コード例 #1
ファイル: burpfile.py プロジェクト: meteokid/python-rpn
    def _get_fileinfo(self):
        Reads some basic general information from the burp file
        without having to fully open the file.

          nrep       number of reports in the file
          rep_max    length of longest report in the file
        assert 'r' in self.mode, "BurpFile must be in read mode to use this function."

        ier  = _brp.mrfopt(_rbc.BURPOP_MSGLVL, _rbc.BURPOP_MSG_FATAL)
        unit = _rb.fnom(self.fname, _rc.FST_RO)

        nrep    = _brp.mrfnbr(unit)
        rep_max = _brp.mrfmxl(unit)

        ier = _rb.fclos(unit)

        return nrep, rep_max
コード例 #2
    def _get_fileinfo(self):
        Reads some basic general information from the burp file
        without having to fully open the file.

            (nrep, rep_max), tuple where:
               nrep    : number of reports in the file
               rep_max : length of longest report in the file
        assert 'r' in self.mode, "BurpFile must be in read mode to use this function."

        ier = _brp.mrfopt(_rbc.BURPOP_MSGLVL, _rbc.BURPOP_MSG_FATAL)
        unit = _rb.fnom(self.fname, _rc.FST_RO)

        nrep = _brp.mrfnbr(unit)
        rep_max = _brp.mrfmxl(unit)

        ier = _rb.fclos(unit)

        return nrep, rep_max
コード例 #3
ファイル: burpfile.py プロジェクト: meteokid/python-rpn
    def _read_data(self, nbuf):
        Reads all the the BURP file data and puts the file data in the
        rep_attr, blk_attr, and ele_attr arrays.

          nbuf      buffer length for reading of BURP file
        assert 'r' in self.mode, "BurpFile must be in read mode to use this function."

        warn = True

        # open BURP file
        _brp.mrfopt(_rbc.BURPOP_MSGLVL, _rbc.BURPOP_MSG_FATAL)
        unit = _brp.burp_open(self.fname)
        nrep = _brp.mrfnbr(unit)

        self.nblk   = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.year   = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.month  = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.day    = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.hour   = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.minute = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.codtyp = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.flgs   = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.dx     = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.dy     = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.alt    = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.delay  = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.rs     = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.runn   = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.sup    = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.xaux   = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.lon    = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.float)
        self.lat    = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.float)
        self.stnids = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype='|S9')

        for attr in BurpFile.blk_attr:
            setattr(self, attr, _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=object))

        # block data
        self.elements = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=object)
        self.rval     = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=object)

        # loop over reports
        handle = 0
        buf    = nbuf
        for irep in xrange(nrep):

            # get next report and load data into buffer
            handle = _brp.mrfloc(unit, handle)
            buf    = _brp.mrfget(handle, buf)

            # get report header
            rhp = _brp.mrbhdr(buf)

            self.flgs[irep]   = rhp['flgs']
            self.codtyp[irep] = rhp['idtyp']
            self.dx[irep]     = rhp['dx']
            self.dy[irep]     = rhp['dy']
            self.alt[irep]    = rhp['elev']
            self.delay[irep]  = rhp['drnd']
            self.rs[irep]     = rhp['oars']
            self.runn[irep]   = rhp['runn']
            self.nblk[irep]   = rhp['nblk']
            self.sup[irep]    = 0
            self.xaux[irep]   = 0

            self.year[irep]   = rhp['date']/10000
            self.month[irep]  = (rhp['date']%10000)/100
            self.day[irep]    = rhp['date']%100
            self.hour[irep]   = rhp['time']/100
            self.minute[irep] = rhp['time']%100

            self.lon[irep] = rhp['lon']/100.
            self.lat[irep] = (rhp['lat']-9000.)/100.

            self.stnids[irep] = rhp['stnid']

            for attr in BurpFile.blk_attr:
                getattr(self, attr)[irep] = _np.empty((rhp['nblk'], ), dtype=int)

            self.elements[irep] = _np.empty((rhp['nblk'], ), dtype=object)
            self.rval[irep]     = _np.empty((rhp['nblk'], ), dtype=object)

            # loop over blocks
            for iblk in xrange(rhp['nblk']):

                # get block header
                bhp = _brp.mrbprm(buf, iblk+1)

                self.nelements[irep][iblk] = bhp['nele']
                self.nlev[irep][iblk]      = bhp['nval']
                self.nt[irep][iblk]        = bhp['nt']
                self.bfam[irep][iblk]      = bhp['bfam']
                self.bdesc[irep][iblk]     = bhp['bdesc']
                self.btyp[irep][iblk]      = bhp['btyp']
                self.nbit[irep][iblk]      = bhp['nbit']
                self.bit0[irep][iblk]      = bhp['bit0']
                self.datyp[irep][iblk]     = bhp['datyp']

                # get block elements and values and
                # convert integer table values to real value
                if bhp['datyp'] < 5:
                    bdata = _brp.mrbxtr(buf, iblk+1)
                    rval  = _brp.mrbcvt_decode(bdata)
                elif bhp['datyp'] < 7:
                    bdata = _brp.mrbxtr(buf, iblk+1, dtype=_np.float32)
                    rval = bdata['tblval']
                    bdata = _brp.mrbxtr(buf, iblk+1)
                    rval  = bdata['tblval'].astype(_np.float32)
                    if warn:
                        _warnings.warn("Unrecognized data type value of %i. Unconverted table values will be returned." % bhp['datyp'])
                        warn = False

                # convert CMC codes to BUFR codes
                self.elements[irep][iblk] = _brp.mrbdcl(bdata['lstele'])
                #TODO: since arrays are now allocated Fortran style,
                #      should we do a transpose?
                ## self.rval[irep][iblk] = _np.resize(rval, (bhp['nval'], bhp['nele'])).T
                rval.resize((bhp['nval'], bhp['nele']))
                self.rval[irep][iblk] = rval

        # close BURP file

        # change longitude to be between -180 and 180 degrees
        self.lon = self.lon % 360.
        self.lon[self.lon>180] = self.lon[self.lon>180] - 360.

