コード例 #1
path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../bmpsuite:
imagedir = "../../../bmpsuite"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "g01bg.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "g04.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "g08.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "g16bf555.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "g24.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "g32bf.bmp", path, 0)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = []

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest(command, outputs, cleanfiles)
コード例 #2
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: Alexander-Murashko/oiio
path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../oiio-testimages"

# List of images to test
files = [ "dpx_nuke_10bits_rgb.dpx", "dpx_nuke_16bits_rgba.dpx" ]

# Run the tests
for f in files:
    command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, f, path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = files

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
sys.exit (ret)
コード例 #3
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: Alexander-Murashko/oiio
import os
import sys

path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../oiio-images"

# Run the tests
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "oiio.ico", path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ "oiio.ico" ]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
sys.exit (ret)
コード例 #4
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "ref"

# Run the tests
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "norle-8.sgi", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "rle-8.sgi", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "norle-16.sgi", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "rle-16.sgi", path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = ["norle-8.sgi", "rle-8.sgi", "norle-16.sgi", "rle-16.sgi"]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest(command, outputs, cleanfiles)
コード例 #5
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../libtiffpic/depth"

# FIXME -- eventually, we want more (all?) of these to work

# flower-minisblack-02.tif        73x43 2-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "flower-minisblack-02.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-04.tif        73x43 4-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "flower-minisblack-04.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-06.tif        73x43 6-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-08.tif        73x43 8-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "flower-minisblack-08.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-10.tif        73x43 10-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-12.tif        73x43 12-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-14.tif        73x43 14-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-16.tif        73x43 16-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "flower-minisblack-16.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-24.tif        73x43 24-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-32.tif        73x43 32-bit minisblack gray image
#  FIXME - I'd like this one to work
# flower-palette-02.tif   73x43 4-entry colormapped image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "flower-palette-02.tif", path)
コード例 #6
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/DisplayWindow:
# README   t03.exr  t06.exr  t09.exr  t12.exr  t15.exr
# t01.exr  t04.exr  t07.exr  t10.exr  t13.exr  t16.exr
# t02.exr  t05.exr  t08.exr  t11.exr  t14.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/DisplayWindow"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/ScanLines:
# Blobbies.exr   Desk.exr       StillLife.exr
# Cannon.exr     MtTamWest.exr  Tree.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/ScanLines"
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Blobbies.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Desk.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Cannon.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Desk.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "MtTamWest.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "StillLife.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Tree.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Blobbies.exr", path)
# FIXME - on all: chromaticies, screenWindowCenter, preview?

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/TestImages:
# AllHalfValues.exr        GrayRampsDiagonal.exr    SquaresSwirls.exr
# BrightRings.exr          GrayRampsHorizontal.exr  WideColorGamut.exr
# BrightRingsNanInf.exr    README                   WideFloatRange.exr
# GammaChart.exr           RgbRampsDiagonal.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/TestImages"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "AllHalfValues.exr", path)
コード例 #7
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/DisplayWindow:
# README   t03.exr  t06.exr  t09.exr  t12.exr  t15.exr
# t01.exr  t04.exr  t07.exr  t10.exr  t13.exr  t16.exr
# t02.exr  t05.exr  t08.exr  t11.exr  t14.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/DisplayWindow"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/ScanLines:
# Blobbies.exr   Desk.exr       StillLife.exr
# Cannon.exr     MtTamWest.exr  Tree.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/ScanLines"
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Blobbies.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Desk.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Cannon.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Desk.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "MtTamWest.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "StillLife.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Tree.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Blobbies.exr", path)
# FIXME - on all: chromaticies, screenWindowCenter, preview?

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/TestImages:
# AllHalfValues.exr        GrayRampsDiagonal.exr    SquaresSwirls.exr
# BrightRings.exr          GrayRampsHorizontal.exr  WideColorGamut.exr
# BrightRingsNanInf.exr    README                   WideFloatRange.exr
# GammaChart.exr           RgbRampsDiagonal.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/TestImages"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "AllHalfValues.exr",
コード例 #8
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: inequation/oiio
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../oiio-testimages"

