コード例 #1
ファイル: test_interpnd.py プロジェクト: Ombarus/python_env
    def test_regression_2359(self):
        # Check regression --- for certain point sets, gradient
        # estimation could end up in an infinite loop
        points = np.load(data_file('estimate_gradients_hang.npy'))
        values = np.random.rand(points.shape[0])
        tri = qhull.Delaunay(points)

        # This should not hang
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=interpnd.GradientEstimationWarning)
            interpnd.estimate_gradients_2d_global(tri, values, maxiter=1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_interpnd.py プロジェクト: ElDeveloper/scipy
    def test_regression_2359(self):
        # Check regression --- for certain point sets, gradient
        # estimation could end up in an infinite loop
        points = np.load(data_file('estimate_gradients_hang.npy'))
        values = np.random.rand(points.shape[0])
        tri = qhull.Delaunay(points)

        # This should not hang
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
                       "Gradient estimation did not converge")
            interpnd.estimate_gradients_2d_global(tri, values, maxiter=1)
コード例 #3
    def test_regression_2359(self):
        # Check regression --- for certain point sets, gradient
        # estimation could end up in an infinite loop
        points = np.load(data_file('estimate_gradients_hang.npy'))
        values = np.random.rand(points.shape[0])
        tri = qhull.Delaunay(points)

        # This should not hang
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
                       "Gradient estimation did not converge")
            interpnd.estimate_gradients_2d_global(tri, values, maxiter=1)
コード例 #4
    def test_smoketest(self):
        x = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (0.25, 0.75), (0.6, 0.8)], dtype=float)
        tri = qhull.Delaunay(x)

        # Should be exact for linear functions, independent of triangulation

        funcs = [
            (lambda x, y: 0 * x + 1, (0, 0)),
            (lambda x, y: 0 + x, (1, 0)),
            (lambda x, y: -2 + y, (0, 1)),
            (lambda x, y: 3 + 3 * x + 14.15 * y, (3, 14.15)),

        for j, (func, grad) in enumerate(funcs):
            z = func(x[:, 0], x[:, 1])
            dz = interpnd.estimate_gradients_2d_global(tri, z, tol=1e-6)

            assert_equal(dz.shape, (6, 2))
            assert_allclose(dz, np.array(grad)[None, :] + 0 * dz, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5, err_msg="item %d" % j)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_interpnd.py プロジェクト: Ombarus/python_env
    def test_smoketest(self):
        x = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 2),
                      (1, 0), (1, 2), (0.25, 0.75), (0.6, 0.8)], dtype=float)
        tri = qhull.Delaunay(x)

        # Should be exact for linear functions, independent of triangulation

        funcs = [
            (lambda x, y: 0*x + 1, (0, 0)),
            (lambda x, y: 0 + x, (1, 0)),
            (lambda x, y: -2 + y, (0, 1)),
            (lambda x, y: 3 + 3*x + 14.15*y, (3, 14.15))

        for j, (func, grad) in enumerate(funcs):
            z = func(x[:,0], x[:,1])
            dz = interpnd.estimate_gradients_2d_global(tri, z, tol=1e-6)

            assert_equal(dz.shape, (6, 2))
            assert_allclose(dz, np.array(grad)[None,:] + 0*dz,
                            rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5, err_msg="item %d" % j)