コード例 #1
 def authenticated(self, xs):
     logger.info('Authenticated %s' % str(self))
     self.xmlstream.addObserver('/message', self.message)
     self.xmlstream.addObserver('/presence', self.presence)
     self.xmlstream.addObserver('/iq', self.iq)
     self.xmlstream.addObserver('/*', self.all)
     presence = domish.Element((None, 'presence'))
     msg = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'message'))
     msg['from'] = str(self)
     msg['to'] = '*****@*****.**'
     msg['type'] = 'chat'
     msg.addElement('body', 'jabber:client', 'testing')
     html = domish.Element((None, 'html'))
     html['xmlns'] = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im'
     body = domish.Element((None, 'body'))
     body['xmlns'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'
     img = domish.Element((None, 'img'))
     # The hash should be of the data you send across
     data = open("seomoz.png", "rb").read().encode('base64')
     key  = '*****@*****.**' % hashlib.sha1(data.replace('\n', '')).hexdigest()
     self.cids[key] = data
     img['src'] = 'cid:%s' % key
     img['alt'] = 'seomoz'
コード例 #2
ファイル: PipeMetric.py プロジェクト: wutali/sauron
 def reconfig(self, path, **kwargs):
     self.patterns = dict([(k, re.compile(v)) for k,v in kwargs.items()])
     self.path = path
     except OSError:
         logger.warn('Path "%s" already exists. Treating like fifo...' % self.path)
     self.f    = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
     self.stat = os.fstat(self.f)
コード例 #3
 def reconfig(self, path, **kwargs):
     self.patterns = dict([(k, re.compile(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
     self.path = path
     except OSError:
         logger.warn('Path "%s" already exists. Treating like fifo...' %
     self.f = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
     self.stat = os.fstat(self.f)
コード例 #4
ファイル: CloudWatch.py プロジェクト: wutali/sauron
 def setInstanceId(self):
         # This looks a little weird, but the idea is that if you would
         # to have the InstanceId automatically filled in, then simply
         # add the key in the yaml file, but not the value. If you'd like
         # to override it, then you can override it by providing a value.
         # So, this covers the case that the key is provided, but no value
         if not self.dims.get('InstanceId'):
             self.dims['InstanceId'] = urllib2.urlopen('', timeout=1.0).read().strip()
     except urllib2.URLError:
         logger.warn('Failed to get an instance ID for this node from Amazon')
コード例 #5
ファイル: CloudWatch.py プロジェクト: Logicworks/sauron
 def setInstanceId(self):
         # This looks a little weird, but the idea is that if you would
         # to have the InstanceId automatically filled in, then simply
         # add the key in the yaml file, but not the value. If you'd like
         # to override it, then you can override it by providing a value.
         # So, this covers the case that the key is provided, but no value
         if not self.dims:
             self.dims['InstanceId'] = get_instance_metadata()['instance-id']
         logger.warn('Failed to get an instance ID for this node from Amazon')
コード例 #6
    def values(self):
        # Alright, first get new stats on the file
        s = os.fstat(self.f)
        # The lines we've read
        lines = []
        # Now, see if the file was nuked
        # I'm not sure how this works. Checking inode might not really capture
        # what we're talking about. It certainly happens when the file is replaced,
        # but there /may/ be other times when it changes
        if s.st_ino != self.stat.st_ino:
            logger.warn('Inode for %s has changed' % self.path)
            self.f = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
        elif s.st_mtime > self.stat.st_mtime:
            # If it's been modified since we last checked...
            r, w, e = select.select([self.f], [], [], 0)
            # And it's not read-ready, then we have to actually re-open it
            if len(r) == 0:
                self.f = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)

        # Now, remember the current stats
        self.stat = s

        # Now, let's check to see if it's ready for some reading
        content = ''
        r, w, e = select.select([self.f], [], [], 0)
        while len(r):
            content += os.read(self.f, 1024)
            r, w, e = select.select([self.f], [], [], 0)

