コード例 #1
	def __init__(self, data = None, items = None, post = None, **args):

		super().__init__(data, items, post, **args)
		to_entity_type = args['to_entity_type']
		to_entity_id = args['to_entity_id']
		relation_type = args['relation_type']
		from_entity_type = args['from_entity_type']
		from_entity_id = args['from_entity_id']
		self.manager = relation.get_relation_manager(from_entity_type, from_entity_id, to_entity_type, to_entity_id)
		if relation_type != IN.relater.RELATION_TYPE_BAN and self.manager.banned():
		if relation_type not in IN.relater.relation_type_entities:
		set = self.add('TextDiv', {
			'id' : 'nabarset',
			'css' : ['i-grid'], #  i-container-center i-text-center
		from_entity =  self.manager.from_entity
		to_entity =  self.manager.to_entity
		set.add('TextDiv', {
			'value' : IN.nabar.nabar_profile_picture_themed(to_entity, 'xsmall') + to_entity.name,
			#'value' : IN.themer.theme(to_entity, view_mode = 'small'),
			#'css' : ['i-width-1-3 '],
		if 'element_id' not in post:
			'''we dont need to add these twice'''
		self.css.append('i-panel i-panel-box')
コード例 #2
 def manager(self):
     if self._manager is None:
         self._manager = relation.get_relation_manager(
             self.from_entity_type, self.from_entity_id, self.to_entity_type, self.to_entity_id
     return self._manager
コード例 #3
	def __init__(self, data = None, items = None, post = None, **args):

		super().__init__(data, items, post, **args)
		to_entity_type = args['to_entity_type']
		to_entity_id = args['to_entity_id']
		relation_type = args['relation_type']
		from_entity_type = args['from_entity_type']
		from_entity_id = args['from_entity_id']
		self.manager = relation.get_relation_manager(from_entity_type, from_entity_id, to_entity_type, to_entity_id)
		if relation_type != IN.relater.RELATION_TYPE_BAN and self.manager.banned():
		if relation_type not in IN.relater.relation_type_entities:
		set = self.add('TextDiv', {
			'id' : 'nabarset',
			'css' : ['i-grid i-grid-divider '], #  i-container-center i-text-center
		from_entity =  self.manager.from_entity
		to_entity =  self.manager.to_entity
		set.add('TextDiv', {
			'value' : IN.themer.theme(from_entity, view_mode = 'teaser'),
			'css' : ['i-width-1-3 '],
		set.add('TextDiv', {
			'value' : IN.themer.theme(to_entity, view_mode = 'teaser'),
			'css' : ['i-width-1-3 '],
		set = self.add('FieldSet', {
			'id' : 'actionset',
			'css' : ['i-modal-footer i-text-right'],
			'weight' : 50, # last
		relation_type_entity = IN.relater.relation_type_entities[relation_type]
		texts = relation_type_entity.data.get('text', {})
		existing_relation = self.manager.get_existing_relation(relation_type)
		if existing_relation:
			if existing_relation.relation_status == IN.relater.RELATION_STATUS_ACTIVE:
				set.add('Submit', {
					'id' : 'remove_relation',
					'value' : s(texts.get('remove_text', 'remove from ' + relation_type_entity.name)),
					'css' : ['i-button i-button-danger'],
					'attributes' : {
						'data-ajax_partial' : 1,

			elif existing_relation.relation_status == IN.relater.RELATION_STATUS_REQUESTED:
				# requested
				request = IN.relater.get_request(relation_type, from_entity_type, from_entity_id, to_entity_type, to_entity_id)
				if request and request.from_entity_type == from_entity_type and request.from_entity_id == from_entity_id:
					set.add('Submit', {
						'id' : 'cancel_relation_request',
						'value' : s(texts.get('cancel_request_text', 'Cancel ' + relation_type_entity.name + ' request')),
						'css' : ['i-button i-button-danger'],
						'attributes' : {
							'data-ajax_partial' : 1,
					set.add('Submit', {
						'id' : 'accept_relation_request',
						'value' : s(texts.get('accept_text', 'Accept as ' + relation_type_entity.name)),
						'css' : ['i-button i-button-primary'],
						'attributes' : {
							'data-ajax_partial' : 1,
					set.add('Submit', {
						'id' : 'reject_relation_request',
						'value' : s(texts.get('reject_request_text', 'Reject ' + relation_type_entity.name + ' request')),
						'css' : ['i-button i-button-danger'],
						'attributes' : {
							'data-ajax_partial' : 1,
		if not existing_relation or existing_relation.relation_status == IN.relater.RELATION_STATUS_INACTIVE:
			# TODO: check maximum number of requests
			set.add('Submit', {
				'id' : 'add_relation',
				'value' : s(texts.get('add_text', 'Add as ' + relation_type_entity.name)),
				'css' : ['i-button i-button-primary'],
				'attributes' : {
					'data-ajax_partial' : 1,

		if IN.context.request.ajax:
			set.add('Link', {
				'name' : 'cancel',
				'value' : s('Cancel'),
				'css' : ['i-button i-modal-close']
			set.add('Link', {
				'name' : 'cancel',
				'value' : s('Cancel'),
				'css' : ['i-button'],
				'href' : '/nabar/' + str(to_entity_id)