コード例 #1
def test_complex_to_complex_2d(verbose):
    fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d((6, 10))
    n = fft.n()
    vc = flex.complex_double(flex.grid(n))
    vd = flex.double(flex.grid((n[0], 2 * n[1])))
    for i in range(vc.size()):
        vc[i] = complex(2 * i, 2 * i + 1)
    for i in range(vd.size()):
        vd[i] = i
    vct = fft.forward(vc)
    vdt = fft.forward(vd)
    for t in (vct, vdt):
        assert t.origin() == (0, 0)
        assert t.all() == fft.n()
        assert t.focus() == fft.n()
    if (verbose): show_cseq(vc)
    assert_complex_eq_real(vc, vd)
    vct = fft.backward(vc)
    vdt = fft.backward(vd)
    for t in (vct, vdt):
        assert t.origin() == (0, 0)
        assert t.all() == fft.n()
        assert t.focus() == fft.n()
    if (verbose): show_cseq(vc)
    assert_complex_eq_real(vc, vd)
    s = vd.size() // 2
    for i in range(vd.size()):
        assert approx_equal(vd[i], s * i)
コード例 #2
def background_correct(data, raw_asic):

    prime_asic = get_factorizable_block(raw_asic)
    print "Working on block", prime_asic
    block = data.matrix_copy_block(i_row=prime_asic[0],
                                   n_rows=prime_asic[2] - prime_asic[0],
                                   n_columns=prime_asic[3] - prime_asic[1])

    complex_data = flex.polar(block.as_double(),
    from scitbx import fftpack
    fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(block.focus())
    # input data here
    # your manipulation here

    # real data
    filtered_data = flex.real(complex_data) / (fft.n()[0] * fft.n()[1])
    corrected_data = block - filtered_data.iround()

    requested_block = data.matrix_copy_block(i_row=raw_asic[0],
                                             n_rows=raw_asic[2] - raw_asic[0],
                                             n_columns=raw_asic[3] -
        i_row=prime_asic[0] - raw_asic[0],
        i_column=prime_asic[1] - raw_asic[1])

    return requested_block
コード例 #3
ファイル: tst_fftpack.py プロジェクト: cctbx/cctbx-playground
def test_complex_to_complex_2d(verbose):
  fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d((6,10))
  n = fft.n()
  vc = flex.complex_double(flex.grid(n))
  vd = flex.double(flex.grid((n[0], 2*n[1])))
  for i in xrange(vc.size()):
    vc[i] = complex(2*i, 2*i+1)
  for i in xrange(vd.size()):
    vd[i] = i
  vct = fft.forward(vc)
  vdt = fft.forward(vd)
  for t in (vct, vdt):
    assert t.origin() == (0,0)
    assert t.all() == fft.n()
    assert t.focus() == fft.n()
  if (verbose): show_cseq(vc)
  assert_complex_eq_real(vc, vd)
  vct = fft.backward(vc)
  vdt = fft.backward(vd)
  for t in (vct, vdt):
    assert t.origin() == (0,0)
    assert t.all() == fft.n()
    assert t.focus() == fft.n()
  if (verbose): show_cseq(vc)
  assert_complex_eq_real(vc, vd)
  s = vd.size() // 2
  for i in xrange(vd.size()):
    assert approx_equal(vd[i], s*i)
コード例 #4
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: cctbx/cctbx-playground
def background_correct(data, raw_asic):

  prime_asic = get_factorizable_block(raw_asic)
  print "Working on block",prime_asic
  block = data.matrix_copy_block(

  complex_data = flex.polar(block.as_double(),flex.double(flex.grid(block.focus())))
  from scitbx import fftpack
  fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(block.focus())
  # input data here
  # your manipulation here

  # real data
  filtered_data = flex.real(complex_data)/(fft.n()[0]*fft.n()[1])
  corrected_data = block - filtered_data.iround()

  requested_block = data.matrix_copy_block(
      block = corrected_data,
      i_row = prime_asic[0] - raw_asic[0],
      i_column = prime_asic[1] - raw_asic[1]

  return requested_block
コード例 #5
def tst_rotation_fft(args):
    filename = args[0]
    filename2 = args[1]
    beta = float(args[2])
    nmax = 20
    nlm_array = math.nlm_array(nmax)
    coefs = easy_pickle.load(filename)
    nlm_array.load_coefs(nlm_array.nlm(), coefs)

    this_nlm_array = math.nlm_array(nmax)
    coefs = easy_pickle.load(filename2)
    this_nlm_array.load_coefs(nlm_array.nlm(), coefs)

