コード例 #1
def getFourMoments(sequence, ax=1):
    finalArray = [
        np.mean(sequence, axis=ax),
        np.var(sequence, axis=ax),
        skew(sequence, axis=ax),
        kurtosis(sequence, axis=ax),
        sem(sequence, axis=ax),
    if ax != None:
        finalArray = np.array(finalArray)
        finalArray = finalArray.T
        return np.concatenate((finalArray, np.array(mquantiles(sequence, axis=ax))), axis=ax)
    finalArray.extend(mquantiles(sequence, axis=ax))
    return np.array(finalArray)
コード例 #2
def getFourMoments(sequence, ax=1):
    finalArray = [
        np.mean(sequence, axis=ax),
        np.var(sequence, axis=ax),
        skew(sequence, axis=ax),
        kurtosis(sequence, axis=ax),
        sem(sequence, axis=ax)
    if ax != None:
        finalArray = np.array(finalArray)
        finalArray = finalArray.T
        return np.concatenate(
            (finalArray, np.array(mquantiles(sequence, axis=ax))), axis=ax)
    finalArray.extend(mquantiles(sequence, axis=ax))
    return np.array(finalArray)
コード例 #3
 def _fit_scale(self, X):
     self.Q5 = []
     self.Q95 = []
     for i in range(X.shape[1]):
         q5, q95 = mquantiles(X[:, i], [0.05, 0.95])
コード例 #4
 def _fit_scale(self, X):
     self.Q5 = []
     self.Q95 = []
     for i in range(X.shape[1]):
         q5, q95 = mquantiles(X[:,i], [0.05, 0.95])
コード例 #5
ファイル: Symbolizer.py プロジェクト: LSIR/StateFinder
 def get_separators(self, nbr):
     get the computed separators, min max coulc also be taken at 2 sigma
     mini = min(self.stats)
     maxi = max(self.stats)
     return (mquantiles(list(self.stats), 
                         prob=[i*1.0/nbr for i in range(1, nbr)]).tolist(), mini, maxi)
コード例 #6
 def get_separators(self, nbr):
     get the computed separators, min max coulc also be taken at 2 sigma
     mini = min(self.stats)
     maxi = max(self.stats)
     return (mquantiles(list(self.stats),
                        prob=[i * 1.0 / nbr
                              for i in range(1, nbr)]).tolist(), mini, maxi)
コード例 #7
ファイル: poo.py プロジェクト: orenlivne/ober
 def flip_measure_regression(self, i, snp, min_clique_size=3, small_clique=10):
     '''Suggested by Oren.
     Flip measure for sample i at a snp. This is the separation angle between the regression slopes of
     the kinship coefficient of clique-father vs. the kinship coefficient of clique-mother for each
     of the two cliques. The angle is scaled to [-1,1].'''
     c0, c1 = self.ibd_clique_sample_ids(i, snp, 0), self.ibd_clique_sample_ids(i, snp, 1)
     if min(c0.shape[0], c1.shape[0]) < min_clique_size:
         sep, k, line, c = None, None, None, None
         c = [c0, c1]
         parents = [self.ped.sample_id[self.ped.graph.predecessors(i)[a]] for a in im.constants.ALLELES]
         K = lambda k, l: np.array([self.params.kinship(parents[k], x) for x in c[l]])
         # Perform least-squares fit of both cliques
         # k_threshold = Aligner._K_THRESHOLD
         prob = [0.25, 0.75]  # Quantile region to include in fit            
         k00 = K(0, 0)
         k10 = K(1, 0)
         # good = (k00 <= k_threshold) | (k10 <= k_threshold)
         m0, m1 = mquantiles(k00, prob=prob), mquantiles(k10, prob=prob)
         good = (k00 >= m0[0]) & (k00 <= m0[1]) & (k10 >= m1[0]) & (k10 <= m1[1]) if len(c0) >= small_clique else np.arange(len(c0))
         a0, b0 = linefit(k00[good], k10[good], 1)
         # print len(c0), np.where(good)[0]
         k01 = K(0, 1)
         k11 = K(1, 1)
         # good = (k01 <= k_threshold) | (k11 <= k_threshold)
         m0, m1 = mquantiles(k01, prob=prob), mquantiles(k11, prob=prob)
         good = (k01 >= m0[0]) & (k01 <= m0[1]) & (k11 >= m1[0]) & (k11 <= m1[1]) if len(c1) >= small_clique else np.arange(len(c1))
         a1, b1 = linefit(k01[good], k11[good], 1)
         # print len(c1), np.where(good)[0]
         k = (k00, k10, k01, k11)
         line = (a0, b0, a1, b1)
         # Calculate the separation angle
         if np.abs(a0 - a1) < 1e-15:
             sep = 0
             e = (b1 - b0) / (a0 - a1)
             p, q = e, a0 * e + b0
             x0 = np.sign(a0 + b0)
             sep = max(-1, min(1, ANGLE_SCALING_FACTOR * (np.arctan2(a0 * x0 + b0 - q, x0 - p) - np.arctan2(a1 + b1 - q, 1 - p))))            
     return sep, (len(c0), len(c1)), (k, line, c)
コード例 #8
 def _calculateStatistics(self, img, haralick=False, zernike=False):
     result = []
     # 3-bin histogram
     # First four moments
     result.extend([img.mean(), img.var(), skew(img, axis=None), kurtosis(img, axis=None)])
     # Haralick features
     if haralick:
         integerImage = dtype.img_as_ubyte(img)
     # Zernike moments
     if zernike:
         result.extend(zernike_moments(img, int(self.rows) / 2 + 1))
     return result
コード例 #9
 def _calculateStatistics(self, img, haralick=False, zernike=False):
     result = []
     #3-bin histogram
     #First four moments
         skew(img, axis=None),
         kurtosis(img, axis=None)
     #Haralick features
     if haralick:
         integerImage = dtype.img_as_ubyte(img)
     #Zernike moments
     if zernike:
         result.extend(zernike_moments(img, int(self.rows) / 2 + 1))
     return result
コード例 #10
ファイル: discretize.py プロジェクト: hsensoy/uparse
        word, featurelst = tokens[0], [float(f) for f in tokens[1:]]


    featureMatrix = np.array(features)

print >> sys.stderr, featureMatrix
print >> sys.stderr, "*" * 100
TfeatureMatrix = featureMatrix.transpose()

