コード例 #1
def test_negative_generate_hostpkgcompare_nonexistent_host():
    """Try to generate 'Host - compare content hosts packages' report
    with nonexistent hosts inputs

    :id: 572fb387-86e0-40e2-b2df-ef5c26433610

    :setup: Installed Satellite

        1. hammer report-template generate --name 'Host - compare content hosts packages'
           --inputs 'Host 1 = nonexistent1, Host 2 = nonexistent2'

    :expectedresults: report is not generated, sane error shown

    :CaseImportance: Medium

    :BZ: 1860351
    with pytest.raises(CLIReturnCodeError) as cm:
            'Host - compare content hosts packages',
            'Host 1 = nonexistent1, '
            'Host 2 = nonexistent2',
        assert "At least one of the hosts couldn't be found" in cm.exception.stderr
コード例 #2
    def test_positive_generate_with_name_and_org(self):
        """Generate Host Status report, specifying template name and organization

        :id: 5af03399-b918-468a-1306-1c76dda6f369

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template, some host


            0. use default report template called Host - Statuses
            1. hammer report-template generate --name ... --organization ...

        :expectedresults: Report successfully generated (in BZ, it results in
            "ERF42-5227 [Foreman::Exception]: unknown parent permission for

        :CaseImportance: Medium

        :BZ: 1750924
        host_name = gen_string('alpha')
        host = make_fake_host({'name': host_name})

        # make sure the template is in the default org
        org_names = ReportTemplate.info({'name': 'Host - Statuses'})['organizations']
        default_org = Org.info({'name': DEFAULT_ORG})
        if default_org['name'] not in org_names:
            org_ids = [Org.info({'name': org_name})['id'] for org_name in org_names]
            ReportTemplate.update({'name': 'Host - Statuses', 'organization-ids': org_ids})

        result = ReportTemplate.generate({'name': 'Host - Statuses', 'organization': DEFAULT_ORG})

        self.assertIn(host['name'], [item.split(',')[0] for item in result])
コード例 #3
    def test_positive_generate_entitlements_report_multiple_formats(self):
        """Generate an report using the Subscription - Entitlement Report template
        in html, yaml, and csv format.

        :id: f2b74916-1298-4d20-9c24-a2c2b3a3e9a9

        :setup: Installed Satellite with Organization, Activation key,
                Content View, Content Host, and Subscriptions.

            1. hammer report-template generate --organization '' --id '' --report-format ''

        :expectedresults: report is generated containing all the expected information
                          regarding entitlements.

        :CaseImportance: High

        :BZ: 1830289
        with VirtualMachine(distro=DISTRO_RHEL7) as vm:
            vm.register_contenthost(self.setup_org['label'], self.setup_new_ak['name'])
            assert vm.subscribed
            result_html = ReportTemplate.generate(
                    'organization': self.setup_org['name'],
                    'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
                    'report-format': 'html',
                    'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
            assert vm.hostname in result_html[2]
            assert self.setup_subs_id[0]['name'] in result_html[2]
            result_yaml = ReportTemplate.generate(
                    'organization': self.setup_org['name'],
                    'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
                    'report-format': 'yaml',
                    'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
            for entry in result_yaml:
                if '-Name:' in entry:
                    assert vm.hostname in entry
                elif 'Subscription Name:' in entry:
                    assert self.setup_subs_id[0]['name'] in entry
            result_csv = ReportTemplate.generate(
                    'organization': self.setup_org['name'],
                    'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
                    'report-format': 'csv',
                    'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
            assert vm.hostname in result_csv[1]
            assert self.setup_subs_id[0]['name'] in result_csv[1]
            # BZ 1830289
            assert 'Subscription Quantity' in result_csv[0]
コード例 #4
    def test_positive_generate_ansible_template(self):
        """Report template named 'Ansible Inventory' (default name is specified in settings)
        must be present in Satellite 6.7 and later in order to provide enhanced functionality
        for Ansible Tower inventory synchronization with Satellite.