    beta = smath.pi * beta
    cc_obj = correlation(nlm_array, this_nlm_array, nmax, beta)
    mm = cc_obj.mm_coef(0)
    fft_input = flex.complex_double(flex.grid(2 * nmax + 1, 2 * nmax + 1))
    fft_r = tst_rotation(args)
    for ii in range(mm.size()):
        fft_input[ii] = mm[ii]
    #  print ii, mm[ii], fft_r[ii]/1681.0

    fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(2 * nmax + 1, 2 * nmax + 1)

    result = fft.backward(fft_input)

    out = open("fft_" + str(beta) + ".dat", 'w')
    for ii in range(2 * nmax + 1):
        for jj in range(2 * nmax + 1):
            print >> out, ii * 9, jj * 9, abs(result[(ii, jj)])
        print >> out
コード例 #6
def build_scat_pat(data):
  print "DO FFT"
  np,np = data.focus()
  for ii in range( fft_input.size() ):
    fft_input[ii] = complex( data[ii],0 )
  fft_obj = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d( (np,np) )
  result = fft_obj.forward( fft_input )
  result = flex.abs( result )
  result = result*result
  result = reorder_and_cut_data(result,np,np/10)
  return result
コード例 #7
def tst_rotation(args):
    filename = args[0]
    filename2 = args[1]
    beta = float(args[2])
    ngrid = 40
    nmax = 20
    nlm_array = math.nlm_array(nmax)
    coefs = easy_pickle.load(filename)
    nlm_array.load_coefs(nlm_array.nlm(), coefs)

    this_nlm_array = math.nlm_array(nmax)
    coefs = easy_pickle.load(filename2)
    this_nlm_array.load_coefs(nlm_array.nlm(), coefs)

    beta = smath.pi * beta
    cc_obj = correlation(nlm_array, this_nlm_array, nmax, beta)

    fft_input = flex.complex_double(flex.grid(2 * nmax + 1, 2 * nmax + 1))
    count = 0
    radian = 180.0 / smath.pi
    out = open("scan_" + str(beta) + ".dat", 'w')
    for ii in range(ngrid + 1):
        for jj in range(ngrid + 1):
            alpha = ii * smath.pi * 2.0 / ngrid
            gama = jj * smath.pi * 2.0 / ngrid
            cc = cc_obj.calc_correlation(alpha, beta, gama)
            fft_input[count] = cc
            count = count + 1
            print >> out, alpha * radian, gama * radian, abs(cc)
        print >> out
    fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(2 * nmax + 1, 2 * nmax + 1)

    result = fft.forward(fft_input)
    #return result

    result = fft.backward(result)

    out = open("fft_fake_" + str(beta) + ".dat", 'w')
    for ii in range(2 * nmax + 1):
        for jj in range(2 * nmax + 1):
            print >> out, ii * 9, jj * 9, abs(result[(jj, ii)])
        print >> out
コード例 #8
def background_correct_padded_block(data, raw_asic):

  Pad = padded_unpadded(data,raw_asic)

  block = Pad.get_padded_input_data()

  complex_data = flex.polar(block.as_double(),flex.double(flex.grid(block.focus())))
  from scitbx import fftpack
  fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(block.focus())
  # input data here
  # your manipulation here

  # real data
  filtered_data = flex.real(complex_data)/(fft.n()[0]*fft.n()[1])
  # XXX change this depending on float/int data type:
  corrected_data = block - filtered_data.iround()

  return Pad.get_unpadded_result_data(corrected_data)
コード例 #9
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: cctbx/cctbx-playground
def background_correct_padded_block(data, raw_asic):

  Pad = padded_unpadded(data,raw_asic)

  block = Pad.get_padded_input_data()

  complex_data = flex.polar(block.as_double(),flex.double(flex.grid(block.focus())))
  from scitbx import fftpack
  fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(block.focus())
  # input data here
  # your manipulation here

