コード例 #1
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        Index or slice an ETS

        :param i: the index or slince
        :type i: int or slice
        :return: Elementary transform (sequence)
        :rtype: ETS


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> e = ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1) * ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1)
            >>> e[0]
            >>> e[1]
            >>> e[1:3]

        item = ETS()
        data = self.data[i]  # can be [2] or slice, eg. [3:5]
        # ensure that data is always a list
        if isinstance(data, list):
            item.data = data
            item.data = [data]
        return item
コード例 #2
    def substitute_to_z(self):
        # substitute all non Z joint transforms according to rules
        nchanges = 0
        out = ETS()
        for e in self:
            if e.isjoint:
                out *= e
                # do a substitution
                if e.axis == 'Rx':
                    new = ETS.ry(pi2) * ETS.rz(e.eta) * ETS.ry(-pi2)
                elif e.axis == 'Ry':
                    new = ETS.rx(-pi2) * ETS.rz(e.eta) * ETS.rx(pi2)
                elif e.axis == 'tx':
                    new = ETS.ry(pi2) * ETS.tz(e.eta) * ETS.ry(-pi2)
                elif e.axis == 'ty':
                    new = ETS.rx(-pi2) * ETS.tz(e.eta) * ETS.rx(pi2)
                    out *= e
                out *= new
                nchanges += 1

        self.data = out.data
        return nchanges
コード例 #3
 def add(this, that):
     if this.isjoint and not that.isjoint:
         out = ETS(this)
         if out.eta is None:
             out.eta = that.eta
             out.eta += that.eta
     elif not this.isjoint and that.isjoint:
         out = ETS(that)
         if out.eta is None:
             out.eta = this.eta
             out.eta += this.eta
         raise ValueError('both ET cannot be joint variables')
     return out
コード例 #4
    def pop(self, i=-1):
        Pop value

        :param i: item in the list to pop, default is last
        :type i: int
        :return: the popped value
        :rtype: instance of same type
        :raises IndexError: if there are no values to pop

        Removes a value from the value list and returns it.  The original
        instance is modified.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> e = ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1) * ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1)
            >>> tail = e.pop()
            >>> tail
            >>> e
        item = ETS()
        item.data = [super().pop(i)]
        return item
コード例 #5
    def __mul__(self, rest):
        Overloaded ``*`` operator

        :return: [description]
        :rtype: [type]


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> e1 = ETS.rz()
            >>> len(e1)
            >>> e2= ETS.tx(2)
            >>> len(e2)
            >>> e = e1 * e2
            >>> len(e)

        .. note:: The ``*`` operator implies composition, but actually the
            result is a new ETS instance that contains the concatenation of
            the left and right operands in an internal list. In this example
            we see the length of the product is 2.
        prod = ETS()
        prod.data = self.data + rest.data
        return prod
コード例 #6
    def inv(self):
        Inverse of ETS

        :return: [description]
        :rtype: ETS instance

        The inverse of a given ETS.  It is computed as the inverse of the
        individual ETs in the reverse order.

        .. math::

            (\mathbf{E}_0, \mathbf{E}_1 \cdots \mathbf{E}_{n-1} )^{-1} = (\mathbf{E}_{n-1}^{-1}, \mathbf{E}_{n-2}^{-1} \cdots \mathbf{E}_0^{-1}{n-1} )


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> e = ETS.rz(j=2) * ETS.tx(1) * ETS.rx(j=3,flip=True) * ETS.tx(1)
            >>> print(e)
            >>> print(e.inv())
            >>> q = [1,2,3,4]
            >>> print(e.eval(q) * e.inv().eval(q))

        .. note:: It is essential to use explicit joint indices to account for
            the reversed order of the transforms.
        """  # noqa

        inv = ETS()
        for ns in reversed(self.data):
            # get the namespace from the list

            # clone it, and invert the elements to create an inverse
            nsi = copy.copy(ns)
            if nsi.joint:
                nsi.flip ^= True  # toggle flip status
            elif nsi.axis[0] == 'C':
                nsi.T = trinv(nsi.T)
            elif nsi.eta is not None:
                nsi.T = trinv(nsi.T)
                nsi.eta = -nsi.eta
            et = ETS()  # create a new ETS instance
            et.data = [nsi]  # set it's data from the dict
            inv *= et
        return inv
コード例 #7
    def inv(self):
        Inverse of ETS

        :return: [description]
        :rtype: ETS instance

        The inverse of a given ETS.  It is computed as the inverse of the
        individual ETs in the reverse order.