# List of images to test
files = [ "ginsu_a_nc10.rla", "ginsu_a_ncf.rla", "ginsu_rgba_nc8.rla", \
          "ginsu_rgb_nc16.rla", "imgmake_rgba_nc10.rla", "ginsu_a_nc16.rla", \
          "ginsu_rgba_nc10.rla", "ginsu_rgba_ncf.rla", "ginsu_rgb_nc8.rla", \
          "imgmake_rgba_nc16.rla", "ginsu_a_nc8.rla", "ginsu_rgba_nc16.rla", \
          "ginsu_rgb_nc10.rla", "ginsu_rgb_ncf.rla", "imgmake_rgba_nc8.rla" ]

# Run the tests
for f in files:
    command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, f, path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = files

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
sys.exit (ret)
コード例 #9
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/MultiResolution:
# Bonita.exr              MirrorPattern.exr       StageEnvCube.exr
# ColorCodedLevels.exr    OrientationCube.exr     StageEnvLatLong.exr
# Kapaa.exr               OrientationLatLong.exr  WavyLinesCube.exr
# KernerEnvCube.exr       PeriodicPattern.exr     WavyLinesLatLong.exr
# KernerEnvLatLong.exr    README                  WavyLinesSphere.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/MultiResolution"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Bonita.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "ColorCodedLevels.exr",
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Kapaa.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "KernerEnvCube.exr",
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "KernerEnvLatLong.exr",
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "MirrorPattern.exr",
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "OrientationCube.exr",
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir,
                                              "OrientationLatLong.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "PeriodicPattern.exr",
コード例 #10
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "ref"

# Run the tests
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "norle-8.sgi", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "rle-8.sgi", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "norle-16.sgi", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "rle-16.sgi", path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ "norle-8.sgi", "rle-8.sgi", "norle-16.sgi", "rle-16.sgi" ]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
sys.exit (ret)
コード例 #11
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../bmpsuite:
imagedir = "../../../bmpsuite"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "g01bg.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "g04.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "g08.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "g16bf555.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "g24.bmp", path, 0)
command = command + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "g32bf.bmp", path, 0)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ ]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
コード例 #12
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../j2kp4files_v1_5/J2KP4files/codestreams_profile0:
# p0_01.j2k to p_0_02.j2k images
imagedir = "../../../j2kp4files_v1_5/J2KP4files/codestreams_profile0"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_01.j2k", path)
# fail becouse of Jasper issue
# command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_02.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_03.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_04.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_05.j2k", path)
# we don't support this for now (12bpp images)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_06.j2k", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_07.j2k", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_08.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_09.j2k", path)
#not supported
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_10.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_11.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "p0_12.j2k", path)
# we don't support this for now (256 components)
コード例 #13
import os
import sys

path = ""
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../oiio-testimages"

# Run the tests
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "oiio.ico", path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = ["oiio.ico"]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest(command, outputs, cleanfiles)
コード例 #14
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: Alexander-Murashko/oiio
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/Chromaticities:
# README         Rec709.exr     Rec709_YC.exr  XYZ.exr        XYZ_YC.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/Chromaciticies"
# FIXME - we don't currently understand chromaticities

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/LuminanceChroma:
# CrissyField.exr  Garden.exr       StarField.exr
# Flowers.exr      MtTamNorth.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/LuminanceChroma"
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CrissyField.exr", path, extraargs="--compression zip")
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Flowers.exr", path, extraargs="--compression zip")
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Garden.exr", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "MtTamNorth.exr", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "StarField.exr", path)
# FIXME -- most of these are broken, we don't read LuminanceChroma images,
#     nor do we currently support subsampled channels

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ "Garden.exr" ]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest (command, outputs, cleanfiles)
コード例 #15
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../TGAUTILS"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CBW8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CCM8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CTC16.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CTC24.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CTC32.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "UBW8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "UCM8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "UTC16.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "UTC24.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "UTC32.TGA", path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = [ "out.txt" ]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = [ ]
コード例 #16
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../libtiffpic/depth"