        :id: f1f7adfc-9601-4498-95c8-3e82e2b36583

            1. A user with minimal required permissions: 'Ansible Tower Inventory Reader' role
            2. A fake host to be checked in report output

            1. Check settings for default Ansible Inventory template name and ensure
               the template is present
            2. Try to render the template using the user with ATIR role
            3. Check the fake host is present in the output

        :expectedresults: Report template is present, renederable and provides output

        :CaseImportance: Medium
        settings = Settings.list({'search': 'name=ansible_inventory_template'})
        assert 1 == len(settings)
        template_name = settings[0]['value']

        report_list = ReportTemplate.list()
        assert template_name in [rt['name'] for rt in report_list]

        login = gen_string('alpha').lower()
        password = gen_string('alpha').lower()
        loc = Location.info({'name': DEFAULT_LOC})
        org = Org.info({'name': DEFAULT_ORG})

        user = make_user(
                'login': login,
                'password': password,
                'organization-ids': org['id'],
                'location-ids': loc['id'],

        User.add_role({'login': user['login'], 'role': 'Ansible Tower Inventory Reader'})

        host_name = gen_string('alpha').lower()
        host = make_fake_host({'name': host_name})

        schedule = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user['login'], password=password).schedule(
            {'name': template_name}

        report_data = ReportTemplate.with_user(
            username=user['login'], password=password
        ).report_data({'id': template_name, 'job-id': schedule[0].split("Job ID: ", 1)[1]})

        assert host['name'] in [item.split(',')[1] for item in report_data if len(item) > 0]
コード例 #5
def test_positive_generate_entitlements_report_multiple_formats(
        local_org, local_ak, local_subscription, rhel7_contenthost,
    """Generate an report using the Subscription - Entitlement Report template
    in html, yaml, and csv format.

    :id: f2b74916-1298-4d20-9c24-a2c2b3a3e9a9

    :setup: Installed Satellite with Organization, Activation key,
            Content View, Content Host, and Subscriptions.

        1. hammer report-template generate --organization '' --id '' --report-format ''

    :expectedresults: report is generated containing all the expected information
                      regarding entitlements.

    :BZ: 1830289

    :parametrized: yes

    :customerscenario: true
    client = rhel7_contenthost
    client.register_contenthost(local_org['label'], local_ak['name'])
    assert client.subscribed
    result_html = ReportTemplate.generate({
        'organization': local_org['name'],
        'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
        'report-format': 'html',
        'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
    assert client.hostname in result_html
    assert local_subscription['name'] in result_html
    result_yaml = ReportTemplate.generate({
        'organization': local_org['name'],
        'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
        'report-format': 'yaml',
        'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
    for entry in result_yaml:
        if '-Name:' in entry:
            assert client.hostname in entry
        elif 'Subscription Name:' in entry:
            assert local_subscription['name'] in entry
    result_csv = ReportTemplate.generate({
        'organization': local_org['name'],
        'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
        'report-format': 'csv',
        'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
    assert client.hostname in result_csv
    assert local_subscription['name'] in result_csv
    # BZ 1830289
    assert 'Subscription Quantity' in result_csv
コード例 #6
def test_positive_generate_report_nofilter_and_with_filter():
    """Generate Host Status report without filter and with filter

    :id: 5af03399-b918-468a-9306-1c76dda6a369

    :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template, at least two hosts


        0. use default report template called Host - Statuses
        1. hammer report-template generate --id ... # do not specify any filter
        2. hammer report-template generate --id ... # specify filter

    :expectedresults: nofilter - Report is generated for all hosts visible for user
                      filter   - Report is generated for the host specified by the filter