        .. math::

            (\mathbf{E}_0, \mathbf{E}_1 \cdots \mathbf{E}_{n-1} )^{-1} = (\mathbf{E}_{n-1}^{-1}, \mathbf{E}_{n-2}^{-1} \cdots \mathbf{E}_0^{-1}{n-1} )


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> e = ETS.rz(j=2) * ETS.tx(1) * ETS.rx(j=3,flip=True) * ETS.tx(1)
            >>> print(e)
            >>> print(e.inv())
            >>> q = [1,2,3,4]
            >>> print(e.eval(q) * e.inv().eval(q))

        .. note:: It is essential to use explicit joint indices to account for
            the reversed order of the transforms.

        inv = ETS()
        for e in reversed(self.data):
            # get the named tuple from the list, and convert to a dict
            etdict = e._asdict()

            # update the dict to make this an inverse
            if etdict['joint']:
                etdict['flip'] ^= True  # toggle flip status
            elif etdict['axis'][0] == 'C':
                etdict['T'] = trinv(etdict['T'])
            elif etdict['eta'] is not None:
                etdict['T'] = trinv(etdict['T'])
                etdict['eta'] = -etdict['eta']
            et = ETS()  # create a new ETS instance
            et.data = [self.ets_tuple(**etdict)]  # set it's data from the dict
            inv *= et
        return inv
コード例 #8
    def SE3(cls, t, rpy=None, tol=100):
        Convert an SE3 to an ETS

        :param t: Translation vector, or an SE(3) matrix
        :type t: array_like(3) or SE3 instance
        :param rpy: roll-pitch-yaw angles in XYZ order
        :type rpy: array_like(3)
        :param tol: Elements small than this many eps are considered as
            being zero, defaults to 100
        :type tol: int, optional
        :return: ET sequence
        :rtype: ETS instance

        Create an ETS from the non-zero translational and rotational

        - ``SE3(t, rpy)`` convert translation ``t`` and rotation given by XYZ
          roll-pitch-yaw angles ``rpy`` into an ETS.
        - ``SE3(X)`` as above but convert from an SE3 instance ``X``.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> ETS.SE3(SE3(1,2,3))
            >>> ETS.SE3(SE3.Rx(90, 'deg'))

        .. warning:: ``SE3.rpy()`` is used to determine rotation about the x-,
            y- and z-axes.  For a y-axis rotation with magnitude greater than
            180° this will result in a non-minimal representation with non-zero
            amounts of x- and z-axis rotation.

        :seealso: :func:`~SE3.rpy`
        if isinstance(t, SE3):
            T = t
            t = removesmall(T.t, tol)
            rpy = removesmall(T.rpy(order='zyx'))

        ets = ETS()
        if t[0] != 0:
            ets *= ETS.tx(t[0])
        if t[1] != 0:
            ets *= ETS.ty(t[1])
        if t[2] != 0:
            ets *= ETS.tz(t[2])

        if rpy is not None:
            if rpy[2] != 0:
                ets *= ETS.rz(rpy[2])
            if rpy[1] != 0:
                ets *= ETS.ry(rpy[1])
            if rpy[0] != 0:
                ets *= ETS.rx(rpy[0])

        return ets
コード例 #9
    def compile(self):
        Compile an ETS

        :return: optimised ETS
        :rtype: ETS

        Perform constant folding for faster evaluation.  Consecutive constant
        ETs are compounded, leading to a constant ET which is denoted by
        ``Ci`` when displayed.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> robot = rtb.models.ETS.Panda()
            >>> ets = robot.ets()
            >>> ets
            >>> ets.compile()

