コード例 #1
ファイル: coo.py プロジェクト: ai-karanam/scipy
    def todok(self):
        from .dok import dok_matrix

        dok = dok_matrix((self.shape), dtype=self.dtype)


        return dok
コード例 #2
ファイル: coo.py プロジェクト: sugiki/scipy
    def todok(self):
        from .dok import dok_matrix

        dok = dok_matrix((self.shape), dtype=self.dtype)

        dok.update(izip(izip(self.row, self.col), self.data))

        return dok
コード例 #3
ファイル: dok.py プロジェクト: ty01csbaidu/scipy
    def __setitem__(self, index, x):
        if isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2:
            # Integer index fast path
            i, j = index
            if (isintlike(i) and isintlike(j) and 0 <= i < self.shape[0]
                    and 0 <= j < self.shape[1]):
                v = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
                if v.ndim == 0 and v != 0:
                    dict.__setitem__(self, (int(i), int(j)), v[()])

        i, j = self._unpack_index(index)
        i, j = self._index_to_arrays(i, j)

        if isspmatrix(x):
            x = x.toarray()

        # Make x and i into the same shape
        x = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
        x, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(x, i)

        if x.shape != i.shape:
            raise ValueError("shape mismatch in assignment")

        if np.size(x) == 0:

        min_i = i.min()
        if min_i < -self.shape[0] or i.max() >= self.shape[0]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (i.min(), self.shape[0], self.shape[0] - 1))
        if min_i < 0:
            i = i.copy()
            i[i < 0] += self.shape[0]

        min_j = j.min()
        if min_j < -self.shape[0] or j.max() >= self.shape[1]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (j.min(), self.shape[1], self.shape[1] - 1))
        if min_j < 0:
            j = j.copy()
            j[j < 0] += self.shape[1]

        dict.update(self, izip(izip(i.flat, j.flat), x.flat))

        if 0 in x:
            zeroes = x == 0
            for key in izip(i[zeroes].flat, j[zeroes].flat):
                if dict.__getitem__(self, key) == 0:
                    # may have been superseded by later update
                    del self[key]
コード例 #4
ファイル: dok.py プロジェクト: ChadFulton/scipy
    def __setitem__(self, index, x):
        if isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2:
            # Integer index fast path
            i, j = index
            if (isintlike(i) and isintlike(j) and 0 <= i < self.shape[0]
                    and 0 <= j < self.shape[1]):
                v = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
                if v.ndim == 0 and v != 0:
                    dict.__setitem__(self, (int(i), int(j)), v[()])

        i, j = self._unpack_index(index)
        i, j = self._index_to_arrays(i, j)

        if isspmatrix(x):
            x = x.toarray()

        # Make x and i into the same shape
        x = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
        x, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(x, i)

        if x.shape != i.shape:
            raise ValueError("shape mismatch in assignment")

        if np.size(x) == 0:

        min_i = i.min()
        if min_i < -self.shape[0] or i.max() >= self.shape[0]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (i.min(), self.shape[0], self.shape[0]-1))
        if min_i < 0:
            i = i.copy()
            i[i < 0] += self.shape[0]

        min_j = j.min()
        if min_j < -self.shape[0] or j.max() >= self.shape[1]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (j.min(), self.shape[1], self.shape[1]-1))
        if min_j < 0:
            j = j.copy()
            j[j < 0] += self.shape[1]

        dict.update(self, izip(izip(i.flat, j.flat), x.flat))

        if 0 in x:
            zeroes = x == 0
            for key in izip(i[zeroes].flat, j[zeroes].flat):
                if dict.__getitem__(self, key) == 0:
                    # may have been superseded by later update
                    del self[key]
コード例 #5
ファイル: compressed.py プロジェクト: MonsieurGalois/scipy
    def _insert_many(self, i, j, x):
        """Inserts new nonzero at each (i, j) with value x

        Here (i,j) index major and minor respectively.
        i, j and x must be non-empty, 1d arrays.
        Inserts each major group (e.g. all entries per row) at a time.
        Maintains has_sorted_indices property.
        Modifies i, j, x in place.
        order = np.argsort(i, kind='mergesort')  # stable for duplicates
        i = i.take(order, mode='clip')
        j = j.take(order, mode='clip')
        x = x.take(order, mode='clip')

        do_sort = self.has_sorted_indices

        # Update index data type
        idx_dtype = get_index_dtype((self.indices, self.indptr),
                                    maxval=(self.indptr[-1] + x.size))
        if idx_dtype != self.indptr.dtype:
            self.indptr = self.indptr.astype(idx_dtype)
            self.indices = self.indices.astype(idx_dtype)
        if idx_dtype != i.dtype or idx_dtype != j.dtype:
            i = i.astype(idx_dtype)
            j = j.astype(idx_dtype)