    :CaseImportance: Critical
    host_name = gen_alpha()
    host1 = make_fake_host({'name': host_name})

    host_name_2 = gen_alpha()
    host2 = make_fake_host({'name': host_name_2})

    result_list = ReportTemplate.list()
    assert 'Host - Statuses' in [rt['name'] for rt in result_list]

    rt_host_statuses = ReportTemplate.info({'name': 'Host - Statuses'})
    result_no_filter = ReportTemplate.generate(
        {'name': rt_host_statuses['name']})

    assert host1['name'] in [
        item.split(',')[0] for item in result_no_filter.splitlines()
    assert host2['name'] in [
        item.split(',')[0] for item in result_no_filter.splitlines()

    result = ReportTemplate.generate({
        'inputs': (rt_host_statuses['template-inputs'][0]['name'] + '=' +
    assert host1['name'] in [
        item.split(',')[0] for item in result.splitlines()
    assert host2['name'] not in [
        item.split(',')[0] for item in result.splitlines()
コード例 #7
def test_positive_generate_with_name_and_org():
    """Generate Host Status report, specifying template name and organization

    :id: 5af03399-b918-468a-1306-1c76dda6f369

    :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template, some host


        0. use default report template called Host - Statuses
        1. hammer report-template generate --name ... --organization ...

    :expectedresults: Report successfully generated (in BZ, it results in
        "ERF42-5227 [Foreman::Exception]: unknown parent permission for

    :CaseImportance: Medium

    :BZ: 1750924
    host_name = gen_alpha()
    host = make_fake_host({'name': host_name})

    result = ReportTemplate.generate({
        'name': 'Host - Statuses',
        'organization': DEFAULT_ORG

    assert host['name'] in [item.split(',')[0] for item in result]
コード例 #8
    def test_positive_report_add_userinput(self):
        """Add user input to template

        :id: 84b577db-144e-4761-a46e-e83887464986

        :setup: User with reporting access rights


            1. hammer template-input create ...

        :expectedresults: User input is assigned to the report template

        :CaseImportance: High
        name = gen_string('alpha')
        report_template = make_report_template({'name': name})
        ti_name = gen_string('alpha')
        template_input = make_template_input({
        result = ReportTemplate.info({'name': report_template['name']})
コード例 #9
    def test_positive_generate_report_nofilter_and_with_filter(self):
        """Generate Host Status report without filter and with filter

        :id: 5af03399-b918-468a-9306-1c76dda6a369

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template, at least two hosts


            0. use default report template called Host statuses
            1. hammer report-template generate --id ... # do not specify any filter
            2. hammer report-template generate --id ... # specify filter

        :expectedresults: nofilter - Report is generated for all hosts visible for user
                          filter   - Report is generated for the host specified by the filter

        :CaseImportance: Critical
        host_name = gen_string('alpha')
        host1 = make_fake_host({'name': host_name})

        host_name_2 = gen_string('alpha')
        host2 = make_fake_host({'name': host_name_2})

        result_list = ReportTemplate.list()
        self.assertIn('Host statuses', [rt['name'] for rt in result_list])

        rt_host_statuses = ReportTemplate.info({'name': 'Host statuses'})
        result_no_filter = ReportTemplate.generate({

                      [item.split(',')[0] for item in result_no_filter])
                      [item.split(',')[0] for item in result_no_filter])

        result = ReportTemplate.generate({
            'inputs': (rt_host_statuses['template-inputs'][0]['name'] + "=" +
        self.assertIn(host1['name'], [item.split(',')[0] for item in result])
                         [item.split(',')[0] for item in result])
コード例 #10
    def test_positive_end_to_end_crud_and_list(self):
        """CRUD test + list test for report templates

        :id: 2a143ddf-683f-49e2-badb-f9a387cfc53c

        :setup: User with reporting access rights and following setup:
                create - doesn't require other setup
                list   - at least two report templates
                info   - some report template
                update - some report template that is not locked
                delete - some report template that is not locked


            1. hammer report-template create ...
            2. hammer report-template list ...
            3. hammer report-template info ...
            4. hammer report-template update ... # change some value
            5. hammer report-template delete ...