  # real data
  filtered_data = flex.real(complex_data)/(fft.n()[0]*fft.n()[1])
  # XXX change this depending on float/int data type:
  corrected_data = block - filtered_data.iround()

  return Pad.get_unpadded_result_data(corrected_data)
コード例 #10
ファイル: zernike_align_fft.py プロジェクト: dials/cctbx
  def scan( self ):
    fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d( self.ngrid, self.ngrid )
    inversion = False
    for beta in self.beta:
      self.cc_obj.set_beta( beta )
      mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(0,inversion)
      if( self.pad > 0):
        mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(self.pad, inversion)
      fft_input= mm
      scores = fft.backward( fft_input ).as_1d()
      self.scores = self.scores.concatenate( -flex.norm( scores )  )
    self.best_indx = flex.min_index( self.scores )
    self.best_score = math.sqrt( -self.scores[ self.best_indx ])

    if self.check_inversion:
    ### Inversion of the Spherical Harmonics ###
      inversion = True
      inversion_scores = flex.double()
      for beta in self.beta:
        self.cc_obj.set_beta( beta )
        mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(0,inversion)
        if( self.pad > 0):
          mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(self.pad, inversion)
        fft_input= mm.deep_copy()
        scores = fft.backward( fft_input ).as_1d()
        inversion_scores = inversion_scores.concatenate( -flex.norm( scores )  )
      inv_best_indx = flex.min_index( inversion_scores )
      inv_best_score = math.sqrt(-inversion_scores[ inv_best_indx ] )

      if( inv_best_score < self.best_score ):
        self.score = inversion_scores
        self.best_indx = inv_best_indx
        self.best_score = inv_best_score
        self.inversion =  True
        self.inversion = False

    a=(self.best_indx - self.ngrid*self.ngrid*b ) // self.ngrid
    g=self.best_indx - self.ngrid*self.ngrid*b - self.ngrid*a

    b = self.beta[b]
    g = math.pi*2.0 *( float(g)/(self.ngrid-1) )
    a = math.pi*2.0 *( float(a)/(self.ngrid-1) )

    self.best_ea = (a, b, g )

    self.find_top( self.topn )
    if( self.refine ):
      self.refined = []
      self.refined_moving_nlm = []
      self.refined_score = flex.double()
      for t in self.top_align:
        r = self.run_simplex( t )
        self.refined.append ( r )
        self.refined_score.append( self.get_cc( self.target( r ) ) )
        self.refined_moving_nlm.append(  self.cc_obj.rotate_moving_obj( r[0],r[1], r[2], self.inversion )  )
      orders=flex.sort_permutation( self.refined_score, True )
      self.best_score = -self.refined_score[orders[0]]

# show the refined results
      if( self.show_result ):
        print("refined results:")
        for ii in range( self.topn ):
          o = orders[ii]
          o = ii
          print(ii, ":", list( self.refined[o] ), ":", self.refined_score[o])
      ea = self.refined[ orders[0] ]
      self.best_ea = (ea[0], ea[1], ea[2] )
      self.moving_nlm = self.cc_obj.rotate_moving_obj( ea[0],ea[1], ea[2], self.inversion )
コード例 #11
def tst_fft_proj(pdbfile, nmax=20):
    dx = 1.0
    projection_obj = projection.projection(pdbfile, dx=dx, fraction=0.5)
    dq = projection_obj.get_dq()
    image = projection_obj.project()
    output = open('prj1.dat', 'w')
    for pt in image:
        print >> output, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]

    values = projection_obj.get_value()
    np = projection_obj.get_np()

    flex_grid = flex.grid(np, np)
    fft_input = flex.complex_double(flex_grid)
    for ii in range(fft_input.size()):
        fft_input[ii] = complex(values[ii], 0)
    fft_obj = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d((np, np))
    result = fft_obj.forward(fft_input)

    sp_image = flex.vec3_double()

    for ii in range(np):
        for jj in range(np):
            kk = ii
            ll = jj
            if kk > np / 2: kk = kk - np
            if ll > np / 2: ll = ll - np
                [kk + np / 2, ll + np / 2,
                 abs(result[(ii, jj)])**2.0])

    Nq = np / 2
    Nphi = Nq
    c2_image, normalized_sp = from_I_to_C2(sp_image,

    image = normalized_sp
    NP = int(smath.sqrt(image.size()))
    N = NP / 2
    sp_n = N
    grid_2d = math.two_d_grid(N, nmax)
    zernike_2d_mom = math.two_d_zernike_moments(grid_2d, nmax)

    sp_moments = zernike_2d_mom.moments()