        # Collate old and new in chunks by major index
        indices_parts = []
        data_parts = []
        ui, ui_indptr = np.unique(i, return_index=True)
        ui_indptr = np.append(ui_indptr, len(j))
        new_nnzs = np.diff(ui_indptr)
        prev = 0
        for c, (ii, js, je) in enumerate(izip(ui, ui_indptr, ui_indptr[1:])):
            # old entries
            start = self.indptr[prev]
            stop = self.indptr[ii]

            # handle duplicate j: keep last setting
            uj, uj_indptr = np.unique(j[js:je][::-1], return_index=True)
            if len(uj) == je - js:
                new_nnzs[c] = len(uj)

            prev = ii

        # remaining old entries
        start = self.indptr[ii]

        # update attributes
        self.indices = np.concatenate(indices_parts)
        self.data = np.concatenate(data_parts)
        nnzs = np.ediff1d(self.indptr, to_begin=0).astype(idx_dtype)
        nnzs[1:][ui] += new_nnzs
        self.indptr = np.cumsum(nnzs, out=nnzs)

        if do_sort:
            # TODO: only sort where necessary

コード例 #6
ファイル: compressed.py プロジェクト: Kusse/scipy
    def _insert_many(self, i, j, x):
        """Inserts new nonzero at each (i, j) with value x

        Here (i,j) index major and minor respectively.
        i, j and x must be non-empty, 1d arrays.
        Inserts each major group (e.g. all entries per row) at a time.
        Maintains has_sorted_indices property.
        Modifies i, j, x in place.
        order = np.argsort(i, kind="mergesort")  # stable for duplicates
        i = i.take(order, mode="clip")
        j = j.take(order, mode="clip")
        x = x.take(order, mode="clip")

        do_sort = self.has_sorted_indices

        # Update index data type
        idx_dtype = get_index_dtype((self.indices, self.indptr), maxval=(self.indptr[-1] + x.size))
        if idx_dtype != self.indptr.dtype:
            self.indptr = self.indptr.astype(idx_dtype)
            self.indices = self.indices.astype(idx_dtype)
        if idx_dtype != i.dtype or idx_dtype != j.dtype:
            i = i.astype(idx_dtype)
            j = j.astype(idx_dtype)

        # Collate old and new in chunks by major index
        indices_parts = []
        data_parts = []
        ui, ui_indptr = _compat_unique(i, return_index=True)
        ui_indptr = np.append(ui_indptr, len(j))
        new_nnzs = np.diff(ui_indptr)
        prev = 0
        for c, (ii, js, je) in enumerate(izip(ui, ui_indptr, ui_indptr[1:])):
            # old entries
            start = self.indptr[prev]
            stop = self.indptr[ii]

            # handle duplicate j: keep last setting
            uj, uj_indptr = _compat_unique(j[js:je][::-1], return_index=True)
            if len(uj) == je - js:
                new_nnzs[c] = len(uj)

            prev = ii

        # remaining old entries
        start = self.indptr[ii]

        # update attributes
        self.indices = np.concatenate(indices_parts)
        self.data = np.concatenate(data_parts)
        nnzs = np.ediff1d(self.indptr, to_begin=0).astype(idx_dtype)
        nnzs[1:][ui] += new_nnzs
        self.indptr = np.cumsum(nnzs, out=nnzs)

        if do_sort:
            # TODO: only sort where necessary

コード例 #7
ファイル: dok.py プロジェクト: ChenYao/scipy
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            i, j = key
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise TypeError("index must be a pair of integers or slices")

        # First deal with the case where both i and j are integers
        if isintlike(i) and isintlike(j):
            if i < 0:
                i += self.shape[0]
            if j < 0:
                j += self.shape[1]

            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
                raise IndexError("index out of bounds")

            if np.isscalar(value):
                if value == 0:
                    if (i,j) in self:
                        del self[(i,j)]
                    dict.__setitem__(self, (i,j), self.dtype.type(value))
                raise ValueError('setting an array element with a sequence')