        # Now, split it into lines
        lines = content.strip().split('\n')

        # Now that we have all our lines, go ahead and try to match the regex to each line
        counts = dict([(k, 0) for k in self.patterns])
        for line in lines:
            for k, r in self.patterns.items():
                m = r.search(line)
                if m:
                        # Use the last matching group if found
                        counts[k] += int(m.groups()[-1])
                    except ValueError:
                        logger.warn('Could not parse int from %s. Using 1' %
                        counts[k] += 1
                    except IndexError:
                        logger.info('No groups in regular expression. Using 1')
                        counts[k] += 1
        return {
            'results': dict([(k, (v, 'Count')) for k, v in counts.items()])
コード例 #7
 def values(self):
     # Alright, first get new stats on the file
     s = os.fstat(self.f)
     # The lines we've read
     lines = []
     # Now, see if the file was nuked
     # I'm not sure how this works. Checking inode might not really capture
     # what we're talking about. It certainly happens when the file is replaced,
     # but there /may/ be other times when it changes
     if s.st_ino != self.stat.st_ino:
         logger.warn('Inode for %s has changed' % self.path)
         self.f = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
     elif s.st_mtime > self.stat.st_mtime:
         # If it's been modified since we last checked...
         r, w, e = select.select([self.f], [], [], 0)
         # And it's not read-ready, then we have to actually re-open it
         if len(r) == 0:
             self.f = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
     # Now, remember the current stats
     self.stat = s       
     # Now, let's check to see if it's ready for some reading
     content = ''
     r, w, e = select.select([self.f], [], [], 0)
     while len(r):
         content += os.read(self.f, 1024)
         r, w, e = select.select([self.f], [], [], 0)
     # Now, split it into lines
     lines = content.strip().split('\n')
     # Now that we have all our lines, go ahead and try to match the regex to each line
     counts = dict([(k, 0) for k in self.patterns])
     for line in lines:
         for k, r in self.patterns.items():
             m = r.search(line)
             if m:
                     # Use the last matching group if found
                     counts[k] += int(m.groups()[-1])
                 except ValueError:
                     logger.warn('Could not parse int from %s. Using 1' % m.gorups()[-1])
                     counts[k] += 1
                 except IndexError:
                     logger.info('No groups in regular expression. Using 1')
                     counts[k] += 1
     return {
         'results' : dict([(k, (v, 'Count')) for k, v in counts.items()])
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: johnny-die-tulpe/sauron
 def getValues(self):
     if self.keys:
         results = self.values()
         pruned = {}
         for k in self.keys:
                 pruned[k] = results['results'][k]
             except KeyError:
                 logger.warn('Key %s unavailable' % k)
         results['results'] = pruned
         return results
         return self.values()
コード例 #9
 def getValues(self):
     if self.keys:
         results = self.values()
         pruned = {}
         for k in self.keys:
                 pruned[k] = results['results'][k]
             except KeyError:
                 logger.warn('Key %s unavailable' % k)
         results['results'] = pruned
         return results
         return self.values()
コード例 #10
 def setInstanceId(self):
         # This looks a little weird, but the idea is that if you would
         # to have the InstanceId automatically filled in, then simply
         # add the key in the yaml file, but not the value. If you'd like
         # to override it, then you can override it by providing a value.
         # So, this covers the case that the key is provided, but no value
         if not self.dims:
             self.dims['InstanceId'] = get_instance_metadata(
             'Failed to get an instance ID for this node from Amazon')
コード例 #11
ファイル: CloudWatch.py プロジェクト: paulcowles/sauron
 def setInstanceId(self):
         # This looks a little weird, but the idea is that if you would
         # to have the InstanceId automatically filled in, then simply
         # add the key in the yaml file, but not the value. If you'd like
         # to override it, then you can override it by providing a value.
         # So, this covers the case that the key is provided, but no value
         if not self.dims.get('InstanceId'):
             self.dims['InstanceId'] = urllib2.urlopen(
     except urllib2.URLError:
             'Failed to get an instance ID for this node from Amazon')
コード例 #12
ファイル: CloudWatch.py プロジェクト: paulcowles/sauron
    def updateActions(self, actions):
        '''Update the actions on this account based on the supplied actions. Actions
        should a dictionary of Amazon Simple Notification Service topic names, and
        their associated subscriptions.'''
        # First, we need a SNS Connection to make this changes
        conn = SNSConnection(**self.kwargs)
        # Now make sure each subscription is registered to the topic
        for name, subscriptions in actions.items():
            logger.info('Creating topic %s' % name)
            # Try to make a topic
                arn = conn.create_topic(name)['CreateTopicResponse'][
                self.actions[name] = arn
            except KeyError:
                raise EmitterException('Bad response creating topic %s' % name)