    #  sp_reconst =  image_tools.generate_image2(nmax, sp_moments, normalized_sp, sp_n)
    #  c2_image, normalized_sp = from_I_to_C2(sp_reconst, Nq, Nphi, N=np)

    sp_out = open('sp_image.dat', 'w')
    for pt in sp_image:
        print >> sp_out, (pt[0] - sp_n) * dq, (pt[1] - sp_n) * dq, pt[2]

    c2_output = open('c2.dat', 'w')
    for pt in c2_image:
        print >> c2_output, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]

    image = c2_image
    NP = int(smath.sqrt(image.size()))
    N = NP / 2
    c2_n = N
    #  grid_2d = math.two_d_grid(N, nmax)
    #  grid_2d.clean_space( image )
    #  grid_2d.construct_space_sum()
    #  zernike_2d_mom = math.two_d_zernike_moments( grid_2d, nmax )

    #  c2_moments = zernike_2d_mom.moments()

    #  coefs = ( c2_moments )
    nls = math.nl_array(nmax).nl()
    #  for nl, c2m in zip( nls, coefs ):
    #    print nl, c2m

    sp_moments[0] = 0
    nmax4c2 = 2 * nmax
    Inm = math.nl_c_array(nmax4c2)
    coef_table = image_tools.calc_integral_triple_zernike2d(nmax4c2)
    Inm.load_coefs(nls, sp_moments)
    cnm = image_tools.calc_Cnm_from_Inm(Inm, coef_table, nmax4c2)
    cnm_coef = cnm.coefs()

    #  for nl, mm,mmm in zip( nls, c2_moments, cnm_coef ):
    #    print abs(mm), abs(mmm)

    #cnm_coef = c2_moments
    c2_reconst = image_tools.generate_image2(nmax, cnm_coef, c2_image, c2_n)

    c2_r = open('c2r.dat', 'w')
    for pt in c2_reconst:
        print >> c2_r, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]

コード例 #12
ファイル: mod_ledge.py プロジェクト: keitaroyam/cctbx_fork
def lewis(template, img):
    """The lewis() function computes the normalised cross-correlation
  (NCC) of an image, @p img, and a template, @p template.  Both image
  and template must be two-dimensional, real, and finite.  The image
  must be larger than the template, which in turn should contain more
  than one pixel, and the template must have positive variance.  The
  function returns the correlation coefficients in the range [-1, +1].
  See Lewis, J. P. (1995) "Fast Template Matching", Vision Interface,

  @note This function should be equivalent to MATLAB's normxcorr2()

  @param img      Two-dimensional intensity image
  @param template Two-dimensional intensity template
  @return         Correlation coefficients

    import math
    import numpy
    from sys import float_info

    from scitbx import fftpack
    from scitbx.array_family import flex

    # Assert that image and template are two-dimensional arrays, and
    # that the template is no larger than image.  Assert that template
    # is not flat.  XXX Check for real and finite, too?
    assert len(img.focus()) == 2 and len(template.focus()) == 2
    assert img.focus()[0] >= template.focus()[0] and img.focus()[1] >= template.focus()[1]
    assert template.sample_standard_deviation() > 0

    # For conformance with MATLAB's normxcorr2() and geck 342320: for
    # numerical robustness, ensure that both image and template are
    # always non-negative.
    img_nn = img - min(0, flex.min(img))
    template_nn = template - min(0, flex.min(template))

    # Calculate the terms of the denominator of gamma.  Must guard
    # against negative variance of the image due to inaccuracies in the
    # one-pass formula.
    img_sum = _summed_area_table(img_nn, template_nn.focus()[0], template_nn.focus()[1])
    img_ssq = _summed_area_table(flex.pow2(img_nn), template_nn.focus()[0], template_nn.focus()[1])

    f_sigma = img_ssq - img_sum * img_sum / (template_nn.focus()[0] * template_nn.focus()[1])
    f_sigma.set_selected(f_sigma < 0, 0)
    f_sigma = flex.sqrt(f_sigma)
    t_sigma = (template_nn - flex.mean(template_nn)).norm()

    gamma_denominator = f_sigma * t_sigma

    # Zero-pad the image to permit partial overlap of template and
    # image, and embed the time-reversed template in a zero-padded array
    # of the same size.  Zero-padding means the entire template is
    # always overlapping the image, and terms involving the template
    # mean cancel in the expansion of the numerator of gamma.
    # Note: the NCC demands the template to be time-reversed, which can
    # be accomplished by conjugation in the frequency domain.  An
    # implementation following that approach would however require
    # special care to be taken for the first rows and columns:
    #   from numpy import roll
    #   t_embed.matrix_paste_block_in_place(
    #     block=template_nn,
    #     i_row=full[0] - template_nn.focus()[0],
    #     i_column=full[1] - template_nn.focus()[1])
    #   t_embed = flex.double(roll(
    #     roll(t_embed.as_numpy_array(), 1, axis=0), 1, axis=1))
    # Calculate correlation in frequency domain.  XXX Could use spatial
    # domain calculation in cases where it's faster (see MATLAB's
    # implementation).
    full = (img_nn.focus()[0] + template_nn.focus()[0] - 1, img_nn.focus()[1] + template_nn.focus()[1] - 1)

