コード例 #1
def run(dry_run):
    settings = queries.get_app_interface_settings()
    gqlapi = gql.get_api()
    github = init_github()
    secret_reader = SecretReader(settings=settings)
    # Reconcile against all sentry instances
    instances = gqlapi.query(SENTRY_INSTANCES_QUERY)["instances"]
    tokens = {
        i["name"]: secret_reader.read(i["automationToken"])
        for i in instances
    skip_users = {
        i["name"]: secret_reader.read(i["adminUser"])
        for i in instances
    for instance in instances:
        instance_name = instance["name"]
        token = tokens[instance_name]
        host = instance["consoleUrl"]
        sentry_client = SentryClient(host, token)
        skip_user = skip_users[instance_name]
        current_state = fetch_current_state(sentry_client, [skip_user])
        desired_state = fetch_desired_state(gqlapi, instance, github)

        reconciler = SentryReconciler(sentry_client, dry_run)
        reconciler.reconcile(current_state, desired_state)
コード例 #2
def lookup_github_file_content(repo, path, ref, tvars=None):
    if tvars is not None:
        repo = process_jinja2_template(repo, vars=tvars)
        path = process_jinja2_template(path, vars=tvars)
        ref = process_jinja2_template(ref, vars=tvars)

    gh = init_github()
    c = gh.get_repo(repo).get_contents(path, ref).decoded_content
    return c.decode("utf-8")
コード例 #3
def validate_users_github(users, thread_pool_size):
    ok = True
    g = init_github()
    results = threaded.run(get_github_user, users, thread_pool_size, github=g)
    for org_username, gb_username, gh_login in results:
        if gb_username != gh_login:
                "Github username is case sensitive in OSD. "
                f"User {org_username} github_username should be: {gh_login}.")
            ok = False

    return ok
コード例 #4
def validate_users_github(users, thread_pool_size):
    ok = True
    g = init_github()
    results = threaded.run(get_github_user, users, thread_pool_size, github=g)
    for org_username, gb_username, gh_login in results:
        if gb_username != gh_login:
            logging.error("Github username is case sensitive in OSD. "
                          f"User {org_username} is expecting to have "
                          f"the github username of {gh_login}, "
                          f"but the username specified in "
                          f"app-interface is {gb_username}")
            ok = False

    return ok
コード例 #5
def get_all_repos_to_scan(repos):
    logging.info("getting full list of repos")
    all_repos = []
    all_repos.extend([strip_repo_url(r) for r in repos])
    g = init_github()
    for r in repos:
        logging.debug("getting forks: {}".format(r))
        repo_name = r.replace("https://github.com/", "")
            repo = g.get_repo(repo_name)
            forks = repo.get_forks()
            all_repos.extend([strip_repo_url(f.clone_url) for f in forks])
        except UnknownObjectException:
            logging.error("not found {}".format(r))

    return all_repos
コード例 #6
def run(dry_run):
    settings = queries.get_app_interface_settings()
    gqlapi = gql.get_api()
    github = init_github()
    secret_reader = SecretReader(settings=settings)
    # Reconcile against all sentry instances
    result = gqlapi.query(SENTRY_INSTANCES_QUERY)
    for instance in result['instances']:
        token = secret_reader.read(instance['automationToken'])
        host = instance['consoleUrl']
        sentry_client = SentryClient(host, token)

        skip_user = secret_reader.read(instance['adminUser'])
        current_state = fetch_current_state(sentry_client, [skip_user])
        desired_state = fetch_desired_state(gqlapi, instance, github)

        reconciler = SentryReconciler(sentry_client, dry_run)
        reconciler.reconcile(current_state, desired_state)