {2: 2, 10: 3}, 2: {10: 3.5}, 3: {2: 4}})
     expected = {2: [1, 3], 10: [1, 2]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #12
 def test_same_id(self):
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {1: 2}, 2: {10: 3.5}})
     expected = {10: [2], 1: [1]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #13
 def test_two_different_users(self):
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {2: 2}, 2: {10: 3.5}})
     expected = {10: [2], 2: [1]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #14
 def test_movies_to_users_empty_sub(self):
     actual = movies_to_users({1: {}, 2: {10: 3.5}})
     expected = {10: [2]}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #15
 def test_movies_to_users_empty_entire(self):
     actual = movies_to_users({})
     expected = {}
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)