        :expectedresults: Report is created, report templates are listed,
                            data about report template is showed,
                            report template is updated, and deleted.

        :CaseImportance: Critical
        # create
        name = gen_string('alpha')
        report_template = make_report_template({'name': name})
        self.assertEqual(report_template['name'], name)

        # list - create second template
        tmp_name = gen_string('alpha')
        tmp_report_template = make_report_template({'name': tmp_name})
        result_list = ReportTemplate.list()
        self.assertIn(name, [rt['name'] for rt in result_list])

        # info
        result = ReportTemplate.info({'id': report_template['id']})
        self.assertEqual(result['name'], name)

        # update
        new_name = gen_string('alpha')
        result = ReportTemplate.update({
            'name': report_template['name'],
            'new-name': new_name
        self.assertEqual(result[0]['name'], new_name)
        rt_list = ReportTemplate.list()
        self.assertNotIn(name, [rt['name'] for rt in rt_list])

        # delete tmp
        ReportTemplate.delete({'name': tmp_report_template['name']})
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
            ReportTemplate.info({'id': tmp_report_template['id']})
コード例 #11
    def test_positive_lock_and_unlock_report(self):
        """Lock and unlock report template

        :id: df306515-8798-4ce3-9430-6bc3bf9b9b33

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template that is not locked


            1. hammer report-template update ... --locked true
            2. hammer report-template update ... --locked false

        :expectedresults: Report is locked and unlocked successfully.

        :CaseImportance: Medium
        name = gen_string('alpha')
        report_template = make_report_template({'name': name})
        ReportTemplate.update({'name': report_template['name'], 'locked': 1})
        new_name = gen_string('alpha')
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'name': report_template['name'],
                'new-name': new_name

        ReportTemplate.update({'name': report_template['name'], 'locked': 0})
        result = ReportTemplate.update({
            'name': report_template['name'],
            'new-name': new_name
        self.assertEqual(result[0]['name'], new_name)
コード例 #12
    def test_positive_schedule_Entitlements_report(self):
        """Schedule an report using the Subscription - Entitlement Report template in csv format.

        :id: 572fb387-86e0-40e2-b2df-e8ec26433610

        :setup: Installed Satellite with Organization, Activation key,
                Content View, Content Host, and Subscriptions.

            1. hammer report-template schedule --organization '' --id '' --report-format ''

        :expectedresults: report is scheduled and generated containing all the expected information
                          regarding entitlements.

        :CaseImportance: High
        with VirtualMachine(distro=DISTRO_RHEL7) as vm:
            assert vm.subscribed
            scheduled_csv = ReportTemplate.schedule({
                'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
                'Days from Now=no limit',
            data_csv = ReportTemplate.report_data({
                'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
                scheduled_csv[0].split("Job ID: ", 1)[1],
            assert any(vm.hostname in line for line in data_csv)
            assert any(self.setup_subs_id[0]['name'] in line
                       for line in data_csv)
コード例 #13
    def test_positive_clone_locked_report(self):
        """Clone locked report template

        :id: cc843731-b9c2-4fc9-9e15-d1ee5d967cda

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template that is locked


            1. hammer report-template clone ...

        :expectedresults: Report is cloned

        :CaseImportance: Medium

        name = gen_string('alpha')
        report_template = make_report_template({'name': name})
            'name': report_template['name'],
            'locked': 1,
            'default': 1
        new_name = gen_string('alpha')
            'id': report_template['id'],
            'new-name': new_name
        result_list = ReportTemplate.list()
        self.assertIn(new_name, [rt['name'] for rt in result_list])
        result_info = ReportTemplate.info({'id': report_template['id']})
        self.assertEqual(result_info['locked'], 'yes')
        self.assertEqual(result_info['default'], 'yes')
コード例 #14
    def test_negative_bad_email(self):
        """Report can't be generated when incorrectly formed mail specified

        :id: a4ba77db-144e-4871-a42e-e93887464986

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, some host with applied errata


            1. hammer report-template schedule ...