        :seealso: :func:`isconstant`
        const = None
        ets = ETS()
        for et in self:

            if et.isjoint:
                # a joint
                if const is not None:
                    # flush the constant
                    if not iseye(const):
                        ets *= ETS._CONST(const)
                    const = None
                ets *= et  # emit the joint ET
                # not a joint
                if const is None:
                    const = et.T()
                    const = const @ et.T()

        if const is not None:
            # flush the constant, tool transform
            if not iseye(const):
                ets *= ETS._CONST(const)
        return ets
コード例 #10
    def eliminate_y(self):

        nchanges = 0
        out = ETS()
        jointyet = False

        def eliminate(prev, this):
            if this.isjoint or prev.isjoint:
                return None

            new = None
            if prev.axis == 'Rx' and this.axis == 'ty':  # RX.TY -> TZ.RX
                new = ETS.tx(prev.eta) * prev
            elif prev.axis == 'Rx' and this.axis == 'tz':  # RX.TZ -> TY.RX
                new = ETS.ty(-prev.eta) * prev
            elif prev.axis == 'Ry' and this.axis == 'tz':  # RY.TX-> TZ.RY
                new = ETS.tz(-prev.eta) * prev
            elif prev.axis == 'Ry' and this.axis == 'tz':  # RY.TZ-> TX.RY
                new = ETS.tx(prev.eta) * prev

            elif prev.axis == 'ty' and this.axis == 'Rx':  # TY.RX -> RX.TZ
                new = this * ETS.tz(-this.eta)
            elif prev.axis == 'tx' and this.axis == 'Rz':  # TX.RZ -> RZ.TY
                new = this * ETS.tz(this.eta)
            elif prev.axis == 'Ry' and this.axis == 'Rx':  # RY(Q).RX -> RX.RZ(-Q)
                new = this * ETS.Rz(-prev.eta)
            elif prev.axis == 'Rx' and this.axis == 'Ry':  # RX.RY -> RZ.RX
                new = ETS.Rz(this.eta) * prev
            elif prev.axis == 'Rz' and this.axis == 'Rx':  # RZ.RX -> RX.RY
                new = this * ETS.Ry(this.eta)
            return new

        for i in range(len(self)):
            this = self[i]
            jointyet = this.isjoint
            if i == 0 or not jointyet:

            prev = self[i - 1]

            new = eliminate(prev, this)
            if new is not None:
                self[i - 1:i] = new
                nchanges += 1

        return nchanges
コード例 #11
    def merge(self):
        def canmerge(prev, this):
            return prev.axis == this.axis and not (prev.isjoint
                                                   and this.isjoint)

        out = ETS()
        while len(self.data) > 0:
            this = self.pop(0)

            if len(self.data) > 0:
                next = self[0]

                if canmerge(this, next):
                    new = DHFactor.add(this, next)
                    out *= new
                    self.pop(0)  # remove next from the queue
                    print(f"Merging {this * next} to {new}")
                    out *= this

        self.data = out.data
コード例 #12
 def __imul__(self, rest):
     prod = ETS()
     prod.data = self.data + rest.data
     return prod
コード例 #13
    from roboticstoolbox import ETS
    e = ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1) * ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1)
    print(e.eval([0, 0]))
    print(e.eval([90, -90], 'deg'))
    a = e.pop()

    from spatialmath.base import symbol

    theta, d = symbol('theta, d')

    e = ETS.rx(theta) * ETS.tx(2) * ETS.rx(45, 'deg') * ETS.ry(0.2) * ETS.ty(d)

    e = ETS()
    e *= ETS.rx()
    e *= ETS.tz()


    e = ETS.rx() * ETS._CONST(SE3()) * ETS.tx(0.3)

    l1 = 0.672
    l2 = -0.2337
    l3 = 0.4318
    l4 = 0.0203
    l5 = 0.0837