コード例 #4
    def _read_data(self, nbuf):
        Reads all the the BURP file data and puts the file data in the
        rep_attr, blk_attr, and ele_attr arrays.

            nbuf : buffer length for reading of BURP file
        assert 'r' in self.mode, "BurpFile must be in read mode to use this function."

        warn = True

        # open BURP file
        _brp.mrfopt(_rbc.BURPOP_MSGLVL, _rbc.BURPOP_MSG_FATAL)
        unit = _brp.burp_open(self.fname)
        nrep = _brp.mrfnbr(unit)

        self.nblk = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.year = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.month = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.day = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.hour = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.minute = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.codtyp = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.flgs = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.dx = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.dy = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.alt = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.delay = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.rs = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.runn = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.sup = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.xaux = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.int)
        self.lon = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.float)
        self.lat = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=_np.float)
        self.stnids = _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype='|S9')

        for attr in BurpFile.blk_attr + BurpFile.ele_attr:
            setattr(self, attr, _np.empty((self.nrep, ), dtype=object))

        # loop over reports
        handle = 0
        buf = nbuf
        for irep in range(nrep):

            # get next report and load data into buffer
            handle = _brp.mrfloc(unit, handle)
            buf = _brp.mrfget(handle, buf)

            # get report header
            rhp = _brp.mrbhdr(buf)

            self.flgs[irep] = rhp['flgs']
            self.codtyp[irep] = rhp['idtyp']
            self.dx[irep] = rhp['idx']
            self.dy[irep] = rhp['idy']
            self.alt[irep] = rhp['ielev']
            self.delay[irep] = rhp['drnd']
            self.rs[irep] = rhp['oars']
            self.runn[irep] = rhp['runn']
            self.nblk[irep] = rhp['nblk']
            self.sup[irep] = 0
            self.xaux[irep] = 0

            self.year[irep] = rhp['date'] / 10000
            self.month[irep] = (rhp['date'] % 10000) / 100
            self.day[irep] = rhp['date'] % 100
            self.hour[irep] = rhp['time'] / 100
            self.minute[irep] = rhp['time'] % 100

            self.lon[irep] = rhp['ilon'] / 100.
            self.lat[irep] = (rhp['ilat'] - 9000.) / 100.

            self.stnids[irep] = rhp['stnid']

            for attr in BurpFile.blk_attr:
                getattr(self, attr)[irep] = _np.empty((rhp['nblk'], ),

            for attr in BurpFile.ele_attr:
                getattr(self, attr)[irep] = _np.empty((rhp['nblk'], ),

            # loop over blocks
            for iblk in range(rhp['nblk']):

                # get block header
                bhp = _brp.mrbprm(buf, iblk + 1)

                self.nelements[irep][iblk] = bhp['nele']
                self.nlev[irep][iblk] = bhp['nval']
                self.nt[irep][iblk] = bhp['nt']
                self.bfam[irep][iblk] = bhp['bfam']
                self.bdesc[irep][iblk] = bhp['bdesc']
                self.btyp[irep][iblk] = bhp['btyp']
                self.nbit[irep][iblk] = bhp['nbit']
                self.bit0[irep][iblk] = bhp['bit0']
                self.datyp[irep][iblk] = bhp['datyp']

                # get block elements and values and
                # convert integer table values to real value
                if bhp['datyp'] < 5:
                    bdata = _brp.mrbxtr(buf, iblk + 1)
                    rval = _brp.mrbcvt_decode(bdata)
                elif bhp['datyp'] < 7:
                    bdata = _brp.mrbxtr(buf, iblk + 1, dtype=_np.float32)
                    rval = bdata['tblval']
                    bdata = _brp.mrbxtr(buf, iblk + 1)
                    rval = bdata['tblval'].astype(_np.float32)
                    if warn:
                            "Unrecognized data type value of %i. Unconverted table values will be returned."
                            % bhp['datyp'])
                        warn = False

                # convert CMC codes to BUFR codes
                self.elements[irep][iblk] = _brp.mrbdcl(bdata['cmcids'])

                #TODO: since arrays are now allocated Fortran style,
                #      should we do a transpose?
                self.rval[irep][iblk] = rval

                # check that the element arrays have the correct dimensions
                if _np.any(self.elements[irep][iblk].shape != (
                    raise _brp.BurpError(
                        "elements array does not have the correct dimensions.")
                if _np.any(self.rval[irep][iblk].shape != (
                        self.nelements[irep][iblk], self.nlev[irep][iblk],
                    raise _brp.BurpError(
                        "rval array does not have the correct dimensions.")

        # close BURP file

        # change longitude to be between -180 and 180 degrees
        self.lon = self.lon % 360.
        self.lon[self.lon > 180] = self.lon[self.lon > 180] - 360.