        :expectedresults: Error message about wrong e-mail address, no task is triggered

        :CaseImportance: Medium
        name = gen_string('alpha')
        report_template = make_report_template({'name': name})

        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                {'name': report_template['name'], 'mail-to': gen_string('alpha')}
コード例 #15
    def test_negative_delete_locked_report(self):
        """Try to delete a locked report template

        :id: 84b577db-144e-4871-a42e-e93887464986

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template that is locked


            1. hammer report-template delete ...

        :expectedresults: Report is not deleted

        :CaseImportance: Medium
        name = gen_string('alpha')
        report_template = make_report_template({'name': name})

        ReportTemplate.update({'name': report_template['name'], 'locked': 1})

        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
            ReportTemplate.delete({'name': report_template['name']})
コード例 #16
def test_positive_schedule_entitlements_report(local_org, local_ak,
                                               rhel7_contenthost, target_sat):
    """Schedule an report using the Subscription - Entitlement Report template in csv format.

    :id: 572fb387-86e0-40e2-b2df-e8ec26433610

    :setup: Installed Satellite with Organization, Activation key,
            Content View, Content Host, and Subscriptions.

        1. hammer report-template schedule --organization '' --id '' --report-format ''

    :expectedresults: report is scheduled and generated containing all the expected information
                      regarding entitlements.

    :parametrized: yes
    client = rhel7_contenthost
    client.register_contenthost(local_org['label'], local_ak['name'])
    assert client.subscribed
    scheduled_csv = ReportTemplate.schedule({
        'name': 'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
        'organization': local_org['name'],
        'report-format': 'csv',
        'inputs': 'Days from Now=no limit',
    data_csv = ReportTemplate.report_data({
        'Subscription - Entitlement Report',
        scheduled_csv.split('\n', 1)[0].split('Job ID: ', 1)[1],
    assert client.hostname in data_csv
    assert local_subscription['name'] in data_csv
コード例 #17
    def test_positive_generate_report_sanitized(self):
        """Generate report template where there are values in comma outputted
        which might brake CSV format

        :id: 84b577db-144e-4961-a42e-e93887464986

        :setup: User with reporting access rights, Host Statuses report,
                a host with OS that has comma in its name


            1. hammer report-template generate ...

        :expectedresults: Report is generated in proper CSV format (value with comma is quoted)

        :CaseImportance: Medium
        os_name = gen_string('alpha') + "," + gen_string('alpha')
        architecture = make_architecture()
        partition_table = make_partition_table()
        medium = make_medium()
        os = make_os({
            'name': os_name,
            'architecture-ids': architecture['id'],
            'medium-ids': medium['id'],
            'partition-table-ids': partition_table['id'],

        host_name = gen_string('alpha')
        host = make_fake_host({
            'name': host_name,
            'architecture-id': architecture['id'],
            'medium-id': medium['id'],
            'operatingsystem-id': os['id'],
            'partition-table-id': partition_table['id']

        report_template = make_report_template({
            'content': REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE,

        result = ReportTemplate.generate({
            'name': report_template['name'],
        self.assertIn('Name,Operating System',
                      result)  # verify header of custom template
コード例 #18
def test_positive_generate_report_sanitized():
    """Generate report template where there are values in comma outputted
    which might brake CSV format

    :id: 84b577db-144e-4961-a42e-e93887464986

    :setup: User with reporting access rights, Host Statuses report,
            a host with OS that has comma in its name


        1. hammer report-template generate ...

