コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, name, callback, units=None, description=None):
     @param callback: an argumentless callable which returns a value
         that constitutes this counter's value
     @type callback: callable/0
     Counter.__init__(self, name, units=units, description=description)
     self.callback = callback
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, name, units=None, description=None, history=0):
        @param history: Maximum amount of history entries cached
        Counter.__init__(self, name, units=units, description=description)

        self.current_value = None   #: current value
        self.history_len = history
        self.history = []   #: list of tuple(time, value)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, name, resolution=1, units=None, description=None):
        Creates a new pulse-counting object

        @param resolution: Resolution of the counter in seconds. It will aggregate
            pulses in these periods
        @type resolution: int or float
        Counter.__init__(self, name, units=units, description=description)
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.pulses = []
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, name, units=None, description=None):
        Counter.__init__(self, name, units=units, description=description)

        self.current_value = 0   #: current value