# FIXME -- eventually, we want more (all?) of these to work

# flower-minisblack-02.tif        73x43 2-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir,
                                              "flower-minisblack-02.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-04.tif        73x43 4-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir,
                                              "flower-minisblack-04.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-06.tif        73x43 6-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-08.tif        73x43 8-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir,
                                              "flower-minisblack-08.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-10.tif        73x43 10-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-12.tif        73x43 12-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-14.tif        73x43 14-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-16.tif        73x43 16-bit minisblack gray image
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir,
                                              "flower-minisblack-16.tif", path)
# flower-minisblack-24.tif        73x43 24-bit minisblack gray image
# flower-minisblack-32.tif        73x43 32-bit minisblack gray image
コード例 #17
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../fits-image/pg93:
# tst0001.fits to tst0014.fits
imagedir = "../../../fits-images/pg93"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0001.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0002.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0003.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0005.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0006.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0007.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0008.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0009.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "tst0013.fits", path)

imagedir = "../../../fits-images/ftt4b"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "file001.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "file002.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "file003.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "file009.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "file012.fits", path)
コード例 #18
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/Chromaticities:
# README         Rec709.exr     Rec709_YC.exr  XYZ.exr        XYZ_YC.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/Chromaciticies"
# FIXME - we don't currently understand chromaticities

# ../openexr-images-1.5.0/LuminanceChroma:
# CrissyField.exr  Garden.exr       StarField.exr
# Flowers.exr      MtTamNorth.exr
imagedir = "../../../openexr-images-1.5.0/LuminanceChroma"
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "CrissyField.exr", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "Flowers.exr", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "Garden.exr", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "MtTamNorth.exr", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "StarField.exr", path)
# FIXME -- most of these are broken, we don't read LuminanceChroma images,
#     nor do we currently support subsampled channels

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = ["Garden.exr"]

# boilerplate
ret = runtest.runtest(command, outputs, cleanfiles)
コード例 #19
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../libtiffpic"

# caspian.tif	279x220 64-bit floating point (deflate) Caspian Sea from space
#   I can't get this to work with OIIO, but I can't get it to read with 
#     ImageMagick or OSX preview, either.
#   FIXME?

# cramps.tif	800x607 8-bit b&w (packbits) "cramps poster"
#    This tests 1-bit images, and packbits compression
# cramps-tile.tif	256x256 tiled version of cramps.tif (no compression)
#    Tests tiled images (especially tiled 1-bit) -- compare it to cramps
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "cramps.tif", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "cramps-tile.tif", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.diff_command (imagedir+"/cramps-tile.tif",
                                                 imagedir+"/cramps.tif", path)

# dscf0013.tif	640x480 YCbCr digital camera image which lacks Reference
# 		Black/White values. Contains EXIF SubIFD. No compression.
# FIXME - we don't support YCbCr yet.  

# fax2d.tif	1728x1082 1-bit b&w (G3/2D) facsimile
# FIXME - we read the pixel data fine, but we fail to recognize that
#   differing XResolution and YResolution imply a non-square pixel
#   aspect ratio, and iv fails to display it well for this reason.
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "fax2d.tif", path)

# g3test.tif	TIFF equivalent of g3test.g3 created by fax2tiff
コード例 #20
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../j2kp4files_v1_5/J2KP4files/codestreams_profile0:
# p0_01.j2k to p_0_02.j2k images
imagedir = "../../../j2kp4files_v1_5/J2KP4files/codestreams_profile0"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_01.j2k", path)
# fail becouse of Jasper issue
# command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_02.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_03.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_04.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_05.j2k", path)
# we don't support this for now (12bpp images)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_06.j2k", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_07.j2k", path)
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_08.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_09.j2k", path)
#not supported
#command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_10.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_11.j2k", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "p0_12.j2k", path)
# we don't support this for now (256 components)
コード例 #21
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: 400notout/oiio
if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
    os.chdir (sys.argv[1])
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
hi = "echo hi"
command = hi + "> out.txt"

# ../fits-image/pg93:
# tst0001.fits to tst0014.fits
imagedir = "../../../fits-images/pg93"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0001.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0002.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0003.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0005.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0006.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0007.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0008.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0009.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "tst0013.fits", path)

imagedir = "../../../fits-images/ftt4b"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "file001.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "file002.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "file003.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "file009.fits", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command (imagedir, "file012.fits", path)
コード例 #22
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rexbron/oiio
command = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    path = sys.argv[2] + "/"

sys.path = [".."] + sys.path
import runtest

# Start off
command = "echo hi> out.txt"

imagedir = "../../../TGAUTILS"
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "CBW8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "CCM8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "CTC16.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "CTC24.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "CTC32.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "UBW8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "UCM8.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "UTC16.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "UTC24.TGA", path)
command = command + "; " + runtest.rw_command(imagedir, "UTC32.TGA", path)

# Outputs to check against references
outputs = ["out.txt"]

# Files that need to be cleaned up, IN ADDITION to outputs
cleanfiles = []