            # Either i or j is a slice, sequence, or invalid.  If i is a slice
            # or sequence, unfold it first and call __setitem__ recursively.
            if isinstance(i, slice):
                seq = xrange(*i.indices(self.shape[0]))
            elif _is_sequence(i):
                seq = i
                # Make sure i is an integer. (But allow it to be a subclass of int).
                if not isintlike(i):
                    raise TypeError("index must be a pair of integers or slices")
                seq = None
            if seq is not None:
                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
                # dimensions
                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
                    if value.shape[1] == 1:
                        for element in seq:
                            self[element, j] = value[element, 0]
                        raise NotImplementedError("setting a 2-d slice of"
                                " a dok_matrix is not yet supported")
                elif np.isscalar(value):
                    for element in seq:
                        self[element, j] = value
                    # See if value is a sequence
                        if len(seq) != len(value):
                            raise ValueError("index and value ranges must"
                                              " have the same length")
                    except TypeError:
                        # Not a sequence
                        raise TypeError("unsupported type for"
                                         " dok_matrix.__setitem__")

                    # Value is a sequence
                    for element, val in izip(seq, value):
                        self[element, j] = val   # don't use dict.__setitem__
                            # here, since we still want to be able to delete
                            # 0-valued keys, do type checking on 'val' (e.g. if
                            # it's a rank-1 dense array), etc.
                # Process j
                if isinstance(j, slice):
                    seq = xrange(*j.indices(self.shape[1]))
                elif _is_sequence(j):
                    seq = j
                    # j is not an integer
                    raise TypeError("index must be a pair of integers or slices")

                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
                # dimensions
                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
                    if value.shape[0] == 1:
                        for element in seq:
                            self[i, element] = value[0, element]
                        raise NotImplementedError("setting a 2-d slice of"
                                " a dok_matrix is not yet supported")
                elif np.isscalar(value):
                    for element in seq:
                        self[i, element] = value
                    # See if value is a sequence
                        if len(seq) != len(value):
                            raise ValueError("index and value ranges must have"
                                              " the same length")
                    except TypeError:
                        # Not a sequence
                        raise TypeError("unsupported type for dok_matrix.__setitem__")
                        for element, val in izip(seq, value):
                            self[i, element] = val
コード例 #8
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            i, j = key
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise TypeError("index must be a pair of integers or slices")

        # First deal with the case where both i and j are integers
        if isintlike(i) and isintlike(j):
            if i < 0:
                i += self.shape[0]
            if j < 0:
                j += self.shape[1]

            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
                raise IndexError("index out of bounds")

            if np.isscalar(value):
                if value == 0:
                    if (i, j) in self:
                        del self[(i, j)]
                    dict.__setitem__(self, (i, j), self.dtype.type(value))
                raise ValueError('setting an array element with a sequence')

            # Either i or j is a slice, sequence, or invalid.  If i is a slice
            # or sequence, unfold it first and call __setitem__ recursively.
            if isinstance(i, slice):
                # Is there an easier way to do this?
                seq = xrange(i.start or 0, i.stop or self.shape[0], i.step
                             or 1)
            elif _is_sequence(i):
                seq = i
                # Make sure i is an integer. (But allow it to be a subclass of int).
                if not isintlike(i):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "index must be a pair of integers or slices")
                seq = None
            if seq is not None:
                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
                # dimensions
                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
                    if value.shape[1] == 1:
                        for element in seq:
                            self[element, j] = value[element, 0]
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "setting a 2-d slice of"
                            " a dok_matrix is not yet supported")
                elif np.isscalar(value):
                    for element in seq:
                        self[element, j] = value
                    # See if value is a sequence
                        if len(seq) != len(value):
                            raise ValueError("index and value ranges must"
                                             " have the same length")
                    except TypeError:
                        # Not a sequence
                        raise TypeError("unsupported type for"
                                        " dok_matrix.__setitem__")

                    # Value is a sequence
                    for element, val in izip(seq, value):
                        self[element, j] = val  # don't use dict.__setitem__
                        # here, since we still want to be able to delete
                        # 0-valued keys, do type checking on 'val' (e.g. if
                        # it's a rank-1 dense array), etc.
                # Process j
                if isinstance(j, slice):
                    seq = xrange(j.start or 0, j.stop or self.shape[1], j.step
                                 or 1)
                elif _is_sequence(j):
                    seq = j
                    # j is not an integer
                    raise TypeError(
                        "index must be a pair of integers or slices")

                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
                # dimensions
                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
                    if value.shape[0] == 1:
                        for element in seq:
                            self[i, element] = value[0, element]
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "setting a 2-d slice of"
                            " a dok_matrix is not yet supported")
                elif np.isscalar(value):
                    for element in seq:
                        self[i, element] = value
                    # See if value is a sequence
                        if len(seq) != len(value):
                            raise ValueError("index and value ranges must have"
                                             " the same length")
                    except TypeError:
                        # Not a sequence
                        raise TypeError(
                            "unsupported type for dok_matrix.__setitem__")
                        for element, val in izip(seq, value):
                            self[i, element] = val