            if len(subscriptions) == 0:
                raise EmitterException('No subscriptions for action %s' % name)
            # Now try to arrange for subscriptions
            # Oddly enough, calling create_topic doesn't have any effect
            # if the topic already exists, but calling subscribe() for an
            # existing subscription causes a second subscription to be added
            # So, we have to get a list of current subscriptions, and then
            # make sure to only add the subscription if it's currently there
            logger.info('Getting a list of current subscriptions...')
            current = conn.get_all_subscriptions_by_topic(arn)
            current = current['ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse']
            current = current['ListSubscriptionsByTopicResult']
            current = current['Subscriptions']
            current = set(s['Endpoint'] for s in current)
            # For all desired subscriptions not present, subscribe
            for s in subscriptions:
                if s['endpoint'] not in current:
                    logger.info('Adding %s to action %s' %
                                (s['endpoint'], name))
                    conn.subscribe(arn, s.get('protocol', 'email'),
                    logger.info('%s already subscribed to action' %
            # Check for subscriptions that are active, but not listed...
            activeUnlisted = set(current) - set(
                [s['endpoint'] for s in subscriptions])
            for s in activeUnlisted:
                logger.warn('Subscript "%s" active, but not listed in config' %
コード例 #13
 def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token=None, access_secret=None):
     # https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/blob/master/
     self.auth = tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
     if not access_token or not access_secret:
             logger.warn('To authenticate, visit : %s' % self.auth.get_authorization_url())
             verifier = raw_input('Verifier: ')
         except tweepy.error.TweepError:
             raise EmitterException('Failed to request token.')
         except tweepy.error.TweepError:
             raise EmitterException('Error! Failed to get access token.')
         self.auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)
     self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth)
コード例 #14
ファイル: CloudWatch.py プロジェクト: wutali/sauron
    def updateActions(self, actions):
        '''Update the actions on this account based on the supplied actions. Actions
        should a dictionary of Amazon Simple Notification Service topic names, and
        their associated subscriptions.'''
        # First, we need a SNS Connection to make this changes
        conn = SNSConnection(**self.kwargs)
        # Now make sure each subscription is registered to the topic
        for name, subscriptions in actions.items():
            logger.info('Creating topic %s' % name)
            # Try to make a topic
                arn = conn.create_topic(name)['CreateTopicResponse']['CreateTopicResult']['TopicArn']
                self.actions[name] = arn
            except KeyError:
                raise EmitterException('Bad response creating topic %s' % name)