    f_embed = flex.double(flex.grid(full))
    f_embed.matrix_paste_block_in_place(block=img_nn, i_row=0, i_column=0)
    f_prime = flex.complex_double(reals=f_embed, imags=flex.double(flex.grid(full)))

    t_embed = flex.double(flex.grid(full))
    t_embed.matrix_paste_block_in_place(block=template_nn.matrix_rot90(2), i_row=0, i_column=0)
    t_prime = flex.complex_double(reals=t_embed, imags=flex.double(flex.grid(full)))

    fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(full)
    gamma_numerator = f_prime * t_prime
    gamma_numerator = flex.real(gamma_numerator) / (fft.n()[0] * fft.n()[1]) - img_sum * flex.mean(template_nn)

    # For conformance with MATLAB: set the NCC to zero in regions where
    # the image has zero variance over the extent of the template.  If,
    # due to small variances in the image or the template, a correlation
    # coefficient falls outside the range [-1, 1], set it to zero to
    # reflect the undefined 0/0 condition.
    tol = math.sqrt(math.ldexp(float_info.epsilon, math.frexp(flex.max(flex.abs(gamma_denominator)))[1] - 1))
    sel = gamma_denominator <= tol
    gamma = gamma_numerator.set_selected(sel, 0) / gamma_denominator.set_selected(sel, 1)
    gamma.set_selected(flex.abs(gamma) > 1 + math.sqrt(float_info.epsilon), 0)

    return gamma
コード例 #13
    def scan(self):
        fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_2d(self.ngrid, self.ngrid)
        inversion = False
        for beta in self.beta:
            mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(0, inversion)
            if self.pad > 0:
                mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(self.pad, inversion)
            fft_input = mm
            scores = fft.backward(fft_input).as_1d()
            self.scores = self.scores.concatenate(-flex.norm(scores))
        self.best_indx = flex.min_index(self.scores)
        self.best_score = smath.sqrt(-self.scores[self.best_indx])

        if self.check_inversion:
            ### Inversion of the Spherical Harmonics ###
            inversion = True
            inversion_scores = flex.double()
            for beta in self.beta:
                mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(0, inversion)
                if self.pad > 0:
                    mm = self.cc_obj.mm_coef(self.pad, inversion)
                fft_input = mm.deep_copy()
                scores = fft.backward(fft_input).as_1d()
                inversion_scores = inversion_scores.concatenate(-flex.norm(scores))
            inv_best_indx = flex.min_index(inversion_scores)
            inv_best_score = smath.sqrt(-inversion_scores[inv_best_indx])

            if inv_best_score < self.best_score:
                self.score = inversion_scores
                self.best_indx = inv_best_indx
                self.best_score = inv_best_score
                self.inversion = True
                self.inversion = False

        b = self.best_indx // (self.ngrid * self.ngrid)
        a = (self.best_indx - self.ngrid * self.ngrid * b) // self.ngrid
        g = self.best_indx - self.ngrid * self.ngrid * b - self.ngrid * a

        b = self.beta[b]
        g = smath.pi * 2.0 * (float(g) / (self.ngrid - 1))
        a = smath.pi * 2.0 * (float(a) / (self.ngrid - 1))

        self.best_ea = (a, b, g)

        if self.refine:
            self.refined = []
            self.refined_moving_nlm = []
            self.refined_score = flex.double()
            for t in self.top_align:
                r = self.run_simplex(t)
                self.refined_moving_nlm.append(self.cc_obj.rotate_moving_obj(r[0], r[1], r[2], self.inversion))
            orders = flex.sort_permutation(self.refined_score, True)
            self.best_score = -self.refined_score[orders[0]]

            # show the refined results
            if self.show_result:
                print "refined results:"
                for ii in range(self.topn):
                    o = orders[ii]
                    o = ii
                    print ii, ":", list(self.refined[o]), ":", self.refined_score[o]
            ea = self.refined[orders[0]]
            self.best_ea = (ea[0], ea[1], ea[2])
            self.moving_nlm = self.cc_obj.rotate_moving_obj(ea[0], ea[1], ea[2], self.inversion)