TdiscritizedfeatureNestedList = []
for column in TfeatureMatrix:
    print >> sys.stderr, column.tolist()[1:10], len(column.tolist()), np.average(column)

    bins = mquantiles(column, prob=np.array([0.01 * q for q in range(1, 101)]), alphap=0, betap=1)

    print >> sys.stderr, bins

    Bcolumn = np.digitize(column, bins).tolist()
    print >> sys.stderr, Bcolumn[1:10]


TdiscritizedfeatureMatrix = np.array(TdiscritizedfeatureNestedList)

    for word, dfeatures, cfeatures in zip(wordVector, TdiscritizedfeatureMatrix.transpose(), featureMatrix):
        print >> sys.stdout, "%s\t%s" % (word, "\t".join("%d(%f)" % (df, cf) for df, cf in zip(dfeatures, cfeatures)) )
コード例 #11
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/overload
    Process the 'out'put, calculate number of outstanding requests at time
    and calculate
import csv
from scipy.stats.mstats_basic import mquantiles

combine_requests = 2
def clen(timeset):
    return (len(timeset) / combine_requests) * combine_requests

times = {}
times_via_len = {}
with open("out", "r") as f:
    data = list(csv.reader(f))
    for d in data:
        times[d[0]] = times.get(d[0], set()).union(set((tuple(test) for test in data if test[0] < d[0] < test[1])))
    for timeset in times.values():
        times_via_len[clen(timeset)] = times_via_len.get(clen(timeset), set()).union(timeset)

    with open("analyzed", "w") as f2:
        writer = csv.writer(f2)
        for length, rowset in times_via_len.items():
            if length > 0:
                page_times = [float(p[2]) for p in rowset]
                writer.writerow(["'{}-{}'".format(length, length+combine_requests)] + [q for q in mquantiles(page_times, [0.1, 0.25, 0.75, 0.9])])
コード例 #12
    def flip_measure_regression(self,
        '''Suggested by Oren.
        Flip measure for sample i at a snp. This is the separation angle between the regression slopes of
        the kinship coefficient of clique-father vs. the kinship coefficient of clique-mother for each
        of the two cliques. The angle is scaled to [-1,1].'''
        c0, c1 = self.ibd_clique_sample_ids(i, snp,
                                            0), self.ibd_clique_sample_ids(
                                                i, snp, 1)
        if min(c0.shape[0], c1.shape[0]) < min_clique_size:
            sep, k, line, c = None, None, None, None
            c = [c0, c1]
            parents = [
                for a in im.constants.ALLELES
            K = lambda k, l: np.array(
                [self.params.kinship(parents[k], x) for x in c[l]])

            # Perform least-squares fit of both cliques
            # k_threshold = Aligner._K_THRESHOLD
            prob = [0.25, 0.75]  # Quantile region to include in fit
            k00 = K(0, 0)
            k10 = K(1, 0)
            # good = (k00 <= k_threshold) | (k10 <= k_threshold)
            m0, m1 = mquantiles(k00, prob=prob), mquantiles(k10, prob=prob)
            good = (k00 >= m0[0]) & (k00 <= m0[1]) & (k10 >= m1[0]) & (
                k10 <= m1[1]) if len(c0) >= small_clique else np.arange(
            a0, b0 = linefit(k00[good], k10[good], 1)
            # print len(c0), np.where(good)[0]

            k01 = K(0, 1)
            k11 = K(1, 1)
            # good = (k01 <= k_threshold) | (k11 <= k_threshold)
            m0, m1 = mquantiles(k01, prob=prob), mquantiles(k11, prob=prob)
            good = (k01 >= m0[0]) & (k01 <= m0[1]) & (k11 >= m1[0]) & (
                k11 <= m1[1]) if len(c1) >= small_clique else np.arange(
            a1, b1 = linefit(k01[good], k11[good], 1)
            # print len(c1), np.where(good)[0]

            k = (k00, k10, k01, k11)
            line = (a0, b0, a1, b1)

            # Calculate the separation angle
            if np.abs(a0 - a1) < 1e-15:
                sep = 0
                e = (b1 - b0) / (a0 - a1)
                p, q = e, a0 * e + b0
                x0 = np.sign(a0 + b0)
                sep = max(
                        ANGLE_SCALING_FACTOR *
                        (np.arctan2(a0 * x0 + b0 - q, x0 - p) -
                         np.arctan2(a1 + b1 - q, 1 - p))))
        return sep, (len(c0), len(c1)), (k, line, c)
コード例 #13
ファイル: task2.py プロジェクト: Doxxer/SPbAU-Spring-2014
def ci_non_parametric(x, p):
    return mquantiles(x, prob=[(1 - p) / 2, (1 + p) / 2], alphap=1, betap=1)