    :expectedresults: Report is generated in proper CSV format (value with comma is quoted)

    :CaseImportance: Medium
    # create a name that has a comma in it, some randomized text, and no spaces.
    os_name = gen_alpha(start='test', separator=',').replace(' ', '')
    architecture = make_architecture()
    partition_table = make_partition_table()
    medium = make_medium()
    os = make_os({
        'name': os_name,
        'architecture-ids': architecture['id'],
        'medium-ids': medium['id'],
        'partition-table-ids': partition_table['id'],

    host_name = gen_alpha()
    host = make_fake_host({
        'name': host_name,
        'architecture-id': architecture['id'],
        'medium-id': medium['id'],
        'operatingsystem-id': os['id'],
        'partition-table-id': partition_table['id'],

    report_template = make_report_template({'content': REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE})

    result = ReportTemplate.generate({'name': report_template['name']})
    assert 'Name,Operating System' in result  # verify header of custom template
    assert f'{host["name"]},"{host["operating-system"]["operating-system"]}"' in result
コード例 #19
def test_positive_dump_report():
    """Export report template

    :id: 84b577db-144e-4761-a42e-a83887464986

    :setup: User with reporting access rights, some report template


        1. hammer report-template dump ...

    :expectedresults: Report script is shown

    :CaseImportance: Medium
    name = gen_alpha()
    content = gen_alpha()
    report_template = make_report_template({'name': name, 'content': content})
    result = ReportTemplate.dump({'id': report_template['id']})
    assert content in result
コード例 #20
def test_negative_nonauthor_of_report_cant_download_it():
    """The resulting report should only be downloadable by
       the user that generated it or admin. Check.

    :id: a4bc77db-146e-4871-a42e-e93887464986

    :setup: Installed Satellite, user that can list running tasks


        1. hammer -u u1 -p p1 report-template schedule
        2. hammer -u u2 -p p2 report-template report-data

    :expectedresults: Report can't be downloaded. Error.
    uname_viewer = gen_alpha()
    uname_viewer2 = gen_alpha()
    password = gen_alpha()

    loc = Location.info({'name': DEFAULT_LOC})
    org = Org.info({'name': DEFAULT_ORG})

    user1 = make_user({
        'login': uname_viewer,
        'password': password,
        'organization-ids': org['id'],
        'location-ids': loc['id'],

    user2 = make_user({
        'login': uname_viewer2,
        'password': password,
        'organization-ids': org['id'],
        'location-ids': loc['id'],

    role = make_role()
    # Pick permissions by its resource type
    permissions_org = [
        permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
            {'search': 'resource_type=Organization'})
    permissions_loc = [
        permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
            {'search': 'resource_type=Location'})
    permissions_rt = [
        permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
            {'search': 'resource_type=ReportTemplate'})
    permissions_pt = [
        permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
            {'search': 'resource_type=ProvisioningTemplate'})
    permissions_jt = [
        permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
            {'search': 'resource_type=JobTemplate'})
    # Assign filters to created role
    for perm in [
            permissions_org, permissions_loc, permissions_rt, permissions_pt,
        make_filter({'role-id': role['id'], 'permissions': perm})
    User.add_role({'login': user1['login'], 'role-id': role['id']})
    User.add_role({'login': user2['login'], 'role-id': role['id']})

    name = gen_alpha()
    content = gen_alpha()

    report_template = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user1['login'],

    schedule = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user1['login'],
                                            {'name': report_template['name']})
    job_id = schedule.split('Job ID: ', 1)[1].strip()

    report_data = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user1['login'],

    assert content in report_data
    with pytest.raises(CLIReturnCodeError):
コード例 #21
def test_positive_generate_hostpkgcompare(local_org, local_ak,
    """Generate 'Host - compare content hosts packages' report

    :id: 572fb387-86f2-40e2-b2df-e8ec26433610

    :setup: Installed Satellite with Organization, Activation key,
            Content View, Content Host, Subscriptions, and synced fake repo.

        1. hammer report-template generate --name 'Host - compare content hosts package' ...