            if len(subscriptions) == 0:
                raise EmitterException('No subscriptions for action %s' % name)
            # Now try to arrange for subscriptions
            # Oddly enough, calling create_topic doesn't have any effect
            # if the topic already exists, but calling subscribe() for an
            # existing subscription causes a second subscription to be added
            # So, we have to get a list of current subscriptions, and then
            # make sure to only add the subscription if it's currently there
            logger.info('Getting a list of current subscriptions...')
            current = conn.get_all_subscriptions_by_topic(arn)
            current = current['ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse']
            current = current['ListSubscriptionsByTopicResult']
            current = current['Subscriptions']
            current = set(s['Endpoint'] for s in current)
            # For all desired subscriptions not present, subscribe
            for s in subscriptions:
                if s['endpoint'] not in current:
                    logger.info('Adding %s to action %s' % (s['endpoint'], name))
                    conn.subscribe(arn, s.get('protocol', 'email'), s['endpoint'])
                    logger.info('%s already subscribed to action' % s['endpoint'])
            # Check for subscriptions that are active, but not listed...
            activeUnlisted = set(current) - set([s['endpoint'] for s in subscriptions])
            for s in activeUnlisted:
                logger.warn('Subscript "%s" active, but not listed in config' % s)
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self,
     super(Twitter, self).__init__()
     # https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/blob/master/
     self.auth = tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
     if not access_token or not access_secret:
             logger.warn('To authenticate, visit : %s' %
             verifier = raw_input('Verifier: ')
         except tweepy.error.TweepError:
             raise EmitterException('Failed to request token.')
         except tweepy.error.TweepError:
             raise EmitterException('Error! Failed to get access token.')
         self.auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)
     self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth)
コード例 #16
    def values(self):
            # Alright, first get new stats on the file
            s = os.lstat(self.path)
            # The lines we've read
            lines = []
            # Now, see if the file was nuked
            # I'm not sure how this works. Checking inode might not really capture
            # what we're talking about. It certainly happens when the file is replaced,
            # but there /may/ be other times when it changes
            if s.st_ino != self.stat.st_ino:
                logger.warn('Inode for %s has changed' % self.path)
                self.f = file(self.path)
                lines = self.f.read(s.st_size).strip().split('\n')
            elif s.st_size < self.stat.st_size:
                    'File %s has shrunk since last read! Reading from beginning...'
                    % self.path)
                lines = self.f.read(s.st_size).strip().split('\n')
            elif s.st_mtime > self.stat.st_mtime:
                # If the file has been changed since last we looked
                lines = self.f.read(s.st_size -
            # Now, remember the current stats
            self.stat = s

            # Now that we have all our lines, go ahead and try to match the regex to each line
            counts = dict([(k, 0) for k in self.patterns])
            for line in lines:
                for k, r in self.patterns.items():
                    m = r.search(line)
                    if m:
                            # Use the last matching group if found
                            counts[k] += int(m.groups()[-1])
                        except ValueError:
                                'Could not parse int from %s. Using 1' %
                            counts[k] += 1
                        except IndexError:
                                'No groups in regular expression. Using 1')
                            counts[k] += 1
            return {
                'results': dict([(k, (v, 'Count')) for k, v in counts.items()])
        except Exception as e:
            raise MetricException(e)
コード例 #17
ファイル: LogMetric.py プロジェクト: johnny-die-tulpe/sauron
 def values(self):
         # Alright, first get new stats on the file
         s = os.lstat(self.path)
         # The lines we've read
         lines = []
         # Now, see if the file was nuked
         # I'm not sure how this works. Checking inode might not really capture
         # what we're talking about. It certainly happens when the file is replaced,
         # but there /may/ be other times when it changes
         if s.st_ino != self.stat.st_ino:
             logger.warn('Inode for %s has changed' % self.path)
             self.f = file(self.path)
             lines = self.f.read(s.st_size).strip().split('\n')
         elif s.st_size < self.stat.st_size:
             logger.warn('File %s has shrunk since last read! Reading from beginning...' % self.path)
             lines = self.f.read(s.st_size).strip().split('\n')
         elif s.st_mtime > self.stat.st_mtime:
             # If the file has been changed since last we looked
             lines = self.f.read(s.st_size - self.stat.st_size).strip().split('\n')
         # Now, remember the current stats
         self.stat = s
         # Now that we have all our lines, go ahead and try to match the regex to each line
         counts = dict([(k, 0) for k in self.patterns])
         for line in lines:
             for k, r in self.patterns.items():
                 m = r.search(line)
                 if m:
                         # Use the last matching group if found
                         counts[k] += int(m.groups()[-1])
                     except ValueError:
                         logger.warn('Could not parse int from %s. Using 1' % m.gorups()[-1])
                         counts[k] += 1
                     except IndexError:
                         logger.info('No groups in regular expression. Using 1')
                         counts[k] += 1
         return {
             'results' : dict([(k, (v, 'Count')) for k, v in counts.items()])
     except Exception as e:
         raise MetricException(e)
コード例 #18
 def init_failed(self, failure):
     logger.warn('Initialization failed %s : %s' % (str(self), failure.getErrorMessage()))