    :expectedresults: report is scheduled and generated containing all the expected information
                      regarding host packages

    :CaseImportance: Medium

    :BZ: 1860430
    # Add subscription to Satellite Tools repo to activation key
        'product': PRDS['rhel'],
        'repository-set': REPOSET['rhst7'],
        'repository': REPOS['rhst7']['name'],
        'organization-id': local_org['id'],
        'content-view-id': local_content_view['id'],
        'lifecycle-environment-id': local_environment['id'],
        'activationkey-id': local_ak['id'],

    hosts_info = []
    with VMBroker(nick='rhel7', host_classes={'host': ContentHost},
                  _count=2) as hosts:
        for client in hosts:
            # Create RHEL hosts via broker and register content host
            # Register content host, install katello-agent
            client.register_contenthost(local_org['label'], local_ak['name'])
            assert client.subscribed
            hosts_info.append(Host.info({'name': client.hostname}))
        hosts_info.sort(key=lambda host: host['name'])

        host1, host2 = hosts_info
            'host-id': host1['id'],
            'packages': FAKE_0_CUSTOM_PACKAGE_NAME
            'host-id': host1['id'],
            'packages': FAKE_1_CUSTOM_PACKAGE
            'host-id': host2['id'],
            'packages': FAKE_2_CUSTOM_PACKAGE

        result = ReportTemplate.generate({
            'Host - compare content hosts packages',
            f'Host 1 = {host1["name"]}, '
            f'Host 2 = {host2["name"]}',

        assert len(result) > 1
        headers = f'Package,{host1["name"]},{host2["name"]},Architecture,Status'
        assert headers == result[0]
        items = [item.split(',') for item in result[1:]]
        assert len(items)
        for item in items:
            assert len(item) == 5
            name, host1version, host2version, arch, status = item
            assert len(name)
            assert ((host1version == '-' and name in host2version)
                    or (name in host1version and host2version == '-')
                    or (name in host1version and name in host2version))
            assert arch in [
                'x86_64', 'i686', 's390x', 'ppc64', 'ppc64le', 'noarch'
            assert status in (
                'same version',
                f'{host1["name"]} only',
                f'{host2["name"]} only',
                f'lower in {host1["name"]}',
                f'greater in {host1["name"]}',
            # test for specific installed packages
            if name == FAKE_0_CUSTOM_PACKAGE_NAME:
                assert status == f'{host1["name"]} only'
            if name == FAKE_1_CUSTOM_PACKAGE_NAME:
                assert (status == f'lower in {host1["name"]}'
                        or status == f'greater in {host2["name"]}')
コード例 #22
    def test_negative_nonauthor_of_report_cant_download_it(self):
        """The resulting report should only be downloadable by
           the user that generated it or admin. Check.

        :id: a4bc77db-146e-4871-a42e-e93887464986

        :setup: Installed Satellite, user that can list running tasks


            1. hammer -u u1 -p p1 report-template schedule
            2. hammer -u u2 -p p2 report-template report-data

        :expectedresults: Report can't be downloaded. Error.

        :CaseImportance: High
        uname_viewer = gen_string('alpha')
        uname_viewer2 = gen_string('alpha')
        password = gen_string('alpha')

        loc = Location.info({'name': DEFAULT_LOC})
        org = Org.info({'name': DEFAULT_ORG})

        user1 = make_user({
            'login': uname_viewer,
            'password': password,
            'organization-ids': org['id'],
            'location-ids': loc['id'],

        user2 = make_user({
            'login': uname_viewer2,
            'password': password,
            'organization-ids': org['id'],
            'location-ids': loc['id'],

        role = make_role()
        # Pick permissions by its resource type
        permissions_org = [
            permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
                {'resource-type': 'Organization'})
        permissions_loc = [
            permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
                {'resource-type': 'Location'})
        permissions_rt = [
            permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
                {'resource-type': 'ReportTemplate'})
        permissions_pt = [
            permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
                {'resource-type': 'ProvisioningTemplate'})
        permissions_jt = [
            permission['name'] for permission in Filter.available_permissions(
                {'resource-type': 'JobTemplate'})
        # Assign filters to created role
        make_filter({'role-id': role['id'], 'permissions': permissions_org})
        make_filter({'role-id': role['id'], 'permissions': permissions_loc})
        make_filter({'role-id': role['id'], 'permissions': permissions_rt})
        make_filter({'role-id': role['id'], 'permissions': permissions_pt})
        make_filter({'role-id': role['id'], 'permissions': permissions_jt})
        User.add_role({'login': user1['login'], 'role-id': role['id']})
        User.add_role({'login': user2['login'], 'role-id': role['id']})

        name = gen_string('alpha')
        content = gen_string('alpha')

        report_template = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user1['login'],

        schedule = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user1['login'],

        report_data = ReportTemplate.with_user(username=user1['login'],
                                                       "Job ID: ", 1)[1]

        self.assertIn(content, report_data)
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                                         schedule[0].split("Job ID: ", 1)[1]
コード例 #23
    def test_positive_generate_hostpkgcompare(self):
        """Generate 'Host - compare content hosts packages' report

        :id: 572fb387-86f2-40e2-b2df-e8ec26433610

        :setup: Installed Satellite with Organization, Activation key,
                Content View, Content Host, Subscriptions, and synced fake repo.

            1. hammer report-template generate --name 'Host - compare content hosts package' ...

        :expectedresults: report is scheduled and generated containing all the expected information
                          regarding host packages

        :CaseImportance: Medium

        :BZ: 1860430
        # Add subscription to Satellite Tools repo to activation key
                'product': PRDS['rhel'],
                'repository-set': REPOSET['rhst7'],
                'repository': REPOS['rhst7']['name'],
                'organization-id': self.setup_org['id'],
                'content-view-id': self.setup_content_view['id'],
                'lifecycle-environment-id': self.setup_env['id'],
                'activationkey-id': self.setup_new_ak['id'],

        hosts = []
        for i in [0, 1]:
            # Create VM and register content host
            client = VirtualMachine(distro=DISTRO_RHEL7)
            self.addCleanup(vm_cleanup, client)
            # Register content host, install katello-agent
            client.register_contenthost(self.setup_org['label'], self.setup_new_ak['name'])
            hosts.append(Host.info({'name': client.hostname}))
        hosts.sort(key=lambda host: host['name'])

        host1, host2 = hosts
        Host.package_install({'host-id': host1['id'], 'packages': FAKE_0_CUSTOM_PACKAGE_NAME})
        Host.package_install({'host-id': host1['id'], 'packages': FAKE_1_CUSTOM_PACKAGE})
        Host.package_install({'host-id': host2['id'], 'packages': FAKE_2_CUSTOM_PACKAGE})

        result = ReportTemplate.generate(
                'name': 'Host - compare content hosts packages',
                'inputs': f"Host 1 = {host1['name']}, " f"Host 2 = {host2['name']}",

        self.assertGreater(len(result), 1)
        headers = f'Package,{host1["name"]},{host2["name"]},Architecture,Status'
        self.assertEqual(headers, result[0])
        items = [item.split(',') for item in result[1:]]
        self.assertGreater(len(items), 0)
        for item in items:
            self.assertEqual(len(item), 5)
            name, host1version, host2version, arch, status = item
            self.assertGreater(len(name), 0)
            assert (
                (host1version == '-' and name in host2version)
                or (name in host1version and host2version == '-')
                or (name in host1version and name in host2version)
            self.assertIn(arch, ['x86_64', 'i686', 's390x', 'ppc64', 'ppc64le', 'noarch'])
            assert status in (
                'same version',
                f'{host1["name"]} only',
                f'{host2["name"]} only',
                f'lower in {host1["name"]}',
                f'greater in {host1["name"]}',
            # test for specific installed packages
            if name == FAKE_0_CUSTOM_PACKAGE_NAME:
                assert status == f'{host1["name"]} only'
            if name == FAKE_1_CUSTOM_PACKAGE_NAME:
                assert (
                    status == f'lower in {host1["name"]}'
                    or status == f'greater in {host2["name"]}'